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Karolina Rozmarynowska

  1. Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego, Instytut Filozofii, ul. Wóycickiego 1/3, 01-938 Warszawa
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The aim of this article is a critical analysis of Peter F. Strawson’s theory of primitiveness of the concept of person contained in the third chapter of the Individuals. The problems associated with the distinction between M-predicates and P-predicates are pointed out. The article shows different ways of understanding primitiveness of the concept of person, and points to gaps in Strawson’s argumentation and to the dubious potential of the theory if it is used to solve some basic problems in philosophy of mind. It also deals with some of the difficulties outlined, but does not propose to solve them all.

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Andrzej Stępnik
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The main aim of this paper is to propose a terminological approach to the standardization of onomastic terminology. Attention is paid to the primary importance of conceptual systems and to the onomasiological approach typical of terminological work. Terminology is presented as a discipline devoted primarily to the study of concepts. Then the main concepts of terminology are discussed and the relations between a conceptual system and a terminological system are explained. An outline of the issue of conceptual systems of onomastics and of their internal structure is made. Then two important metatheoretical concepts are introduced and defined: 1) the concept of theoretical legitimacy of concepts and 2) the concept of economy of conceptual systems. In the final part of the article, several suggestions concerning the standardization of onomastic terminology are made: 1) terms referring to concepts belonging to separate conceptual series are not to be used interchangeably; 2) terms based on different roots (in the English onomastic terminology: -onym, -onymy, -onomastics, in the Polish terminology: -onim, -onimia, -onomastyka) are to be reserved respectively for the concept of a single (type of) proper name, for the concept of a set of proper names and for the concept of a specific onomastic discipline; 3) concepts used or newly introduced in a text are to be defined clearly in onomastic works, 4) onomasticians aiming for standardization of onomastic terminology should start their work by (re)constructing conceptual system(s) of onomastics and only then assign terms to concepts; 5) one completely unitary conceptual (and terminological) system of onomastics cannot be achieved due to the theoretical pluralism of the discipline; 6) the first goal of any conceptual and terminological standardization of onomastics is to define its range: should the standardization cover the concepts of philological or general onomastics? should it cover only empirical (descriptive) concepts or highly abstract theoretical concepts as well?

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Wojciech Włoskowicz
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Consciousness was the guiding thread of Edmund Husserl's phenomenological investigations. He understood it as a critique of experience and the metaphysics and science based on it. Phenomenology is a critique of cognition, a method of investigation and questioning. In his later writings Husserl defined consciousness as a “system of intentional functions,” a “system of intentional operations.” Its correlate is a coherent and regularized world. One of the most important aspects of the system of intentional functions are habitualities—patterns, mental representations which arise in the process of “typification” and henceforth guide our ordinary thinking and acting. Thanks to them, the type of object, its features and properties are predetermined and, in principle, the ways of knowing it are determined. My task is to characterize the broad context of habituality formation, that is, the stream of consciousness and the possibilities of feeling and movement of the bodily subject. I will discuss in turn the temporal structure of experience and its dependence on the movement and action of the bodily subject, and then characterize the form of general intimacy with the world. It is in this context of “indeterminate reality” that the constitution and evocation of the deposited sense, the anticipation of the type of object and its qualities play out. In conclusion, I will make some remarks about habituality as a source of empirical concepts.
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Marek Maciejczak

  1. Politechnika Warszawska, Wydział Administracji i Nauk Społecznych, plac Politechniki1, 00-614 Warszawa
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I argue in the paper that the conception of family resemblance discussed by Ludwig Wittgenstein in Philosophical Investigations is a result of the application of Wittgenstein’s general argument against rule‑following to the pragmatics of all concepts. My argument runs as follows: First, (1) I criticize interpretations of family resemblance as a ‘local’ theory, applicable only to some concepts. Next, (2) I present and criticise a classic argument against the conception of family resemblance. In the following section, (3) I analyse attempts to explicate family resemblance in terms of their possessing a common basic feature. I end my paper (4) by summarizing conclusions drawn from this critical review of literature and I briefly point to a possible solution of the difficulties generated by the concept of family resemblance.
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1. Andersen H. (2000), Kuhn’s Account of Family Resemblance: A Solution to the Problem of Wide‑Open Texture, „Erkenntnis” 52 (3), s. 313–337.
2. Bambrough R. (1960), Universals and Family Resemblances, „Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society. New Series” 61, s. 207–222.
3. Bellaimey J. (1990), Family Resemblances and the Problem of the Under- ‑Determination of Extension, „Philosophical Investigations” 13 (1), s. 31–43.
4. Campbell K. (1965), Family Resemblance Predicates, „American Philosophical Quarterly” 2 (3), s. 238–244.
5. Forster M. (2010), Wittgenstein on Family Resemblance Concepts, w: A. Ahmed (red.), Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations. A Critical Guide, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, s. 66–87.
6. Glock H.‑J. (2001), Słownik Wittgensteinowski, przeł. M. Hernik, M. Szczubiałka, Warszawa: Spacja.
7. Griffin N. (1974), Wittgenstein, Universals and Family Resemblances, „Canadian Journal of Philosophy” 3 (4), s. 635–651.
8. Hattiangadi A. (2007), Oughts and Thoughts. Rule‑Following and the Normativity of Content, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
9. Khatchadourian H. (1958), Common Names and “Family Resemblances”, „Philosophy and Phenomenological Research” 18 (3), s. 341–358.
10. Kripke S. (2007), Wittgenstein o regułach i języku prywatnym, przeł. K. Posłajko, L. Wroński, Warszawa: Fundacja Aletheia.
11. McGinn C. (2012), Truth by Analysis: Games, Names and Philosophy, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
12. Simon M.A. (1969), When is a Resemblance a Family Resemblance?, „Mind. New Series” 78 (311), s. 408–416.
13. Suits B. (1978), The Grasshopper. Games, Life and Utopia, Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
14. Wennerberg H. (1967), The Concept of Family Resemblance in Wittgenstein’s Later Philosophy, „Theoria” 33 (2), s. 108–132.
15. Wittgenstein L. (1974), Philosophical Grammar, red. R. Rhees, przeł. A. Kenny, Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
16. Wittgenstein L. (2000), Uwagi o podstawach matematyki, przeł. M. Poręba, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo KR.
17. Wittgenstein L. (2001), Wittgenstein’s Lectures: Cambridge 1932–1935, red. A. Ambrose, New York: Prometheus Books.
18. Wittgenstein L. (2012), Dociekania filozoficzne, przeł. B. Wolniewicz, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.

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Paweł Grad

  1. Szkoła Nauk Społecznych Instytutu Filozofii i Socjologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk, ul. Nowy Świat 72, 00-330 Warszawa
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The author develops a non‑literary, theistic Weltanschauung. It is based on the acceptance of the role of ‘did’ and ‘knows’ as non‑empirical conceptual (indefinable) ‘primes’. The basic argument of this paper is derived from a detailed linguistic observation of the idiosyncratic behaviour of the concepts ‘why’ and ‘because’ vis‑à‑vis other questioners and the functor ‘can’. The item ‘because’ presupposes a conjunction with a clause indicating an obligatorily altogether different state of affairs than one that is given in ‘a because ...’, as an expression patterned on * ‘a because a’ that constitutes a case of one of the most extreme linguistic deviances. Such a putative phrase cannot belong to any natural linguistic code, nor can it be its real product (that is no other than a quip in a purely perlocutionary utterance in J.L. Austin’s sense). Similarly, a generalized version of ‘did’ or ‘knows’ ( someone did / knows something without any specification) cannot be positioned in such a conjunction on pain of engaging in a destructive infinite regress, unless they are coupled with some further, different concept (i.e. a concept other than ‘did’ resp. ‘know’) in a concatenation with ‘because’. According to the author, this shows that precisely the two indicated concepts are conceptual ‘primes’, or the fundamental synthetic a priori’s whose denotata underlie the whole of the reality. The author tries to show that it is unacceptable to reduce Reality to a single and unique empirical universe conceived of as an effect of ‘doing’. He claims that Ockham’s idea of multiplicity of universes represents a logical necessity. But he rejects the mystical höheres in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus as including „pure logic”, ethics and aesthetics. All the three areas, he claims, belong to the created natural realm of speaking beings. Reality, grasped by logic, is broader than that realm.
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Andrzej Bogusławski

  1. prof. em., Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Neofilologii, Katedra Lingwistyki Formalnej, ul. Dobra 55, 00-312 Warszawa
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This article reflects on key concepts of historical thinking proposed by doctoral students and young researchers. Established concepts such as the social role of history, professional historian and (imagined) space are still important to the new generation of historians. At the same time, some new concepts are emerging, such as political exhumations, mass graves, motion, embodied historical research, ahistorical memory politics, websites as historical sources, critical heritage studies and heritagisation, treason, preposterous history – an idea taken from Mieke Bal, and “Supreme Peace” – a notion drawn from the Chinese philosophy of history. To interpret these concepts, I build word clouds as a way of creating knowledge involving non‑human factors (algorithms) while enabling speculative interpretations of the relations between words. The idea of a secure past comes to the fore and I therefore examine whether historical security and being secure in history could be considered important elements of interdisciplinary security studies.
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Adamczyk, Marcin. „Teoretyczne wprowadzenie do badań nad bezpieczeństwem”. W Polska – Europa – świat wczoraj i dziś, red. Magdalena Debita, Marcin Adamczyk, 54–74. Poznań: Media‑Expo Wawrzyniec Wierzejewski, 2017.
Austin, John Langshaw. Mówienie i poznawanie: rozprawy i wykłady filozoficzne. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 1993.
Bal, Mieke. Quoting Caravaggio: Contemporary Art, Preposterous History. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999.
Bal, Mieke. Wędrujące pojęcia w naukach humanistycznych: krótki przewodnik. Warszawa: Narodowe Centrum Kultury, 2012.
Pihlainen, Kalle, „The Distinction of History: On Valuing the Insularity of the Historical Past”. Rethinking History 20, nr 3 (2016): 414–432.
Pokruszyński, Witold. Filozoficzne aspekty bezpieczeństwa. Józefów: Wydawnictwo WSGE im. Alcide De Gasperi w Józefowie, 2011.
White, Hayden. Przeszłość praktyczna. Kraków: Universitas, 2014.
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Ewa Domańska

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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The issue of the morphemic analysis of medical terminology is a crucial factor in terms of translation strategies and compilation of a terminological dictionary. The research was conducted in the context of author’s current lexicographical work called as English-Ukrainian-Russian defining dictionary of dental terms. To provide the user of the dictionary with reliable techniques to construct the meaning of terms, morphemes relative frequency in the area of dentistry have been determined.

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Yuliia Deviatko
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While working on the oeuvre of P.F. Strawson (1919–2006), and especially on his metaphysics, I had a unique opportunity to exchange ideas with this eminent exponent of Oxford philosophy. Those exchanges, of which some have been reflected in private correspondence and in a published reply to one of my papers, were focussed on various interpretative questions. Three threads of those discussions seem especially pertinent for grasping the gist of Strawson’s philosophy and its general orientation. The first one concerned the nature of philosophical analysis, or to be more precise, the connective model of it, favoured by Strawson, and its relationship with the idea of concept presupposition. The second thread had to do with the position taken by the Oxford philosopher in the realism debate on three levels: semantic, epistemological, and metaphysical. Strawson made every effort to take a realist stand in this debate and avoid antirealism in any of its forms; however, his realism is in many respects very moderate and not so distant from antirealism. Similarly moderate was his stand in the traditional debate about universals, constituting the topic of the third thread of the exchanges with Strawson. He claimed that universals exist, but at the same time emphasized that they are objects of pure thought alone and as such do not form a part of the spatiotemporal world in which we live. One cannot also say much about the relation of exemplification in virtue of which universals manifest themselves in the world as particular instances. Presentation and elaboration of these three threads has led to the conclusion that although Strawson was a deeply systematic thinker, he avoided wide-ranging and ambitious statements and radical views. In characteristically minimalist way he dispelled some questions, and the ultimate resolution of many crucial and fundamental issues were for him choice and taking a particular attitude or stance.

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Tadeusz Szubka
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Gaston Milhaud (1858–1918) was a French modern philosopher, who, having started from mathematics, came to philosophy (especially epistemology) and history of science. His works on the history of science were devoted to Greek science and modern science. Milhaud in his papers claimed that important concepts and principles of science (in different disciplines) result from decisions that simultaneously transcend both experience and logic. He emphasized the role of free creation and activity of the mind. The author discusses central problems of Milhaud’s thought, especially the problem of the relationship between science and philosophy.

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Ryszard Kleszcz
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Tekst jest poświęcony osobie i działalności naukowej profesora Jerzego Pelca (autor był jego uczniem i wieloletnim współpracownikiem). Osobowość Profesora Pelca determinują następujące cechy: autokrytycyzm, systematyczność i konsekwencja w działaniu, oszczędność, radykalny racjonalizm, antykomunizm, nonkonformizm, patriotyzm (ale nie nacjonalizm czy szowinizm) i zamiłowanie do podróży. Był świadomym kontynuatorem tradycji Szkoły Lwowsko-Warszawskiej. Podobnie jak większość przedstawicieli Szkoły był zwolennikiem teoretycznego minimalizmu. Zgodnie ze jej duchem cenił on w filozofii – a ogólniej w humanistyce – precyzję języka naukowego (oraz prostotę i jasność z nim związaną), a także krytycyzm: w odniesieniu do problemów, metod i rezultatów badań. Głównym obszarem zainteresowania Profesora Pelca była semiotyka logiczna (szerzej: semiotyka teoretyczna). Opowiadał się za funkcjonalną koncepcją znaku. Interpretował znaczenie wyrażeń jako sposób ich używania. Przeciwstawiał rozumieniu poczucie rozumienia. W metodologii wprowadził pojęcie treści poznawczej pytań. Analizował koncepcję prawa naukowego i interdyscyplinarności. W ontologii próbował zidentyfikować i wyeliminować problemy pozorne. Przeprowadził analizę pojęcia przedmiotu, sposobów nieistnienia i związku przyczynowego. W estetyce usiłował zdefiniować parę „forma”- -„treść”, ideologię dzieła literackiego, temat i motyw literacki, a także metaforę. Odróżniał fikcję od fikcjonalności. Badał asertywność zdań i zagadnienie intensjonalności. W etyce opowiadał się za koncepcją spolegliwego opiekuna – a przeciw nakazowi miłości do wszystkich ludzi, uważając ten ostatni za nierealny. Postulował relatywizację moralnej wartości kłamstwa. Traktował skromność jako najwyższą cnotę. Był prawdziwym humanistą – w tym sensie, który sam poddał mistrzowskiej analizie.
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Jacek Jadacki
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The main aim of the following article is to juxtapose two methodological perspectives, influential in the field of the widely understood history of ideas, that is to say, the Cambridge School with the German tradition of Begriffsgeschichte. Presenting both opportunities and pitfalls that may result from applying these perspectives, I sketch the propositions to overcome possible shallows. In concluding remarks, I draw potential challenges for the history of ideas in Poland.

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Piotr Kuligowski
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Multiple historians as well as sociologists gradually recognize the multiple parallels joining their disciplines. This is a reason for the Authors of the paper to launch a concept of the "History-Sociology" as a new, matrix discipline in humanities.
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Janusz Goćkowski
Anna Woźniak
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The paper is an introduction to the Historyka’s special issue about “Core Concepts of Historical Thinking.” It presents framework and assumptions which shape a profile and content of the volume. It shows understanding of “knowledge of the past” broader than discipline of history only, as well as the methodological characteristics of such an account. It pays an attention to the link between conceptual thinking and the meaning of subjectivity in the modern humanistic reflection. Discussion about “core concepts of historical thinking” concerns not an allegedly, abstract and static structure of concepts which would rule historical thinking per se, but it is focused on the role of concepts which are shaped in the practices of specific researchers and their interactions with the material analyzed. The paper also situates the discussion in the context of recognized currents and ideas about meaning of concepts in humanities, especially in the methodology of historical research. In conclusion, the circumstances of the volume’s emergence is shown.
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Agamben, Giorgio. The Kingdom and the Glory: For a Theological Genealogy of Economy and Government, przeł. Lorenzo Chiesa, Matteo Mandarini. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2011.
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Tomasz Wiśniewski

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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The paper presents the genealogy of the concept of heritage in Polish. Adopting the Koselleck approach, it aims to bring the two paths of conceptual history methodology together: a sema-siological analysis of the term's various meanings and the onomasiological study of different words designating the same concept within one semantic field. The text argues that heritage belongs to those concepts that existed since the "saddle‑time"; however, until the second half of the 20th century, without one word denoting it.
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Marcin Jarząbek

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków
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Stanowisko Feuerbacha nazywam antropomorfizmem co do pojęcia Boga, krócej – antropomorfizmem teologicznym. Uznaję je za teorię, i akceptuję. Teza główna tej teorii głosi (w sformułowaniu semantycznym): w każdej deskrypcji „Bóg” (takiej, że jej skrótem jest nazwa „Bóg”) występują wyłącznie wyrażenia dotyczące człowieka. W języku mentalistycznym natomiast (endemicznym Feuerbachowi): nie ma w pojęciu Boga niczego, co wykraczałoby treściowo poza pojęcia dotyczące człowieka. Antropomorfizm Feuerbacha ma wersję słabą oraz wersję mocną. Słaba – pojęcie Boga ma faktycznie feuerbachowską charakterystykę. Mocna – feuerbachowska charakterystyka pojęcia Boga jest konieczna na sposób konieczności przyrodniczej. Wersje te można zespolić, korzystając z dictum znalezionego dla opisu analogicznej sytuacji – ignoramus et ignorabimus. Antropomorfizm Feuerbacha konfrontuję z najmocniejszym argumentem, jaki potrafię sobie wyobrazić – z argumentem wymierzonym w naturalizm, rezerwuar przesłanek Feuerbacha. Argument ten dozbrajam obiecującą ontologią pojęć, zaczerpniętą od Bernarda Bolzano. Pokazuję na koniec, że maszyneria ta nie pracuje, a (niefeuerbachowskie) absolutne pojęcie Boga jest (uwaga: zależność o kontrintuicyjnym przebiegu!) niekonstruowalne, bo nieskonstruowane. W tym położeniu, mając antropomorfizm teologiczny za hipotezę przyrodniczą, czekam cierpliwie (zgodnie skądinąd z postulatem Stratona) na jej obalenie.
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Bohdan Chwedeńczuk
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The article analyses the issue of the potential development of theoretical thinking in young children. The context for this discussion is found in the cultural and historical development theory of L.S. Vygotsky which constitutes the basis for assumptions regarding the thinking about development and education of children. It highlights the elementary education stage as a very important area of designing „developmental teaching” as understood by Vygotsky. The article emphasizes the role of an adult who builds the scaffolding for the child’s thinking and acting, and establishes the conditions and teaching environment necessary for the performance of a cognitive process directed at the development of theoretical thinking. In the author’s opinion building the foundation for theoretical thinking will be possible when teachers set „the right developmental and educational tasks” for a child who is constructing knowledge.

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Ewa Filipiak
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The text deals with the issue of “historical biography”. It aims to reconstruct the key concepts connected with the biographical publishing series “The Legacies of the progressive personalities of our past”. The text answers the question what conceptual framework surrounded and legitimised the edition.

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Vaclav Sixta
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This article explores the methodological and practical aspects of the history of concepts. In central focus is Reinhart Koselleck’s theory of the principal shift in the meanings of basic concepts (Sattelzeit) and its implications.
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Monika Widzicka
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The Author discusses in this paper the usefulness of the Foucault's term "knowledge-rule" in the historical analysis of a discourse on everyday life of the workers in Polish kolkhozes in communist time.
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Ewelina Szpak

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