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The paper presents the operation of two neuro-fuzzy systems of an adaptive type, intended for solving problems of the approximation of multi-variable functions in the domain of real numbers. Neuro-fuzzy systems being a combination of the methodology of artificial neural networks and fuzzy sets operate on the basis of a set of fuzzy rules “if-then”, generated by means of the self-organization of data grouping and the estimation of relations between fuzzy experiment results. The article includes a description of neuro-fuzzy systems by Takaga-Sugeno-Kang (TSK) and Wang-Mendel (WM), and in order to complement the problem in question, a hierarchical structural self-organizing method of teaching a fuzzy network. A multi-layer structure of the systems is a structure analogous to the structure of “classic” neural networks. In its final part the article presents selected areas of application of neuro-fuzzy systems in the field of geodesy and surveying engineering. Numerical examples showing how the systems work concerned: the approximation of functions of several variables to be used as algorithms in the Geographic Information Systems (the approximation of a terrain model), the transformation of coordinates, and the prediction of a time series. The accuracy characteristics of the results obtained have been taken into consideration.
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Maria Mrówczyńska
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Open pit mining of rock minerals and the affected areas requiring further development are a serious challenge for shaping the positive image of the mining industry among the public. The direction and method of post-mining land reclamation are important for this image, which should take into account various factors describing the mining area, including social preferences. The article presents an example solution – fuzzy system (FSDR) – which supports the selection of the direction of reclamation of post-mining areas created after the termination of operations of open pit gravel and sand natural aggregate mines. The article presents selected factors determining the selection of the direction and possible reclamation variants as input and output data of the fuzzy system. The rules base of the developed system, as well as the mechanisms of inference and defuzzification, were also characterized. The application of the developed system is presented on selected examples.

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Jadwiga Król-Korczak
Edyta Brzychczy
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The article introduces a new proposal of a defuzzification method, which can be implemented in fuzzy controllers. The first chapter refers to the origin of fuzzy sets. Next, a modern development based on this theory is presented in the form of ordered fuzzy numbers (OFN). The most important characteristics of ordered fuzzy numbers are also presented. In the following chapter, details about the defuzzification process are given as part of the fuzzy controller model. Then a new method of defuzzification is presented. The method is named center of circles intersection (CCI). The authors compare this method with a similar geometric solution: triangular expanding (TE) and geometric mean (GM). Also, the results are compared with other methods such as center of gravity (COG), first of maxima (FOM) and last of maxima (LOM). The analysis shows that the proposed solution works correctly and provides results for traditional fuzzy numbers as well as directed fuzzy numbers. The last chapter contains a summary, in which more detailed conclusions are provided and further directions of research are indicated.

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H. Zarzycki
W.T. Dobrosielski
Ł. Apiecionek
T. Vince
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All universities are responsible for assessing the quality of education. One of the required factors is the results of the students’ research. The procedure involves, most often, the preparation of the questionnaire by the staff, which is voluntarily answered by students; then, the university staff uses the statistical methods to analyze data and prepare reports. The proposed EQE method by the application of the fuzzy relations and the optimistic fuzzy aggregation norm may show a closer connection between the students’ answers and the achieved results. Moreover, the objects obtained by the application of the EQE method can be visualized by using the t-SNE technique, cosine between vectors and distances of points in five-dimensional space.
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Authors and Affiliations

Grzegorz Śmigielski
Aleksandra Mreła
Oleksandr Sokolov
Mykoła Nedashkovskyy

  1. Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Institute of Informatics, ul. Kopernika 1, 85-074 Bydgoszcz, Poland
  2. Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics, ul. Grudziądzka 5, 87-100 Toruń, Poland
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This paper presents a model for evaluating production strategies, policies and methods based on fuzzy set theory. To illustrate the application of a model, the longitudinal case study was carried out in the sector of automotive components and parts production in Serbia. Within the automotive supplier industry, analysis is concentrated on the Cooper Standard company, one of the world’s most prominent component suppliers. The study was conducted with the management team of the Cooper Standard branch in Serbia. Triangular fuzzy numbers are employed to effectively evaluate the critical areas of production management and overall competitiveness over time. The findings of the empirical survey confirmed the usability and usefulness of the proposed approach. Also, the longitudinal character of this case study provided an opportunity to follow the patterns of change over a period of 5 years (2019–2024).
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Aleksandar PESIC
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Spherical fuzzy sets are more powerful in modelling the uncertain situations than picture fuzzy sets, fermatean fuzzy sets, Pythagorean fuzzy sets, intuitionistic fuzzy sets, and fuzzy sets. In this paper, we first define the variance and covariance of spherical fuzzy sets. Then, using variance and covariance, we define the unique spherical fuzzy set correlation metric in line with the statistical coefficient of correlation. Two spherical fuzzy sets are correlated in both direction and strength using the provided measure of correlation. We discussed its many characteristics. We compared the measure of correlation with the current ones through linguistic variables. We established its validity by showing its application in bidirectional approximate reasoning. We also resolve a pattern identification issue in the spherical fuzzy environment using the provided correlation function, and we compare the results with several current measurements.
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Abdul Haseeb Ganie
Debashis Dutta

  1. Department of Mathematics, National Institute of Technology, Warangal506004, Telangana, India
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The new approach to the construction project planning is presented in the article. The classical net model is enriched by the fuzzy decision node. The decision node allows for alternate choices dependent on appearing circumstances. The alternative net model with fuzzy decision node is an acyclic multi-graph, where some, chosen nodes (events) have multiple connections. These connections represent alternative methods of the certain work execution. Every work (activity) (i, j) in the net model with alternative methods of work execution, despite the basic information comprising the execution time, the cost, the number of necessary workers, should comprise additional information e.g. about a complexity of works, a real feasibility. The alternative ways of a given work execution are evaluated in the decision node based on the fuzzy decision model. Each method is evaluated by assigning it the preference level in a form of the value of the membership function – „equal or higher” μ. The most preferable way of the work execution in a given circumstances, will have the highest value of preference level. When the choice is done the net model is solved in the traditional way. Therefore, the paper concentrates on the process of choosing the method of work execution in the fuzzy decision node. The example calculations accompanying the process of decision taking are presented too. The model requires the use of linguistic variables, a fuzzy numbers, as well as fuzzy preference relations together with some calculations applied the probability theory.

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N. Ibadov
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The article outlines how to use the convergence of collections to determine the position of a mobile device based on the WiFi radio signal strength with the use of fuzzy sets. The main aim is the development of the method for indoor position determination based on existing WiFi network infrastructure indoors. The approach is based on the WiFi radio infrastructure existing inside the buildings and requires operating mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets. An SQL database engine is also necessary as a widespread data interface. The SQL approach is not limited to the determination of the position but also to the creation of maps in which the system dening the position of the mobile device will operate. In addition, implementation issues are presented along with the distribution of the burden of performing calculations and the benets of such an approach for determining the location. The authors describe how to decompose the task of determining the position in a client-server architecture.

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Michał Socha
Wojciech Górka
Iwona Kostorz
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Aiming at the problems of delay and couple in the sintering temperature control system of lithium batteries, a fuzzy neural network controller that can solve complex nonlinear temperature control is designed in this paper. The influence of heating voltage, air inlet speed and air inlet volume on the control of temperature of lithium battery sintering is analyzed, and a fuzzy control system by using MATLAB toolbox is established. And on this basis, a fuzzy neural network controller is designed, and then a PID control system and a fuzzy neural network control system are established through SIMULINK. The simulation shows that the response time of the fuzzy neural network control system compared with the PID control system is shortened by 24s, the system stability adjustment time is shortened by 160s, and the maximum overshoot is reduced by 6.1%. The research results show that the fuzzy neural network control system can not only realize the adjustment of lithium battery sintering temperature control faster, but also has strong adaptability, fault tolerance and anti-interference ability.
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Authors and Affiliations

Zou Chaoxin
Li Rong
Xie Zhiping
Su Ming
Zeng Jingshi
Ji Xu
Ye Xiaoli
Wang Ye

  1. Guizhou Normal University, China
  2. Guizhou Zhenhua New Material Co., Ltd., China
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The current research focuses on the implementation of the fuzzy logic approach for the prediction of base pressure as a function of the input parameters. The relationship of base pressure (β ) with input parameters, namely, Mach number (M), nozzle pressure ratio (η), area ratio (α), length to diameter ratio (ξ ), and jet control (ϑ ) is analyzed. The precise fuzzy modeling approach based on Takagi and Sugeno’s fuzzy system has been used along with linear and non-linear type membership functions (MFs), to evaluate the effectiveness of the developed model. Additionally, the generated models were tested with 20 test cases that were different from the training data. The proposed fuzzy logic method removes the requirement for several trials to determine the most critical input parameters. This will expedite and minimize the expense of experiments. The findings indicate that the developed model can generate accurate predictions
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Jaimon D. Quadros
Suhas P.
Sher A. Khan
Abdul Aabid
Muneer Baig
Yakub I. Mogul

  1. Fluids Group, School of Mechanical Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, Gümüs¸suyu, 34437 Istanbul
  2. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sahyadri College of Engineering and Management, Mangaluru 575007, Karnataka, India
  3. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kulliyyah of Engineering, International Islamic University Malaysia, 53100, Selangor, Malaysia
  4. Department of Engineering Management, College of Engineering, Prince Sultan University, 66833, Riyadh 11586, Saudi Arabia
  5. National Centre for Motorsport Engineering, University of Bolton, Bolton, BL3 5AB, UK
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A large class of nonlinear systems can be represented or well approximated by Takagi- Sugeno (TS) fuzzy models, which in theory can approximate a general nonlinear system to an arbitrary degree of accuracy. The TS fuzzy model consists of a fuzzy rule base. The rule antecedents partition a given subspace of the model variables into fuzzy regions, while the consequent of each rule is usually a linear or affine model, valid locally in the corresponding region. In this paper, the observer design problem for a T-S fuzzy system subject to Lypschitz perturbation is investigated. First, an observer of Kalman type is designed to estimate the unknown system states. Then, the class of one-sided Lipschitz for a TS fuzzy system subject to a sufficient condition on the bound is studied. The challenges are discussed and some analysis oriented tools are provided. An example is given to show the applicability of the main result.
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Francois Delmotte
Mohamed Ali Hammami
Nour El Houda Rettab

  1. University of Artois, Bethune, France
  2. University of Sfax, Faculty of Sciences of Sfax, Tunisia
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W artykule przedstawiono narzędzie – rozmyte mapy kognitywne FCM, które może być wykorzystane do modelowania percepcji krajobrazu. Metodologia pozostawia szanse na wprowadzenie uzupełniających lub alternatywnych zasad oceny, źródeł danych i zastosowań. Narzędzie FCM nadaje się do określania różnych scenariuszy działań, w zależności od np.: przewidywanych trendów użytkowania gruntów lub celów przyjętych w strategii planowania przestrzennego. Zarządzanie krajobrazem kulturowym wymaga uczestnictwa społeczności (zwłaszcza lokalnych) w procesie kształtowania krajobrazu tak, aby możliwy był wzrost jego jakości i akceptacji przy jednoczesnym minimalizowaniu konfliktów przestrzennych. Włączenie budowy map kognitywnych FCM jako narzędzia wspomagającego proces podejmowania decyzji na jednym z etapów (np. partycypacji społeczności lokalnej) w planowaniu przestrzennym umożliwia spełnienie tych wymagań.
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Marta Skiba
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The paper presents the results of assessment studies of the time course for technical wear in masonry buildings located in the area of mining-induced ground deformations. By using fuzzy inference system (FIS) and the “if-then” rule, corresponding language labels describing actual damage recorded in structure components were translated into scalar outputs describing the degree of damage to the building. Adopting this approach made it possible to separate damage resulting from additional effects coming from mining-induced ground deformations and the natural wear and tear of masonry structure. By using statistical analysis an exponential function for the condition of building damage and the function of natural wear and tear were developed. Both phenomena were subject to studies as a function of time regarding the technical age of building structure. The results obtained were used to develop a model for the course of technical wear of traditionally constructed buildings used within mining areas.

In the course of natural wear and tear buildings located in mining areas are additionally exposed to forced ground deformations. The increase of internal forces in structure components induced by those effects results in creating an additional stress factor and damage. The hairline cracks and cracks of building structure components take place when the intensity value of mining effects becomes higher than the component stress resistance and repeated effects result in the decrease of structure rigidity. The observations of building behaviour in mining areas show that the intensity of mining activity and the multiplicity of its effect play a substantial role in the course of technical wear of buildings. The studies show that the level of damage resulting from mining effects adds up to natural wear and tear of the building and impairs the global technical condition as compared to similar buildings used outside mining areas.

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Izabela Dorota Bryt-Nitarska
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A group of old apartment houses with the age over 100 years (that is those carried out before the First World War) takes an important place in polish building resources. Technical maintenance of apartment houses, traditional methods erected, is nowadays and will be a valid problem in the nearest future. The results of the work refer to the general population, estimated for 600 objects, that is about 20% of municipal downtown apartment houses in Wrocław.

The purpose of the research was to identify an influence of widely considered maintenance of apartment houses on a degree and intensity of their elements’ deterioration. The goal of the work has been fulfilled by symptoms’ analysis of declining of inspected elements’ exploitation values, that is identification of mechanics of their defects arising.

The range of the work has required creation of original qualitative model of pinpointed defects and its transfer into quantitative one. It has made possible to analyse the reason - effect phenomena „defect - technical wear” relevant to the most important elements of Wroclaw downtown district’s apartment houses. The research procedure has been conducted in accordance of fuzzy sets theory which made possible to describe qualitative model of pinpointed defects and its transfer into a quantitative one.

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J. Konior
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Structural safety is a concept defined in various ways, usually in an imprecise and qualitative manner. The article refers to the more important concepts and methods of structural safety assessment and presents an original proposal for a multi-faced assessment of this feature. Suggested procedure allows to take into account most of the key properties determining the safety of structures, including reliability, risk, resistance and robustness, random and non-random uncertainty of state variables and assessment criteria, potential consequences of failure, and makes possible the visualization of the results. Using the concept of fuzzy numbers, fuzzy statistics and the approximate reasoning scheme it enable to take into account subjective and qualitative information about the state variables, safety criteria, computational method, the professional knowledge and intuition of the designer. The application of the proposed procedure is illustrated on the example of the safety assessment of a reinforced concrete beam designed for flexure. The proposed procedure may be useful at the stage of conceptual design of building structures, as well as for assessing the safety of existing structures.
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Szczepan Woliński

  1. DSc., PhD., Eng., Rzeszow University of Technology, Faculty of Civil an Environmental Engineering and Architecture, Al. Powstańców Warszawa 12, 35-959 Rzeszów, Poland
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With its position as the capital, Hanoi is the political center as well as the second largest economic center of the country. Therefore, the city is always allocated a large budget in construction investment to create material facilities for political tasks and economic and social development. During the implementation of construction projects, a number of difficulties and limitations have appeared. In which, projects are delayed in construction and disbursement, reducing investment efficiency and not meeting the expectations of the government and people. From this fact, the authors have conducted a study to evaluate the causes affecting the time schedule of construction projects in Hanoi. The method F-APH (Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process) was used to analyze data objectively and accurately about the causes affecting the time schedule. From there, these causes are classified into groups of subjective causes (from within the project) and groups of objective causes (from outside the project). The results show that subjective causes, originating from project participants, have a stronger influence than objective causes. A number of specific proposals to the actors involved in construction projects are made to eliminate or limit the impact of the causes of construction progress.
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Dinh Tuan Hai

  1. Hanoi Architectural University, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Km 10, Nguyen Trai Street, Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi City, Vietnam
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Civil engineering is one of the many fields of occurrences of uncertain parameters. The present paper in an attempt to present and describe the most common methods used for inclusions of uncertain parameters . These methods can be applied in the area of civil engineering as well as for a larger domain. Definitions and short explanations of methods based on probability, interval analysis, fuzzy sets, and convex sets are presented. Selected advantages, disadvantages, and the most common fields of implementation are indicated.

An example of a cantilever beam presented in this paper shows the main differences between the methods. Results of the performed analysis indicate that the use of convex sets allows us to obtain an accuracy of results similar to stochastic models. At the same time, the computational speed characteristic for interval methods is maintained.

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J. Pełczyński
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In digital revolution, the appropriate IT infrastructure, technological knowledge are essential for the success of companies, where the success of the digital transformation depends on digital maturity. The aim of the study is to define the digital maturity, theoretical foundation of the digital maturity model and present a framework for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) understanding where they are in digitalisation (how advanced their digital resource system and digital approach) to respond faster and efficiently to environmental changes. The model construction is based on theory of dynamic capabilities, graduation models, and SMEs management challenges. The model is a dynamic model to support management in strategic, digital and organizational developments, which is divided into IT and organizational dimensions, including 6 components and 28 subcomponents. The ultimate goal of the study is to determine the component weights to create a neurofuzzy model.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ágnes Sándor
Ákos Gubán
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The growing interest in green energy observed in recent years has become the basis for pilot studies on its electricity production role in Poland. The diagnostic survey method allowed us to learn about young people’s opinions on renewable energy sources in the context of four identified research areas (the need for RES, planning its installation, costs, environmental impact). The authors proposed a method based on fuzzy logic (fuzzy relations and optimistic fuzzy aggregation norms) to develop and interpret the survey results to understand the selected community’s knowledge about the importance of RES (or not) in the national energy system. The survey shows that although there is no significant difference between respondents in all research areas, rural women are more interested in using green technologies. They have a high self-awareness of their beneficial effects on the environment. Rural respondents, compared to those from the cities, are willing (despite the high cost of equipment) to invest their capital to purchase green energy carriers, which is dictated by their lower knowledge about the forms of external support. Depending on the residence place, respondents selected various government aid programs for renewable energy. People from the city decided mainly on those that would improve the air’s comfort and quality in their place of residence. On the other hand, the rural areas’ inhabitants focused their attention on the aid possibilities, which would reduce the energy costs of the farms they run in the future. All the respondents agree that investments in clean energy (coming from natural sources) will translate into broadly understood environmental protection, bringing mutual benefits for everyone.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jolanta Barbara Cichowska
Aleksandra Mreła
Oleksandr Sokolov

  1. Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture, University of Science and Technology in Bydgoszcz, Poland
  2. Institute of Informatics, Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland
  3. Department of Informatics, Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland
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The traction power supply system based on Inductively Coupled Power Transfer (ICPT) technology is one of the new traction power supply technologies that will be developed in the future. As the core part of rail transit energy transfer and conversion, the traction power supply system is not only the critical system for the safe operation of rail transit, but also the main source of its failures, so it is of great significance to study its reliability. In this paper, the reliability analysis of the non-contact traction power supply system based on mobile ICPT technology is carried out using the method of (Fault Tree Analysis) FTA combined with triangular fuzzy theory and grey relational theory. Firstly, the fault tree of the system is established, and the minimum cut sets and structure function of the fault tree are obtained. Then the triangular fuzzy numbers are introduced to represent the probability of the bottom events, and the fuzzy probability of the top event and the fuzzy importance of the bottom events are determined, after that, the maximum probability of failure of the top event is obtained. Finally, the grey relational degrees of each minimum cut set are obtained and ranked. Furthermore, in order to prove the correctness of this method, the trapezoidal fuzzy FTA is introduced and compared with it. Both research results show that the loosely coupled transformer and Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) module are the weak links of the system. The results obtained are consistent and realistic, which proves the correctness of the method selected in this article.
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Authors and Affiliations

Yanxia Pei
Xin Li

  1. Key Laboratory of Opto-Technology and Intelligent Control Ministry of Education, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, China
  2. School of New Energy and Power Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, China
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In this work, artificial intelligence methods are designed and adopted for evaluating various risk levels of thyroid hormone and blood pressure in humans. Fuzzy Logic (FL) method is firstly exploited to provide the risk levels. Additionally, a machine learning was proposed using the Adaptive Neuron- Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) to learn and assess the risk levels by fusing a multiple-layer Neural Network (NN) with the FL. The data are collected for standard risk levels from real medical centers. The results lead to well ANFIS design based on the FL, which can generate such interesting outcomes for predicting risk levels for thyroid hormone and blood pressure. Both proposed methods of the FL and ANFIS can be exploited for medical applications.
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Authors and Affiliations

Musab T.S. Al-Kaltakchi
Raid Rafi Omar Al-Nima
Azza Alhialy

  1. Technical Engineering College of Mosul, Northern Technical University, Mosul, Iraq
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This research presents an advanced control approach for battery management in battery electric utility vehicles (BEUV) operating in indoor logistics environments. The proposed approach utilizes a combination of proportional-integral (PI), fuzzy PI, and interval type 2 fuzzy PI (IT2fuzzyPI) control structures to augment the state space model for battery management. The state space model incorporates the voltage and current of each battery cell as state variables and considers the current demand from the electric motor as an input. By integrating fuzzy logic with PI control and considering uncertainty, the IT2fuzzyPI structure offers improved control recital and system robustness in the occurrence of nonlinearities, uncertainties, and turbulences. The outcomes of the simulation validate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme in managing the battery pack system’s state of charge and controlling the rates of charging and discharging. The IT2fuzzyPI control significantly improves the overall proficiency and longevity of the battery system, making it suitable for battery electric utility vehicles in logistics environments. This research contributes to the field of battery management systems, providing a valuable tool for designing and evaluating high-performance electric vehicles with enhanced control capabilities.
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Authors and Affiliations

Arun Kumar R.
Sankar Ganesh R.

  1. Electrical and Electronics Engineering, V.S.B. Engineering College, Karur, Tamil Nadu, India
  2. Electrical and Electronics Engineering, K.S.R. College of Engineering, Tiruchengode, Tamil Nadu, India
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The main idea of this article is the necessity to take into account the multi-variant technological and organizational solutions of individual construction works in order to ensure rational planning for the implementation of construction projects. In practice, selection of construction works most often limited to the evaluation of technological and organizational solutions on the basis of time and cost criteria. However, it should be remembered that construction projects usually have a complex technological and organizational structure. This fact may increase the durations and costs of individual works in relation to their planned durations and costs. Therefore, the authors propose to take into account the criterion of technological and organizational complexity of the assessed construction work. The article describes the procedure for the technological and organizational optimization of construction works. A numerical example of the method of selecting technological and organizational solutions with the use of a fuzzy relation of preferences is also presented. The article also proposes to combine the computational selection model with the network planning model in a graphic form. This approach expands the computational and decision-making possibilities of network models in the practice of planning construction projects.
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Authors and Affiliations

Nabi Ibadov
Sahib Farzaliyev
Irene Ladnykh

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Al. Armii Ludowej 16, 00-637 Warsaw, Poland
  2. Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction, Faculty of Construction, Ayna Sultanova 11, Baku, Azerbaijan
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The operational mineral deposit reconnaissance tends to evaluate its parameters to conduct safe and profitable production. Particular deposit parameters, important from the point of mineral deposit management, are estimated on the basis of observations carried out by mining geological surveys. These observations usually involve sampling, drilling, laboratory analyses and others. The use of fuzzy description to assess the parameters of the mineral deposit was proposed in the paper. In the fuzzy characteristics, an imprecise descriptive description appeared in place of a particular numerical quantity. This approach was used to description of the ore deposit features (metal content, volume, and metal yield) by assigning them specific characteristic functions, whose distributions were based on basic statistical quantities. Characteristic functions can be used to prepare operational strategies for any configuration of required deposit parameters resulting from the production management needs. For this purpose, selected logical operators of fuzzy sets were used. In the next approach to fuzzy modeling, an opportunity to characterize the deposit in a subjective approach was indicated, where the assessment of the deposit parameters is based on rough, in some way, discretionary observation and evaluation. Such model construction enabled the overall assessment of the deposit from the point of view of any parameters. Through the implementation of appropriate inference rules, adequate fuzzy control planes were obtained, which may also be useful in the context of operational mine strategy planning.

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Authors and Affiliations

Mariusz Krzak
Paweł Panajew

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