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We wszystkich obszarach aktywności twórczej wyobraźnia, jest niezbędnym elementem w życiu i funkcjonowaniu człowieka. W wielu sytuacjach życiowych jest ona nieodłącznym elementem wykorzystywanym w sposób mniej lub bardziej świadomy. Pozwala tworzyć wyobrażenia, które nie mają odpowiedników w żadnym z wrażeń, stanowiąc podstawę twórczości wszelkiej aktywności człowieka. Wyobraźnia jest naturalnym przedłużeniem wzroku, specyficzną zdolnością do wywoływania obrazów, pobudzającą do twórczego myślenia i działania. W dzisiejszych czasach człowiek nieustannie bombardowany jest coraz większą ilością dźwięków i obrazów, które „zagłuszają” naturalny rozwój wyobraźni. Szybki postęp technologiczny, którego jesteśmy świadkami, nie pozostaje bez wpływu na rozwój twórczego myślenia, tworzy bariery ograniczające człowieka.
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Mariusz Dąbrowski
Agnieszka Chęć-Małyszek
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Obserwujemy obecnie radykalny odwrót od wiary w naukę. Dlaczego antynaukowe tezy stały się tak popularne i co wpłynęło na to, że przestaliśmy ufać akademii?
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Andrzej Szahaj

  1. Wydział Filozofii i Nauk Społecznych, Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu
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The category of historical thinking has a rather unique status. On the one hand, it is widely used; on the other, its exact meaning is very rarely defined. All uses of the term agree on at least two elements: it is treated as central to the study and teaching of history, and it is treated affirma-tively. This article attempts to review the history of the concept within the German tradition of historicism and humanism. It also tries to highlight the role of crisis in the evolution of historical thinking and reconsider its utility and possible future transformation.
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Piotr Kowalewski Jahromi

  1. Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
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Do the humans nowadays enjoy the freedom of thinking? To what extent is the modern man critical of the flood of information, smooth words and beautiful truisms that come from newspapers, the Internet and television? G. K. Chesterton, an English writer and publicist of the 20th century, noticed the progressive decrease in thinking in the modern world, which seems to strive for relativization, shapelessness, disappearance of precisely defined words, and thus, for the lack of clear language. This is an extremely important phenomenon because human thoughtlessness leads to serious threats. For this reason the article analyzes the issues of Chesterton’s language blurs in contemporary discourse and their relation to the progressive thoughtlessness of the present times which increasingly absorb man into thoughtlessness of consumption. The second part of the article presents the concept of common sense by outlining its most important features and showing the inalienable need for religion and philosophy to return to clear thinking.
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Ewa Laskowska

  1. Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
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The Author examines the latest book by Wojciech Wrzosek devoted to methodological aspects of historical thinking. Cf. Wojciech Wrzosek, O myśleniu historycznym (On historical thinking), Epigram, Bydgoszcz 2009.
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Szymon Malczewski
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The essay investigates issues related to the ways in which University participates in the complex and dramatically changing reality. The „melancholy” refers, on the one hand, to University’s irrevocable right and responsibility to ask difficult questions to which there may be no easy, immediate answers, which is the mode of University addressing urgent issues of actual social and cultural life. On the other hand, however, we have recently faced the authorities’ reluctant attitude towards scholarly activities which may not coincide with the ideological guidelines, which mistrust may result in the imposition of various limitations on research and funding allocations.
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Tadeusz Sławek

  1. Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach,Wydział Filozoficzny

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Włodzimierz Lorenc

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Filozofii, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 3, 00-927 Warszawa
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The paper is an introduction to the Historyka’s special issue about “Core Concepts of Historical Thinking.” It presents framework and assumptions which shape a profile and content of the volume. It shows understanding of “knowledge of the past” broader than discipline of history only, as well as the methodological characteristics of such an account. It pays an attention to the link between conceptual thinking and the meaning of subjectivity in the modern humanistic reflection. Discussion about “core concepts of historical thinking” concerns not an allegedly, abstract and static structure of concepts which would rule historical thinking per se, but it is focused on the role of concepts which are shaped in the practices of specific researchers and their interactions with the material analyzed. The paper also situates the discussion in the context of recognized currents and ideas about meaning of concepts in humanities, especially in the methodology of historical research. In conclusion, the circumstances of the volume’s emergence is shown.
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Tomasz Wiśniewski

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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The text deals with the counterfactual thinking of preschool children. The theoretical justification for the research can be found in the nativist concepts of Alan Leslie and Alison Gopnik, which assumes that even very young children have a natural ability to accept the strangest creations of the imagination and to connect them together into one amazing whole. During the research, recognizing children’s metaphorical meanings required me to act as an interpretively involved observer-as-participant. In doing so, educational interventions enabled me to be situated within the observed phenomena, in close relationship with the children being studied. The observation, meanwhile, embraced the spontaneous activities of the children engaged in symbolic playing and the effect of these activities (mainly artistic concretizations). The liberation of counterfactual thinking in preschoolers being induced with literary texts. The collected material has allowed me to draw conclusions applicable to educational practice.

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Monika Wiśniewska-Kin
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In the extensive polemic with the book Haunting History: For a Deconstructive Approach to the Past by Ethan Kleinberg, the reviewer comments on the innovative potential of deconstruction as it enables the conception of various scenarios of the future. Kleinberg’s reflections on the ontology (or hauntology) of the past are located within the current discussion about “the ontological turn.” The reviewer compares Kleinberg’s take on a deconstructive approach to the past with similar considerations presented by Sande Cohen in the US as well as by Keith Jenkins, Alun Munslow and, more recently, Berber Bevernage in Europe.

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Ewa Domańska
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This article reflects on key concepts of historical thinking proposed by doctoral students and young researchers. Established concepts such as the social role of history, professional historian and (imagined) space are still important to the new generation of historians. At the same time, some new concepts are emerging, such as political exhumations, mass graves, motion, embodied historical research, ahistorical memory politics, websites as historical sources, critical heritage studies and heritagisation, treason, preposterous history – an idea taken from Mieke Bal, and “Supreme Peace” – a notion drawn from the Chinese philosophy of history. To interpret these concepts, I build word clouds as a way of creating knowledge involving non‑human factors (algorithms) while enabling speculative interpretations of the relations between words. The idea of a secure past comes to the fore and I therefore examine whether historical security and being secure in history could be considered important elements of interdisciplinary security studies.
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Ewa Domańska

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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In the sixth century, a series of natural disasters struck the Eastern Roman Empire, the most serious of which was the plague that raged from 541 to 542. The contemporary consensus is that Justinian's reign brought a fundamental cultural transformation and, according to Misha Meier's (2016) research, the plague marked a significant caesura in the transition from late antiquity to the Byzantine Middle Ages. The article is based on the assumption that the catastrophic events were a trigger for the transformation of the therapeutic piety, the development of which was conditioned by the ability to project the unreal. The purpose of the paper was to analyse counterfactual projections in rituals created as a response to the disasters besetting in the age of the Emperor Justinian. The author proposes to treat these religious formulas as visualised forms of counterfactual thinking based on the integration of cause and effect, according to the theory of conceptual blending. The article concludes that in case of the 6th century, counterfactual thinking enabled the transformation and development of early mediaeval culture and may have reduced the stress associated with the catastrophic events that affected the society of the Byzantine Empire.
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Marta Helena Nowak

  1. Uniwersytet Marii Curie Skłodowskiej w Lublinie
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The following paper discusses the issue of the historical policy of Polish authorities in the area of social media. In the last few years, narratives about the past in the perspective of historical policy have been becoming an ever more important part of social lives, especially when they become a field of struggle between conflicted nations. The main hypothesis is whether historical policy narratives in Poland are built upon ahistorical thinking and its categories such myths and arche-types. The auxiliary questions concentrate on the context of those narratives as the authors propose three models for the historical policy roles – areas where historical policy adopted already existing narratives, those which are antagonised, and a “new” one that did not previously exist in social media. In the end, the authors conclude that ahistorical thinking is still dominant in Polish society and social media have become a new tool for political propaganda in the area of history.
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Dawid Gralik
Adrian Trzoss

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Wydział Historii
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Rodzaj ludzki prowadził rękami i umysłami swoich wybitnych przedstawicieli wielką ofensywę przeciwko złu, niebezpieczeństwom, cierpieniom, trudom życia, przedwczesnej śmierci. Co było wrogiem i kto był wrogiem?
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Jerzy Trammer

  1. Wydział Geologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
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Niniejsza wypowiedź jest próbą charakterystyki osobowości twórczej Henryka Elzenberga. Zwłaszcza pragniemy ukazać swoistość, oryginalność i odmienność zainteresowań i refleksji myśliciela oraz jego szczególny sposób filozofowania, które nie mieściły się w konwencjach teoretycznych ani w stylach myślenia swej epoki. Jako ilustrację powyższego przeświadczenia przywołujemy tu zaledwie cztery charakterystyczne przykłady, a mianowicie refleksje filozofa na temat: relacji kultura – nauka, samobójstwa, fenomenu śmieci, oraz zastanawiamy się nad tą cechą jego pisarstwa, jaką jest, z takim powodzeniem przez niego uprawiana, aforystyczna forma wypowiedzi.
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Włodzimierz Tyburski
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The goal of the article is to propose a different approach to – and therefore a new concept of – the history of thinking. Reflecting on the history of philosophy, it suggests a broader understanding of the latter. Yet traditional studies in the history of philosophy are not to be rejected; they need to be reformed, and such a reform could be performed basing on the experiences of the discipline of historiography. Thus conceived, the history of thinking could open us to a different future.

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Jakub Dadlez
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The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how Bertrand Russell depicts the relation of mysticism to three other areas of human activity: philosophy, science, and religion, and thus: its special role. In his essay Mysticism and Logic (1914), Russell defines mystical thinking as beliefs in (1) the existence of special insight, (2) the unity of all things, (3) the unreality of time, and (4) the effacement of the boundaries between good and evil. Although he considers full mysticism – as a belief about the ontic structure of the world – to be erroneous – as a life attitude he attributes to it an element of wisdom that is lacking in other areas of human intellectual activity. Mysticism proves wrong also at the epistemological level, i.e. as a certain test of truth. But in its spirit of inquiry, it contains something that science also benefits from, and from which, therefore, scientific philosophy should take its cue. What additionally gives mysticism its value is the claim of impartial contemplation which gives rise to an attitude of love towards the whole world. Significantly, it was the combination of the best features of mystical thinking with scientific thinking and method which gave rise to Russell’s advocacy of scientific philosophy. In light of this, I argue that according to Russell mysticism is not an exclusively religious phenomenon, which is demonstrated, among other things, by the fact that he attributes two aspects of mysticism to the field of mathematics.
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Tatiana Barkovskiy

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Filozofii, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 3, 00-047 Warszawa
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In this interview, Professor Estêvão de Rezende Martins, an emeritus professor at the University of Brasilia, discusses his intellectual journey and research interests in the theory, philosophy, and methodology of history and historiography. The conversation delves into the development of historical thinking and consciousness, exploring how human existence is inherently historical and how individuals relate to their experiences through cognitive operations and historical culture. Moreover, the interview explores the evolution of the theory of history in Brazil, emphasising the shift from the speculative reflections of the philosophy of history to the meth-odological rigour of the theory of history or epistemology of history. The role of academic historiography in the face of contemporary challenges, such as the recognition of non‑human or post‑human planetary agencies, is also addressed. Martins discusses the diversification of his-toriography and its autonomy in exploring previously neglected topics, along with the need for historical education to empower individuals to think independently and critically in our border-less, globalised world. Ultimately, the interview sheds light on the ongoing theoretical experi-mentation in the field of history and the potential impact on historiographical practice in the future.
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Hugo R. Merlo

  1. Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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The article analyses the issue of the potential development of theoretical thinking in young children. The context for this discussion is found in the cultural and historical development theory of L.S. Vygotsky which constitutes the basis for assumptions regarding the thinking about development and education of children. It highlights the elementary education stage as a very important area of designing „developmental teaching” as understood by Vygotsky. The article emphasizes the role of an adult who builds the scaffolding for the child’s thinking and acting, and establishes the conditions and teaching environment necessary for the performance of a cognitive process directed at the development of theoretical thinking. In the author’s opinion building the foundation for theoretical thinking will be possible when teachers set „the right developmental and educational tasks” for a child who is constructing knowledge.

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Ewa Filipiak
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Animal behaviour and its underlying causal factors are investigated by numerous behavioural sciences. Ethology, one of the most important classical behavioural sciences, is concerned with the description and quantification of behaviour and the analysis of a wide spectre of its causal factors. Ethology also lays stress on the importance of comparative behavioural research and field research. Specific behaviour paterns were considered by classical ethology as elements of hierarchically organised behavioural systems focused on specific functions. The notion of instinct was, however, far from unequivocal and is no more frequently used in behavioural sciences. We also know that information flow between the levels of organization existing in the nervous system and in living systems in general is multidirectional. The assumption that processes running on higher levels of organization can and should be explained solely in terms of processes running on lower levels becomes thus largely groundless. In behavioural sciences reductionism can manifest itself also as the so called law of parsimony adopted during explanations of observed phenomena (Occam’s razor, Lloyd Morgan’s canon). Since the introduction of Karl Popper’s falisifiability criterion to the methodology of scientific research, reductionistic explanations of observed phenomena are, however, less frequently proposed in behavioural sciences. Instead, an approach currently used involves experimental testing of sets of hypotheses proposing alternative explanations of the observed phenomena, not necessarily the simplest ones. Classical ethology was the so called objectivist science of behaviour: its adherents did not deny the existence of subjective phenomena in animals, however, explanations of mechanisms of investigated phenomena in terms of underlying subjective processes were not considered to be sufficient. Presently we may put forward increasingly daring hypotheses concerning subjective experiences of animals thanks to the development of advanced techniques of neuroimaging such as the functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Behavioural sciences are constantly progressing and their methods become increasingly sophisticated. We can thus hope that philosophy and behavioural sciences will continue during a long time yet to contribute jointly to achieve new insights enriching our knowledge on factors influencing animal and human behaviour.

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Ewa Joanna Godzińska
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The Author presents philosophical commentaries to the Polish translation of Wilhelm Dilthey's Formation ofthe Historical World in the Humanities.
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Izabela Szyroka

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