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The fugue and sonata are artistic forms of music. Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis attempted to find out if they could be transformed into paintings.

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Paweł Siechowicz
Keywords painting art imagery
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What creative process is involved in creating a painting? Where does artistic inspiration come from?
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Magdalena Zawisza

  1. Faculty of the Humanities, University of Social Sciences in Warsaw
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The question about a painting artwork assumes that its ontological, cognitive as well as aesthetic status is not clear and only a profound analysis can specify what lies hidden behind this concept. Ingarden underlines its ambiguousness and discerns that its elimination constitutes one of the major tasks of aesthetics. The ambiguity just mentioned can be discerned in the gap between a painting artwork and a canvas, Ingarden emphasizes. This distinction is already curious in itself, as the two terms may be considered synonyms, yet this affinity which presupposes a distinction seems to indicate that a canvas is not a painting and is not even a part of it but constitutes a separate physical item. In the first part of the article, I offer reasons, which prompted Ingarden to introduce and emphasize this distinction which underlies the answer to the question, what constitutes the painting artwork and what constitutes the canvas that bears it. The second part of my paper focuses on the essential relationship between the painting with its physical foundation. In the third section I discuss the consequences resulting from the maintenance of the distinction in question. This reconstruction of Ingarden’s views is accompanied by comments which are polemical in character but also constitute an expansion of the underpinnings involved in the distinction that has been analyzed.
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Artur Mordka

  1. Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, Instytut Filozofii, Al. T. Rejtana 16c, 35-310 Rzeszów
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Learning to experience art involves training one’s sensitivity, empathy, tolerance and interpretation.
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Magdalena Sołtys
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The policy of sustainable development seeks to improve energy efficiency of industrial equipment. Efforts to improve energy efficiency also apply to the paint shops, where the recovery of waste heat is sought. The main source of a large amount of low-temperature waste heat in the paint shop is the spray booth. The second place where a large amount of low temperature waste heat is released is the room where the compressed air is prepared. Low energy efficiency of air compressors requires a large electric power supply. As a result, the emitted large heat fluxes become waste energy of the technological process. Heat is equivalent to up to 93% of the electric power supplied in the air compression process. There are solutions for recovering heat from compressors coming from the oil cooling water, but then the waste heat from the cooling of the compressed air and from the electric motor is released into air in the room. A method for recovering low-temperature waste heat from the air preparation room by means of an air-source heat pump has been proposed. An energy balance of the air compression and dehumidification process for the paint shop was made. A Matlab’s built-in numerical model includes air compressor and dehumidifier, heat recovery and accumulation for the purposes of use in the spray booth. A simulation experiment was carried out on the effectiveness of heat recovery from the air preparation room. The use of combined energy management in paint shops was proposed.

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Andrzej Adamkiewicz
Piotr Nikończuk
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The article studies such cultural phenomenon as madness in its romantic (Edgar Poe) and expressionistic (Ivan Shmelyov) interpretation. Refl ecting upon the philosophical concept introduced by Michel Foucault the author analyzes how visual-plastic and verbal experience of interpreting madness in terms of literature is realized. Verbal and literary peculiarities of creating an aesthetic image of madness within the romantic canon in Poe’s story is compared to the specific features of verbal and visual images created in the style of expressionism by Shmelyov. Techniques of literary image visualization, revealing the specific nature of interaction between different forms of literature, art, cinema peculiar to the first third of the twentieth century, are studied in the process of transition from the aesthetics of story to the aesthetics of presentation.

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Anna Stiepanowa
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The paper presents a Car Sequencing Problem, widely considered in the literature. The issue considered by the researchers is only a reduced problem in comparison with the problem in real automotive production. Consequently, a newconcept, called Paint Shop 4.0., is considered from the viewpoint of a sequencing problem. The paper is a part of the previously conducted research, identified as Car Sequencing Problem with Buffers (CSPwB), which extended the original problem to a problem in a production line equipped with buffers. The new innovative approach is based on the ideas of Industry 4.0 and the buffer management system. In the paper, sequencing algorithms that have been developed so far are discussed. The original Follow-up Sequencing Algorithm is presented, which is still developed by the authors. The main goal of the research is to find the most effective algorithm in terms of minimization of painting gun changeovers and synchronization necessary color changes with periodic gun cleanings. Carried out research shows that the most advanced algorithm proposed by the authors outperforms other tested methods, so it is promising to be used in the automotive industry.

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Sara Bysko
Jolanta Krystek
Szymon Bysko
Radim Lenort
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Émile Verhaeren was one of the most important poets of the Leopoldine generation in Belgium, and a committed art critic. His career started in 1881 with his apprenticeship with Edmond Picard in Brussels, the leader of the group of artists, writers and activists who sought to liberate Belgian public life from the undue influence of Paris. His articles published in many Belgian journals were collected and published by Paul Aron in 1997 in the volume titled Écrits sur l’art (1881–1916). Their analysis carried out in comparison with his poetic texts allows us to see him as an artist open to new aesthetic ideas and an activist fighting for freedom of expression in art. The key aspect of Verhaeren’s approach towards painting and literature is the recognition and better appreciation of the Early Flemish painting tradition as the basis to create the identity of the Belgians. His views on art inseparable from the construction of a national identity can be interpreted as a part of the Norse mythology developed by another important Belgian writer, Maurice Maeterlinck in the manuscript from 1888 called Cahier Bleu.
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Zweig Stefan, Émile Verhaeren, London 1914, (dostęp: 15 VII 2020).
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Marta Ścisło

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski
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The topic of the article is the presentation of artistic trends that appeared in Ukrainian art at the turn of the 1980s and 1990s and which are described as postmodern. These include: trans-avant-garde painting, performative art, media art, and conceptual art. All of them are an expression of the newly gained freedom, they choose the oppressive past as their main adversary, but they are also a form of reflection on new cultural and intellectual phenomena that appeared in Ukraine during this period (mass culture, “new spirituality”). The point of my article is not a detailed analysis of the works of individual artists, as I only indicate selected trends and directions.
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Marta Zambrzycka

  1. Warszawa, Uniwersytet Warszawski
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“The Unsleeping Eye” is one of the frequent themes of Ukrainian domestic icons in the 19th century. The little Jesus is resting on the cross lying on the ground, and next to him there are the instruments of the Passion. His closed eyes indicate sleep (death?) after the crucifixion, and the arma passionis emphasize the Passion contents. A late medieval Byzantine theme with deep and complex symbolism, called in Greek άναπεσών (Anapeson) constitutes the origin of this representation. The main idea of this picture grows from the parallel of the lion – Christ, described in the fourth‑century Greek Physiologist. The article shows how the theme, which arose within Byzantine intellectual circles, in gradually changing its form, content and purpose, settled down in the art of the common people.
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Agnieszka Gronek

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie
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In 2019, a 15th-century print entitled The Tower of Wisdom kept by the Kórnik Library in Poland was subjected to scientific examination. The main purpose of the examination of the hand-coloured image was the identification of the technique of the application of the text and the illustrations. The conducted examination proved a thesis that it is an example of xylographic print. Moreover, the elemental composition of the paint layer was analysed, revealing no colours which were not used in the period of the object’s origin.
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Authors and Affiliations

Tomasz Kozielec
Mirosław Wachowiak

  1. Wydział Sztuk Pięknych UMK
  2. Zakład Konserwacji i Restauracji Sztuki Nowoczesnej UMK
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The Controlled Atmosphere Brazing (CAB) process together with NOCOLOKr flux is associated with the occurrence of potassium fluoroaluminate residue inside the cooler. Excess of this flux residue is known to cause gelation of the coolant, which deteriorates the efficiency of the cooler. The flux residue amount is most often measured via Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS), in accordance with DIN ISO 9964-3. This is a time-consuming measurement that requires the use of specialized equipment and costly solvents. The following article presents two innovative methods for flux residue measurement after CAB process. They include Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) with Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) and Reflected Light Microscopy (RLM) with Differential Interference Contrast (DIC) module. The accuracy of these methods has been compared to the reference AAS method to evaluate their potential as alternative, less expensive, and quicker measurement methods for determining the quantity of flux residue.
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Authors and Affiliations

Sławomir NADOLNY
Adam Hamrol
Michał Rogalewicz
Adam Piasecki
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The aim of comparing Ecce Homo by Adam Chmielowski (late nineteenth century) with The Surrealist Shooting (1949) by Andrzej Wróblewski is to show how the ability to depict God was gradually breaking down in the modern period. While Chmielowski tried to overcome that deadlock, Wróblewski after having decided to join the Communist revolution, focused on depicting the retreating God.
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Adam Chmielowski, Brat Albert 1846–1916. Katalog wystawy, Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie, oprac. Jerzy Sienkiewicz, Warszawa 1939.

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Authors and Affiliations

Anna Markowska

  1. Uniwersytet Wrocławski
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The purpose of the present article is to provide an analysis of the iconographic sources used in the depiction of Adam and Eve in the 3rd–4th century wall paintings. The scene of the Original Sin initially appeared in wall painting, with the oldest examples dating back to the 3rd century AD. In the following century, images of Adam and Eve were used in both sarcophagus sculpture and crafts. The author of the article compares two different iconographic sources, which together shape the final appearance of Original Sin in the art of the period. A crucial literary source beside the text of Genesis is the apocryphal Lives of Adam and Eve, tracing a different sequence of events related to the story of the Original Sin. On the other hand, the analysis of ancient depictions of Hercules and the goddess Venus reveals an intriguing connection between the representations of the Original Sin and pagan iconography.
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Bartłomiej Żurawski

  1. Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie
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The aim of the article is to reflect on the phenomenon of great art exhibitions, gathering exhibits, mainly paintings, exceptional from the perspective of national cultural heritage, which collectively represent a defined generational message. The reflection included the best‑known exhibitions of recent decades, being an expression of the historical culture of a time of great changes in the life of Polish society at the turn of the 21st century. These are two exhibitions at the National Museum in Kraków, the first exhibition ever by Marek Rostworowski, “Polish self‑portrait” (1979); the second is an exhibition of Marek Szczerski’s work entitled #dziedzictwo/heritage (2017); a jubilee exhibition organised by the National Museum in Warsaw in collaboration with the Louvre‑Lens Museum, the National Museum in Poznan and the Adam Mickiewicz Institute on the centennial of regaining independence, entitled “Poland. The power of the image” (2019‑2021). This reflection also includes the monumental exhibition organised collectively by the Royal Castle in Warsaw and the Martin Gropius Bau in Berlin, with the participation of the curator Anda Rottenberg, entitled “Side by side. Germany‑Poland 1000 years of history in art.” (2012).
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Violetta Julkowska

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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Infrared (IR) reflectography has been used for many years for the detection of underdrawings on panel paintings. Advances in the fields of IR sensors and optics have impelled the wide spread use of IR reflectography by several recognized Art Museums and specialized laboratories around the World. The transparency or opacity of a painting is the result of a complex combination of the optical properties of the painting pigments and the underdrawing material, as well as the type of illumination source and the sensor characteristics. For this reason, recent researches have been directed towards the study of multispectral approaches that could provide simultaneous and complementary information of an artwork. The present work relies on non−simultaneous multispectral inspection using a set of detectors covering from the ultraviolet to the terahertz spectra. It is observed that underdrawings contrast increases with wavelength up to 1700 nm and, then, gradually decreases. In addition, it is shown that IR thermography, i.e., temperature maps or thermograms, could be used simultaneously as an alternative technique for the detection of underdrawings besides the detection of subsurface defects.

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Authors and Affiliations

A. Bendada
S. Sfarra
C. Ibarra-Castanedo
M. Akhloufi
J.P. Caumes
C. Pradere
J.C. Batsale
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Ekphrases are fairly common in the literature of the Young Poland movement, with descriptions of paintings of women making up a notable portion of such visual representations. This article examines the functioning of the motif of a woman’s portrait in the work of writers of the late 19th and early 20th century, including Stanisław Przybyszewski, Kazimierz Przerwa-Tetmajer, Jan August Kisielewski, Karol Irzykowski, Wacław Berent and Stanisław Grudziński. The analyses, guided by feminist literary theory, focus on the implied artist's control over the painted figure (man over woman, but also the woman artist over the male recipient), the ways in which the work of art can becomes a vehicle of subconscious truths, the correspondences between emotions and colours.
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Literatura podmiotu

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Authors and Affiliations

Lidia Kamińska

  1. Wydział Polonistyki, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków

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