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Science and technology frequently contribute to one another: scientific advances lead to the development of new technologies, and new technologies broaden the experimental potential of science, enabling advancement of research. This is a motivation behind introduction of the concept of technoscience addressing the integration of science and technology – the process progressing from the beginning of the twentieth century, which has been the source of extraordinary achievements of our civilisation, but – at the same time – has engendered global socioeconomic transformations whose negative side effects may endanger humanity. This paper is devoted to an outline of ethical challenges implied by the development of technoscience, with special emphasis of those which are rooted in the development of information technologies. It is suggested that those challenges should be met by people of technoscience in a concerted effort undertaken with philosophers and educators.
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Authors and Affiliations

Roman Z. Morawski

  1. Politechnika Warszawska, Wydział Elektroniki Technik Informacyjnych
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In many companies, along with the economic development, the use of integrated management systems is becoming more and more common, which are subject to evolution in terms of, inter alia, offered functions and new user requirements. The main purpose of this paper is to compare selected ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems in the field of production planning and control on the example of the automotive industry. The paper presents the contemporary functioning of the automotive industry against the background of issues related to the integrated management systems used in them. The research part presents the proprietary methodology for the assessment of IT systems used in the automotive industry, which included a user survey. The obtained score allowed to indicate the optimal ERP class system supporting production planning and control.
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Robert Sika
Oliwia Wojtala
Jakub Hajkowski

  1. Poznan University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Poland
  2. Poznan, Poland
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Health informatics is characterized by the need to securely store, process and transmit large amounts of sensitive medical data while ensuring interoperability with other systems. Among many standards used in such systems there are two which have gained interest in recent years and cover most of those needs: openEHR and HL7 FHIR. In this paper, both standards are discussed and compared with each other. The architecture of both systems, the similarities and differences, methods of data modeling and ensuring interoperability were presented.
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Jacek Kryszyn
Waldemar T. Smolik
Damian Wanta
Mateusz Midura
Przemysław Wróblewski

  1. Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
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QIT–Quantum Information Technologies promises are very serious, greatly exceeding only technical and market levels. Development of QIT in Europe, treated as building a new infrastructural civilization level, requires a broader view of coordination, funding and priority-setting policy. Simple measures used in the case of the development of new technologies, but not creating a significant ecosystem, are insufficient in this case. Quantum technologies are poised to create a new information layer of knowledge-based society. In this essay, the author subjectively addresses some of the issues such as: what we already know and what we don't know, and what efforts are being made in Europe. Polish version of this paper was published in Przegl.Telekom.2.23.
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Ryszard S. Romaniuk

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
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The information technologies for assessing the quality of IT-specialties graduates' training of university by means of fuzzy logic and neural networks are developed in the article. It makes possible taking into account a wide set of estimation and output parameters, influence of the external and internal factors and allows to simplify the assessing process by means of modern mathematical apparatuses of artificial intelligence.

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Anzhelika O. Azarova
Larysa E. Azarova
Sergii V. Pavlov
Nataliia B. Savina
Iryna S. Kaplun
Waldemar Wójcik
Saule Smailova
Aliya Kalizhanova
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The paper presents the main issues of the management of electrical grids. Selected information technology tools supporting electrical grids maintenance are presented. In electrical infrastructure maintenance of power companies, geographic information systems are increasingly used to support the management of their resources. Their functionalities in terms of creating comprehensive databases for the electrical infrastructure of the power sector are described. The important information technology tools regarding spatial systems for supporting maintenance and operation management electrical grids and the conditions of their implementation are presented. This paper also attempts to present an innovative multidimensional evaluation of the technical and economic benefits resulting from the use of modern information technology tools for the management of energy infrastructure.
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  1.  Y. Sakamoto, “Improvement of operability and maintainability using new information and telecommunication technologies”, in Study Committee D2, 48th Session CIGRE. Paper D2 – 106, Paris, 2020.
  2.  M. Cepin, “Assessment of Power System Reliability. Methods and Applications”, Springer, London, 2011.
  3.  J. Piotrowski, “Systemy informatyczne i telekomunikacyjne”, Study Committee D2, 48th Session CIGRE Energetyka, problemy energetyki i gospodarki paliwowo – energetycznej, pp. 319‒323, March 2021.
  4.  S. Samek and M. Lizer, “Działalność CIGRE i CIGRE Polska”, 48th Session CIGRE 2020 – Energetyka, problemy energetyki i gospodarki paliwowo – energetycznej, pp. 157‒161, March 2021.
  5.  A.P. Apostolov, “Artificial Intelligence Applications to Electric Power System”, in Study Committee D2, 48th Session CIGRE, Paper D2 – 102. Paris, 2020.
  6.  A. Fraioli, “Failure reduction and predictive replacement approach for overhead lines using big data and advanced analytics”, Study Committee D2, 48th Session CIGRE, Paper D2 – 103, Paris, 2020.
  7.  A. Rodionov, “Application of modern information and communication technologies for improving the effectiveness power systems”, Study Committee D2, 48th Session CIGRE. Paper D2 – 112. Paris 2020.
  8.  X. Dong, “Research on the Architecture for Smart Energy Service System Based on Industrial Internet”, Study Committee D2, 48th Session CIGRE, Paper D2 – 114. Paris, 2020.
  9.  S. Guo, “The IoT solution architecture for Power Distribution and its Application”, Study Committee D2, 48th Session CIGRE, Paper D2 – 115, Paris, 2020.
  10.  M. Savinek, “Management of data from smart measuring device for predictive maintenance”, Study Committee D2, 48th Session CIGRE, Paper D2 – 130, Paris, 2020.
  11.  D. Campara, “Applying Automated Cyber Risk Assessment for Smart Grid”, Study Committee D2, 48th Session CIGRE, Paper D2 – 204, Paris, 2020.
  12.  A. Augusiak and W. Kamrat, “Automated network control and supervision”, IEEE Comput. Appl. Power, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 20‒23, Aug. 2002, doi: 10.1109/67.976987.
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  15.  W. Kamrat and T. Szczepański, “Wybrane zagadnienia budowy i eksploatacji linii przesyłowych najwyższych napięć”, Energetyka, problemy energetyki i gospodarki paliwowo – energetycznej, pp. 649‒668, Oct. 2009.
  16.  M. Bartosik, W. Kamrat, M. Kaźmierkowski, W. Lewandowski, M. Pawlik, T. Peryt, T. Skoczkowski, A. Strupczewski, and A. Szeląg, “Przesył energii elektrycznej – potrzeby, progi i bariery”, Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, vol. 11, pp. 297‒302, Nov. 2016.
  17.  T. Pakulski and J. Klucznik, “Expected range of cooperation between transmissions system operators and distribution systems operators after implementation of ENTSO-e Grids Codes”, Acta Energ. Power Eng. Quarterly, vol. 2, pp. 14‒19, Jun. 2015, doi: 10.12736/issn.2300- 3022.2015202.
  18.  P. Marchel, J. Paska, K. Pawlak, and K. Zagrajek, “A practical approach to optimal strategies of electricity contracting from Hybrid Power Sources”, Bull. Pol. Acad. Sci. Tech. Sci., vol. 68, no. 6 pp. 1543‒1551, doi: 10.24425/bpasts.2020.135377.
  19.  W. Kamrat, “Wybrane zagadnienia lokalizacji turbin wiatrowych ze względu na ich aerodynamiczne oddziaływanie na przesyłowe linie elektroenergetyczne”, Elektroenergetyka: współczesność i rozwój Biuletyn PSE, vol. 1, pp. 58‒65, 2020.
  20.  SIEMENS NIXDORF information materials, “SICAD from Siemens Nixdorf GIS for your business”, Siemens AG.
  21.  ELBUD – SAG, “Geographic information systems for the energy sector. SICAD/open as a system for managing energy network documentation”, 2017, Gdansk, Poland.
  22.  FLI-MAP, “System presentation materials from Fugro-In-park B.V.”, Leidschendam, Netherlands”, [Online] Available: www.fugro-inpark. nl [Accessed: 17 Jan. 2021].
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Authors and Affiliations

Waldemar Kamrat

  1. Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering, Power Engineering Department, ul. Narutowicza 11/12, 80-233 Gdansk, Poland
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A wide variety of soil and climatic conditions requires extensive study of the characteristics of the use of fertilizers and chemical plant protection products, which sometimes negatively affects the environment. Therefore, there is a need not only to know the ways and amount of application of fertilizers and chemical protectors but also to have a clear idea of the processes occurring in the soil, plants, ecology of the production environment and the rural population. This knowledge will allow us to carefully approach the practical issues of chemicalizing the crop industry and prevent possible negative consequences. To study the integrated interdisciplinary object of management accounting related to the assessment of the reproduction of agri-cultural land fertility, the functions and complex interaction of IT management, and analysis of specific situations of the impact of costs on fertilizers and chemical plant protection products on the gross crop production in the Kuban economic entities were applied. The study found that modern science has formulated the main theoretical aspects of the economic and environmental efficiency of the use of mineral fertilizers and chemical plant protection products in agriculture. Noting the significant achievements of scientists and practitioners in this field of agricultural development, we believe that the use of digital technologies for assessing the quality of soil fertility, methods and methods of using chemical agents can qualitatively improve information on the costs of their use, and determine the most rational and environmentally friendly areas. The studied experience in the application of methods indicates a fairly high accuracy in assessing the quality of soil fertility. Moreover, the results make it possible to change the associated types of managerial work, such as the planning of the procurement of fertilizers and plant protection products, precisely determine their types, and coordinate the place and time of their use.
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Zhanna V. Degaltseva
Victor V. Govdya
Konstantin A. Velichko

  1. Kuban State Agrarian University after I. T. Trubilin, Department of Accounting Krasnodar, st. Kalinina, 13, 350044, Russia
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The aim of this study is to design and implement a computer system, which will allow the semantic cataloging and data retrieval in the

field of cast iron processing. The intention is to let the system architecture allow for consideration of data on various processing techniques

based on the information available or searched by a potential user. This is achieved by separating the system code from the knowledge of

the processing operations or from the chemical composition of the material being processed. This is made possible by the creation and

subsequent use of formal knowledge representation in the form of ontology. So, any use of the system is associated with the use of

ontologies, either as an aid for the cataloging of new data, or as an indication of restrictions imposed on the data which draw user attention.

The use of formal knowledge representation also allows consideration of semantic meaning, a consequence of which may be, for example,

returning all elements in subclasses of the searched process class or material grade.

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S. Kluska-Nawarecka
K. Regulski
G. Rojek
D. Wilk-Kołodziejczyk
T. Wawrzaszek
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This article presents the methodology for exploratory analysis of data from microstructural studies of compacted graphite iron to gain

knowledge about the factors favouring the formation of ausferrite. The studies led to the development of rules to evaluate the content of

ausferrite based on the chemical composition. Data mining methods have been used to generate regression models such as boosted trees,

random forest, and piecewise regression models. The development of a stepwise regression modelling process on the iteratively limited

sets enabled, on the one hand, the improvement of forecasting precision and, on the other, acquisition of deeper knowledge about the

ausferrite formation. Repeated examination of the significance of the effect of various factors in different regression models has allowed

identification of the most important variables influencing the ausferrite content in different ranges of the parameters variability.

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Authors and Affiliations

K. Regulski
G. Rojek
D. Wilk-Kołodziejczyk
G. Gumienny
B. Kacprzyk
B. Mrzygłód
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In contrast to casting to conventional non-reusable “sand” moulds, for which calculating technique for an optimum design of the gating system is comparatively well-developed, a trial-and-error method is applied mostly for casting to ceramic shell moulds made by the investment casting technology. A technologist selects from gating systems of several types (that are standardized by the foundry mostly) on the basis of experience. However, this approach is not sustainable with ever growing demands on quality of castings and also the economy of their fabrication as well as with new types of complex sizeable castings introduced to the production gradually (by new customers from the aircraft industry above all) any more. The simulation software may be used as a possible tool for making the process of optimising gating systems more effective.

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I. Stachovec
M. Horáček
L. Zemčík
V. Kolda
J. Horenský
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The article considers information technology for the realization of human communication using residual human capabilities, obtained by organizing text entry using mobile and auxiliary devices. The components of the proposed technology are described in detail: the method for entering text information to realize the possibility of introducing a limited number of controls and the method of predicting words that are most often encountered after words already entered in the sentence. A generalized representation of the process of entering text is described with the aid of an ambiguous virtual keyboard and the representation of control signals for the selection of control elements. The approaches to finding the optimal distribution of the set of alphabet characters for different numbers of control signals are given. The method of word prediction is generalized and improved, the statistical language model with "back-off" is used, and the approach to the formation of the training corpus of the spoken Ukrainian language is proposed.

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Authors and Affiliations

Iurii V. Krak
Olexander V. Barmak
Ruslan O. Bahrii
Waldemar Wójcik
Saule Rakhmetullina
Saltanat Amirgaliyeva
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Europe has to face strong competitive challenges in the field of QIT from other regions of the world. The tools for the effective implementation of the challenges related to the start, we hope, of building a quantum civilization are both common and individual in particular European countries. Joint projects in the field of QIT, usually narrowly focused, are announced by large European Agencies and are related to their activities. Large-scale collaborative projects are of course the domain of the EC. National projects depend heavily on the capabilities of individual countries and vary greatly in size. The most technologically advanced European countries invest hundreds of millions of Euros in national QIT projects annually. The largest European FET class project currently being implemented is the Quantum Flagship. Although the EQF is basically just one of the elements of a large and complicated European scene of development of quantum technologies, it becomes the most important element and, in a sense, a dominant one, also supported from the political level. There are complex connections and feedbacks between the elements of this quantum scene. National projects try to link to the EQF. Here we are interested in such connections and their impact on the effectiveness of QIT development in Europe, and especially in Poland.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ryszard S. Romaniuk

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
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The purpose of this paper was to develop a methodology for diagnosing the causes of die-casting defects based on advanced modelling, to correctly diagnose and identify process parameters that have a significant impact on product defect generation, optimize the process parameters and rise the products’ quality, thereby improving the manufacturing process efficiency. The industrial data used for modelling came from foundry being a leading manufacturer of the high-pressure die-casting production process of aluminum cylinder blocks for the world's leading automotive brands. The paper presents some aspects related to data analytics in the era of Industry 4.0. and Smart Factory concepts. The methodology includes computation tools for advanced data analysis and modelling, such as ANOVA (analysis of variance), ANN (artificial neural networks) both applied on the Statistica platform, then gradient and evolutionary optimization methods applied in MS Excel program’s Solver add-in. The main features of the presented methodology are explained and presented in tables and illustrated with appropriate graphs. All opportunities and risks of implementing data-driven modelling systems in high-pressure die-casting processes have been considered.
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Authors and Affiliations

A. Okuniewska
M.A. Perzyk
J. Kozłowski

  1. Institute of Manufacturing Technologies, Warsaw University of Technology, Narbutta 85, 02-524 Warsaw, Poland
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The article concerns the experimental verification of the numerical model simulating the solidification and cooling processes proceeding in the domain of cast iron casting. The approximate course of the function describing the evolution of latent heat and the value of substitute specific heat resulting from its course were obtained using the thermal and derivative analysis (TDA) method The TDA was also used to measure the cooling curves at the distinguished points of the casting. The results obtained in this way were compared with the calculated cooling curves at the same points. At the stage of numerical computations, the explicit scheme of the finite difference method was applied. The agreement between the measured and calculated cooling curves is fully satisfactory.
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Authors and Affiliations

J. Mendakiewicz

  1. Department of Computational Mechanics and Engineering, Silesian University of Technology, Konarskiego18A, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
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In the paper critical role of including the right material parameters, as input values for computer modelling, is stressed. The presented model of diffusion, based on chemical potential gradient, in order to perform calculations, requires a parameter called mobility, which can be calculated using the diffusion coefficient. When analysing the diffusion problem, it is a common practice to assume the diffusion coefficient to be a constant within the range of temperature and chemical composition considered. By doing so the calculations are considerably simplified at the cost of the accuracy of the results. In order to make a reasoned decision, whether this simplification is desirable for particular systems and conditions, its impact on the accuracy of calculations needs to be assessed. The paper presents such evaluation by comparing results of modelling with a constant value of diffusion coefficient to results where the dependency of Di on temperature, chemical composition or both are added. The results show how a given deviation of diffusivity is correlated with the change in the final results. Simulations were performed in a single dimension for the FCC phase in Fe-C, Fe-Si and Fe-Mn systems. Different initial compositions and temperature profiles were used.
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Authors and Affiliations

M. Wróbel
A. Burbelko

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Foundry Engineering, al. A. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland
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During the casting cycle, the relatively cold material of the mold comes into contact with the significantly higher temperature melt, which causes high temperature fluctuations on the face of the mold and in its volume, which cause cyclic temperature stress. The submitted article is based on conclusions of the article “Evaluation of the temperature distribution of a die casting mold of X38CrMoV5_1 steel”, in which the modification of temperature relations of the mold in the direction from the mold face to its volume was investigated. In current article, the influence of the tempering channel distance on the temperature modification in the volume of high pressure die casting mold is investigated. Three variants of the tempering channels placements with different location respecting the mold cavity were investigated. The temperature was monitored in two selected locations, with distribution of 1mm, 2mm, 5mm, 10mm and 20mm in the direction from the mold cavity surface to the volume of fixed and movable part of the mold. As a comparative parameter, the temperature of the melt in the center of the runner above the measuring point and the temperature of the melt close to the face of the mold were monitored. The measurement was performed using Magmasoft simulation software. It was discovered that up to a distance of 5mm from the face of the mold, a zone with complete heat transit without its accumulation occurs. Above this limit, the mold begins to accumulate heat, and from distance of 20mm from the face of the mold, the heat gradually passes into the entire mass of the mold without significant temperature fluctuations. The propositions derived from the results of the experiments presented at the end of the article will subsequently be experimentally verified in further research works.
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[1] Ebrahimi, A., Fritsching, U., Heuser, M., Lehmhus, D., Struß, A., Toenjes, A., von Hehl, A. (2020). A digital twin approach to predict and compensate distortion in a High Pressure Die Casting (HPDC) process chain. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on System-Integrated Intelligence, 11-13 November 2020 (pp. 144-149). Bremen: Elsevier B.V. DOI: 10.1016/j.promfg.2020.11.026.
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Authors and Affiliations

J. Majerník
M. Podaril
M. Majernikova

  1. Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice, Czech Republic
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In this work, the level of influence of the posts published by famous people on social networks on the formation of the cryptocurrency exchange rate is investigated. Celebrities who are familiar with the financial industry, especially with the cryptocurrency market, or are somehow connected to a certain cryptocurrency, such as Elon Musk with Dogecoin, are chosen as experts whose influence through social media posts on cryptocurrency rates is examined. This research is conducted based on statistical analysis. Real cryptocurrency exchange rate forecasts for the selected time period and predicted ones for the same period, obtained using three algorithms, are utilized as a dataset. This paper uses methods such as statistical hypotheses regarding the significance of Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient and Pearson’s correlation. It is confirmed that the posts by famous people on social networks significantly affect the exchange rates of cryptocurrencies.
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Authors and Affiliations

Sergii Telenyk
Grzegorz Nowakowski
Olena Gavrilenko
Mykhailo Miahkyi
Olena Khalus

  1. Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Cracow University of Technology, Warszawska 24, 31-155 Cracow, Poland
  2. National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute,” Prosp. Peremohy 37, Kyiv, Ukraine
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The paper includes validation studies of the flow module of the NovaFlow&Solid simulation code. Experiments of ductile iron and gray iron casting in a spiral test of castability were carried out. Casting experiments were then carried out in industrial conditions in the Ferrex Foundry in Poznań and the results are the castability spiral length and local cast iron rate during mould cavity pouring. Simulation tests using NovaFlow&Solid Control Volume code were made. The technological castability test was used to determine thermal-physical data through simplified inversion problem. Influence of physical parameters in the database of simulation code on the spiral length obtained as the result of simulation was analyzed. It was found that critical fraction of capillary flow CLFdown has the biggest impact on cast iron castability in the simulation code. The simulations resulted in defining parameters of gray iron GJL 250 and ductile iron GJS-400-15. For the parameters set, the length of castability spiral in simulations was in accordance with casting experiments.

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Authors and Affiliations

P. Popielarski
J. Hajkowski
R. Sika
Z. Ignaszak
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Computational Materials Engineering (CME) is a high technological approach used to design and develop new materials including the physical, thermal and mechanical properties by combining materials models at multiple techniques. With the recent advances in technology, the importance of microstructural design in CME environments and the contribution that such an approach can make in the estimation of material properties in simulations are frequently discussed in scientific, academic, and industrial platforms. Determination of the raw material characteristics that can be modeled in a virtual environment at an atomic scale by means of simulation programs plays a big role in combining experimental and virtual worlds and creating digital twins of the production chain and the products. In this study, a new generation, alternative and effective approach that could be used to the development of Al-Si based wheel casting alloys is proposed. This approach is based on the procedure of optimizing the physical and thermodynamic alloy properties developed in a computer environment with the CME technique before the casting phase. This article demonstrates the applicability of this approach in alloy development studies to produce Al-Si alloy wheels using the low pressure die casting (LPDC) method. With this study, an alternative and economical way is presented to the alloy development studies by trial and error in the aluminum casting industry. In other respects, since the study is directly related to the automotive industry, the reduction in fuel consumption in vehicles is an expected effect, as the new alloy aims to reduce the weight of the wheels. In addition to conserving energy, reducing carbon emissions also highlights the environmental aspects of this study.
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Authors and Affiliations

T. Yağcı
Ü. Cöcen
O. Çulha

  1. Dokuz Eylul University, Dept. of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, İzmir, Turkey
  2. Manisa Celal Bayar University, Dept. of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Manisa, Turkey
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The objective of studies presented in this publication was structuring of research knowledge about the ADI functional properties and

changes in these properties due to material treatment. The results obtained were an outcome of research on the selection of a format of

knowledge representation that would be useful in further work aiming at the design, application and implementation of an effective system

supporting the decisions of a technologist concerning the choice of a suitable material (ADI in this case) and appropriate treatment process

(if necessary). ALSV(FD) logic allows easy modelling of knowledge, which should let addressees of the target system carry out

knowledge modelling by themselves. The expressiveness of ALSV (FD) logic allows recording the values of attributes from the scope of

the modelled domain regarding ADI, which is undoubtedly an advantage in the context of further use of the logic. Yet, although the logic

by itself does not allow creating the rules of knowledge, it may form a basis for the XTT format that is rule-based notation. The difficulty

in the use of XTT format for knowledge modelling is acceptable, but formalism is not suitable for the discovery of rules, and therefore the

knowledge of technologist is required to determine the impact of process parameters on values that are functional properties of ADI. The

characteristics of ALSV(FD) logic and XTT formalism, described in this article, cover the most important aspects of a broadly discussed,

full evaluation of the applicability of these solutions in the construction of a system supporting the decisions of a technologist.

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S. Kluska-Nawarecka
K. Regulski
G. Rojek
D. Wilk-Kołodziejczyk
W.T. Adrian
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In education, information and Communications Technologies mostly play the role of a medium of communication, as well as a means of imparting knowledge. ICT, however, is used less as a subject for student activity, i.e. a subject for students to learn, where they can operate the technology, as in robotics or mechantronics. Information technologies are also very rarely implemented in education as a way for students to build their identity and shape their attitudes towards their outside and inside worlds. In spite of this, in the history of educational technology there have been a number of researchers and educators who have promoted interesting ideas for implementing technologies as tools for human cognitive, affective, psychomotor and moral empowerment. Today such people are also present in education, however, they play unimportant roles on the periphery of formal education. This paper is a reminder of a number of ideas by theorists and researchers concerning the implementation of ICT, but mainly highlights the empowerment it gives students and its humanizing/humanitarian role.

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Stanisław Dylak

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