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The Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences (Bull.Pol. Ac.: Tech.) is published bimonthly by the Division IV Engineering Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, since the beginning of the existence of the PAS in 1952. The journal is peer‐reviewed and is published both in printed and electronic form. It is established for the publication of original high quality papers from multidisciplinary Engineering sciences with the following topics preferred: Artificial and Computational Intelligence, Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology, Civil Engineering, Control, Informatics and Robotics, Electronics, Telecommunication and Optoelectronics, Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, Thermodynamics, Material Science and Nanotechnology, Power Systems and Power Electronics.

Journal Metrics: JCR Impact Factor 2018: 1.361, 5 Year Impact Factor: 1.323, SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) 2017: 0.319, Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) 2017: 1.005, CiteScore 2017: 1.27, The Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education 2017: 25 points.

Abbreviations/Acronym: Journal citation: Bull. Pol. Ac.: Tech., ISO: Bull. Pol. Acad. Sci.-Tech. Sci., JCR Abbrev: B POL ACAD SCI-TECH Acronym in the Editorial System: BPASTS.

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Zofia Boni
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Tym, co odróżnia childhood studies od innych dyscyplin, w których prowadzi się badania z udziałem niepełnoletnich, jest przekierowanie uwagi z przyszłości dzieci na dokładne przyjrzenie się ich teraźniejszości.
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Magdalena Radkowska-Walkowicz
Ewa Maciejewska-Mroczek

  1. Instytut Etnologii i Antropologii Kulturowej Uniwersytet Warszawski
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The purpose of the study is a synthetic presentation of the development of children’s magazines in Poland from their creation to the end of World War I. The main focus of interest and research are magazines for younger and older children (up to 15 years of age) published in the Polish language across the ethnic and historical Polish territories. Periodicals published in this area in other languages (German, Russian, Belorussian, Ukrainian, Lithuanian, Yiddish, and Hebrew), one-days and calendars, school magazines, scouting and ethical magazines, and of course youth and student press were omitted. In the course of the research, it is established that 177 titles addressed to young recipients appeared in the examined period, 25 of which were published in the years 1824–1863, and 152 in the subsequent period.

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Krzysztof Woźniakowski
Sabina Kwiecień
Władysław M. Kolasa
Michał Rogoż
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W jakim stopniu sztuka jest potrzebna dziecku w kształtowaniu jego osoby i formowaniu go na przyszłość?
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Urszula Szuścik

  1. Instytut Pedagogiki, Wydział Sztuki i Nauk o Edukacji, Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
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The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the influence of maternal and paternal languages on the development of a bilingual child’s language. It is assumed that a mother’s language has the greatest influence on a child’s language. In addition, maternal language is responsible for the largest part of the variety in the language children understand and use as well as the development of bilingualism. We also believe that fathers influence the language of a home and mothers influence the language of a child. In our analysis, the focus is on the quantity and quality of exposure to the given languages, the pattern of language used by parents, the language of formal instruction and the style of parentchild interaction. Over one hundred and fifty case studies were under examination depicting various language constellations, such as e.g. Polish and English, Polish and Russian, Polish and German, Polish and Ukrainian, Polish and Belarusian, Polish and Italian. Hence, with this paper we hope to be able to better understand cross-linguistic influence on bilingual speakers.

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Ilona Banasiak
Magdalena Olpińska-Szkiełko
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The text deals with the counterfactual thinking of preschool children. The theoretical justification for the research can be found in the nativist concepts of Alan Leslie and Alison Gopnik, which assumes that even very young children have a natural ability to accept the strangest creations of the imagination and to connect them together into one amazing whole. During the research, recognizing children’s metaphorical meanings required me to act as an interpretively involved observer-as-participant. In doing so, educational interventions enabled me to be situated within the observed phenomena, in close relationship with the children being studied. The observation, meanwhile, embraced the spontaneous activities of the children engaged in symbolic playing and the effect of these activities (mainly artistic concretizations). The liberation of counterfactual thinking in preschoolers being induced with literary texts. The collected material has allowed me to draw conclusions applicable to educational practice.

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Monika Wiśniewska-Kin
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In 1914 the Russian authorities in Warsaw granted Przyjaciel Młodzieży and Przyjaciel Dzieci, two weeklies addressed to young people and children respectively, a permission to continue publication in wartime. While each magazine tried to hold on to its established format and content, room had to made for some topical items on politics and the war, carefully adapted to the perceptions of the juvenile audience. It not clear what happened to the two children’s magazines after the Russians were driven out of Warsaw by German troops in August 1915. All we can sure of is that their last printed editions were dated 23 October 1915.
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Krzysztof Woźniakowski

  1. Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN, ul. Podchorążych 2, PL 30-084 Kraków (Prof. em.)
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Childhood is a category which came to social awareness and scientific research relatively late. The discovery of childhood can be associated with the names of different thinkers and educators. In this article, I will undertake an attempt to reconstruct selected views about the child and childhood coming from J.J. Rousseau and J. Korczak. The first figure is said to be the discoverer of childhood in modern Europe, while the second one is the discoverer of childhood in Polish education, and a progenitor of the modern meaning of childhood. The analyzes that I conduct shows the evolution of understanding of this category.

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Marzenna Nowicka
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The author explicates the concepts of nihilism and the meaning of life as they have been presented by Ivan Turgenev in his masterpiece Fathers and Sons. She examines in detail the question whether Bazarov’s attitude, the novel’s main protagonist’s, challenges traditional ways of living and points to a deeper and more objective meaning of life, or whether his challenge is intended as an attempt to eliminate all prospect of objective meaning attributable to life, and leaves only one viable option, namely that life must be interpreted in purely subjective terms. Relying on her own analysis of Bazarov’s existential outlook, the author contrasts his qualms with the outlook of the main protagonist of the short story Rudin, which shows a man of a completely different character from Bazarov’s. These two incompatible conceptions of life adopted by entirely different characters evoke a somber image of Russian nihilism and help to illuminate ethical assumptions and practical implications of that attitude.
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Anna Głąb

  1. Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Wydział Filozofii, Al. Racławickie 14, 20-950 Lublin
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Celem pracy było przedstawienie relacji natura-ogród-dziecko na przykładzie projektu zagospodarowania skweru znajdującego się w dzielnicy Węglin Południowy w Lublinie. Współcześnie większość terenów rekreacyjnych dla dzieci wyposażanych jest w urządzenia umożliwiające dzieciom standardowe zabawy ruchowe tj. huśtanie się, kręcenie w kółko, wspinanie. W niestandardowym podejściu do tematu – tereny zieleni miejskiej mogą należeć do nielicznych miejsc, gdzie wśród otoczenia roślin i zwierząt, dzieci mogą rozwijać swoją kreatywność, pasje, utożsamiać się z daną przestrzenią oraz nabywać nowych doświadczeń. W przedstawionej pracy ukazano również konieczność zwiększenia liczby miejsc wypoczynku dla osób w różnych przedziałach wiekowych.
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Margot Dutkiewicz
Monika Kowalczyk
Patryk Krupiński
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Ecological themes have now become a major topic in children's books and magazines. In 2017–2021 the learn-and-play magazine Kukbuk Dzieciaki ( Cookbook Kids), aimed at educating a more aware and knowledgeable food consumer, also gave a lot of attention to the promotion of eco-friendly habits. The article analyzes the publisher's strategy of combining the didactic purpose ('saving the planet' and teaching good dietary habits) with the commercial side of his enterprise.
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Bogumiła Staniów

  1. Instytut Nauk o Informacji i Mediach, Uniwersytet Wrocławski pl. Uniwersytecki 9/13, PL 50-137 Wrocław
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The article examines the presentation of wars, uprisings, and life in the Polish army in children's magazines in the years immediately preceding World War II. The analysis, primarily focused on Poranek. Tygodnik dla starszych dzieci [ The Morning — A Weekly for Older Children] (1937–1939) looks into the contexts of the publication of that content.
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Marcin Zaborski

  1. Instytut Nauk Społecznych, SWPS Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny, ul. Chodakowska 19/31, PL 03-815 Warszawa
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This article examines the jubilee book Nasz Plon [Our Harvest] prepared by editors of the Warsaw weekly magazine [Children’s Friend] (1861–1915) to mark the golden anniversary of its first issue. Set to appear in April 1911, its publication, plagued by various delays, did not take place until the following year. The volume, edited in a rather unprofessional manner (probably by Jadwiga Chrząszczewska), was full of errors ranging from misprints to all kinds of factual blunders. Yet, despite its faults it has a special place in the history of the Polish press: it was the first jubilee book of a children’s magazine and thus a notable sign of the rising social status of the children’s magazines.

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Krzysztof Woźniakowski
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The first part of this article focuses on one strand in the history of the weekly magazine Przyjaciel Dzieci (The Children’s Friend) under the editorship of Jan Skiwski (1892–1911), i.e. the gradual revision of the rules concerning the selection of its literary content, laid down by his predecessor Jan Kanty Gregorowicz (1867–1890). Skiwski modified them without abandoning the principles and artistic models of 19th century realism.

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Krzysztof Woźniakowski
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The second part of this article examines the content of the main sections of the weekly magazine Przyjaciel Dzieci [The Children’s Friend] (1892–1911), i.e. popular science; travel, geographical and ethnographical materials; biography; a section called “teaching actions”; and religion. Also covered are miscellanea, practical tips, puzzles and cartoons, as well as new sections “About the World” and “Educational Games and Entertainment”. Finally, the article looks at a review published by Poradnik dla Czytających Książki [A Guide for Book Readers] in 1901, whose author claims that some of the information in Przyjaciel Dzieci is outdated or obsolete.

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Krzysztof Woźniakowski
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In the text, a polemic is undertaken against the model of the child expected in Polish institutions of early childhood education, and which appropriates the rationalities producing social practices. The source of this model is in the logic of standardization whose cognitive and effects on identity are criticized by the author. Identifying the sources of validation of the practices normalizing some children and stigmatizing others, who do not meet the requirements of the cognitively rigid and morally trivialized standards, the text points to developmental psychology as a discipline which potentially triggers this form of oppression. In conclusion, the author describes briefly a number of examples of educational solutions in which an attempt has been made to move beyond the discourse of standardized quality in child education.

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Dorota Klus-Stańska
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The paper describes the political use of symbols of childhood and orphanhood in the current policy of the Russian authorities. At the beginning of the Bolshevik regime, homeless children (bezprizorni) became a subject of interest for the security apparatus organized by F. Dzerzhinsky. At that time, A. Makarenko developed his innovative pedagogical approach. These activities were designed to create a “new Soviet man”. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia again faced the problem of homeless children. After several years, however, children and orphans are now being used as a symbol of vulnerability in the government policy of the Kremlin. As an answer to the so-called “Magnitsky Act”, the Russian authorities implemented the “DimaYakovlev law” prohibiting adoptions of Russian children to the United States. In addition to this, the child as a symbol of innocence and vulnerability is an invariant element in the policy of the Russian authorities. This combines symbolism associated with bravery, dedication and sacrifice, allowing justification of the current political course of power in Russia.

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Wojciech Siegień
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This article is an attempt to describe and classify an array of contemporary texts about the death of a parent. Rather than drawing on the methodology and conceptual appara-tus developed on the basis of psychoanalysis this study makes use of the anthropological approach, which, it is assumed, can do full justice to the specific nature of the texts and the motivation declared by their authors. The first part of the article contains a catalogue of selected bereavement texts published in Poland in the last twenty years, arranged in a hierarchical order indicative of their canonical significance. The justification, metho-dology and criteria of that arrangement are discussed in the following section. The third part presents a typology of the collected material. The classification takes into account the following characteristics: subject, commonplaces and recurring themes, narration, intertextual relations, and style. Generally, the classificatory scheme reveals two narra-tive matrices (as defined by Vinciane Despret). They are the ‘inbred’ (i.e. traditional, or high) matrix, and the alternative (i.e. low or eclectic matrix). A comparative analysis of the texts about loss and grief caused by the death of a parent suggests that the division and the choice of discourse is determined by the ideological and political interpretation of the child-parent relationship functioning in the culture, which, in turn, is conditioned by the social role, status and gender of the writer. The writing utensils from the title, the fountain pen and the BIC pen (ball pen) in a way emblematize the two narrative matrices and offer a clue to the writer’s gender.
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Anna Folta-Rusin

  1. Zakład Lingwistyki Komputerowej ISI UJ
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Jacek Podsiadło, an acclaimed poet and essayist, is the author of a series of weekly columns published in Tygodnik Powszechny between 2000 and 2007, and later reprinted in two books, A mój syn [And My Son] and Pippi, dziwne dziecko [Pippi, A Strange Child] (both published in 2006). This article attempts to define the genre of these texts, which, in Polish, are classified as feuilletons, i.e. short essays in which a topical event is used as trigger to present the author's personal reflections, usually written in a light, ironic tone. As it hovers between journalism and art, or fact and literary fiction, the feuilleton is notoriously difficult to define. So are Podsiadło's feuilletons, which are distinguished by their poetic quality an original style and their themes, especially when they are presented from the point of view of 'a strange child'. That child, a quixotic character in its own rights, becomes the true focus of attention in the second series of his feuilletons.
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I. Literatura podmiotu

● Podsiadło J., A mój syn…, Kraków 2006.
● Podsiadło J., Pippi, dziwne dziecko, Warszawa 2006.
● Podsiadło J., Wiersze. Wszystkie, Opole 2016.

II. Literatura przedmiotu

● Bogołębska B., O pisarstwie felietonowym Jacka Podsiadło, [w:] tejże, Między literaturą a publicystyką, Łódź 2006, s. 36.
● Brasse S., O kilku cechach jezyka i stylu felietonów Jacka Podsiadły, „Roczniki humanistyczne” 2008, t.56, z. 6, s. 5–19.
● Chomsky N., Marksizm, anarchizm i alternatywne przyszłości, [w:] tegoż, Polityka, anarchizm, lingwistyka, przeł. P. Rymarczyk, Poznań 2007, s. 180.
● Chudziński E., Felieton. Geneza i ewolucja gatunku, [w:] Dziennikarstwo i świat mediów, pod red. Z. Bauera i E. Chudzińskiego, Kraków 2008, s. 345, 356.
● Culler J., Teoria literatury, przeł. M. Bassaj, Warszawa 1988, s. 85.
● Dalasiński T., Między poezją a dziennikiem intymnym: o diarystyczności wierszy Jacka Podsiadły, „Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich” 2011, t. 54, z. 1, s. 200.
● Ficowski J., Regiony wielkiej herezji: szkice o życiu i twórczości Brunona Schulza, Kraków 1975, s. 17.
● Markowski M. P., Hermeneutyka, [w:] Teorie literatury XX wieku, pod red. M. P. Mar-kowskiego i A. Burzyńskiej, Kraków 2006, s. 179.
● Grochowski G., Tekst, gatunek, znaczenie. Wokół semantyki form gatunkowych, [w:] tegoż, Pamięć gatunków. Ponowoczesne dylematy atrybucji gatunkowej, Warszawa 2018, s. 117, 219.
●Grzybowska K., Felieton jest koroną na głowie dziennikarstwa, „Niezależna Gazeta Polska. Nowe Państwo” 2012, nr 9(212), s. 53.
● Mickiewicz A., Polały się łzy me czyste, [w:] Liryki lozańskie. Strona Lemanu, oprac. M. Stala, Kraków 1998, s. 37.
● Norwid C. K., O felietonie felieton, [w:] tegoż, Pisma wybrane, wyb. i objaśnił J. W. Gomu-licki, wyd. 2, Warszawa 1980, t. 4, s. 204.
● Podsiadło J., rozmowę przepr. P. Witkowski, „Rita Baum” 2007/2008, nr 12, s. 36.
● J. Podsiadło, Szczerze? [w:] „Tygodnik Powszechny” 2020, nr 48, s. 61.
● Quino, Mafalda i jej paczka, przeł. Carlos Marrodan, „Literatura na świecie” 1985, nr 5.
● Quino, Mafalda. Wszystkie komiksy, przeł. F. Łobodziński, Warszawa 2020, t. 1, t. 2.
● Schulz B., Sklepy cynamonowe, Warszawa 1994.
● Stasiński P., Poetyka i pragmatyka felietonu, Wrocław 1982, s. 5, 8.
● Wojtak M., Gatunki prasowe, Lublin 2004, s. 202, 205.
● Wojtak M., Rola stylizacji w modyfikowaniu poetyki felietonu, „Prace filologiczne” 2007, t. 53, s. 738, 742.

III. Film

● Malle L., Zazie dans le metro [film], Francja 1960.

IV. Źródła internetowe

● „Klub Tygodnika”, [dostęp: 12.11.2020].

● Balbus, Zagłada gatunków, „Teksty Drugie” 1999, nr 6, Teksty_Drugie_teoria_literatury_krytyka_interpretacja-r1999-t-n6_(59)/ Teksty_Drugie_teoria_literatury_krytyka_interpretacja-r1999-t-n6_(59)-s25-39/Teksty_Drugie_teoria_literatury_krytyka_interpretacja-r1999-t-n6_(59)-s25-39.pdf [do-stęp: 04.07.2021].

● Balcerzan E., W stronę genologii multimedialnej, „Teksty Drugie” 1999, nr 6, Teksty_Drugie_teoria_literatury_krytyka_interpretacja-r1999-t-n6_(59)/Teksty_Drugie_teoria_literatury_krytyka_interpretacja-r1999-t-n6_(59)-s7-24/Teksty_Drugie_teoria_literatury_krytyka_interpretacja-r1999-t-n6_(59)-s7-24.pdf [dostęp: 04.07.2021].

● Barańczak S., Perswazje „Perswazji”: (o retoryce felietonowej – na przykładzie Hamiltona), „Teksty : teoria literatury, krytyka, interpretacja”, Teksty_teoria_literatury_krytyka_interpretacja/Teksty_teoria_literatury_krytyka_interpretacja-r1972-t-n6/Teksty_teoria_literatury _krytyka_interpretacja-r1972-t-n6-s85-102/Teksty_teoria_literatury_krytyka_interpretacja-r1972-t-n6-s85-102.pdf [dostęp: 19.10.2020]. [dostęp: 26.12.2020].

● Kłosiński K., "Poetyka i pragmatyka felietonu", Piotr Stasiński, Wrocław–Warszawa– Kraków–Gdańsk–Łódź 1982 : [recenzja], „Pamiętnik Literacki”, media//files/Pamietnik_Literacki_czasopismo_kwartalne_poswiecone_historii_i_kryty-ce_literatury_polskiej/Pamietnik_Literacki_czasopismo_kwartalne_poswiecone_historii_i_krytyce_literatury_p-olskiej-r1985-t76-n3/Pamietnik_ Literacki_czasopismo_kwartalne_poswiecone_historii_i_krytyce_literatury_polskiej--r1985-t76-n3-s334-337/Pamietnik_Literacki_czasopismo_kwartalne_poswiecone_ historii_i_krytyce_literatury_polskiej-r1985-t76-n3-s334-337.pdf [dostęp: 13.12.2020].

● Łukaszewska A., Stary Tygodnik i jego felietoniści, „Klub Tygodnika”, [dostęp: 12.11.2020].

● Olech J., Fajny ojciec – towar deficytowy, „Tygodnik Powszechny” 2006, nr 28, [dostęp: 16.11.2020].

●Podsiadło J., Daj mi tam, gdzie mogę dobiec, „Tygodnik Powszechy” [dostęp: 16.11.2020].

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Michalina Idzik

  1. doktorantka, Wydział Filologiczny Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wrocław
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The article presents a profile of Gazetka Radiowa published in Warsaw in 1937–1938, addressed to the youngest users of the radio, then a rapidly expanding new medium. The profile covers key aspects of the magazine's printing process, sales and marketing as well as an analysis of its content in comparison with other periodicals of this kind. An estimated fifty titles were launched in Poland in the radio guide market segment after the first issue of Przegląd Radiotechniczny went to print in 1923. While providing information about radio programmes and technology, they led the way in the transition to a new age of public communication.
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Izabela Krasińska

  1. Katedra Dziennikarstwa i Komunikacji Społecznej, Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach, ul. Uniwersytecka 17, PL 25-406 Kielce
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This article reconstructs the vision of World War II in the 1945–1946 issues of the children’s weekly Świerszczyk. The looks for answers to the following questions: How did the authors of the Świerszczyk texts build the narrative of the war that had just ended? In what way did they bring to the attention of their readers the victims of the war and the war heroes, and in what terms did they describe their victimhood and heroism respectively?
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Marcin Zaborski

  1. Instytut Nauk Społecznych SWPS, Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny, ul. Chodakowska 19/31, PL 03-815 Warszawa

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