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System Dynamics is methodology for modeling and analyzing complex systems. Such systems can be characterized by interconnectedness and feedback. Applying risk assessment to the results of System Dynamics models is a challenge. Though in some cases the resulting time series data generated by a simulation may appear approximately random at a specific scale, there is often a high-degree of auto-correlation within the data series due to the deterministic nature of generation and feedback loops inherent in the system. This paper presents proposed Dynamic Risk Assessment Method (DRAM) that allows for the estimation of risk for system dynamics data series that appear to be approximately random. DRAM is based on standard risk assessment methods and is simple both to calculate and apply. In this article, the proposed method is applied to determine the risk connected with hypothetical costs of illness stemming from water supply system contamination with Cryptosporidium.

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Scott Fortmann-Roe
Ryszarda Iwanejko
Włodzimierz Wójcik
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Mining tremors may have an impact on the safety risk of steel pipelines through their effects. It is therefore important to quantify the impact of a high-energy mining tremor in terms of strength. In addition, a comparison of the results obtained with the effect of a seismic tremor can illustrate the scale of such a hazard. Recently, this has been a very frequently raised issue in the area of surface protection against negative mining impacts and the protection of post-mining areas. Ensuring safe use is particularly important for gas transmission elements. This paper presents the results of a comparative analysis of the impact of mining tremors and seismic impacts on a specimen steel pipeline segment. The analyzed pipeline is located in the eastern part of Poland in the area of paraseismic impacts of the LGCD (Legnica-Glogow Copper District) mine. For this purpose, an analytical approach was used to assess the impact of seismic wave propagation on underground linear infrastructure facilities. Accelerogram records for the 02-06-2023 seismic tremor from Turkey and the mining tremor for 11-25-2020 were used. In the case of the design of underground pipelines, the cross-section of the element for which measures describing wall stress and the ovalization of the cross-section are determined is usually considered. In the situation of the influence of seismic wave propagation or so-called permanent ground deformation, the response of the pipeline in the longitudinal direction is analyzed. As a final result, longitudinal strains transferred to the pipeline as a consequence of the propagating seismic wave and mining tremor were determined. The absolute difference between the deformations in the ground and along the length of the pipeline was determined. This type of analysis has not been carried out before and provides new insights into the topic of paraseismic impacts on the scale of their interaction with natural earthquakes. Mining tremor data was obtained from the mine’s seismological department. The seismic tremor data, on the other hand, was downloaded via the publicly available ESM (Engineering Strong- Motion Database).
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Janusz Rusek
Leszek Słowik
Krzysztof Tajduś

  1. AGH University of Krakow al. Adama Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland
  2. ITB Building Research Institute ul. Filtrowa 1, 00-611 Warsaw, Poland
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The paper presents a new kind of vibrator, called the intelligent vibrator, which is an integrated set of two inert vibrators supplied by asynchronous squirrel-cage motors, equipped with digital control system, the readout system of the position of unbalanced masses, and inverter supply system. The paper presents a model of the prototype of the machine and exemplary run-times.
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Mariusz Giergiel
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It was confirmed that in the north of Poland winged specimens of Myzus persicae (Sulz.) start to migrate in spring approximately over three weeks later than in the central and sou them regions. It was observed that during the 1981-1990 and 1991-2000 decades, M. persicae started its flights approximately over two weeks earlier than during the 1971-1980 decade. With this respect one may conclude that the changes are permanent. There were also changes in quantity. In some places the M. persicae share in the entire aphid fauna on potato crops was observed to have decreased as the time passed, which, as it seems, may be associated with a decrease in potato crops area in Poland. Such a correlation can also be confirmed by the fact that in the area where M. persicae share increased, the potato crops area also increased extensively.
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Michał Kostiw
Barbara Robak
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Dynamic stability analysis of the World Class Glider PW-5 has been presented. Glider was assumed to be a rigid body of three degrees of freedom - two linear displacements and one rotation - all in the plane of symmetry. Responses of the glider due to gust and deflection of elevator have been determined. The Laplace transform has been applied to convert the differential equations into algebraic ones. The transformed algebraic equations, after a number of manipulations have been solved for the output variables. Partial-fraction expansions have been performed to obtain the inverse Laplace transforms from the Laplace transform table. Although some restricting assumptions have been made (rigid body, small disturbances) the presented results are original and have not been presented before. The airworthiness regulations (JAR, FAR) do not require performing dynamic analysis in order the glider to be granted a Certificate of Airworthiness by the national aviation authority. To certificate the glider it is sufficient to prove static stability by means of in-flight tests. Flying qualities are qualitatively estimated basing on subjective opinions of the test pilots
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Zdobysław Goraj
Adam Przekop
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The paper presents the numerical model of a supply vessel-load-crane-offshore vessel system for simulation of heave motion and dynamic analysis of the system during critical phases of the handling operation: taking the load off from and lowering it to a moving base. The model enables extreme forces in elements and deflection of the structure to be determined. Different operating and emergency conditions can be simulated (e.g. horizontal motion of a supply vessel). The elaborated software can be applied also for determination of derated load charts and ultimate crane capacity (sequence of failure).
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Marek Osiński
Andrzej Maczyński
Stanisław Wojciech
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New model of the simulation of the airbag inflation process, taking into account the influence of the airbag environment on the folding process, have been proposed. Equations describing a new model and the used numerical schemes were presented. The differences of the airbag fabric skin motion during the folding process, obtained by the use of different process models (existing and proposed), have been presented on the simple geometry examples. From the analysis of obtained results one acknowledged that the proposed model should be used in all calculations of the airbag operation in non-typical situations, out-of position occupants, side airbags, particularly in the case of small distances between the closed airbag and the elements of the body of the protected person.
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Sylwester Tudruj
Janusz Piechna
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The paper discusses an occurrence or latent reactions in the direction perpendicular to the movement of the suspension systems in vibratory machines supported by parallel leaf springs. These reactions occur despite an apparent lack of any forces acting in that direction and may - for long machine bodies - reach values comparable with the exciting force of the vibrator. Analytical relationships allowing for estimation of the value of reactions were derived. The obtained results were verified by means of the Geometric Element Method as well as by the performed experiments.
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Jerzy Michalczyk
Piotr Czubak
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The main aim of this analysis is to consider a mutual interference between aircraft motion and surrounding flow field. Euler flow model for inviscid, compressible gas and aircraft flight dynamics model was used to analyse quick dynamic manoeuvres. For such manoeuvres, aerodynamic hysteresis has a great influence on aircraft dynamics, which cannot be simulated with the assumption of quasi-steady aerodynamics. On the other hand, the aircraft motion as a rigid body strongly influences the flow field around itself. To account for this mutual interference, the Euler flow equations were used to obtain aerodynamic forces and moments acting on a simplified aircraft configuration (main wing+ tailplane only) during pull-out manoeuvre, and the flight dynamics equations of motion were used to describe dynamics of an aircraft. Initial conditions for the flight dynamics equation of motion were settled up coming from the solution of the Euler flow model. As a test case, a weak pull-out manoeuvre was selected. During this manoeuvre, the highest value of angle of attack doesn't exceed 12 degrees - the value which can be obtained from the classical approach based on flight dynamics equations of motion with quasisteady aerodynamics. However, coupled Euler flight dynamic model has much wider applicability, and can be used for the analysis of manoeuvres at high angles of attack, including large scale separation at sharp edges, unsteadiness and flow asymmetries even for symmetrical undisturbed flowficld case. This method, if successfully verified to a number of important flight manoeuvres (such as spin, Cobra manoeuvre, roll at high angles of attack and other) can open a new, very promising field in the analysis of aircraft dynamics.
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Tomasz Iglewski
Zdobysław Goraj
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The study addresses two groups of issues occurring in modeling and experimental studies of multicomponent nonisobaric diffusion in macroporous materials. The dynamics of such processes is described in terms of systems of nonlinear partial differential equations. A method of orthogonal collocation for resolving the equations is proposed and compared with the method of lines. The second group of problems presented involves numerical simulations of diffusion in aWicke–Kallenbach diffusion cell. Such an apparatus is used in experimental studies. Particular attention is paid to diffusion in a cell closed from both sides. This is an analogue of the Duncan–Toor experiment. The effect of the number of diffusing components and their initial concentrations on the dynamics of diffusion in binary and ternary solution was studied. Hitherto unknown dynamic properties of such processes were detected and discussed.
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Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Bizon
Bolesław Tabiś

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, ul. Warszawska 24, 31-155 Kraków, Poland
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In this paper, quanizted multisine inputs for a maneuver with simultaneous elevator, aileron and rudder deflections are presented. The inputs were designed for 9 quantization levels. A nonlinear aircraft model was exited with the designed inputs and its stability and control derivatives were identified. Time domain output error method with maximum likelihood principle and a linear aircraft model were used to perform parameter estimation. Visual match and relative standard deviations of the estimates were used to validate the results for each quantization level for clean signals and signals with measurement noise present in the data. The noise was included into both output and input signals. It was shown that it is possible to obtain accurate results when simultaneous flight controls deflections are quantized and noise is present in the data.

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P. Lichota
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The advance of technical state criteria for elements of mining hoists demands a basic strength-fatigue analysis where the real values of loads and the real time function of the load variability could be used. That problem concerns also the suspension gear of skip and balance ropes, where fatigue durability should be considered as time function related to the hoist facility type. Such objective can not be achieved without comprehensive study of the dynamics of processes both in the regular operation of the facility and in its emergency states. In this work the author presents some considerations, that are however, limited to the analysis of dynamic phenomena observed in the condition of the emergency braking of the hoist facility. The results were verified by load measurements taken for some elements of the analysed real object system.
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Stanisław Wolny
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In order for the ultimate state methods to be applied in dimensioning of the load-bearing elements in a conveyance, it is required that their design loads during their normal duty cycle and under the emergency braking conditions should be first established. Recently, efforts have been made to determine the interaction forces between the shaft steelwork and the conveyance under the normal operating condition [1,2]. Thus far, this aspect has been mostly neglected in design engineering. Measurement results summarised in this paper and confronted with the theoretical data [3] indicate that the major determinant of fatigue endurance of conveyances is the force acting horizontally and associated with the conveyance being hoisted in relation to the vertical force due to the weight of the conveyance and payload.
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Authors and Affiliations

Stanisław Wolny

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Al. A. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland
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The problem of reconstructing an unknown disturbance under measuring a part of phase coordinates of a system of linear differential equations is considered. Solving algorithm is designed. The algorithm is based on the combination of ideas from the theory of dynamical inversion and the theory of guaranteed control. The algorithm consists of two blocks: the block of dynamical reconstruction of unmeasured coordinates and the block of dynamical reconstruction of an input.

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Marina Blizorukova
Vycheslav Maksimov
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We consider in this work a class of finite dimensional time-varying linear disturbed systems. The main objective of this work is to studied the optimal control which ensures the remediability of a disturbance of time-varying disturbed systems. The remediability concept consist to find a convenient control which bringing back the corresponding observation of disturbed system to the normal one at the final time. We give firstly some characterisations of compensation and in second party we find a control which annul the output of the system and we show also that the Hilbert Uniqueness Method can be used to solve the optimal control which ensure the remediability.Ageneral approachwas given to minimize the linear quadratic problem. Examples and numerical simulations are given.
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El Mostafa Magri
Chadi Amissi
Larbi Afifi
Mustapha Lhous

  1. Fundamental and Applied Mathematics Laboratory, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Faculty of Sciences Ain Chock, Hassan II University of Casablanca, B.P.5366-Maârif, Casablanca, Morocco
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The goal of the study was to determine the risk posed to soil, groundwater and plants by the application of sewage sludge from a mechanical-biological wastewater treatment plant of nominal capacity of 46 000 m3/d. as fertilizer. Soil samples were collected from an agricultural and vegetable production farm. The leaching experiment was carried out in PCV lizymeters (with percolation water outlet). With respect to the chemistry and biology, the analyzed sludge meets the standards set up for sludge used for agricultural purposes. After 8, 16 and 24 weeks of simulated leaching with atmospheric precipitation, the lecheate from lizymeters showed changes in pH (increasing tendency), electrolytic conductivity (decreasing tendency) as well as slightly lowering content of heavy metals. Heavy metal speciation in sewage sludge showed that they occur in forms of compounds sparingly releasable to the soil solution (fractions III, IV, V). The analysis of sequential chemical extraction carried out in soil with applied sewage sludge, after 24 weeks treatment with simulated atmospheric precipitation doses showed similar heavy metal occurrence tendency as in the case of pure sludge. The total heavy metal content in fractions I-III amounted from 18,6% for Cr to 44,8% for Zn. The remaining content of heavy metals was basically bound with fraction V, which is completely unavailable for plants.
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Czesława Rosik-Dulewska
Mirosław Mikszta
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By duplicating the binaural pressures of an actual source, transaural reproduction with two frontal loudspeakers is expected to recreate a virtual source in arbitrary direction. However, experiments indicated that in static transaural reproduction, the perceived virtual source is usually limited to the frontalhorizontal plane. The reasons for this limitation, as guessed, are that, in static reproduction, the dynamic cues for front-back and vertical localisation are incorrect, and the high-frequency spectral cues are unstable with head movement. To validate this hypothesis, the variations of ITD (interaural time difference) caused by head turning in both static and dynamic transaural reproductions are analysed. The results indicate that dynamic reproduction is able to create appropriate low-frequency ITD variations, and the static transaural reproduction is unable to do so. Psychoacoustic experiments are conducted to compare virtual source localisation in static and dynamic reproductions. The results indicate that dynamic reproduction is able to recreate the front, back, and vertical virtual source for low-pass stimuli below 3 kHz, while for full audible bandwidth stimulus, appropriate low-frequency dynamic cue and unstable high-frequency spectral cues in dynamic reproduction result in two splitting virtual sources.
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Lulu Liu
Bosun Xie

  1. Acoustic Lab, School of Physics and Optoelectronics, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, 510641, China
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This work describes a 4-bit Flash ADC with low power consumption. The performance metrics of a Flash ADC depend on the kind of comparator and encoder used. Hence openloop comparator and mux-based encoder are used to obtain improved performance. Simulation results show that the simulated design consumes 0.265mW of power in 90nm CMOS technology using cadence-virtuoso software. The circuit operates with an operating frequency of 100MHz and a supply voltage of 1V.
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D. S. Shylu Sam
P. Sam Paul
Diana Jeba Jingle
P. Mano Paul
Judith Samuel
J. Reshma
P. Sarah Sudeepa
G. Evangeline

  1. Karunya Institute of Technology & Sciences, Coimbatore, India
  2. Christ (Deemed to be University), Bangalore, India
  3. Alliance University, Bangalore, India
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In this paper, we present an experimental setup developed for the calibration of dynamic force transducers which is based on the drop mass method. The traceability to SI units is realized through well-known mass characteristics and a reference shock accelerometer attached to that mass. Two approaches are proposed to analyse dynamic force employing a drop mass system. One approach depends on the inertial force of a falling mass while the other deals with the work-energy principle. Results of both approaches are then compared to the response of a statically calibrated force transducer. It is shown that the obtained maximum relative deviations between the response of force transducer and the first approach results are 1% while those of the second approach are 2%.
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Shaker A. Gelany
Gouda M. Mahmoud

  1. National Institute of Standards (NIS), Tersa St, El-Haram, PO Box 136, Code 12211, Giza, Egypt
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The article presents a new discretization method of a continuous-time linear model of sensor dynamics. It can be useful to reduce measuring errors related to the inertia of the sensor. For example it is important in the measurement of rapid processes as temperature changes in combustion chambers, or for shortening the time needed to establish the sensor readings in a transition state. There is assumed that sensor dynamics can be approximated by linear differential equation or transfer function. The searched coefficients of equivalent difference equation or discrete transfer function are obtained from Taylor expansion of a sensor output signal and then on the solution of the linear set of equations. The method does not require decomposition of sensor transfer function for zeros and poles and can be applied to the case of transfer function with zeros equal to zero. The method was used to compensate the dynamics of sensor measuring fast signals. The Bode characteristics of a compensator were compared with others derived using classical methods of discretization of linear models. Additionally, signals in time were presented to show the dynamic error before and after compensation.
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Authors and Affiliations

Sławomir Gryś
Waldemar Minkina

  1. University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Poland
  2. Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa, Faculty of Science and Technology, Poland
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The ongoing period of the pandemic makes everybody focused on the matters related to fighting this immense problem posed to the societies worldwide. The governments deal with the threat by publishing regulations which should allow to mitigate the pandemic, walking on thin ice as the decision makers do not always know how to properly respond to the threat in order to save people. Computer-based simulations of e.g. parts of the city or rural area should provide significant help, however, there are some requirements to fulfill. The simulation should be verifiable, supported by the urban research and it should be possible to run it in appropriate scale. Thus in this paper we present an interdisciplinary work of urban researchers and computer scientists, proposing a scalable, HPC-grade model of simulation, which was tested in a real scenario and may be further used to extend our knowledge about epidemic spread and the results of its counteracting methods. The paper shows the relevant state of the art, discusses the micro-scale simulation model, sketches out the elements of its implementation and provides tangible results gathered for a part of the city of Krakow, Poland.
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  1.  I. Mironowicz, Modele transformacji miast. Wrocław: Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, 2016.
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Authors and Affiliations

Mateusz Paciorek
Damian Poklewski-Koziełł
Kinga Racoń-Leja
Aleksander Byrski
Mateusz Gyurkovich
Wojciech Turek

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, al. Adama Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland
  2. Cracow University of Technology, ul. Warszawska 24, 31-155 Krakow, Poland
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Scaffolding is equipment usually used at construction sites. A scaffolding structure is lightweight and made of elements used many times. The characteristics of scaffolding make it susceptible to dynamic actions present at the structure or occurring nearby. A scaffolding structure of medium size was subjected to analysis in this paper. The structure FEM model was loaded with single force harmonic excitation with various frequencies ranging from 1 Hz to 12 Hz applied in one of many selected points on the scaffolding façade. In the first step, natural frequencies and mode shapes of the analyzed structure were calculated. Then the full dynamic analysis was carried out to obtain maximum displacements of selected control points. The relation of excitation force frequency and location to the amplitudes of generated displacement was observed. It was found that low excitation frequencies close to the natural frequencies of the structure produced vibrations ranging to large areas of the scaffolding surface. Higher excitation frequencies are usually less propagated at the scaffolding but still may produce some discomfort to the structure users in the vicinity of the excitation force location. Scaffolding is equipment usually used at construction sites. A scaffolding structure is lightweight and made of elements used many times. The characteristics of scaffolding make it susceptible to dynamic actions present at the structure or occurring nearby. A scaffolding structure of medium size was subjected to analysis in this paper. The structure FEM model was loaded with single force harmonic excitation with various frequencies ranging from 1 Hz to 12 Hz applied in one of many selected points on the scaffolding façade. In the first step, natural frequencies and mode shapes of the analyzed structure were calculated. Then the full dynamic analysis was carried out to obtain maximum displacements of selected control points. The relation of excitation force frequency and location to the amplitudes of generated displacement was observed. It was found that low excitation frequencies close to the natural frequencies of the structure produced vibrations ranging to large areas of the scaffolding surface. Higher excitation frequencies are usually less propagated at the scaffolding but still may produce some discomfort to the structure users in the vicinity of the excitation force location.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jarosław Bęc
Ewa Błazik-Borowa
Jacek Szer

  1. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Lublin University of Technology, Poland
  2. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering, Lodz University of Technology, Poland
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Training a neural network can be a challenging task, particularly when working with complex models and large amounts of training data, as it consumes significant time and resources. This research proposes a hybrid model that combines population-based heuristic algorithms with traditional gradient-based techniques to enhance the training process. The proposed approach involves using a dynamic population-based heuristic algorithm to identify good initial values for the neural network weight vector. This is done as an alternative to the traditional technique of starting with random weights. After several cycles of distributing search agents across the search domain, the training process continues using a gradient-based technique that starts with the best initial weight vector identified by the heuristic algorithm. Experimental analysis confirms that exploring the search domain during the training process decreases the number of cycles needed for gradient descent to train a neural network. Furthermore, a dynamic population strategy is applied during the heuristic search, with objects added and removed dynamically based on their progress. This approach yields better results compared to traditional heuristic algorithms that use the same population members throughout the search process.
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Authors and Affiliations

Amer Mirkhan
Numan Çelebi

  1. Sakarya University, Computer Engineering Department
  2. Sakarya University, Information Systems Engineering Department
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The integration of chaos theory and history has been an issue ofmany scientific discussions, but failed to produce any results. Author reexamines the discussions, mathematical features of the theory and claims that proposed ways of integration couldn't have been used practically. Author asks if such integration is possible and i fit can have any intrinsic value for advancement of historical knowledge. Proposed solution is to use chaos theory as a tool, which enables historians to analyze causal relations in the past.
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Maciej Gablankowski

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