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The LQR (linear quadratic regulator) control problem subject to singular system constitutes a optimization problem in which one must be find an optimal control that satisfy the singular system and simultaneously to optimize the quadratic objective functional. In this paper we establish a sufficient condition to obtain the optimal control of discounted LQR optimization problem subject to disturbanced singular system where the disturbance is time varying. The considered problem is solved by transforming the discounted LQR control problem subject to disturbanced singular system into the normal LQR control problem. Some available results in literatures of the normal LQR control problem be used to find the sufficient conditions for the existence of the optimal control for discounted LQR control problem subject to disturbanced singular system. The final result of this paper is in the form a method to find the optimal control of discounted LQR optimization problem subject to disturbanced singular system. The result shows that the disturbance is vanish with the passage of time.

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Lyra Yulianti
Admi Nazra
Arifah Bahar
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This article is devoted to the official forms in the inflection of chosen toponyms in Poland and the variety of dialectal singular and plural place names. The variety of place names often diverges from the rules of language use, and causes language users problems. The toponyms have peculiar, locally used inflected forms; the outside-linguistic (non-linguistic) factors that are social and local factors, play an important role in the inflection of place names. The local population often uses other forms than those recommended by official sources. I focus my attention on the genitive forms of toponyms because it is mainly here that one can see clear variations in the official and local inflection of place names. The material shows that the singular masculine toponyms have genitive endings: -a (in the official variety), -u (in the local variety), for example Biłgoraj, gen. Biłgoraja, but in the local dialect: biłgoraju. The singular feminine place names have genitive endings: -ej (in the official variety), -y||-i (in the local variety): Brzezowa, gen. Brzezowej, but Brzezowy in the local dialect. The plural toponyms have genitive endings: -ø, -ów, -i (-y), but in the local circulation the ending -ów is dominant and demonstrates a wider expansion in use. For example Brzózki, gen. Brzózek, in the local variety Brzuskuf; Budy, official gen. Bud, but Buduf; Burnie, gen. Burni, in the local dialect: Burniuf. The gathered material reflects a hesitation in the inflection of toponyms, as the linguistic customs and presented dialectal records of forms of genit ives of place names show a significantly diverse approach towards the Polish language.

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Iwona Nobis
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This paper presents the design of digital controller for longitudinal aircraft model based on the Dynamic Contraction Method. The control task is formulated as a tracking problem of velocity and flight path angle, where decoupled output transients are accomplished in spite of incomplete information about varying parameters of the system and external disturbances. The design of digital controller based on the pseudo-continuous approach is presented, where the digital controller is the result of continuous-time controller discretization. A resulting output feedback controller has a simple form of a combination of low-order linear dynamical systems and a matrix whose entries depend nonlinearly on certain known process variables. Simulation results for an aircraft model confirm theoretical expectations.

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Roman Czyba
Lukasz Stajer
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The dynamic development of science requires constant improvement of approaches to modeling physical processes and phenomena. Practically all scientific problems can be described by systems of differential equations. Many scientific problems are described by systems of differential equations of a special class, which belong to the group of so-called singularly perturbed differential equations. Mathematical models of processes described by such differential equations contain a small parameter near the highest derivatives, and it was the presence of this small factor that led to the creation of a large mathematical theory. The work proposes a developed algorithm for constructing uniform asymptotics of solutions to systems of singularly perturbed differential equations.
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Valentyn Sobchuk
Iryna Zelenska
Oleksandr Laptiev

  1. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine
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In this paper we present and discuss a new class of singular fractional systems in a multidimensional state space described by the Roesser continuous-time models. The necessary and sufficient conditions for the asymptotic stability and admissibility by the use of linear matrix inequalities are established. All the obtained results are simulated by some numerical examples to show the applicability and accuracy of our approach.
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Kamel Benyettou
Djillali Bouagada

  1. Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, ACSY Team-Laboratory of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Abdelhamid Ibn Badis University Mostaganem, P.O.Box 227/118 University of Mostaganem, 27000 Mostaganem, Algeria
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In this work, we present optimal control formulation and numerical algorithm for fractional order discrete time singular system (DTSS) for fixed terminal state and fixed terminal time endpoint condition. The performance index (PI) is in quadratic form, and the system dynamics is in the sense of Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative (RLFD). A coordinate transformation is used to convert the fractional-order DTSS into its equivalent non-singular form, and then the optimal control problem (OCP) is formulated. The Hamiltonian technique is used to derive the necessary conditions. A solution algorithm is presented for solving the OCP. To validate the formulation and the solution algorithm, an example for fixed terminal state and fixed terminal time case is presented.
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Authors and Affiliations

Tirumalasetty Chiranjeevi
Raj Kumar Biswas
Ramesh Devarapalli
Naladi Ram Babu
Fausto Pedro García Márquez

  1. Department of Electrical Engineering, Rajkiya Engineering College Sonbhadra, U. P., India
  2. Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Silchar, India
  3. Department of Electrical Engineering, BIT Sindri, Dhanbad 828123, Jharkhand, India
  4. Ingenium Research Group, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
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This paper presents a robust model free controller (RMFC) for a class of uncertain continuous-time single-input single-output (SISO) minimum-phase nonaffine-in-control systems. Firstly, the existence of an unknown dynamic inversion controller that can achieve control objectives is demonstrated. Afterwards, a fast approximator is designed to estimate as best as possible this dynamic inversion controller. The proposed robust model free controller is an equivalent realization of the designed fast approximator. The perturbation theory and Tikhonov’s theorem are used to analyze the stability of the overall closed-loop system. The performance of the developped controller are verified experimentally in the position control of a pneumatic actuator system.

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Ahsene Boubakir
Salim Labiod
Fares Boudjema
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In this paper we discuss the linear quadratic (LQ) optimization problem subject to fractional order irregular singular systems. The aim of this paper is to find the control-state pairs satisfying the dynamic constraint of the form a fractional order irregular singular systems such that the LQ objective functional is minimized. The method of solving is to convert such LQ optimization into the standard fractional LQ optimization problem. Under some particularly conditions we find the solution of the problem under consideration.

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Authors and Affiliations

Admi Nazra
Lyra Yulianti
Refi Revina
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This paper presents the formulation and numerical simulation for linear quadratic optimal control problem (LQOCP) of free terminal state and fixed terminal time fractional order discrete time singular system (FODSS). System dynamics is expressed in terms of Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative (RLFD), and performance index (PI) in terms of state and costate. Because of its complexity, finding analytical and numerical solutions to singular system (SS) is difficult. As a result, we use coordinate transformation to convert FODSS to its corresponding fractional order discrete time nonsingular system (FODNSS). After that, we obtain the necessary conditions by employing a Hamiltonian approach. The relevant conditions are solved using the general solution approach. For the analysis of formulation and solution algorithm, a numerical example is illustrated. Results are obtained for various �� values. According to state of the art, this is the first time that a formulation and numerical simulation of free terminal state and fixed terminal time optimal control problem (OCP) of FODSS is presented.
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Authors and Affiliations

Tirumalasetty Chiranjeevi
Ramesh Devarapalli
Naladi Ram Babu
Kiran Babu Vakkapatla
R. Gowri Sankara Rao
Fausto Pedro Garcìa Màrquez

  1. Department of Electrical Engineering, Rajkiya Engineering College Sonbhadra, U.P., India
  2. Department of EEE, Lendi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Vizianagaram-535005, India
  3. Department of EEE, Aditya Engineering College, Surampalem, Andhra Pradesh, India
  4. Lingayas Institute of Management and Technology Madalavarigudem, A.P., India
  5. Department of EEE, MVGR College of Engineering Vizianagaram, A.P., India
  6. Ingenium Research Group, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
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The paper presents the mental files framework focusing on its seminal form invented by P.F. Strawson and on its contemporary parallel rendering by F. Recanati. It also outlines the main ideas that stood behind the introduction of the framework. These are in particular the problem of the informativeness of identity statements (for Strawson) and the controversy between singularism and descriptivism (for Recanati). The paper presents also a further enrichment of the framework, based upon some other themes from Strawson’s philosophy of language. The main ideas of the enrichment are: introducing into the structure of the files a section of the metadata, containing information about the files themselves as mental particulars, and adopting Strawson’s referring use as a triggering mechanism for opening/activating of the files.

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Mieszko Tałasiewicz
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The review exposes basic concepts and manifestations of the singular and structured light fields. The presentation is based on deep intrinsic relations between the singularities and the rotational phenomena in light; it involves essentially the dynamical aspects of light fields and their interactions with matter. Due to their topological nature, the singularities of each separate parameter (phase, polarization, energy flow, etc.) form coherent interrelated systems (singular networks), and the meaningful interconnections between the different singular networks are analysed. The main features of singular-light structures are introduced via generic examples of the optical vortex and circular vortex beams. The review describes approaches for generation and diagnostics of different singular networks and underlines the role of singularities in formation of optical field structures. The mechanical action of structured light fields on material objects is discussed on the base of the spin-orbital (canonical) decomposition of electromagnetic momentum, expressing the special roles of the spin (polarization) and spatial degrees of freedom. Experimental demonstrations spectacularly characterize the topological nature and the immanent rotational features of the light-field singularities. The review is based on the results obtained by its authors with a special attention to relevant works of other researchers.
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Authors and Affiliations

Oleg V. Angelsky
1 2
Aleksandr Ya. Bekshaev
Igor I. Mokhun
Mikhail V. Vasnetsov
Claudia Yu. Zenkova
1 2
Steen G. Hanson
Jun Zheng

  1. Taizhou Research Institute of Zhejiang University, Taizhou, China
  2. Chernivtsi National University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine
  3. Physics Research Institute, Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University, Odessa, Ukraine
  4. Department of Optical Quantum Electronics, Institute of Physics of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
  5. DTU Fotonik, Department of Photonics Engineering, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark
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In the paper, an extended analysis of the polarization properties of a liquid crystal cell with a biconically tapered single-mode telecommunication optical fiber was presented. These properties are a result of a sample geometry and used LC materials. They were analyzed by using two theoretical models based on the matrix decomposition methods, i.e., polar and singular-value one. By measuring Mueller matrices, information about losses, depolarization, dichroism and birefringence was obtained. In the experiment two types of tested samples filled with well-known 6CHBT and E7 liquid crystals were prepared and all optical parameters were shown as the voltage dependence. The tested samples have dichroic properties and for both models calculated PDL is similar and it increases from 2.6 to 6.6 dB for E7 and from 0.4 to 2.7 dB for 6CHBT with voltage changes within the range of 40 – 190 V. Optical losses simultaneously decrease from 30 dB to 27 dB and from 36 dB to 28 dB, respectively. The birefringence properties cannot be directly comparable due to differences between both applied models but voltage fluctuations of these parameters are not significant. These results confirm expected dichroic properties of designed device and complete knowledge about its working principles. Moreover, presented analysis validates usefulness of the singular-value decomposition model applied to dichroic optical fiber elements.

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Authors and Affiliations

P. Marć
K. Stasiewicz
J. Korec
L.R. Jaroszewicz
P. Kula
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The article describes motion planning of an underwater redundant manipulator with revolute joints moving in a plane under gravity and in the presence of obstacles. The proposed motion planning algorithm is based on minimization of the total energy in overcoming the hydrodynamic as well as dynamic forces acting on the manipulator while moving underwater and at the same time, avoiding both singularities and obstacle. The obstacle is considered as a point object. A recursive Lagrangian dynamics algorithm is formulated for the planar geometry to evaluate joint torques during the motion of serial link redundant manipulator fully submerged underwater. In turn the energy consumed in following a task trajectory is computed. The presence of redundancy in joint space of the manipulator facilitates selecting the optimal sequence of configurations as well as the required joint motion rates with minimum energy consumed among all possible configurations and rates. The effectiveness of the proposed motion planning algorithm is shown by applying it on a 3 degrees-of-freedom planar redundant manipulator fully submerged underwater and avoiding a point obstacle. The results establish that energy spent against overcoming loading resulted from hydrodynamic interactions majorly decides the optimal trajectory to follow in accomplishing an underwater task.
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Authors and Affiliations

Virendra Kumar
Soumen Sen
Shibendu Shekhar Roy

  1. Robotics and Automation Division, CSIR-Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, Durgapur, India
  2. Mechanical Engineering Department, National Institute of Technology, Durgapur, India
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The article illustrates the destructive influence of language policy in the era of totalitarianism on the grammatical system of the Ukrainian literary language on the example of the endings of the genitive case of singular nouns in the 3rd declension. According to the “Ukrainian orthography” of various years of publication, we can trace the norm of using the endings of the genitive case of singular nouns of the 3rd declension over the past 100 years. The elimination of the ending ‐u from the grammatical system of word change of nouns of the 3rd declension in 1933 was recorded. This gives reasons to qualify this ending as repression. Founding on the historically determined regularities of the development of the grammatical system of the Ukrainian language, the need to return the ending ‐u to the edition of “Ukrainian orthography” in 2019 was justified. It was established that despite the democratization of society, the tendency towards the revival of national identity, the desire of Ukrainian‐oriented speakers to establish and return the specific foundations of Ukrainian literary languages, the re‐codification of the ending ‐и in the 21st century could not restore its active use in language practice. Based on the results of a questionnaire, we found out the main reasons for the non‐observance of the returned morphological norm by modern speakers. We concluded as to the disastrous consequences of the grammatical heritage formed in the Soviet period on the language practice of the third millennium. Ways to improve this situation are proposed.

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Лариса Колібаба

  1. Київ, Інститут української мови НАН України
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The article presents a closed-form formula for solving a weakly singular surface integral with a linear current source distribution associated with the SIE-MoM formulation used for solving electromagnetic (EM) problems. The analytical formula was obtained by transforming the surface integral over a triangular domain into a double integral, and then directly determining formulas for the inner and outer integrals. The solution obtained is marked by high computational efficiency, high accuracy, and very simple implementation. The derived formula, in contrast to the currently available formulas, consists of quantities that have a clear and simple geometric interpretation, related to the geometry of the computational domain.
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Authors and Affiliations

Anna Grytsko
Piotr Słobodzian

  1. Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, Wybrzeze Wyspiańskiego 27, 50-370 Wrocław, Poland

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