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The temperature dependence of the particle size distribution (PSD) of the magnetic fluid with an additional biocompatible dextran layer was studied using a ultrasonic method. The measurements of the ultrasound velocity and attenuation were carried out as a function of the volume concentration of magnetite particles at temperatures ranging from 15°C to 40°C. In order to extract the PSD from ultrasonic measurements, the theoretical model of Vinogradov-Isakovich was used. The extraction of PSD from the ultrasonic data requires also the measurements the density and viscosity of the ferrofluid samples. The calculated PSD of the magnetic fluid with an additional biocompatible layer shows a greater thermal stability than that of a magnetic fluid with a single surfactant layer.
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Leszek Dąbek
Tomasz Hornowski
Arkadiusz Józefczak
Andrzej Skumiel
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This paper presents the results of experimental drum granulation of silica flour with the use of wetting liquids with different values of surface tension. Additionally, different liquid jet breakup and different residual moisture of the bed were applied in the tests. The process was conducted periodically in two stages: wetting and proper granulation, during which no liquid was supplied to the bed. The condition of the granulated material after the period of wetting (particle size distribution and moisture of separate fractions) and a change in the particle size distribution during the further conduct of the process (granulation kinetics) were determined.

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Michał Błaszczyk
Andrzej Heim
Tomasz P. Olejnik
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Accurate estimation of soil permeability is crucial in many geotechnical applications. Empirical and theoretical equations based on soil particle size distribution (PSD) offer a fast and cheap way for preliminary estimation of permeability in granular soils, however the results obtained from various formulas available in the literature often show significant discrepancies. While several comparative studies on this topic have been published, no definite conclusions can be drawn on the performance of the predictive equations in comparison with in-situ permeability measurements. Many formulas require porosity or void ratio as input parameter, which is difficult to obtain for granular soil in-situ. In this study we applied 30 predictive equations to estimate permeability of sandy soil in an outwash plain deposit. The equations were divided into 5 groups, based on their structure and the required input parameters. Empirical formulas were used to estimate the expected in-situ porosity range. The obtained permeability values were compared to the results of in-situ permeameter measurements and pumping tests. Significant differences in the results and in their sensitivity to porosity were found between the 5 groups of methods. In general, simple equations which do not include porosity were in better agreement with measurements than the other groups.
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Wioletta Gorczewska-Langner
Anna Gumuła-Kawecka
Beata Jaworska-Szulc
Rafael Angulo-Jaramillo
Adam Szymkiewicz

  1. Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, ul. Narutowicza11, 80-233 Gdansk, Poland
  2. Laboratoire LEHNA, 3, rue Maurice Audin, 69518 Vaulx-en-Velin, Franc
  3. Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, ul. Narutowicza 11, 80-233 Gdansk, Poland
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In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to the quality of produced coal size categories for energy purposes. This is important from the perspective of promoting clean coal technologies which aim at changing the perception of coal as a fuel friendly for the environment. This is specifically because hard coal resources in Poland allow the national energy security to be guaranteed on the basis of energy production based on hard coal. Fine coals upgraded at coal processing facilities in the separation process in fine coal jigs are mainly used in energy production from coal. In the article, an analysis of hard coal upgrading in a jig regarding the optimum recovery of a useful fraction in the concentrate (combustible and volatile matter) and non-useful fraction in tailings (ash and sulfur) was conducted. Based on the industrial testing of a fine coal jig, the granulometric and densimetric analysis of the taken samples of concentrate, middlings and tailings of coal was conducted in laboratory conditions. Yields of products were calculated in separated size-fractions of separation products, and ash content and total sulfur content were determined in them. Based on the results of granulometric, densimetric and chemical analyses of the obtained size-fractions, the balance of separation products and appropriate calculations, Fuerstenau upgrading curves which allowed the process to be evaluated and a comparison of the results of hard coal upgrading regarding the optimum recovery of the organic phase in the concentrate and mineral components in tailings to be drawn. The obtained results were evaluated on the basis of different criteria for changing the device’s hydrodynamic operational conditions. The ash content and total sulfur content were analyzed as non-useful substances.

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Agnieszka Surowiak
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In technology of coal fines beneficiation in Poland mainly fines jigging processes are in use. In case of steam coal fines beneficiation it is till 80% of the whole amount of produced assortments, while in case of coking coal fines it is 100%. The necessary condition of not homogenous feed separation which is directed to beneficiation process in pulsating water stream is a sufficient liberation of particles. The stratification of particles in working bed causes that particles of certain size, density and shape gather in individual layers in working bed of jig. The introduction of sufficient amount of additional water determines appropriate liberation of particles group, which generates partition into concentrate and tailings. The paper presents the results of sampling of industrial jig used for the beneficiation of coal fines by three various settings of additional amount of water under sieve which is directed to jigging. These amounts were equal to 35, 50 and 70 [m3/h]. Collected samples of separation products were then sieved into narrow particle size fractions and divided into density fractions. In such narrow size-density fractions the coordinates of partition curves were calculated for tailings of hard coal fines, which were subsequently approximated by means of Weibull distribution function. The separation precision measured by separation density, probable error and imperfection were determined on the basis of obtained model separation curves. The evaluation of separation effects was performed for a wide particle size fraction: feed directed to jigging process and narrow particle size fractions. The analysis of separation results in size-density fractions allowed to determine the influence of particle size change on the value of probable error. The results of separation precision in size-density fractions were compared with effects of separation of wide particle fraction, i.e. feed directed to jigging process.
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Authors and Affiliations

Agnieszka Surowiak
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The problem of of the use of fly ash still constitutes a research and exploration area for scientists. This is due to the fact that, 6,000,000 Mg of coal combustion by-products (CCB) are storage on landfills yearly in Poland alone. One of the potential directions of using fly ash is to use it as a substrate in hydrothermal syntheses of mesoporous materials (synthetic zeolites). Zeolites are aluminosilicates with a spatial structure. Due to their specific structure they are characterized by a number of specific properties among others molecular-sieve, ion-exchange and catalytic that can be used in engineering and environmental protection. So far, the synthesis has been carried out using coal combustion by-products such as fly ash or microsphere. The article analyzes whether separation from the fly ash of the appropriate fraction (below 63 μm) will affect the formation of zeolite grains. The syntheses were carried out using class F fly ash and the fraction separated from it, which was obtained by sieving the ash through a 63 μm sieve. Chemical (XRF) and mineralogical (XRD, SEM-EDS) analyzes were carried out for substrates as well as the obtained reaction products. In the case of substrates, the analysis did not show any significant differences between the ash and the separated fraction. However, in products after synthesis (Na-X zeolite with a small amount of Na-P1 zeolite, and small amounts of quartz and unreacted aluminosilicate glass - mullite) higher aluminum and sodium contents were observed from the separated fraction, with a lower calcium and potassium content. A small proportion of illite was observed on the diffraction curve of the zeolite from the fraction. Observations of grain morphology showed no differences in formation. Based on the conducted analyzes, it can be stated that, considering the economics of the synthesis process, the separation of fine fractions from the fly ash does not affect the quality of the synthesis process.

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Dorota Czarna-Juszkiewicz
Piotr Kunecki
Rafał Panek
Magdalena Wdowin
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Granulometrie composition of dust coming from main technological nodes - i.e. from the sinter plant, blast furnace and lead refinery - of the zinc smelter in Poland was investigated. Samples of dust trapped in bag filters were collected. The sieve analysis, sediment analysis and a laser analyzer of granulomeric composition were used in investigations. Mass and particle number contributions of the dust to nine granulometrie fractions having aerodynamic diameters in intervals: 0-2.5, 2.5-5, 5-10, 10-20, 20-32, 32-40, 40-63, 63-100, I 00-250 μm were determined. To determine mathematical functions describing (mass and particle number) changes in the fractional composition of each dust the results were statistically analyzed by applying the nonlinear estimation. Using of the polynomial regression provided a very good correlation between the sought functions and results of measurements. The results of measurements are presented in tables and charts. High degree of granulometrie diversity of the investigated dust samples, depending on the dust formation mechanisms, i.e. on the technology used and composition of raw materials, was noted. High share of the fine particles in the dust may be a serious hazard to human health, especially in the case of breakdown in functioning of dust collectors.
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Edyta Melaniuk-Wolny
Jan Konieczyński
Bogusław Komosiński
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Previous studies indicated that particle size distribution affects the composition of keratinolytic and keratinophilic fungi in sewage sludge. The present study was to determine the composition of these fungi in sludge particle size fractions (> I, 1-0.5, 0.5--0.25, 0.25--0.125, 0.125-0.063, O 063--0.032 and < 0.032 mm) in a model experiment. I n the original sludge sample and its fractions, the composition of keratinolytic and kcratinophilic fungi was determined by using the hair baiting method. The composition of actidioneresistant fungi was also determined by using the dilution method and the Wiegand medium supplemented with chloramphenicol ( I 00 mg/dm') and actidione (500 mg/dm3). The number of keratinolytic and keratinophilic fungi isolated by the hair baiting method was lower in fractions than in the original sludge sample. In contrast, fungal quantities obtained by the dilution method were higher in fractions than in the original sludge sample. Qualitative differences were also observed. The conclusion was that nutrient factors associated with sludge particle size fractions, chietly total sulfur content and C:S ratio, affected the composition of keratinolytic and keratinophilic fungi in the sludge more than the fungal propagule quantities (inocula).
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Krzysztof Ulfig
Grażyna Plaza
Maciej Terakowski
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The article presents the study results of electropulse grinding of amber in aqueous and alcoholic media at different amounts of supplied energy. Description of the electropulse grinding laboratory installation, the mechanism of the destruction process of amber particles and methods of statistical processing of experimental data are given. It was established that alcohol medium has a greater impact on the efficiency of crushing than water. Thus, under the same conditions of energy supply, in the aqueous medium the weighted average particle size of amber was 601:6±688:9 μm, and in an alcohol medium – 368:0±269:6 μm. In an aqueous medium, the particle size decreased to 1/13.6 of raw sample, and in an alcoholic medium to 1/22.3 of raw sample compared to the initial size of raw amber. We found that in the aqueous medium the ratio of large to small fractions is mainly the same with the coefficient of alignment of particles with a size of 1.09. In an alcoholic medium, this ratio significantly differs, with the coefficient of alignment of amber particles of a size of 1.67 with the amount of supplied energy of 125 kJ.
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Authors and Affiliations

Valentyn Chornyi
Yevgen Kharchenko
Taras Mysiura
Nataliia Popova
Volodymyr Zavialov

  1. Institute of Food Technologies, National University of Food Technologies, Kyiv, Ukraine.
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In this study, lead-free 0.94 Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3-0.06BaTiO3 (NBT-BT) compositions at morphotropic phase boundary were successfully synthesized by solid-state reaction method. The effects of the particle size for various milling time (12-24-48 hours) and sintering temperatures (1100-1125-1150-1175oC for 2h) on the electrical properties of the NBT-BT ceramics were evaluated. Experimental results showed that particle size and sintering temperatures significantly affect the electrical properties of NBT-BT ceramics. The particle size of the ceramic powders decreasing while milling time increases to 48 hours. Particle size values for 0, 12, 24 and 48 hours (h) milled powders were measured as nearly 1.5 µm, 1 µm, 700 nm, and 500 nm respectively. The bulk density enhanced with increasing sintering temperature and showed the highest value (5.73 g/cm3) at 1150oC for 48h milled powder. Similarly, the maximum piezoelectric constant (d33) = 105 pC/N, electromechanical coupling coefficient (kp) = 25.5% and dielectric constant (KT) = 575 were measured at 1150oC for 48 h milled powder. However, mechanical quality factor (Qm) was reduced from 350 to 175 with decreasing particle size. Similarly, remnant polarization was dropped by decreasing powder particle size from 56 μC/cm2 to 45 μC/cm2.

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Authors and Affiliations

Mert Gul
Mevlüt Gurbuz
Abdi B. Gokceyrek
Aysegül Toktaş
Taner Kavas
Aydin Dogan
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Recently, the need to develop fuel efficient transport systems has led to the development of a range of materials of low density, high stiffness and high strength each can be made at a reasonable cost. The aluminium based alloys are particularly important because of their improved mechanical, physical and technical properties. Fatigue failures have been recognised since the early days of the industrial revolution. Fatigue response of most of materials is related with the microstructural variations in the structure. Hence, in this study, influence of particle size and volume fractions on fatigue properties of Al-alloy composites was investigated. It was found that particle size and volume fraction of reinforcement particles play significant role on fatigue propagation rates, stress intensity threshold values, crack tip opening distance and crack tip plastic zone sizes.
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I. Uygur

  1. Duzce University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Eng. 81620, Duzce
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Nickel slag has a high-content iron and is a secondary utilization resource with great development potential. The coal-based direct reduction is an innovative technology that can be used to utilize the iron resources in nickel slag. The effect of the particle size of nickel slag on the strength and the reduction of nickel slag-coal composite briquettes were investigated. Four samples with particle size of 75~106 μm, 106~150 μm, 150~270 μm, and >270 μm were selected. The drop strength increased 9.4 times and the compressive strength reached 281.1 N when the nickel slag particle size decreased from >270 μm to 75~106 μm. The reduction degree determined by the data from the thermogravimetric experiment indicated that its maximum was 79.545%. The reduction experiments performed at 1200°C for 45 minutes indicated that the nickel slag with particle sizes between 75~106 µm were appropriate for the reduction of the nickel slag-coal composite briquettes.

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Xiaoming Li
Yi Li
Xiangdong Xing
Yanjun Wang
Zhenyu Wen
Haibo Yang
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This paper deals with the problem of determining the particle size distribution of selected organic soils from the vicinity of Rzeszów (Poland), using a laser diffractometer method, the knowledge of which will allow to determine the degree of differentiation or similarity of the tested organic soils in this aspect. The HELOS Laser Diffractometer manufactured by Sympatec GmbH was used for the tests. For proper analysis, the researches results in the form of graphs were grouped according to the content of organic substances in accordance with the standard classification. The conducted research was primarily aimed at presenting the grain differentiation and particle size distribution in terms of the applied method and comparing the test results of samples of selected, different organic soils, prepared using the same dispersion procedure and carried out in exactly the same test conditions, generated using capabilities of a diffractometer. Summing up, the laser diffractometer method presented in the article, although not fully verified in the case of organic soils, seems to be a the perspective method with capabilities allowing it to be nominated as an exceptionally useful method for the investigations of soft soils, including organic soils.
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Grzegorz Straż

  1. Rzeszow University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture Civil Engineering, al. Powstanców Warszawy 12, 35-959 Rzeszow, Poland
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With the rapid development of industry, abundant industrial waste has resulted in escalating environmental issue. Steel slag is the by-product of steel-making and can be used as cementitious materials in construction. However, the low activity of steel slag limits its utilization. Much investigation has been conducted on steel slag, while only a fraction of the investigation focuses on the effect of steel slag particle size on the properties of mortar. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of steel slag particle size as cement replacement on properties of steel slag mortar activated by sodium sulphate (Na2SO4º. In this study, two types of steel slag, classified as fine steel slag (FSS) with particle sizes of 0.075mm and coarse steel slag (CSS) with particle sizes of 0.150 mm, were used for making alkali activated steel slag (AASS) mortar. Flow table test, compressive strength test, flexural strength test and UPV test were carried out by designing and producing AASS mortar cubes of (50 x 50 x 50) mm at 0, 10%, 20% and 30% replacement ratio and at 0.85% addition of Na2SO4. The results show that the AASS mortar with FSS possess a relatively good strength in AASS mortar. AASS mortar with FSS which is relatively finer shows a higher compressive strength than CSS up to 38.0% with replacement ratio from 10% to 30%. This study provided the further investigation on the combined influence of replacement ratio and particle size of SS in the properties of fresh and hardened AASS.
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Doh Shu Ing
Chia Min Ho
Xiaofeng Li
Ramadhansyah Putra Jaya
Mohd Mustafa Al Bakri Abdullah
Siew Choo Chin
Nur Liza Rahim
Marcin Nabiałek

  1. College of Engineering, University Malaysia Pahang, 26300 Gambang Kuantan Pahang, Malaysia
  2. Faculty of Chemical Engineering Technology, University Malaysia Perlis, Malaysia
  3. Department of Physics, Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland
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The analysis of particle size in suspensions carried out with use of the laser diffraction method enables us to obtain not only information about the size of particles, but also about their properties, shape and spatial structure, determined basing on fractal dimension. The fractal dimension permits the evaluation of the interior of aggregates, at the same time showing the degree of complexity of the matter. In literature, much attention is paid to the evaluation of the fractal dimension of flocs in activated sludge, in the aspect of control of single processes, i.e. sedimentation, dehydration, coagulation or flocculation. However, results of research concerning the size of particles and the structure of suspensions existing in raw and treated sewage are still lacking. The study presents optical fractal dimensions D3 and particle size distributions measured with use of laser granulometer in raw and treated sewage and activated sludge collected from six mechanical-biological wastewater treatment plants located in the Lower Silesian region. The obtained test results demonstrate that wastewater treatment plants that use both sequencing batch reactors and continuous flow reactors are more efficient at capturing suspension particles of a size up to 30 μm and are characterized by an increased removal of particles of a size ranging from 30 μm to 550 μm to the outflow. Additionally, in the case of samples of treated sewage and activated sludge collected at the same location, at short intervals, similar particle distributions were observed. As far as the analysis of fractal dimensions is concerned, particles contained in the raw sewage suspension were characterized by the lowest values of the fractal dimension (median equals 1.89), while the highest values occurred in particles of activated sludge (median equals 2.18). This proves that the spatial structure of suspension particles contained in raw sewage was similar to a linear structure, with a large amount of open spaces, while the structure of particles contained in the activated sludge suspension was significantly more complex in the spatial aspect.

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Magdalena Kuśnierz
Paweł Wiercik
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This paper presents an effect of general dimensions of a reverse flow mini-cyclone with a tangential inlet on its separation efficiency. Several mini-cyclone design modifications are presented and evaluated for use in the air filtration systems of motor vehicles. Local design improvements of three components of a reverse flow mini-cyclone with a tangential inlet D-40 of an air filter fitted in an all-terrain vehicle engine were introduced. An asymmetric curvilinear shape of an outlet port was used instead of a symmetrical shape. An outlet vortex finder inlet port shape was streamlined, and a cylindrical outlet vortex finder of the cyclone was replaced with a conical one. Experimental evaluation of the effects of the design improvements of mini-cyclone on its separation efficiency and performance as well as flow resistance was carried out. Separation efficiency of the cyclone was determined using the mass method as a product of dust mass retained by the mini-cyclone and supplied to the mini-cyclone in a specified time. Separation performance of the cyclone was determined as the largest dust particle dz =dzmax in a specific test cycle in the cyclone outlet air stream. A polydisperse PTC-D test dust used in Poland, a substitute for AC-fine test dust was used. Dust concentration at the mini-cyclone inlet was kept at 1 g/m3. The size and total number of dust particles in the air stream at the outlet of the original mini-cyclone and at the outlet of the improved mini-cyclone was determined using a particle counter.
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Tadeusz Dziubak
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Experimental research has been carried out in a supercritical circulating fluidized bed combustor in order to indicate the effect of the bed particle size on bed-to-wall heat transfer coefficient. The bed inventory used were 0.219, 0.246 and 0.411 mm Sauter mean particles diameter. The operating parameters of a circulating fluidized bed combustor covered a range from 3.13 to 5.11 m/s for superficial gas velocity, 23.7 to 26.2 kg/(m2s) for the circulation rate of solids, 0.33 for the secondary air fraction and 7500 to 8440 Pa pressure drop. Furthermore, the bed temperature, suspension density and the main parameters of cluster renewal approach were treated as experimental variables along the furnace height. The cluster renewal approach was used in order to predict the bed-to-wall heat transfer coefficient. A simple semi-empirical method was proposed to estimate the overall heat transfer coefficient inside the furnace as a function of particle size and suspension density. The computationally obtained results were compared with the experimental data of this work.
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A. Błaszczuk
W. Nowak
S. Jagodzik
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The work presents results of solution combustion method utilization for yttria (Y2O3) nanopowder fabrication. Experiments were carried out with four different reducing agents: urea, glycine, citric acid and malonic acid added in stoichiometric ratio. The reactions were investigated using simultaneous DSC/DTA thermal analysis. After synthesis the reaction products were calcined at temperature range of 800-1100°C and analyzed in terms of particle size, specific surface area and morphology. Best results were obtained for nanoyttria powder produced from glycine. After calcination at temperature of 1100°C the powder exhibits in a form of nanometric, globular particles of diameter <100 nm, according to SEM analysis. The dBET for thus obtained powder is 104 nm, however the powder is agglomerated as the particle size measured by dynamic light scattering analysis is 1190 nm (dV50).
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M. Gizowska
I. Kobus
K. Perkowski
M. Piątek
G. Konopka
I. Witosławska
M. Osuchowski
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Complex circuit of milling-classify systems are used in different branches of industry, because the required particle size distribution of product can seldom be reached in a single-stage grinding on the same device. The multistage processes of comminution and classification make possible suitable selection of parameters process for variables graining of fed material, mainly through sectioning of devices or change of their size and the types. Grinding material usually contains size fractions, which meet the requirements relating finished product. Then profitable is preliminary distributing material on a few size fractions, so to deal out with them demanded fraction of product, whereas remaining to direct alone or together with fed material to the same or different device. If the number of mills and classifiers in a circuit is large enough, building the model of particle size distribution transformation becomes rather complicated even for the circuit of a given structure. The situation becomes much more complicated, if we want to compare characteristics of all possible circuits, that can be constructed from these mills and classifiers, because the number of possible circuits increases greatly with the increase of number of devices being in the milling-classify system. The method creating matrix model for transformation of particle size distribution in a circuit of arbitrary structure of milling-classify system is presented in the article. The proposed model contains the mass population balance of particle equation, in which are block matrices: the matrix of circuit M, the matrix of inputs F and the matrix of feed F0. The matrix M contains blocks with the transition matrix P, the classification matrix C, the identity matrix I and the zero matrix 0 or elements describing the transformation of particle size distribution in the circuit. The matrix F is the block column matrix, which elements describing all particle size distributions at inputs to the circuit elements. The matrix F0 is the block column matrix, which elements describing particle size distributions in all feeds to the circuit. In paper was discussed this model in details, showed algorithm and three examples formatrix construction for the closed circuit ofmilling-classify systems. In conclusion was affirmed, that presented model makes possible to forecasting particle size distribution of grinding product, which leaving chosen the unit of system. The matrix model can be applied to improving modeling of mineral processing in the different grinding devices.

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Daniel Zbroński
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The mathematical modeling of mineral processing is a very complex task because of random character of comminuted materials. However, it allows applying of standard laws of mass preservation and mass transport. The basic method of description of comminution processes is determination of particles size distribution curves for products. In the paper, the concept of applying so-called censored distribution functions was presented, what means equations of exponential, Weibull, log-normand logistic distribution functions as the basis of crushers work description (formulas 1, 2, 3 and 4). The censoring of distribution functions is being realized through acceptation of maximum particle size dmax and the shape of them depends on shape and scale parameters. The joining of technical parameters of comminuting devices with parameters of equations describing distribution functions of products allows creating of satisfying models of comminution processes. After application of general forms of separation curves the description of sieving processes is possible (equations 6a and 6b) and then also of comminution systems. The optimization of aggregates production may be based on introduction of goal function determining profit dependably on amount of individual assortments. In case of analysis of comminution systems (formulae 10) in preparation of feed to beneficiation the goal function should be based on levels of useful minerals exposure in individual fractions. The paper shows the possibility of simulation of comminution processes course leading to determination of optimal conditions of systems containing comminution and sieving processes. Furthermore, the necessity of creation of empirical models for grinding processes was shown as they would be the compensation of models being result of heuristic analysis of phenomena. Also, the elementary rules of selection of models forms and their modifications based on justification of relations between distribution function parameters and basic technical parameters of devices as well characteristics of comminuted materials were discussed. The paper is the introduction to further research of general approach to joining grained materials characteristics with comminution effects.

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Tadeusz Tumidajski
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In order to explore the impact of coal and gangue particle size changes on recognition accuracy and to improve the single particle size of coal and gangue identification accuracy of sorting equipment, this study established a database of different particle sizes of coal and gangue through image gray and texture feature extraction, using a relief feature selection algorithm to compare different particle size of coal and gangue optimal features of the combination, and to identify the points and particle size of coal and gangue. The results show that the optimal features and number of coal and gangue are different with different particle sizes. Based on visible-light coal and gangue separation technology, the change of coal and gangue particle size cause fluctuations in the recognition accuracy, and the fluctuation of recognition accuracy will gradually decrease with increases in the number of features. In the process of particle size classification, if the training model has a single particle size range, the recognition accuracy of each particle size range is low, with the highest recognition accuracy being 98% and the average recognition rate being only 97.2%. The method proposed in this paper can effectively improve the recognition accuracy of each particle size range. The maximum recognition accuracy is 100%, the maximum increase is 4%, and the average recognition accuracy is 99.2%. Therefore, this method has a high practical application value for the separation of coal and gangue with single particle size.
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Xin Li
1 2
Shuang Wang
1 2
Lei He
1 2
Qisheng Luo
1 2

  1. School of Mechanical Engineering, Anhui University of Science and Technology, Huainan, China
  2. State Key Laboratory of Mining Response and Disaster Prevention and Control in Deep Coal Mines, Anhui University of Science and Technology, Huainan, China
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The paper presents an experimental confirmation of the fact that if a three-dimensional volume does not contain spherical particles with particular size, the Probability Density Function (PDF1) of half-chord lengths has proportional ranges. This fact has been deduced in work [1] during the derivation process of the Probability Density Function (PDF3) that maps the particle radii on the basis of data (PDF1) collected from flat cross-sections. The experiment has been executed virtually by using a simple computer program written in the C++11 language. The computer generation of particles allowed imposing various kinds of known PDF3 and the ranges in which the particles could not be created. Next, the virtual nodules have been used to produce sets of chords that served as input data to create histograms that approximated the continuous PDF1. Having such histograms, it was possible to reveal proportional scopes of the PDF1. The proportional dependencies occurred in the same ranges where the nodules had not been generated.
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Authors and Affiliations

D. Gurgul

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland
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Petroleum products influence the engineering behaviour of the soil. Neogene clays and glacial tills from Central Poland were tested under laboratory conditions to evaluate the changes of selected physical and mechanical parameters: particle size distribution, particle density, swelling, shear strength and permeability. Four petroleum products were used in the experiments: diesel fuel, kerosene, jet fuel and mineral engine oil. The study revealed that even for the lowest degree of contamination the values of physical and mechanical properties of the soils changed significantly. Greater variation can be expected in soils contaminated with high-viscosity compounds. Also, higher relative changes were found for glacial tills than for Neogene clays. Consolidation tests revealed changes in soil permeability depending on the soil composition and the physical properties of the contaminant – considerable reduction of permeability was observed for glacial tills contaminated with light Jet fuel, while the reduction was lower for Neogene clays. The obtained results indicate the role of mesopores and the dimensionless pore pressure coefficient in changes of soil permeability. The methodological issues regarding testing and analysing the hydrocarbon-contaminated soils were also presented and discussed, which might be useful for researchers studying contaminated soils.
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Authors and Affiliations

Paweł Dobak
Dorota Izdebska-Mucha
Piotr Stajszczak
Emilia Wójcik
Kamil Kiełbasiński
Ireneusz Gawriuczenkow
Tomasz Szczepański
Piotr Zbigniew Zawrzykraj
Anna Bąkowska

  1. University of Warsaw, Faculty of Geology, Department of Engineering Geology and Geomechanics, Żwirki i Wigury 93, 02-089 Warszawa, Poland

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