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Contemporary approaches to Poland’s Western and Northern Territories revolve around the concept of “postmigration communities”, or more broadly —“postmigration”, understood as a significant feature (or set of features) of community and social phenomena. These terms are present not only in academic discourse, but also in discussions on local identity. They are also an essential element of their symbolic status. Based on field research in the Głowczyce commune in Pomerania, the author tackles the issue of inhabitants’ attitudes towards breaking the historical and cultural continuity and the formation of the community from scratch, as well as the role of postmigration in shaping the symbolic status of the place. The article shows the capacity of the term “postmigration”. In residents’ statements, postmigration appears unnamed, as a problem, a challenge, and an asset. Attitudes towards postmigration reveal diverse attempts to cope with the break in historical and cultural continuity, which turns out to still be a significant element of identity processes taking place in the community in question.
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Karolina Ciechorska-Kulesza

  1. Uniwersytet Gdański
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The protagonists of Rachilde's novels often have unwavering will and great strength of character. However, they are not free from the desires they sometimes succumb to. The paper tackles the analysis of will, strength and desire in the novel L’Heure sexuelle (1898), in order to compare them to the theory of creative excellence presented in the novel, and to the concepts based on the philosophy of Nietzsche and Schopenhauer.

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Anita Staroń
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The paper is devoted to the analysis of the image of a garnet bracelet in the story of the same name by Aleksandr Kuprin. The grant bracelet is considered as a complex, multidimensional image with intentionally contradictory semantics. This is a kind of amulet of Zheltkov, along with which he gives his life to Princess Vera. Red and yellow garnet stones symbolize the near death of the donor, and the power of his love, and eternal life. The giving of the bracelet at the same time symbolizes the conclusion of a mystical marriage between its owner and Vera Sheina. Complex symbolic meanings arise due to references to various texts and plots, especially the myth of Pluto and Persephone (the parallel is based on the homonymy of garnet-mineral and pomegranate-fruit in Russian). In the symbolis of Kuprin's story, a kinship with the poetics of Russian symbolism is traced.

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Андрей Ранчин
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The article discusses Jacek Malczewski’s paintings based on the Gospel, in which the artist depicts Christ giving him his own face. It presents a new interpretation of the paintings from this group, taking as an example two versions of the theme ‘Christ and the Samaritan Woman’. The works were analysed in the context of the artist’s often declared attachment to the teachings of the Catholic Church, in relation to the iconographic tradition and because of the planimetric features of their visual structure. In conclusion, the paintings were considered as a means for the viewer to both recognise the autonomy of art in relation to the biographical context, and to turn towards the universal message of the Gospel.
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Michał Haake

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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During the first fourteen years of transformation, 1989-2003, according to surveys by the author of the paper hereby, there have been erected in Kraków the twelve new churches. Author already published the result of survey depending the first six of therm. So herewith there are last six shrines described. The way of creating them is significant and characteristic for contemporary Polish architecture in general, and particular typical for the trend of a new ecclesiastic architecture. Itr is a special mixture of the tradition, hence completed with aesthetic of Late Modernism, Post-Modernism, and the newest incorporation of Modernism – of the XXI C.

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Józef Szymon Wroński
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This paper discusses the contribution of linguistics to theology, taking the specific example of L.-M. Chauvet’s thought. First, the critique of language as a tool is analyzed. According to Chauvet, language can no longer be considered as a tool, but as a mediation, understood as a “matrix” or environment ( milieu). Linguistic mediation is thus explained from the conceptual perspective of symbol and symbolic order: human subjectivity is inseparable from language, and language has a symbolic structure. Theological reflection follows the concept of mediation and symbol as an important anthropological fact. Faith, then, involves rejecting the illusion of direct contact with God and accepting the mediation of the Church and the sacraments as a process of “accepting ourselves” as children of God and accepting one another in Christ as brothers.
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Paweł OFM Sambor

  1. Pontificia Università Antonianum, Roma
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The main thesis of this paper is the assertion that, in contrast to the prevailing opinion about the decline or deep crisis of the intelligentsia, it is precisely this social group—and especially its elite—that is the dominant actor in social life. This thesis emerges from an analysis of the role of the intelligentsia, using ‘longue durée’ categories and also the broader international perspective of ‘world system theory’, in which Poland is assigned to the (semi)-periphery. Elements of Pierre Bourdieu’s theory, particularly the idea of cultural capital and the field of power, are an important theoretical poin in the author’s argument. In this view, the structurally privileged position of the intelligentsia in Poland is understood as an aspect of the specific configuration of the Polish field of power, in which—at least since the end of the First World War—cultural capital turns out to be the strongest and most stable dimension in the creation and reproduction of elite social positions.

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Tomasz Zarycki
Tomasz Warczok
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The article is an attempt at contemporary interpretation of Antonina Kłoskowska’s theory of culture. The Author starts with a brief summary of her concept and follows with his analysis and elaboration on a few interesting issues which are the most interesting in his opinion. They include: national culture and the culture of a national society (i.e. a society, the members of which regard themselves also as members of a national community, an essence of integrative functions of national culture and conciliative functions of artistic heritage.

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Andrzej Szpociński
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This article contains a partial report on ethnographic research conducted among homeless people who live in the streets outside the system of institutional aid or are staying in a hostel they created themselves. The study, carried out according to the principles of an interpretive orientation, created an opportunity to learn the views of the homeless people. It describes manifestations of engagement on behalf of the hostel in which they live and of a special type of work they undertake—interactive work on one another’s identity, which they refer to as mutual “education”—as well as involvement in the form of “doing nothing.”
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Małgorzata Kostrzyńska

  1. Uniwersytet Łódzki
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The importance of skin colour is often neglected in empirical studies of negative attitudes towards minori-ties. In this study we use data from the 2014/2015 wave of the European Social Survey to analyse explicitly racist attitudes in Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic. The data was collected before the refugee crisis of 2015–2016, which gives the study a unique opportunity to analyse these attitudes in three of the countries that were among the most hostile to migrants in the EU. The study demonstrates how theoretical perspectives commonly used in explorations of negative attitudes based on ethnicity may be effectively used to analyse racist attitudes. The results show high levels of racist attitudes in both Hungary and the Czech Republic, despite there being very few non-white immigrants in these countries, while, in Poland, the racist attitudes are less widespread. Realistic threats seem to be of little importance for understanding racist attitudes – in contrast, symbolic threats appear to be very important for understanding them. There is also the surprising result that voters for more moderate political parties are no less racist than voters for the more radical political parties in any of the three countries.
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David Andreas Bell
Zan Strabac
Marko Valenta

  1. Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Social Work, Norway
  2. Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Sociology and Political Science, Norway
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There are more than 350 fl owing waters in Poland with names containing a colour adjective. Etymological propositions mention sometimes various physical attributes such as the colour of the water or of the bottom, or even a possible symbolical usage connected e.g. with the cardinal directions, but most often they limit themselves to citing the literary version of the adjective, and there end their inquiry. The goal of the present paper is to establish to what degree physical attributes can explain the use of colour epithets; and if they cannot, then whether there is any reason to believe that there existed in the past a more elaborate system of colour symbolism.

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Kamil Stachowski
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Недотыкомка is a symbol-word in the Russian literature of the Silver Age, meaning ubiquitous evil, according to the modernist world view, constituting the nature of existence. In this paper we demonstrate how the translation of this untranslatable word has influenced the perception of a literary work. We focus mainly on the poem Недотыкомка серая… (1905), the title of which in Wiktor Woroszylski’s translation is Niepochwytnica szara… (1971), while in the translation by Włodzimierz Słobodnik – Niedoruszajka szara… (1971) and in the novel Мелкий бес (1905), where this fulfils an important function (in René Śliwowski’s translation of 1973 – the name of this creature is Niedotkniątko). We examine what role the character of niedotykomka has in the discussed novels and we analyze the impact translation strategies have on the image of a fictional universe as well as a lyrical situation (i.e., the change of the feminine grammatical form in the character’s name into a grammatically neuter one).

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Agnieszka Potyrańska
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This article presents an analysis of the Polish translation of the first poem from the series of six poems Звезда Маир (1898) by Fiodor Sologub and here in the translation by Witold Dąbrowski, Gwiazda Mair. Our task is to analyze the translation and trace to what extent the translator reflected the specificity of the lyrical situation presented in the original, and to what extent its image in the translation has changed. In addition, the focus was on translating the author’s proper names, reflecting Sologub’s creation of paradise, in order to show how specific translation activities affect the recipient’s perception of the lyrical situation shown in the poem. The rhythmic organization of the poem and the arrangement of rhymes in the original and in translation were also examined. It was shown to what extent the translators managed to reflect the hidden meanings and meaning‐creating symbols, so important for this Russian symbolist.
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Agnieszka Potyrańska

  1. Uniwersytet Marii Curie‑Skłodowskiej, Lublin
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The article represents research into poetry written during the Revolution of Dignity (2014). Such artistic texts are analyzed as a kind of phenomenon of contemporary literature. These are the poems of famous authors or even amateurs, united by a common sacred code. They appeal to the patterns and archetypes of the collective consciousness of Ukrainians. In the poetry of Euromaidan the researcher underlines two types of sacralization, which can be conditionally called masculine and feminine (paternal and maternal). The masculine type of this process realizes a symbolic projection of the figure of Jesus Christ. This symbol emphasizes the determination of the act, active attitude, the idea of fighting for the truth, as well as the willingness to sacrifice their own lives for the common good. The feminine version of the proces of sacralization is the Virgin Mary. This image appeals not to the heroic act, but to its emotional reflection, more specifically – the suffering, pain, traumatic experience of the victim. It corresponds to the archetypal image of the Mother of God, the Suffering Mother, who sacrifices her own son to death and cries for him later. The embodiment of the Christian sacrum in the poetry of the Maidan testifies to the fidelity to both European and Ukrainian traditions.
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Jarosław Poliszczuk

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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The article tackles issues of the pedagogy of place, with a special emphasis on the urban context. On the basis of fundamental theses asserting that a city is a text (Vladimir Toporov) and that places are pedagogical (Maria Mendel) – the author concentrates on symbols. Definition of this concept, as well as de3 nitions of its particular exemplifications, create a theoretical basis for further practical considerations. Presenting methodology of a research project Reading the City (Czytanie miasta) conducted in the years 2015–2016, the author creates new research challenges for pedagogues. Presentation of wide variety of city symbolism, encompassing both cultural manifestations (towers, bridges) and a realm of nature (mountains, river), leads to proposed educational applications. Descriptions of realized animations based on research form a summary of this article.

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Kamila Kamińska
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The paper describes the political use of symbols of childhood and orphanhood in the current policy of the Russian authorities. At the beginning of the Bolshevik regime, homeless children (bezprizorni) became a subject of interest for the security apparatus organized by F. Dzerzhinsky. At that time, A. Makarenko developed his innovative pedagogical approach. These activities were designed to create a “new Soviet man”. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia again faced the problem of homeless children. After several years, however, children and orphans are now being used as a symbol of vulnerability in the government policy of the Kremlin. As an answer to the so-called “Magnitsky Act”, the Russian authorities implemented the “DimaYakovlev law” prohibiting adoptions of Russian children to the United States. In addition to this, the child as a symbol of innocence and vulnerability is an invariant element in the policy of the Russian authorities. This combines symbolism associated with bravery, dedication and sacrifice, allowing justification of the current political course of power in Russia.

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Wojciech Siegień
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Although currently pole dancing is growing in popularity due to its sport dimension, it seems that such a form of expression is still commonly associated with strip clubs and connotes above all the erotic performance of a woman in front of a male audience. And yet, as one can find by frequenting dance studios that teach pole dancing, it is practiced not only by women, but also by men and children. Thus keeping in mind the ambiguity that arises at the intersection of competing optics in decoding the pole dance—with regard to “perpetuate interpretation logic” and the everyday experience of people undertaking the activity—the aim of this paper is to reflect on the issue of constructing and interpreting the meanings of actions and processes within the context of pole dancing. These processes can be seen as a reflection of the everyday life in which they occur.

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Magdalena Wojciechowska
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We devise a tool-supported framework for achieving power-efficiency of data-flowhardware circuits. Our approach relies on formal control techniques, where the goal is to compute a strategy that can be used to drive a given model so that it satisfies a set of control objectives. More specifically, we give an algorithm that derives abstract behavioral models directly in a symbolic form from original designs described at Register-transfer Level using a Hardware Description Language, and for formulating suitable scheduling constraints and power-efficiency objectives. We show how a resulting strategy can be translated into a piece of synchronous circuit that, when paired with the original design, ensures the aforementioned objectives. We illustrate and validate our approach experimentally using various hardware designs and objectives.
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Mete Özbaltan
Nicolas Berthier

  1. Erzurum Technical University, Erzurum, Turkey
  2. University of Liverpool, Liverpool, England
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The author highly appreciates the fi rst issue of the third volume of the fundamental “Dictionary of folk stereotypes and symbols” (ed. prof. E. Bartminsky), dedicated to the symbolism of plants. This issue presents rich materials (language, folklore, ethnographic) related to cereals, which in the popular perception have a mythological interpretation, the daily bread is God’s gift, endowed with sacred significance.

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Светлана М. Толстая
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The next (and not yet the last) issue of the second volume Plants of the Dictionary of Folk Stereotypes and Symbols, published in Lublin under the editorship of prof. E. Bartminsky and S. Niebrzegowska‑Bartminska, contains the topics Shrubs and Little bushes. The ethnolinguistic “portraits” of the plants are given at the broad Slavic and European background. Like the previous issues, it is a significant contribution to the study of Polish and Slavic folk culture. It also provides various material for linguistic studies of Polish and Slavic phytonymy thanks to a rich dialect corpus of plant names and related folklore and ethnographic contexts. Moreover, the Dictionary of Folk Stereotypes and Symbols provides a new method of ethnolinguistic lexicography, which can be successfully applied to the study of other Slavic and non‐Slavic languages and cultural traditions.
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Наталья Б. Корина

  1. Очередной выпуск Словаря народных стереотипов и символов
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The next issue of the Dictionary of folk stereotypes and symbols, published in Lublin under the editorship of Prof. E. Bartminski, is dedicated to the theme Flowers. Unlike many types of plants, whose cultural semantics "superimpose" on their practical significance in human life, flowers have an almost exclusively symbolic function – they serve as a decoration of the home space and a means of marking persons and objects that perform special ceremonial roles.

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Светлана М. Толстая
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Sacred spaces in hospitals – chapels or sacred gardens, as places of peace and tranquility, address spiritual needs of the patients and their families. The paper examines the elements creating the phenomenon of sacrum in the composition of the historical Stummer`s hospital in Topoľčany. Today the historical hospital complex is not used for its former functions and the question is how to preserve the sacred phenomena in the context of its future new uses.
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Katarína Kristiánová
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The author of the article analyses this phenomenon on the example of literature based discussions among researcher provided by V. Lepahin and M. Maslova. The main subject of discussion is a poem of Nikolay Gumilyov’s Andrei Rublev. In this particular case this had led to the fact that researchers were unable to see obvious connection with the Song of Solomon in the poem by Nikolai Gumilev and came to the false conclusion of incompetence Nikolai Gumilev in biblical matters. The article helps to understand some of the trends that are popular in modern Russian literary study.

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Valeriy Sklyarov
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The article presents two poetic prayers by Valery Bryusov, which constitute a model example of varieties within this literary genre (a pleading prayer, thanksgiving prayer and supplication, the conventional type). Shown is how the Russian poet’s works activate associative meanings (first of all, the connections with the Bible and other cultural texts at the turn of the 20th century), this being the subject of indepth analysis. Emphasised equally was the relational dimension of the poetic prayer.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ewa Stawinoga

  1. Lublin, Uniwersytet Marii Curie‑Skłodowskiej

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