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The article presents the practical use of biological and hydrological processes (eco-hydrology) for improving the quality of water in the ponds of the Julianowski Park. It also presents an effective method of zoning the park area for new investments.

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Barbara Wycichowska
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The article presents briefly several methods of working time estimation. However, three methods of task duration assessment have been selected to investigate working time in a real construction project using the data collected from observing workers laying terrazzo flooring in staircases. The first estimation has been done by calculating a normal and a triangular function. The next method, which is the focus of greatest attention here, is PERT. The article presents a way to standardize the results and the procedure algorithm allowing determination of the characteristic values for the method. Times to perform every singular component sub-task as well as the whole task have been defined for the collected data with the reliability level of 85%. The completion time of the same works has also been calculated with the use of the KNR. The obtained result is much higher than the actual time needed for execution of the task calculated with the use of the previous method. The authors argue that PERT is the best method of all three, because it takes into account the randomness of the entire task duration and it can be based on the actual execution time known from research.

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E. Plebankiewicz
M. Juszczyk
J. Malara
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Autor niniejszego artykułu postanowił zbadać skuteczność wykorzystania metod łączenia oraz selekcji klasyfikatorów w prognozowaniu upadłości przedsiębiorstw w Polsce. Przeprowadzone badanie pozwoliło na porównanie jakości stawianych prognoz przez cztery klasyfikatory indywidualne: liniowa analiza dyskryminacyjna, regresja logistyczna, sztuczna sieć neuronowa oraz las losowy z wynikami dziewięciu metod łączenia oraz selekcji, bazujących na zbiorze powyższych klasyfikatorów. Autor artykułu przeprowadził także analizę wpływu liczby uwzględnianych zmiennych na poprawność klasyfikacji poszczególnych metod.
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Bartłomiej Lach
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Die Methodenvielfalt in der Liturgiewissenschaft


Die Liturgiewissenschaft als eigene theologische Disziplin verwendet in ihrer wissenschaftlichen Forschung verschiedene Methoden. Außer bisher am öftesten gebrauchten historisch-genetischen und synthetisch-theologischen Methoden muss sie heutzutage auch die Methoden, die aus der pastoralen Dimension der Liturgie hervorgehen, verwenden. Daher müssen die Methoden benutzt werden, welche man in den Humanwissenschaften verwendet um die interdisziplinäre Forschung zu ermöglichen. Die besondere Bedeutung haben die hermeneutischen Methoden der Textkritik. Mann soll nach der Semantik, Syntaktik und Pragmatik der verschiedenen Elemente des Textes fragen. Die Liturgie als die Welt der Außenzeichen und Symbole muss auch mit der empirischen Methoden erforscht werden (Fragebogen, Interview und Beobachtung), wie man es in den Sozialwissenschaften tut. Die obengenanten Methoden werden abhängig vom Forschungsziel und Aufgabenkreis verwendet.

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Ks. Helmut J. Sobeczko
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The paper presents the statical research tests of rod bolt made of plastic with a length of 5.5 m, which were performed in a modern laboratory test facility at the Department of Underground Mining of the University of Science and Technology. Innovative The Self-excited Acoustic System (SAS) used to measure stress changes in the bolt support was characterized. The system can be used for the non-destructive evaluation of the strain of the bolt around the excavations as well as in tunnels. The aim of the study was to compare the re-sults recorded by two different measuring systems, thanks to which it will be possible to assess the load of long bolt support by means of the non-destructive method. The speed and simplicity of measurement, access to the sensors, accuracy of measurement and reading should be kept in mind in determining the load of rock bolt support . In addition, the possibility of damage to the sensor as a re-sult of technological or natural hazards should also be taken into account. In economic conditions, the „technical - balance laws of production”, which ex-cludes the use of load sensors on each bolt must be preserved. The use of indi-vidual load sensors of rock bolt support for the boundary state, allows appro-priate protection actions of the mining crew against sudden loss of excavation stability to be taken. The paper presents two basic effects used in the ultrasonic measurement sys-tem. The first result was the existence of stable limit cycle oscillations for posi-tive feedback. This effect is called the self-excited effect. The second effect is called the elasto-acoustic effect. It means that with the change of elastic stress-es in the material bring the change of the speed of propagation of the wave. In this connection, the propagation time between measuring heads is also changed. This effect manifests itself in the change in the oscillation frequency of the self-excited system. For this reason, by measuring the frequency of self-excited oscillation, it is possible to indirectly determine the level of effort of the tested material.

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Krzysztof Skrzypkowski
Waldemar Korzeniowski
Krzysztof Zagórski
Krzysztof Lalik
Ireneusz Dominik
Janusz Kwaśniewski
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Due to the changing social and program expectations teachers more often look for new and better solutions in the field of education and teaching. Among many teaching methods, the storyline method is a very popular one and is gaining now more and more recognition from pedagogues around the world. The method starts to have its supporters in Poland as well. This article will be devoted to the description of this innovative strategy.

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Agnieszka Kosek
Monika Kowalska
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The article presents measures related to intervention in the structure of the town, resulting from a crisis situation caused by a pandemic. This is an attempt to develop a recovery plan for the surroundings of the out- patient clinic in Wieliczka and a method of designing within a short space of time that address a wide range of problems, not only those resulting directly from the effects of the pandemic.
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CURA Connected Units for Respiratory Ailments (2020), [online], (accessed: 01.07.2021).
Harrouk, Ch. (2020), Stefano Boeri Develops Concepts and Pavilions for the Italian Anti-Covid-19 Vaccination Campaign, [online], (accessed: 01.07.2021).
Komisja Europejska (2014), Wytyczne. Opracowanie i wdrożenie planu zrównoważonej mobilności miejskiej, Bruksela.
Nosal, K. (2016), ‘Zasady tworzenia planów mobilności dla obiektów i obszarów generujących duże potoki ruchu’, Transport Miejski i Regionalny, 2/2016.
Opracowanie autorskie (2021), „Badania studialne dotyczące możliwości lokalizacji parkingu oraz drogi dojazdowej dla przychodni przy ulicy Szpunara w Wieliczce” przeprowadzone w ramach umowy nr A-06/65/2021/P zawiązanej pomiędzy Gminą i Miastem Wieliczka a Politechniką Krakowską im. Tadeusza Kościuszki.
Pintos, P. (2020), Seoul City Architectural Ideas Competition: Preparing for the Post COVID-19 Era, [online] (accessed: 01.07.2021).
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Magdalena Kozień-Woźniak
Paweł Żuk
Eliza Owczarek
Marcin Gierbienis
Mikołaj Kusior
Aleksandra Faron

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture
  2. student, Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture
  3. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering
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The problem of research undertaken in the article concerns the adaptation of traditional models of calculating the cost of capital to the specifics of mining companies. Solutions known from the literature do not give reasonable results. This is due to the uniqueness of the activities of mining companies, in which case we are dealing with a lack of reference to the typical market situations. The aim of this article is to identify solutions that allow rational and reliable results to be obtained. One of the proposals is a modified Fama-French method. The article was tested by calculating the cost of capital in the largest Polish mining enterprises. The problem of calculation of the cost of capital is particularly important in the area of assessing the effectiveness of investment projects. The cost of capital is used as the discount rate in dynamic measures of performance, such as NPV.

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Marian Turek
Aneta Michalak
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W opracowaniu podjęto po raz kolejny zagadnienie wyboru metody porządkowania liniowego jako odpowiedź na propozycję procedury przedstawionej w pracy Kisielińskiej (2016). Pokazano na dwóch przykładach, że ranking zależy od zastosowanej metody, a różnice są istotne. Podkreślono tym samym konieczność zastosowania kilku metod przed budową ostatecznego rankingu oraz wyeliminowaniu rankingów „odstających”. W artykule zaproponowano procedurę ich eliminacji. Oparto ją na średniej arytmetycznej i odchyleniu przeciętnym miar podobieństwa rankingów uzyskanych z wykorzystaniem kilku metod porządkowania liniowego. Z przedstawionych badań wynika, że dokonując wyboru metody porządkowania liniowego należy przeprowadzić obliczenia z zastosowaniem kilku procedur i dokonać wyboru wykorzystując już istniejące rozwiązania w literaturze lub zweryfikować z ekspertami badanej tematyki.
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Lidia Luty
Karol Kukuła
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Niniejsza publikacja przedstawia metodykę DEA jako narzędzie do oceny efektywności technologii energetycznych. W pierwszej części pracy ukazano podstawowe narzędzia wykorzystywane do oceny portfela projektów inwestycyjnych w przemyśle energetycznym. W dalszej części scharakteryzowano metody Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), czyli nieparametryczne procedury ustalania efektywności technologicznej badanych obiektów pod względem analizowanych czynników. W części praktycznej – wykorzystując analizę DEA – dokonano przykładowej oceny efektywności trzynastu technologii energetycznych, w tym technologii nadkrytycznego spalania węgla, zgazowania węgla połączonego z turbiną gazową oraz samodzielnego układu turbiny gazowej. Do analizy wykorzystano model nadefektywności nieradialnej z uwzględnieniem podziału na nakłady decyzyjne, niedecyzyjne oraz produkty pożądane i niepożądane. Dodatkowo przeprowadzona została analiza wyników dla przykładowej technologii. Zostały wytłumaczone możliwe sposoby interpretacji wyników końcowych z punktu widzenia obiektów efektywnych, jak i nieefektywnych. W tym drugim przypadku przedstawiono także kalkulację rozwiązania wzorcowego dla danej instalacji wraz z wnioskami co do skali działalności.
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Radosław Kapłan
Paweł Grzesiak
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An article presented hereby relates to valuation of undeveloped deposits of minerals which are not sold on markets in unprocessed form and their processing into a marketable commodity calls for construction of an additional plant which usually is not operated by a mining company. In practices lignite and limestone deposits fall into the above defined category. Difficulties in their valuation are caused by their two major properties: any economically justifiable development of such deposits can be carried out only in close co-operation with a neighboring power plant or cement factory and development of such fields is usually lengthy. Therefore, out of four methods recommended by the POLVAL Code to be used for valuation of undeveloped mineral deposits only the options based approach seems to offer, however with some important limitations, useful tools for appraisal of lignite and limestone deposits.

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Robert Uberman
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Artykuł rozwija teoretyczny potencjał koncepcji trajektorii oraz wprowadza pojęcie trajektorii bezrobocia, jak również zwraca uwagę na wartość pamiętnikarskiego materiału badawczego. Dociekania bazują na dokumentach osobistych nadesłanych w wyniku konkursów na pamiętniki bezrobotnych – w 1931, 2000 i 2017 roku, które badamy za pomocą metody biograficznej, posiłkując się narzędziem do analizy jakościowej MAXQDA. Trajektorię definiujemy jako przebieg jakiegoś zjawiska i jego ewolucję w czasie, przede wszystkim pod wpływem silnego działania struktur i mechanizmów zewnętrznych, wobec których jednostka pozostaje w ograniczonym stopniu sprawcza. Natomiast w węższym rozumieniu traktujemy ją jako sekwencję przemian w życiu człowieka, wyznaczających zmiany statusu lub pozycji. Wychodzimy od logiki trzystopniowego schematu trajektorii – upadku, trwania oraz sukcesu, aby wskazać na znajdujące się „pomiędzy” nimi trajektoryjne typy. Położenie jednostki na trajektorii sugerujemy określać ze względu na dwie zmienne. Po pierwsze, status i związane z nim punkty zwrotne. Po drugie, Bourdieuowskie kapitały.

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Łukasz Grzegorz Posłuszny
Paweł Kubicki
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The Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences (Bull.Pol. Ac.: Tech.) is published bimonthly by the Division IV Engineering Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, since the beginning of the existence of the PAS in 1952. The journal is peer‐reviewed and is published both in printed and electronic form. It is established for the publication of original high quality papers from multidisciplinary Engineering sciences with the following topics preferred: Artificial and Computational Intelligence, Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology, Civil Engineering, Control, Informatics and Robotics, Electronics, Telecommunication and Optoelectronics, Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, Thermodynamics, Material Science and Nanotechnology, Power Systems and Power Electronics.

Journal Metrics: JCR Impact Factor 2018: 1.361, 5 Year Impact Factor: 1.323, SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) 2017: 0.319, Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) 2017: 1.005, CiteScore 2017: 1.27, The Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education 2017: 25 points.

Abbreviations/Acronym: Journal citation: Bull. Pol. Ac.: Tech., ISO: Bull. Pol. Acad. Sci.-Tech. Sci., JCR Abbrev: B POL ACAD SCI-TECH Acronym in the Editorial System: BPASTS.

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Stanisław Jerzy Czuczwar
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In der wissenschaftlichen katholischen Dogmatiktheologie werden vier methodologische Haupttypen angewandt: historischer, positivistischer, systematischer (spekulativer) und personalistischer. Darüber hinaus treten zahlreiche fragmentarische oder reduktionistische Methoden auf: hermeneutische, narrative, kerygmatische, intuitive, linguistische, strukturalistische und andere. Die grundsätzlichen methodologische Typen streben danach, nicht nur die Glaubenssätze, sondern die gesamte religiöse Wirklichkeit zu erfassen.

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Ks. Czesław S. Bartnik
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The aim of this article is to demonstrate the contribution of fundamental theology to meta- theological research. The main considerations are introduced by a brief presentation of the main stages of development of the theory of theology. This renders it possible to indicate at which moment fundamental theology enters the meta-theological research and to present the research in this area. The participation of fundamental theology in these investigations is presented in two parts: (1) fundamental theological research in the area of the general theory of theology and (2) in the area of the theory of fundamental theology. In both areas, fundamental theology has a good number of publications and significant substantive achievements. This is undoubtedly due to the inclusion of meta-theology by many fundamental theologians as being important subjects of their research. Important, too, is the acknowledgement that fundamental theology, more than other theological disciplines, is predestined to carry out this type of investigation.
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Tadeusz Dola

  1. Uniwersytet Opolski
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In his article, the author attempts at pointing out the initial conditions of inter-religious dialogue and the conditions under which it can be fruitful as a method of pursuing truth in Catholic theology. The initial conditions on the Christian part follow from the fact that dialogue is understood here as a form of love (agape), and from methodological assumptions of theology. On the one hand, what the author means is the capacity to witness to Christianity as a good in which all people should participate to the extent in which it is a gift of God. On the other hand, the author means humility with which the Church should perceive her historical limitations and weaknesses in receiving and expressing this gift. Such an attitude enables you to understand that the partner in dialogue may adopt a similar attitude to your own religion. The author emphasizes that although a symetry of initial assumptions of all the partners in dialogue is their natural desire, practically, the nature of a partner's distinctness may also comprise a distinct understanding of the aims and principles of dialogue. The least possible partner ship, according to the author, includes serious treatment of the partner and of the very issue of dialogue; it alsoincludes being representative and properly prepared along the principles of the given religion, readiness to listen and willingness to learn (at least to some extent) from the Christian partner. In the course of the dialogue, attention is given to sincerity and honesty in listening and presenting a subject, in asking and answering questions, and to the important role of the breaks between the meetings, necessary for ruminating and communicating the fruit of interreligious meetings at the forum of one's own theology, in the circle of one's fellow believers. Furthermore, the author points it out that - from the Christian point of view - we may expect results coming asa gift from God the depth of which supercedes what could result from learning truth from each other by the earthly partners of the dialogue. This possible gift brings about a human obligation to accept, express and share it with the brethren as suitablyas possible. One of the features of theology is unpredictability of its results. Application of interreligious dialogue as a method, and, especially the effects of its application are still, basically, an issue of the future of theology. However, one can mention some of them that can already be noted despite the scarcity of the initial steps made in this field so far: these include attempts at breaking stereotypes in thinking about other religions, questions asked with all seriousness about the role of other religions in God's plans for humanity, appreciation of ideas drawn upon from beyond Christianity, not only from the classical Greek philosophy.

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Ks. Łukasz Kamykowski
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In the time of calling for a new evangelization in the Church as a result is at least the creation of the Papal Council for New Evangelization and the convoking of the XIII Ordi-nary Gathering of Bishops Synod under the watchword “New Evangelization for spreading the Christian faith“, one should be aware of the different types of evangelization. Only on this base can one point to the different aims of evangelization in the church connected with choosing the proper ways to carry it into effect. Speaking about three basic types, which are: missionary evangelization, pastoral evangelization and reevangelization or new evan-gelization one can speak about several basic methods of evangelization. You can describe it as a kerygmatic method, a missionary ministry method, bringing back to life faith for the members of the Church connected with self-evangelization and inculturation, a method connected precisely with pre-evangelization and new evangelization which should always have a joyful character.

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Ks. Bogdan Biela
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In the era of enormous development of modern technologies, there is an ongoing discussion among neuropsychologists about the modernization of diagnostic methods used in clinical practice. Unlike the area of scientific research, the clinical practice of neuropsychology is characterized by great resistance to the modernization of assessment methods. The roots of neuropsychological tools commonly used in clinical practice, even in highly developed countries, date back to the 19th century. There are many reasons for this phenomenon. One of them is the concern to maintain the highest psychometric and clinical standards established for diagnostic assessment methods and procedures, established in the course of the development of neuropsychology as a science. Modernization and creation of new methods that will be used in clinical practice may be achieved in many ways: a) as a result of the integration of neurosciences and health sciences, b) thanks to the implementation of modern psychometric and mathematical algorithms, including artificial intelligence, and c) through data obtained by technical devices used by the patient in everyday life. However, each of these potential development paths has its limitations. While accepting the need to modernize measurement methods for neuropsychological diagnosis in clinical practice, it should not be forgotten that implementation of modern technologies cannot be the primary goal. For the good of the patient, it is crucial to maintain the highest psychometric and clinical standards in terms of assessment methods developed over the years.
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Emilia Łojek

  1. Katedra Neuropsychologii, Wydział Psychologii,Uniwersytet Warszawski
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The purpose of this paper is to present and analyse the decision-making problem faced by a future house owner - selection of the optimal solution of building thermal insulation in relation to the selected criteria, both related to costs and future benefits. The problem of selecting the best solutions in the construction sector is widely discussed in the science literature. In this paper, the authors decided to solve the raised problem by using the Entropy method.

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P. Nowak
M. Skłodkowski
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As a machining technology, welding can cause serious accidents by overloading or operation mistakes. Through analyzing the causes of various welding accidents, we found that the major cause for damage imposed after welding parts are loaded is the fracture of materials. Therefore, studying the influence of welding residual stress on the fracture property of materials is of great significance. This paper applied the digital image correlation technique to study the fracture property of welding parts under the influence of welding residual stress. In addition, standard parts and welding parts were selected to carry out a contrast experiment. Room temperature tensile tests were performed on both standard parts and test pieces after residual stress measurement. Using displacement field and strain field data obtained through VIC-2D software, the stress intensity factor around the crack tip of each specimen under the conditions of small load was calculated and corresponding analysis was carried out.

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J. Bian
Zx. Ge
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The paper present the concept of stability assessing the of solutions which are construction schedules. Rank have been obtained through the use of task scheduling rules and the application of the KASS software. The aim of the work is the choice of the equivalent solution in terms of the total time of the project. The selected solution optimization task should be characterized by the highest resistance to harmful environmental risk factors. To asses the stability of schedule simulation technique was used.

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M. Krzemiński
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In this stud y, we attempt to analyse free nonlinear vibrations of buckling in laminated composite beams. Two new methods are applied to obtain the analytical solution of the nonlinear governing equation of the problem. The effects of different parameters on the ratio of nonlinear to linear natural frequencies of the beams are studied. These methods give us an agreement with numerical results for the whole range of the oscillation amplitude.

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G. Abdollahzadeh
M. Ahmadi
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The subject of the paper is the analysis of factors determining the value of multi-entity organizations in the energy sector and their ranking according to the degree of impact on this value. For this purpose, statistical methods were used, which are best suited to determine the order of diagnostic features according to a specific criterion. The survey covered companies from the Polish energy sector, while the process itself is based on aggregated data, which represents the financial data of capital groups currently operating in the Polish energy sector.

The first part of the article presents a short description of the Polish energy sector, paying particular attention to the organizational structure of the sector, i.e. companies operating on the domestic energy market. The nature of a multi-entity enterprise as a typical economic unit in the sector is described. The second part of the article describes the assumptions of multidimensional comparative analysis (MCA) as a tool for comparing multifunctional units. The MCA makes it possible to find the most important parameters or indicators having the greatest impact on the value of a multi-entity organization, i.e. a capital group. The survey covered four companies from the Polish energy sector: TAURON Polska Energia SA, ENEA SA, ENERGA SA and PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna SA.

The study with the use of MCA was conducted in three stages:

- in the first stage, on the basis of information contained in the financial statements, a matrix of diagnostic features was created, describing the financial condition of the examined entity,

- in the second stage, the values of diagnostic variables were normalized/unified; two methods of normalization were applied: the method of standardization and zero unitization,

- in the third stage, the diagnostic variables were grouped using two methods: the model measure of Hellwig’s development and the non-standard measure of development.

The results of the analysis are illustrated by tables and figures.

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Alicja Byrska-Rąpała
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Methodology of New Testament studies reflects the way(s) which are commonly accepted by scholars working with the second part of the Christian Bible in order to solve difficulties and problems connected with the proper reading, understanding and interpretation of biblical text. Taking into consideration the important document of Pontifical Biblical Commission Interpretation of the Bible in the Church (1993), the article describes the fundamental distinctions between approaches and methods as two general modes of enquiry of the Bible. The special attention is given towards the historical-critical method, stressing that her use is necessary in the scientific studies of the four Gospels as well as the other canonical books. Methodology of New Testament studies should also reflect the serious knowledge of the interpretation given by the Church Fathers and the Wirkungsgeschichte of the Bible.

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Waldemar Chrostowski

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