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We talk to the pioneering climate-change researcher Prof. Hans Joachim Schellnhuber about the role of decency in fighting climate change, and why excellent climate science requires freedom and trust.

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Hans Joachim Schellnhuber
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Prof. Paweł Rowiński, Vice-President of the Polish Academy of Sciences, talks about how climate change will affect Poland and what signs of it should we look for in our rivers.

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Paweł Rowiński
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The aim of this study was to provide an estimation of climate variability in the Hornsund area in Southern Spitsbergen in the period 1976-2100. The climatic variables were obtained from the Polar-CORDEX initiative in the form of time series of daily air temperature and precipitation derived from four global circulation models (GCMs) following representative concentration pathways (RCP) RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 emission scenarios. In the first stage of the analysis, simulations for the reference period from 1979 to 2005 were compared with observations at the Polish Polar Station Hornsund from the same period of time. In the second step, climatic projections were derived and monthly and annual means/sums were analysed as climatic indices. Following the standard methods of trend analysis, the changes of these indices over three time periods - the reference period 1976-2005, the near-future period 2021-2050, and far-future period 2071-2100 - were examined. The projections of air temperature were consistent. All analysed climate models simulated an increase of air temperature with time. Analyses of changes at a monthly scale indicated that the largest increases were estimated for winter months (more than 11°C for the far future using the RCP 8.5 scenario). The analyses of monthly and annual sums of precipitation also indicated increasing tendencies for changes with time, with the differences between mean monthly sums of precipitation for the near future and the reference period similar for each months. In the case of changes between far future and reference periods, the highest increases were projected for the winter months.
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Marzena Osuch
Tomasz Wawrzyniak
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A 2.5−metre−long marine core from Isvika bay in Nordaustlandet (80 ° N, 18 ° E) was AMS 14 C dated and analysed for its sedimentological and magnetic parameters. The studied record was found to cover the entire Holocene and indicates major turnovers in the palaeohydrography and sedimentary depositional history. The area was deglaciated at around 11,300 BP. The early Holocene has indications of rapid melting of glaciers and frequent deposition of ice−rafted debris (IRD). The climatic optimum terminated with a probable glacier re−advance event occurring ca. 5800 cal BP. This event caused the deposition of a diamicton unit in Isvika bay, followed by a shift towards a colder and a more stratified hydrographic set − ting. The reduction in IRD indicates gradual cooling, which led to the stratification of the bay and eventually to more persistent fast sea−ice conditions by 2500 cal BP. For the last 500 years, Isvika has again been seasonally open.
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Antti E.K. Ojala
Mateusz Moskalik
Veli-Pekka Salonen
Frauke Kubischta
Markku Oinonen
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Climate change has been affecting plants over the last century and caused

changes in life history features such as the flowering time. Herbarium specimens provide

a snapshot of the past environmental conditions during their collection. The collection

date in a herbarium specimen is a good proxy to determine the flowering period (phenology).

In this study, phenological data from subarctic plant specimens collected over

100 years were gathered by using one of the largest herbarium databases in the World.

The collection dates of 7146 herbarium specimens were analyzed and significant shifts

in the phenology of subarctic plants were detected. In this study, most of the analyzed

142 species in a subarctic biogeographic region tended to flower earlier in the 1950–2018

period compared to the 1900–1949 as a possible result of the climate change. Flowering

time shifted from 8 to 26 days in some species. Changes in flowering time may

alter species interactions, community composition, and species distribution in a region.

Therefore, results of this study may shed light on the possible shifts in phenology and

plant responses under the climate change.

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Fazlioglu Fatih
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Pewien buddyjski mnich wybierał się w długą i uciążliwą podróż. Jako towarzysza podroży wziął służącego, który znany był z krnąbrności i kłótliwości. Zapytany o powód tego wyboru oświadczył, że chce się ćwiczyć w cierpliwości i skromności. Dla mnie taką nauką były trzy lata prowadzenia międzynarodowego projektu CHIHE.

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Renata J. Romanowicz
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Uncertainties as to how the climate will change and how it will influence the necessities and trends of irrigation development lead to a number of serious questions to be answered in the near future. How irrigation and water systems will have to adapt to climate changes is a challenge that planners, designers and O&M services will have to cope with.

It is widely accepted that air temperature in Poland will increase of 2–4°C, however a total yearly precipitation will not vary yet its pattern during the year may change towards higher in winter and lower in summer. Evapotranspiration and crop water demand may rise due to both an increase in temperature and duration of crop growth cycles.

Three main factors are expected to exert an accelerating influence on the development of irrigation: increased frequency and intensity of droughts and long-lasting precipitation-free periods with the high insolation and high air temperatures resulting from climate change; the intensification of agricultural production (e.g. in horticulture, orchards, seed crops), being forced by both domestic and European free-market competition; the necessity of reaching high level of quality for the majority of agricultural products.

To mitigate negative effects of climate change and extreme events, appropriate adaptation methods and adaptation strategies should be developed and implemented in existing irrigation and water control systems. A number of technological and organisational steps should be taken to improve operation, management, administration and decision making processes.

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Leszek Łabędzki
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Climate change is fueling migration to cities. How do we organize this process in a way that is supportive of intercultural integration?
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Marta Piechocka-Nowakowska

  1. Information Society Development Foundation in Warsaw
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Prof. Tandong Yao and Prof. Fahu Chen describe our growing understanding of climate change impacts in the “Pan-Third Pole” region, discussing both coping strategies and research initiatives focusing on the region.

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Tandong Yao
Fahu Chen
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Air quality and climate change, as two crucial environmental emergencies confronting our societies, are still generally viewed as separate problems requiring different research and policy frameworks. However, they should rightfully be viewed as two sides of the same coin. What we truly need to seek, therefore, are “win-win” solutions.

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Maria Cristina Facchinii
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Any effective response to ecological crisis calls for collaboration of all parties involved.

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John Chryssavgis
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In the era of a global climate crisis, genetic pollution opens up new opportunities, but also carries the risk of a global catastrophe.
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Weronika B. Żukowska

  1. Department of Geneticsand Environmental InteractionsInstitute of Dendrology PAS in Kórnik
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It’s difficult to imagine a more curious continent: Antarctica, once very austere and inhospitable, is now becoming greener as a result of climate change.

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Katarzyna J. Chwedorzewska
Małgorzata Korczak-Abshire
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Prof. Zbigniew Kundzewicz from the PAS Institute of Agricultural and Forest Environment in Poznań talks about the negative impact of climate change on our lives and what we can do to save ourselves.

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Zbigniew Kundzewicz
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The subject of this paper is to analyse the climate change and its influence on the energy performance of building and indoor temperatures. The research was made on the example of the city of Kielce, Poland. It was was carried out basing on the Municipal Adaptive Plan for the city of Kielce and climate data from the Ministry of Investment and Development.The predicted, future parameters of the climate were estimated using the tool Weather Shift for Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP). The analysis took into consideration the RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios for years 2035 and 2065, representing different greenhouse gas concentration trajectories. Scenario RCP4.5represents possible, additional radiative forcing of 4.5 W/m2 in 2100, and RCP8.5 an additional 8.5 W/m2. The calculated parameters included average month values of temperature and relative humidity of outdoor air, wind velocity and solar radiation. The results confirmed the increase of outdoor temperature in the following year. The values of relative humidity do not change significantly for the winter months, while in the summer months decrease is visible. No major changes were spotted in the level of solar radiation or wind speed. Based on the calculated parameters dynamic building modelling was carried out using the TRNSYS software. The methodology and results of the calculations will be presented in the second part of the paper.
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Authors and Affiliations

Szymon Firląg
Artur Miszczuk
Bartosz Witkowski

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Al. Armii Ludowej 16, 00-637 Warsaw, Poland
  2. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Na Grobli 15, 50-421 Wrocław, Poland
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Results of the analysis proved that the net primary productivity has a strong connection with the solar insolation. The length of daylight and the level of solar radiation are the driving forces behind changes in growth of primary products, as floral forms are among the first indicators of changes in ecosystems due to global warming. The group of climatic components that have a moderate connection with the bioproductivity of ecosystems of the Polissya are derivatives of bioclimatic indicators related to air temperature, including annual temperature, seasonality, minimum temperature of the coldest month, and the average temperature of the coldest quarter. Seasonality and the annual variation of temperature affect bioproductive processes inversely: the productivity decreases with the increased temperature range between the warmest and the coldest periods of the year and in the middle of quarters.
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Svitlana Kyriienko
Alina Mykolaivna Sliuta

  1. T.H. Shevchenko National University “Chernihiv Colehium” Hetman Polubotok Str. 53, 14013 Chernihiv, Ukraine
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New types of models can help us better predict how well species will be able to adapt to climate change.
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Katarzyna Sękiewicz

  1. Department of Biogeography and SystematicsInstitute of Dendrology PAS in Kórnik
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A revolutionary invention from Nanoseen, a nanotechnology startup headquartered in Poland, is likely to soon help solve the widespread problem of access to clean, fresh water
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Bartosz Kruszka
Aleksandra Szudzik

  1. Nanoseen Sp. z o. o. in Gdynia
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We can either pursue sustainable economic development or face the prospect of no development at all – warns Prof. Boguslaw Fiedor of the Wroclaw University of Economics and Business, chairman of the PAS Committee on Economic Sciences.
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Bogusław Fiedor

  1. PAS Committee on Economic Sciences
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In 1979, Pope John Paul II spent just nine days in his home country, Poland. This historic pilgrimage lead to a ‘spiritual revolution’ that culminated in the peaceful collapse of the authoritarian regime in Poland, and eventually to the disintegration of the Soviet Union. Could leaders of the Christian churches today spark a similar ‘spiritual revolution’ to combat manmade climate change?

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Ottmar Edenhofer
Juliana Gärtner
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Every day, about 100 metric tons of extraterrestrial matter falls onto the Earth, most of it comprised of imperceptible particles.
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Anna Łosiak

  1. PAS Institute of Geological Sciences in Warsaw

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