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Influence of geometric imperfections of mast shaft in form of initial mast span curvatures both on internal forces status in the structure elements as well as on those elements effort, which is particularly important at the design stage, was analysed based on an example of certain specific mast. The calculations were performed taking into account L/1000 imperfections equal to the permissible assembly deviations as per [1], and L/500 equal to initial imperfections as for uniform built-up columns according to [2]. Remarks and final conclusions have practical meaning and can be useful in design practice.

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M. Matuszkiewicz
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SQL Injection is one of the vulnerabilities in OWASP's Top Ten List forWeb Based Application Exploitation. These type of attacks take place on Dynamic Web applications as they interact with databases for various operations. Current Content Management System like Drupal, Joomla or Wordpress have all information stored in their databases. A single intrusion into these type of websites can lead to overall control of websites by an attacker. Researchers are aware of basic SQL Injection attacks, but there are numerous SQL Injection attacks which are yet to be prevented and detected. Over here, we present the extensive review for the Advanced SQL Injection attack such as Fast Flux SQL Injection, Compounded SQL Injection and Deep Blind SQL Injection. We also analyze the detection and prevention using the classical methods as well as modern approaches. We will be discussing the Comparative Evaluation for prevention of SQL Injection.

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Jai Puneet Singh
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The paper contains a description of a multiscale algorithm based on the boundary element method (BEM) coupled with a discrete atomistic model. The atomic model uses empirical pair-wise potentials to describe interactions between atoms. The Newton-Raphson method is applied to solve a nanoscale model. The continuum domain is modelled by using BEM. The application of BEM reduces the total number of degrees of freedom in the multiscale model. Some numerical results of simulations

at the nanoscale are shown to examine the presented algorithm.

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T. Burczynski
A. Mrozek
W. Kuś
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The dynamic analyses are of key importance in the cognitive process in terms of the correct operation of structures loaded with time alternating forces. The development of vehicle industry, which directly results in an increase in the speed of moving vehicles, forces the design of engineering structures that ensure their safe use. The authors of the paper verified the influence of speed and vehicle parameters such as mass, width of track of wheels and their number on the values of displacements and accelerations of selected bridge elements. The problem was treated as the case study, because the analyses were made for one bridge and the passage of three types of locomotives. The response of the structure depends on the technological solutions adopted in the bridge, its technical condition, as well as the quotient of the length of the object and vehicle. A new bridge structure was analyzed and dynamic tests were carried out for trainsets consisting of one and two locomotives. During the actual dynamic tests, the structure was loaded with a locomotive moving at a maximum speed of 160 km/h.

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Michał Jukowski
Artur Zbiciak
Bartosz Skulski
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In the flexible road pavement design a mechanistic model of a multilayered half-space with linear elastic or viscoelastic layers is usually used for the pavement analysis.

This paper describes a domain selection for the purpose of a FE model creating of the linear elastic layered half-space and boundary conditions on borders of that domain. This FE model should guarantee that the key components of displacements, stresses and strains obtained using ABAQUS program would be in particular identical with those ones obtained by analytical method using VEROAD program.

It to achieve matching results with both methods is relatively easy for stresses and strains. However, for displacements, using FEM to obtain correct results is (understandably) highly problematic due to infinity of half-space. This paper proposes an original method of overcoming these difficulties.

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M. Nagórska
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In this study, static behaviors of functionally graded plates resting on Winkler-Pasternak elastic foundation using the four-variable refined theory and the physical neutral surface concept is reported. The four-variable refined theory assumes that the transverse shear strain has a parabolic distribution across the plate’s thickness, thus, there is no need to use the shear correction factor. The material properties of the plate vary continuously and smoothly according to the thickness direction by a power-law distribution. The geometrical middle surface of the functionally graded plate selected in computations is very popular in the existing literature. By contrast, in this study, the physical neutral surface of the plate is used. Based on the four-variable refined plate theory and the principle of virtual work, the governing equations of the plate are derived. Next, an analytical solution for the functionally graded plate resting on the Winkler-Pasternak elastic foundation is solved using the Navier’s procedure. In numerical investigations, a comparison of the static behaviors of the functionally graded plate between several models of displacement field using the physical neutral surface is given, and parametric studies are also presented.
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Authors and Affiliations

Van Loi Nguyen
Minh Tu Tran
Van Long Nguyen
Quang Huy Le

  1. Department of Strength of Materials, National University of Civil Engineering, Hanoi, Vietnam
  2. Department of Highway Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Transport Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam
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The paper concerns the computations of mast guys taking into account both geometric and physical nonlinearities. Experimental studies have been conducted, the aim of which was to determine σ - ε (stress – deformation) relation for steel rope and to determine the value of modulus of elasticity after its pre-stretching. Results of the research were used to create appropriate computational cable models within the elastic and inelastic range in SOFiSTiK software, based on FEM. The computational cable models were then used to perform parametric analyses of single cables with horizontal and diagonal chords and computations of a lattice guyed mast. The computational single cables results obtained in the SOFiSTiK software were confronted with the results obtained by the analytical method, based on the cable equation. The FEM analyses performed for single cables have proven usefulness of presented analytical procedure for computation of structures with cable elements (e.g. guyed masts) taking into account both the geometric and physical nonlinearity of the cables. It has been shown that while using steel ropes without pre-stretching, permanent deformations in the cables may occur, which affect the shape of the cable and may significantly reduce values of forces in the cables. This phenomenon can be particularly dangerous in the case of guyed masts, as it may affect the reduction in rigidity of the mast structure.
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Authors and Affiliations

Monika Matuszkiewicz
Renata Pigoń

  1. Koszalin University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Environmental and Geodetic Sciences, Sniadeckich 2, 75-453 Koszalin, Poland

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