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This paper presents a model of scheduling of multi unit construction project based on an NP-hard permutation flow shop problem, in which the considered criterion is the sum of the costs of the works' execution of the project considering the time of the project as a constraint. It is also assumed that each job in the units constituting the project may be realized in up to three different ways with specific time and cost of execution. The optimization task relies on solving the problem with two different decision variables: the order of execution of units (permutation) and a set of ways to carry out the works in units. The task presented in the paper is performed with the use of a created algorithm which searches the space of solutions in which metaheuristic simulated annealing algorithm is used. The paper presents a calculation example showing the applicability of the model in the optimization of sub-contractors' work in the construction project.

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M. Podolski
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The paper present the concept of stability assessing the of solutions which are construction schedules. Rank have been obtained through the use of task scheduling rules and the application of the KASS software. The aim of the work is the choice of the equivalent solution in terms of the total time of the project. The selected solution optimization task should be characterized by the highest resistance to harmful environmental risk factors. To asses the stability of schedule simulation technique was used.

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M. Krzemiński
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Flow structure maps are the most useful tool in the process of identifying structures formed in multiphase flows. They can be defined as a graphical way to present the transition boundaries of flow structures, depending on the characteristic pa-rameters of the phase transformation or flow, such as the vapor quality, the void fraction, the mass flow density, or the velocities of individual phases. Maps are usually two-dimensional drawings, described with a minimum of two selected parameters or quantities describing the phenomenon. The oldest maps of flow structures concerned adiabatic flows, mainly two-phase water-air systems or three-phase water-oil-air systems in conventional channels. Maps of nonadiabatic flow structures are simple and allow the selection of an appropriate model to determine the heat transfer coefficient as well as the flow resistance of the refrigerant. This has a major impact on the design of flow devices, where two- and even three-phase flows. This paper includes reviews of proposed maps of multiphase flow structures by various authors.
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Małgorzata Sikora
Tadeusz Bohdal
Stanisław Witczak
Grzegorz Ligus

  1. Politechnika Koszalińska, Katedra Energetyki, ul. Śniadeckich 2, 75-453 Koszalin, Poland
  2. Katedra Inżynierii Procesowej i Środowiska, Politechnika Opolska, ul. St. Mikołajczyka 5, 45-271 Opole, Poland
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The author investigated traffic flow quality on a new 2+1 long road bypass with an exceptionally high share of heavy vehicles in order to assess rational limits of heavy vehicle shares in traffic flow, dependent on the length of the 2+1 road and the number of passing segments in each direction. This paper presents the results of traffic flow quality analyses through the use of empirical and simulation methods for a single 2+1 road segment with additional passing lanes, as well as for the study of the entire section of the bypass – 2+1 road. Variables include analysis of travel speed distribution, platoon traffic, and amount of passing maneuvers. Results show that large passing demands lead to very high speeds (over 100 km/h) on segments with additional passing lanes. The conclusions include remarks related to the use and operation of 2+1 cross-sections with high shares of heavy vehicles.

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M. Kieć
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One of the basic parameters which describes road traffic is Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT). Its accurate determination is possible only on the basis of data from the continuous measurement of traffic. However, such data for most road sections is unavailable, so AADT must be determined on the basis of short periods of random measurements. This article presents different methods of estimating AADT on the basis of daily traffic (VOL), and includes the traditional Factor Approach, developed Regression Models and Artificial Neural Network models. As explanatory variables, quantitative variables (VOL and the share of heavy vehicles) as well as qualitative variables (day of the week, month, level of AADT, the cross-section, road class, nature of the area, spatial linking, region of Poland and the nature of traffic patterns) were used. Based on comparisons of the presented methods, the Factor Approach was identified as the most useful.

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M. Spławińska
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Gas-liquid two-phase flow in minichannels has been the subject of increased research interest in the past few years. Evaluation, however, of today's state of the art regarding hydrodynamics of flow in minichannels shows significant differences between existing test results. In the literature there is no clear information regarding: defining the boundary between minichannels and conventional channels, labelling of flow patterns. The review of literature on the hydrodynamics of gas-liquid flow in minichannels shows that, despite the fact that many research works have been published, the problem of determining the effect of diameter of the minichannel on the hydrodynamics of the flow is still at an early stage. Therefore, the paper presents the results of research concerning determination of flow regime map for the vertical upward flow in minichannels. The research is based on a comprehensive analysis of the literature data and on the research that has been carried out. Such approach to the mentioned above problems concerning key issues of the two-phase flow in minichannels allowed to determine ranges of occurrence of flow structures with a relatively high accuracy.

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Monika Wengel
Barbara Miłaszewicz
Roman Ulbrich
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The article presents experimental results of boiling heat transfer during FC-770 flow in a group of five minichannels with a common heated wall. The flow orientation was changed from 0º to 180º, with a 15° increment. During the experiments, the temperature of its outer heated wall surface was measured by an infrared camera. At the same time, flow patterns were captured through the glass plate opposite the heated wall using a high-speed camera. The purpose of the calculations was to determine local heat transfer coefficients on the contact surface between the working fluid and the heated surface in the central minichannel, using a simplified 1D calculation method. The results in the form of dependences of the temperature of the heated wall and the heat transfer coefficient as a function of the distance from the channel inlet for various flow orientations were analysed. Furthermore, typical boiling curves and two-phase flow patterns were presented. The mean relative error of the heat transfer coefficient was determined for various flow orientation. The dependence of the void fraction as a function of heat flux was illustrated for various angles of minichannel inclination to the horizontal plane. It was observed that the void fraction increased with heat flux and with increasing angle of inclination of the minichannel to the horizontal plane.
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Magdalena Piasecka
Kinga Strąk

  1. Kielce University of Technology, al. Tysiaclecia Panstwa Polskiego 7, PL-25-314 Kielce, Poland
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The study presents the possible use of optoelectronic system for the measurement of values specific for hydrodynamics of two-phase gas very-high-viscosity liquid flow in vertical pipes. An experimental method was provided, and the findings were presented and analysed for selected values which characterise the two-phase flow.

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Krystian Czernek
Stanisław Witczak
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The aim of this paper is to study the applicability of the theory of micropolar fluids to modelling and calculating flows in microchannels depending on the geometrical dimension of the flow field. First, it will be shown that if the characteristic linear dimension of the flow becomes appropriately large, the equations describing the micropolar fluid flow can be transformed into Navier-Stokes equations. Next, Poiseuille flows in a microchannel is studied in detail. In particular, the maximal cross-sectional size of the channel for which the micropolar effects of the fluid flow become important will be established. The experimentally determined values of rheological constants of the fluid have been used in calculations.

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A. Kucaba-Piętal
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This paper reports the results of research involving observations of flow patterns during air-oil-water three-phase flow through a vertical pipe with an internal diameter of 0.03 m and a length of 3 m. The conductometric method based on the measurement of electrical conductivity of the gas-liquid-liquid system was used to evaluate the flow patterns. In the studies, a set of eight probes spaced concentrically in two tube sections (four probes per each) with a spacing of 0.015 m were used. The paper presents a theoretical description of the test method and the analysis of the measurement results for air-oil-water multiphase flow system. Results of this study indicate that the developed method of characterizing the voltage of the gas-liquid-liquid system can be an important tool supporting other methods to identify flow patterns, including visual observation.

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Małgorzata Płaczek
Marcin Pietrzak
Stanisław Witczak
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In the paper the experimental analysis of dryout in small diameter channels is presented. The investigations were carried out in vertical pipes of internal diameter equal to 1.15 mm and 2.3 mm. Low-boiling point fluids such as SES36 and R123 were examined. The modern experimental techniques were applied to record liquid film dryout on the wall, among the others the infrared camera. On the basis of experimental data an empirical correlation for predictions of critical heat flux was proposed. It shows a good agreement with experimental data within the error band of 30%. Additionally, a unique approach to liquid film dryout modeling in annular flow was presented. It led to the development of the three-equation model based on consideration of liquid mass balance in the film, a two-phase mixture in the core and gas. The results of experimental validation of the model exhibit improvement in comparison to other models from literature.

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Authors and Affiliations

Jan Wajs
Dariusz Mikielewicz
Michał Gliński
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The paper presents results of experimental investigation of microchannel boiling flow which was controlled by dielectrophoretic (DEP) restrictor. The DEP restrictor was connected to the microchannel liquid supply tube. Operation of DEP restrictor influenced the flow rate at the microchannel inlet. Resulting changes in flow structures and vapour content along the microchannel were observed and analysed with a high-speed video camera. Video recordings were synchronised with measurements of differential pressure between the channel inlet and outlet. It was found that it is possible to change average void fraction in the microchannel by switching on and off the voltage applied to the restrictor electrodes. However, to achieve significant variation of the void fraction, applied voltage should be of the order of 2000 Vpp. The voltage switching also generates oscillations of the differential pressure. The amplitude of these oscillations is proportional to the voltage magnitude, reaching 35 Pa for 2400 Vpp.

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Tomasz Przybyliński
Marcin Lackowski
Roman Kwidziński
Jarosław Karwacki
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Macroscopic coefficients together with a Darcy law are obtained for porous piezoelectric medium with random, not necessarily ergodic, distribution of pores in which a two-ionic electrolyte flows. Peculiarities of stochastic porosity are indicated.

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J.J. Telega
R. Wojnar
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Detailed studies have suggested that the critical heat flux in the form of dryout in minichannels occurs when the combined effects of entrainment, deposition, and evaporation of the film make the film flow rate go gradually and smoothly to zero. Most approaches so far used the mass balance equation for the liquid film with appropriate formulations for the rate of deposition and entrainment respectively. It must be acknowledged that any discrepancy in determination of deposition and entrainment rates, together with cross-correlations between them, leads to the loss of accuracy of model predictions. Conservation equations relating the primary parameters are established for the liquid film and vapor core. The model consists of three mass balance equations, for liquid in the film as well as two-phase core and the gas phase itself. These equations are supplemented by the corresponding momentum equations for liquid in the film and the two-phase core. Applicability of the model has been tested on some experimental data.

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Authors and Affiliations

Dariusz Mikielewicz
Jan Wajs
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Modification of the FanWing concept intended for the use at higher speeds of flight (over 20 m/s) is numerically analyzed. The principle of operation, basic aerodynamic characteristics, and the features in untypical flight situation (autorotation) are described and explained.

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Krzysztof Kurec
Janusz Piechna
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Two semi-circular rods set up in V-shape form were used to generate streamwise vortices in a turbulent boundary layer. The vortices, due to induced helical flow, supplement the streamwise momentum of retarded air particles at the body surface with the momentum of the external flow. In this experimental study it was found that vortices are at their most intensity if the Reynolds number of the flow over generator, based on the diameter of rods is within the range I 04-1.5 · I 04 • Several semi-circular rods set up in a tooth line were examined in delaying the separation of the turbulent boundary layer at a convex cylindrical surface. It has been noted that delay of separation is at its most efficient when the height of the generator is equal to at least half of the boundary layer thickness.
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Andrzej Szumowski
Jan Wojciechowski
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The effect of air humidity on transonic flow around an NACA0012 airfoil at flow conditions, characteristic for buffet phenomenon, was investigated experimentally. Airfoil angles of attack in the range from 6° up to 10° were used, whereas values of initial relative air humidity were kept constant at four values 12%, 40%, 60% and 80%. Reconstructed time depending airfoil pressure distributions, time histories of normal aerodynamic force coefficient C, as well values of C0 pulsation are shown on the basis of surface pressure measurements at various humidity levels. The influence of the air humidity on the buffet origin is presented.
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Z. Nosal
W.C. Selerowicz
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The aim of the study was the implementation of a numerical simulation of the air-water two-phase flow in the minichannel and comparing results obtained with the values obtained experimentally. To perform the numerical simulations commercial software ANSYS FLUENT 12 was used. The first step of the study was to reproduce the actual research installation as a three-dimensional model with appropriate and possible simplifications - future computational domain. The next step was discretisation of the computational domain and determination of the types of boundary conditions. ANSYS FLUENT 12 has three built-in basic models with which a two-phase flow can be described. However, in this work Volume-of-Fluid (VOF) model was selected as it meets the established requirements of research. Preliminary calculations were performed for a simplified geometry. The calculations were later verified whether or not the simplifications of geometry were chosen correctly and if they affected the calculation. The next stage was validation of the chosen model. After positive verification, a series of calculations was performed, in which the boundary conditions were the same as the starting conditions in laboratory experiments. A satisfactory description of the experimental data accuracy was attained.

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Jarosław Sowiński
Marek Krawczyk
Marek Dziubiński
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The paper describes issues related to pressure drop that accompanies the phenomenon of maldistribution of working fluid between the channels of a model minichannel plate heat exchanger. The research concerns a single exchanger’s plate containing 51 (in every geometry) parallel rectangular minichannels of hydraulic diameters 461 μm, 571 μm, 750 μm, and 823 μm. In addition, more complex geometry has been investigated, equipped with additional diagonal channels (so called extended geometry). The moment of the liquid phase transition through the heat exchanger was recorded at the flow rates ranging from 0.83 g/s to 13.33 g/s in the inlet manifold. The paper discusses the total pressure drop as a function of the flow rate and the characteristic dimension of minichannels, as well as the pressure drop as a function of the time of the fluid passage through the main part of the measuring section in which measurements were done. The resulting profiles correlate with the images of the flow distribution between channels recorded using the fast shutter speed camera, that allows to draw a further conclusions about the specifics of the maldistribution process. The impact of the total pressure drop on the actual range of optimum operating conditions of the heat exchanger was analyzed.
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Michał Klugmann
Paweł Dąbrowski
Dariusz Mikielewicz
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The paper presents experimental investigations of pressure fluctuations near the tip clearance region of the rotor blades of the axial-flow low-speed compressor stage in stable and unstable parts of the overall performance characteristic. In this investigation, unsteady pressure was measured with the use of high frequency pressure transducers mounted on the casing wall of rotor passage. The pressure signals and their frequency characteristics were analyzed during the steady-state processes, before the rotating stall, during the transition from the steady-state process to the rotating stall, and during a stabilized phenomenon of low-frequency rotating stall. As the operating point moves to the unstable region of flow characteristic, an inception of the rotating stall can be observed, which rotates with a speed of about 41.4% of the rotor speed. The results of this study confirm that in the low-speed axial compressor stage operating in a rotating stall regime there appears one stall cell that spreads over to adjacent rotor blade channels. As the flow rate is reduced further, the frequency of the rotating stall decreased to 34.8% of the rotor speed and the number of blade channels with the stall cell increases.

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Andrzej Witkowski
Marcin Ziach
Mirosław Majkut
Michał Strozik
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The relevance of this study is explained by the growing interest in increasing heat transfer by the development of high-performance thermal systems. Increasing the thermal characteristics of heat-exchanger systems is necessary for the efficient use of an energy source. The purpose of this study is to review the existing methods of heat-transfer intensification and examine the mathematical model of such an increase in efficiency when using petal turbulators. This study is based on a high-quality, reliable combination of proven theoretical methods (analysis, synthesis, concretization, generalization, modelling), and empirical methods. It is the introduction of turbulators into the flow channel that is one of the best methods of increasing passive heat exchange through such advantages as ease of manufacture and operation in combination with low operating and production costs. This study contains both passive and active methods of heat-exchange intensification that have been extensively investigated over the past decade. For this purpose, the newest studies of mainly authors from other countries were used, their detailed analysis was conducted and the results were summed up. In addition, a mathematical model of increasing the thermal efficiency of convective heating surfaces in a bundle of smooth pipes using petal turbulators was investigated, the results of which were tested on an experimental installation. The paper may interest a circle of readers interested in the problem of improving the thermal characteristics of heat exchangers, including researchers, teachers and students of higher educational institutions in the field of heat-power engineering.
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Jiyenbeck Sugirov
Bibigul Atshybayeva
Marzhan Suimenova
Kulanda Shaikhiyeva
Gulbanu Yesbolay

  1. Department of Construction Engineering, Caspian University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh. Yessenov, Republic of Kazakhstan
  2. Department of Energy and Transport, Caspian University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh. Yessenov, Republic of Kazakhstan

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