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Unlike traditional passive filters, modern active filters have the following multiple functions; harmonic filtering, damping, isolation and termination, reactive-power control for power factor correction and voltage regulation, load balancing, voltage-flicker reduction, and/or their combinations. Significant cost reductions in both power semiconductor devices and signal-processing devices have inspired manufactures to put active filters on the market. This paper deals with general pure active filters for power conditioning, and specific hybrid active filters for harmonic filtering of three-phase diode rectifiers, as well as traditional passive filters.

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H. Akagi
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The aim of this research work was determination of humidity impact on yeast and moulds survival in fibrous filters. It was revealed that water content of about - 53-113% stimulated growth of fungi, especially in case of moulds. In stable filters humidity conditions (50% of weight), a number of fungi reached I 04 CFU/cm2 after 84 days, with the most intensive growth during first 7 days of the experiment. In the case of very low humidity ( 13% and less), the growth of fungi was not observed.
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Ewa Sztompka
Ewa Karwowska
Ewa Miaśkiewicz-Pęska
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The designing of transmultiplexer systems relies on determining filters for the transmitter and receiver sides of multicarrier communication system. The perfect reconstruction conditions lead to the bilinear equations for FIR filter coefficients. Generally there is no way of finding all possible solutions. This paper describes methods of finding a large family of solutions. Particular attention is devoted to obtaining algorithms useful in fixed-point arithmetic needed to design the integer filters. As a result, the systems perform perfect reconstruction of signals. Additionally, a simple method is presented to transform any transmultiplexer into an unlimited number of different transmultiplexers. Finally, two examples of integer filters that meet perfect reconstruction conditions are shown. The first illustrates a FIR filter which does not require multiplications. The frequency properties of filters and signals are discussed for the second example.
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Mariusz Ziółko
Michał Nowak
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Extremely intense development of civilization requires from foundry casting technologies very high quality and not expensive castings. In

the foundries, there are many treatments that allow increasing of the final properties of produced castings such as refining, modification,

heat treatment, etc. One of the methods of increasing the quality of the casting by removing inclusions from the liquid alloy is filtration.

The use of ceramic-carbon foam filters in filtration process is still analysed phenomenon that allows improving the final properties of

castings. A modern method of research, testing and synthesis of innovative chemical compositions allows improving the properties of such

filters. In the paper the evaluation of application properties of developed ceramic-carbon bonded foam filters is presented. The quality of

the foam filters is evaluated by Computer Tomography and foundry trials in pouring of liquid metal in test molds. Additionally computer

simulations were made to visualize the flow characteristics in the foam filter. The analysed filters are the result of the research work of

Foundry Research Institute and the Institute of Ceramics and Building Materials, Refractory Materials Department in Gliwice.

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A. Karwiński
P. Wieliczko
M. Małysza
A. Gil
B. Lipowska
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Enhanced Traffic Management System (ETMS) stores all the information gathered by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) from aircraft flying in the US airspace. The data stored from each flight includes the 4D trajectory (latitude, longitude, altitude and timestamp), radar data and flight plan information. Unfortunately, there is a data quality problem in the vertical channel and the altitude component of the trajectories contains some isolated samples in which a wrong value was stored. Overall, the data is generally accurate and it was found that only 0.3% of the altitude values were incorrect, however the impact of these erroneous data in some analyses could be important, motivating the development of a filtering procedure. The approach developed for filtering ETMS altitude data includes some specific algorithms for problems found in this particular dataset, and a novel filter to correct isolated bad samples (named Despeckle filter). As a result, all altitude errors were eliminated in 99.7% of the flights affected by noise, while preserving the original values of the samples without bad data. The algorithm presented in this paper attains better results than standard filters such as the median filter, and it could be applied to any signal affected by noise in the form of spikes

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Rafael Palacios
R. John Hansman
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A novel current-inversion type negative impedance converter (CNIC) is presented. It is built without the use of any resistors. Furthermore, a second-order low-pass filter based on this CNIC is also analysed. It shows a bandwidth of 50 MHz at 320 µW power consumption and 2 V supply voltage when realized in a 0.35 µm CMOS process.

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W. Jendernalik
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The article presents the algorithm that enables adaptive determination of the amplification coefficient in the filter equation provided by Kalman. The method makes use of an estimation error, which was defined for this purpose, and its derivative to determine the direction of correction changes of the gain vector. This eliminates the necessity to solve Riccati equation, which causes reduction of the method computational complexity. The experimental studies carried out using the proposed approach relate to the estimation of state coordinates describing river pollution using the BOD (biochemical oxygen demand) and DO (dissolved oxygen) indicators).The acquired results indicate that the suggested method does better estimations than the Kalman filter. Two indicators were used to measure the quality of estimates: the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) and the Mean Percentage Error (MPE).
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Tadeusz Kwater
Przemysław Hawro
Jacek Bartman
Damian Mazur

  1. Institute of Technical Engineering, The State University of Technology and Economics in Jaroslaw, Czarnieckiego 16, 37-500 Jaroslaw, Poland
  2. Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Rzeszow, Pigonia 1, 35-959 Rzeszów, Poland
  3. Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Rzeszow University of Technology, 35-959 Rzeszów, Pola 2, Poland
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In this article, an analysis of an innovative system for filtering signals in the audible range (16 Hz - 20 kHz) on programmable logic devices using a filters with a finite impulse response, is presented. Mentioned system was neat combination of software and hardware platform, where in the program layer a multiple programming languages including VHDL, JavaScript, Matlab or HTML were used to create completely useful application. To determine the coefficients of polynomial filters the Matlab Filter Design & Analysis Tool was used. Thanks to the developed graphic layer, a user-friendly interface was created, which allows easily transfer the required coefficients from the computer to the executive system. The practical implementation made on the FPGA platform, specifically on the Altera DE2- 115 development kit with the FPGA Cyclone IV, was compared with simulation realization of Matlab FIR filters. The performed research confirm the effectiveness of filtration in real time with up to 128th order of the filter for both audio channels simultaneously in FPGA-based system.
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Adrian Lipowski
Paweł Majewski
Sławomir Pluta

  1. Opole University Technology, Opole, Poland
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In the paper, a general topology of continuous-time Active-RC filter is presented. The model includes all possible Active-RC filter

structures as particular cases and allows us to analyze them using a unified algebraic formalism. This makes it suitable for use in computeraided analysis and design of Active-RC filters. By its construction, the model takes into account the finite DC gain and the finite bandwidth as well as non-zero output resistance of operational amplifiers. Filters with ideal OPAMPs can be treated as particular cases. Sensitivity and noise analysis of Active-RC filters is also performed in the proposed general setting. The correctness of the model is verified by comparison with SPICE simulation.

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S. Kozieł
S. Szczepański
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The paper includes a summary of long-time research conducted by a research team in the Institute of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Silesian University of Technology. The research work has principally been related to selected problems in the field of analysis and synthesis of systems aimed at symmetrisation and improvement of some power quality parameters. This paper constitutes the second part of the report on the research. It has been devoted to three-phase system symmetrisation as well as effective elimination of higher harmonics and substantial improvement of power quality by means of hybrid active power filters.

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Marian Pasko
Dawid Buła
Krzysztof Dębowski
Dariusz Grabowski
Marcin Maciążek
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The aim of the work is to present the method for designing sparse FIR filters with very low group delay and approximately linear-phase in the passband. Significant reduction of the group delay, e.g. several times in relation to the linear phase filter, may cause the occurrence of undesirable overshoot in the magnitude frequency response. The method proposed in this work consists of two stages. In the first stage, FIR filter with low group delay is designed using minimax constrained optimization that provides overshoot elimination. In the second stage, the same process is applied iteratively to reach sparse solution. Design examples demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
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Jacek Konopacki

  1. Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Sciences, Silesian University of Technology
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The paper makes a comparison of the results of the application of two-sided and one-sided versions of the Hodrick-Prescott filter on GDP data concerning 27 EU Member States. Based on the results, the overall finding is that, contrary to its assumed advantages, the one-sided filter does not help overcome endpoint unbiasedness. Quite the opposite, it rather spreads and consolidates the endpoint bias that plagues the two-sided version over the entire filtered data. In addition, regression-based results on the influence of the second, third, and fourth moments of the GDP acceleration rates on the differences between onesided and two-sided HP trends are presented.

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Kaloyan Ganev
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Presented study aimed to determine metals distribution on the quartz fiber filters surface coated with particulate matter by using high and low-volume samplers. The distribution pattern was tested using two different sub-sampling schemes. Each sub-sample was mineralized in the nitric acid in a microwave oven. An analysis was performed by means of atomic absorption spectroscopy with electrothermal atomization GF-AAS technique, and the determined elements were: As, Cd, Pb and Ni. A validation of the analytical procedure was carried out using NIES 28 Urban Aerosols standard reference material.

It was assumed that metal is distributed uniformly if its normalized concentrations on a single sub-sample is within ±15% of the mean concentration over the whole filter. The normalized concentrations values exceed this range, indicating a non-homogenous metals distribution. There were no statistically significant differences in metals concentrations between particular sub-samples in the function of its position along the filters diameter.

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Kamila Widziewicz
Wioletta Rogula-Kozłowska
Krzysztof Loska
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This paper is concerned with the determination of the auditory filter shape using the notched noise method with noise bands symmetrically located above and below a probe frequency of 10 kHz. Unlike in the classical experiments conducted with the use of Patterson method the levels as well as power spectrum densities of the lower and upper component bands of the notched noise masker were not the same and were set such as to produce the same amount of masking at the 10-kHz frequency. The experiment consisted of three conditions in which the following values were determined: (I) the detection threshold for a 10-kHz probe tone in the presence of a noise masker presented below the tone’s frequency; (II) the level of a noise masker presented above the 10-kHz probe tone frequency, at which the masker just masked the probe tone, (III) the detection threshold for a probe tone in the presence of a notched-noise masker. The data show a considerable amount of variability across the subjects, however, the resulting frequency characteristics of the auditory filters are consistent with those presented in the literature so that the Equivalent Rectangular Bandwidth is less than 11% of their centre frequency.
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Monika Kordus
Borys Kowalewski
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In this paper a survey of analog application specific integrated circuits (ASICs) for low-level image processing, called vision chips, is presented. Due to the specific requirements, the vision chips are designed using different architectures best suited to their functions. The main types of the vision chip architectures and their properties are presented and characterized on selected examples of prototype integrated circuits (ICs) fabricated in complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technologies. While discussing the vision chip realizations the importance of low-cost, low-power solutions is highlighted, which are increasingly being used in intelligent consumer equipment. Thanks to the great development of the automated design environments and fabrication methods, new, so far unknown applications of the vision chips become possible, as for example disposable endoscopy capsules for photographing the human gastrointestinal tract for the purposes of medical diagnosis.

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Authors and Affiliations

W. Jendernalik
G. Blakiewicz
A. Handkiewicz
M. Melosik
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The wavelet transform has been successfully used in the area of power quality analysis. There are many published papers with methods for power quality disturbance classification or harmonics measurement, which use wavelet transform. However, the properties of the wavelet transform can drastically vary from the choice of the wavelet. In this paper we analyze the influence of the choice of the wavelet to the accuracy of the power quality classification method and to high frequency harmonics measurements. Additionally to the well known wavelet filters we introduce near perfect reconstruction filter banks. The simulation results indicate that these filter banks are a good choice for classification of power quality disturbances, especially in the presence of noise and for high frequency harmonics measurements

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Dimitar Taskovski
Ljubica Koleva
Aleksandar Milchevski
Vladimir Dimcev
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This paper deals with real-time (RT) simulators applied in power electronic applications and implemented in a real inverter. The process of preparing and starting up an active rectifier prototype (with an active filter function), using the real-time OPAL RT simulator is given. The control system of the converter and the results of simulation using the Matlab/Simulink suite are discussed.
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Marcin Baszyński
Marcin Szlosek
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Surface roughness is an important indicator in the evaluation of machining and product quality, as well as a direct factor affecting the performance of components. A rapidly developing filtering technology has become the main means of extracting surface roughness. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is constantly updating and improving the standard system for filtering technology in order to meet the requirements of technological development. Based on the filters already accepted by the international standard ISO 16610, this study briefly introduces the filtering principle of each filter, reviews the development of each filter in the application of surface roughness, and compares the advantages and limitations of their individual performances. The application range of each filter is summarized and, finally, the future direction of the digital filtering used in surface roughness is extrapolated.
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Baofeng He
Haibo Zheng
Siyuan Ding
Ruizhao Yang
Zhaoyao Shi

  1. Beijing University of Technology, Faculty of Materials and Manufacturing, Beijing Engineering Research Center of Precision Measurement Technology and Instruments, 100 Ping Le Yuan, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100124, China
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Multicarrier modulation (MCM) based schemes have been a major contributing factor in revolutionizing cellular networks due to their ability to overcome fading. One of the popular scheme orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA), having been part of 4G, is also adapted as part of 5G enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB). Though it has several advantages, spectral efficiency (SE) and peak to average power ratio (PAPR) have been two major concerns which have attracted lot of attention resulting in proposals of several other MCM schemes. But most of these studies have treated the two issues independently. This paper in particular studies the subcarrier filtering approach to improve the spectral efficiency of MCM scheme and its impact on the overall PAPR of such schemes. The analysis shows that the PAPR improvement is also achieved by such filters meant for spectral confinement and the simulation results validate the same provoking.
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Kiran V. Shanbhag
Dayakshini Sathish

  1. Dept. of ECE, Anjuman Institute of Technology and Management, Bhatkal and Visvesvaraya Technological University, India
  2. Dept. of ECE, St Joseph Engineering Collegee, Mangaluru and Visvesvaraya Technological University, India
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Over the last twenty years, there has been a growing interest in the design of tunable devices at microwave frequencies by us- ing liquid crystals technology. In particular, the use of liquid crystals with high dielectric anisotropy allows manufacturing voltage-controlled devices to operate in a wide frequency range. In this work the frequency response of a liquid crystal band-pass filter with dual-mode microstrip structure has been studied in depth by using a simulation software tool. A reshap- ing of a conventional dual-mode square patch resonator bandpass filter with a square notch, studied in the literature, has been proposed with the goal of improving the filter performance. The main features achieved are a significant increase in the return loss of the filter and a narrowing of a 3-dB bandwidth. Specifically, a reduction in the filter bandwidth from 800 MHz to 600 MHz, which leads to a return loss increase from 6 dB to 12.5 dB, has been achieved. The filter centre frequency can be tuned from 4.54 GHz to 5.19 GHz.

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J. Torrecilla
C. Marcos
V. Urruchi
J.M. Sánchez-Pena
O. Chojnowska
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In the paper, an overview of the methods and algorithms of synthesis, realization and implementation used by the author to obtain orthogonal 3-D filters with a structure made of Givens rotations has been presented. The main advantage of orthogonal filters, which may have a lower sensitivity to quantization of the coefficients, was indicated. The author proposed a number of possible changes and modifications of individual stages, which may result in obtaining filters with even better parameters. The work will be the basis for the direction of further research.
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Paweł Poczekajło

  1. Faculty of Electronics and Computer Science, Koszalin University of Technology, Koszalin, Poland
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Rape is an important oil crop with a wide range of uses. Harvested rapeseed must be cleaned and dried before processing. The process of drying rapeseed as a small-seeded crop has its own specifics. One of the new drying methods is the use of microwave radiation, the disadvantage of which is uneven heating of the product. The purpose of this work was to study the modes of drying rapeseed by electromagnetic radiation in the ultra-high frequency range in combination with filtration. The indicators of the intensity of oilseed drying by infrared irradiation on the experimental stand were determined. The analysis of the conducted studies showed that the temperature of seeds at the maximum microwave power rises in general 1.5 to 1.8 times faster than at half the power. The higher the seed moisture content is, the higher the rate of temperature increase. After each blowing cycle, which lasted for five seconds, the temperature of the rapeseeds was set higher than the previous temperature, and after increasing the blowing time up to fifteen seconds, the temperature decreased by 8–12°C and cyclically stabilized. The applications of microwave drying represented in the paper are environmentally friendly, since the seeds do not come into direct contact with the products of gas combustion, which deteriorate its quality due to the possible penetration of carcinogenic components into the products. Experimental data was taken into account when developing the design of a small-sized grain dryer for farms, in which the drying process takes place without heating the air as a heat carrier.
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Valentyna Bandura
Igor Bezbah
Ihor Kupchuk
Larisa Fialkovska

  1. Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education and Tourism, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
  2. Department of Processes, Equipment and Energy Management, Оdesa National University of Technology, Ukraine
  3. Engineering and Technology Faculty, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Ukraine
  4. Faculty of Trade, Marketing and Service, Vinnytsia Trade and Economics Institute of the State Trade and Economics University, Ukraine
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As a result of the development of modern vehicles, even higher accuracy standards are demanded. As known, Inertial Navigation Systems have an intrinsic increasing error which is the main reason of using integrating navigation systems, where some other sources of measurements are utilized, such as barometric altimeter due to its high accuracy in short times of interval. Using a Robust Kalman Filter (RKF), error measurements are absorbed when a Fault Tolerant Altimeter is implemented. During simulations, in order to test the Nonlinear RKF algorithm, two kind of measurement malfunction scenarios have been taken into consideration; continuous bias and measurement noise increment. Under the light of the results, some recommendations are proposed when integrated altimeters are used.

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Alberto Mañero Contreras
Chingiz Hajiyev

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