Instructions for authors
Author Guidelines
• Manuscripts intended for publication in Archives of Acoustics should be submitted in pdf format by an on-line procedure.
• Manuscript should be original, and should not be submitted either previously or simultaneously elsewhere, neither in whole, nor in part.
• Submitted papers must be written in good English and proofread by a native speaker.
• Basically, the papers should not exceed 40 000 typographic signs.
• Postal addresses, affiliations and email addresses for each author are required.
• Detailed information see Article Requirements.
• Manuscript should be accompanied by a cover letter containing the information:
o why the paper is submitted to ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS,
o suggestion on the field of acoustics related to the topic of the submitted paper,
o the statement that the manuscript is original, the submission has not been previously published, nor was sent to another journal for consideration,
o 3–5 names of suggested reviewers together with their affiliations, full postal and e-mail addresses; at least 3 suggested reviewers should be affiliated with other scientific institutions than the affiliations of the authors,
o author’s suggestion to classification of the paper as the research paper, review paper or technical note.
Article Requirements
1. At submission time only a PDF file is required. After acceptance, authors must submit all source material (see information about Figures). Authors can use their preferred manuscript-preparation software. The journal itself is produced in LaTeX, so accepted articles will be converted to LaTeX at production time.
2. The title of the paper should be as short as possible.
3. Full names and surnames should be given.
4. The full postal address of each affiliation, including the country name should be provided. Affiliations should contain the full postal address, as well as an e-mail address of one author designated as corresponding author.
5. The text should be preceded by a concise abstract (less than 200 words).
6. Keywords should be given.
7. The formulae to be numbered are those referred to in the paper, as well as the final formulae.
8. All notations should be written very distinctly.
9. References in the text (author(s) and year of publication) are to be cited between parentheses.
Items appearing in the reference list should be complete, including surname and the initials of the first name of the author, the full title of the paper/book in English followed by the information on the original paper language. In case of a book, the publisher's name, the place and year of publication should be given. In case of a periodical, the full title of the periodical, consecutive volume number, current issue number, pages, and year of publication should be given. All references in the bibliography should be cited in the text, and arranged in alphabetical order by authors' last name.
For more information on references see
10. Figures must be of publication quality. Each figure should be saved in separate file and captioned and numbered so that it can float. After acceptance, Authors will need to submit the original source files for all photos, diagrams and graphs in manuscript.
For diagrams and graphs vector EPS or vector PDF files are the most useful. Make sure that what you're saving is vector graphics and not a bitmap. Please also include the original data for any plots. This is particularly important if you are unable to save Excel-generated plots in vector format. Saving them as bitmaps is not useful; please send the Excel (.xls) spreadsheets instead.
Photographs should be high-quality – with resolution no lower than 300 dpi.
Pack all figure files into a single archive (zip, tar, rar or other format) and then upload on the magazine web site.