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In this paper, the properties of AE signals originating from phenomena occurring during magnetization of ferromagnetic materials which are used to construct power transformer cores are presented. The AE signals in a selected power oil transformer were recorded and analyzed. The analysis included, i.e., time, frequency, and time-frequency analyses, calculations of amplitude distributions of the signals and defined AE descriptors, determination of the descriptor map on the side walls of transformers, as well as a detailed analysis of selected part of the signals.

The maps of descriptors were analyzed in the frequency bands of 20–70 kHz, 70–100 kHz, and 100–200 kHz. The analysis of the properties of the signals was performed in time and frequency domains. Based on the analysis, there were identified the AE signals originating from the phenomena occurring during the core magnetization of a power oil transformer. To identify those phenomena, the maps of the ADC descriptor calculated in the band of 20–70 kHz when selecting the measurement points in which there were no AE sources from partial discharges were used.

An analysis of magnetoacoustic emission signals in the bands of 70–100 kHz and 100–200 kHz was also performed. The analysis of the signal properties in such an extended frequency range allowed determining the properties of the magnetoacoustic signals coming from core sheets of power oil transformers.

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Franciszek Witos
Aneta Olszewska
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This paper presents a method for estimation of core losses in banks of single phase power transformers that are subjected to an injected DC current such as geomagnetically induced currents (GIC). The main procedure of the core loss calculation is to obtain a magnetic flux density waveform in both time and location by using a novel algorithm based on 3D FEM inside the core and then to calculate the loss distribution based on loss separation theory. Also, a simple and effective method is proposed for estimation of losses of asymmetric minor loops by using combination of symmetric loops. The effect of DC biasing on core losses in single phase power transformers is investigated and the sensitivity of core type and material is evaluated. the results shows that DC current biasing could increase core losses up to 40 percent or even more.
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Seyed Mousavi
Göran Engdahl
Edris Agheb
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This paper aims to present a new equivalent scheme of multi-windings traction transformers, based on multiport purely inductive circuit. The mathematical background of this equivalent scheme is described. The determination of the different scheme elements is made through a finite-elements calculation of both main and leakage inductances, for the case of a four-winding transformer. A procedure is defined, which allows to estimate the values of these elements from some measurements on the transformer at no-load and short-circuit operations. A specific strategy of short-circuit tests is described, allowing to determine all parameters in a rather simple way.

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Tadeusz J. Sobczyk
Joseph El Hayek
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Electronic voltage transformers (EVT) and electronic current transformers (ECT) are important instruments in a digital substation. For simple, rapid and convenient development, the paper proposed an on-site calibration system for electronic instrument transformers based on LabVIEW. In the system, analog signal sampling precision and dynamic range are guaranteed by the Agilent 3458A digital multimeter, and data synchronization is also achieved based on a self-developed PCI synchronization card. To improve the measurement accuracy, an error correction algorithm based on the Hanning window interpolation FFT has good suppression of frequency fluctuation and inter-harmonics interference. The human-computer interface and analysis algorithm are designed based on LabVIEW, and the adaptive communication technology is designed based on IEC61850 9-1/2. The calibration system can take into account pairs of digital output and analog output of the electronic voltage/current transformer calibration. The results of system tests show that the calibration system can meet the requirements of 0.2 class calibration accuracy, and the actual type test and on-site calibration also show that the system is easy to operate with convenience and satisfactory stability.

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Ming Zhang
Kaicheng Li
Jun Wang
Shunfan He
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A high accurate electronic instrument transformer calibration system is introduced in this paper. The system uses the fourth-order convolution window algorithm for the error calculation method. Compared with Fast Fourier Transform, which is recommended by standard IEC-60044-8 (Electronic current transformers), it has higher accuracy. The relative measuring errors caused by asynchronous sampling could be reduced effectively without any special hardware technique adopted. The results show that the ratio error caused by asynchronous sampling can be reduced to 10-4, and the phase error can be reduced to 10-3 degrees when the deviation of frequency is within ±0.5 Hz. The present method of measurement processing is achieved by a high-accuracy USB multifunction data acquisition (DAQ) card and virtual measurement devices, with low cost, short exploitation period and high stability.

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Yue Tong
Guoxiong Ye
Keqin Guo
Hongbin Li
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The article is a review of the book edited by Krzysztof Brzechczyn, The Paths of Transformation. Theoretical Approach and Empirical Descriptions, Poznań 2003.
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Mariusz Weiss
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In this study a group of selected transformation kinetics equations is applied to describe the isothermal ferritic transformation in austempered ductile iron (ADI). A series of dilatometric tests has been carried out on ADI at different temperatures. The obtained experimental data are utilized to determine the parameter values of the considered kinetic equations. It is found that the transformation kinetics models by Starink, Austin and Rickett are substantially more effective at describing the ferritic transformation in ADI than the much celebrated Johnson-Mehl-Avrami-Kolmogorov (JMAK) equation. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that evaluating the kinetic parameters using the least squares method instead of calculating them from vastly used formulas can significantly improve the accuracy of the JMAK model’s predictions.

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C. Suchocki
D. Myszka
K. Wasiluk
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A comparison of measurements of voltage transformer (VT) voltage ratio and phase displacement was performed between the National Center for High Voltage Measurement (NCHVM), China and the National Measurement Institute (NMI), Australia, with two voltage transformers provided by the NCHVM being used as the travelling standards. Voltage ratios of the 10 kV/100 V transformer measured by the two institutes differed by less than 5 μV/V and the phase displacement by less than 6 μrad, while voltage ratios of the (110/p3 kV)/100 V transformer differed by less than 16 μV/V and 13 μrad. These results confirmed that measurement results of the two institutes agreed within detailed measurement uncertainties evaluation. The comparison further enhances the confidence in both methods, which are widely used for calibration of voltage transformers in the electricity industry.
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Xue Wang
Fred Emms
Hao Liu
Yi Li
Teng Yao

  1. China Electric Power Research Institute, Wuhan, China
  2. National Measurement Institute, Lindfield, NSW, Australia
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Dr. Artur Obłuski of the University of Warsaw tells us about research into political, social, and religious transformations in Sudan in the Middle Ages, the present-day importance of archaeological discoveries, and the meaning of the word “UMMA.”

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Marcin Obłuski
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“Isolation would be most unfortunate. We would be doing science in our own company, completely indifferent to what is happening outside our own universe. This would be totally self-destructive and I hope it will never happen,” says Professor Michał Głowiński in an interview with Grzegorz Wołowiec, titled “A Time Unexpected,” a fragment of which is presented below.

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Mochał Głowiński
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The article presents a method for analyzing the own errors of the discrete wavelet transform algorithms, which are introduced by these algorithms into the output quantities. The presented considerations include determining the origin of the error signals in question and determining their parameters. Both errors resulting from imperfections in the transmittance of the algorithm and those resulting from its implementation in the actual measurement chain were considered.
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Łukasz Dróżdż
Jerzy Roj

  1. Department of Measurement Science,Electronics and Control, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland
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This paper examines how Latvian communities abroad reacted to and were influenced by a change of the first magnitude in the political life of their homeland, namely, the proclamation of the Republic of Latvia on November 18, 1918. News of the proclamation, first of all, necessitated diaspora Latvians choosing attitudes towards the new phenomenon, which highlighted the political pre‑dispositions of the different groups within the diaspora. Polarisation of opinions was followed shortly by a wave of activities both in support of and against the new Republic. These activities included gathering financial resources for war victims and state institutions in Latvia, public relations campaigns in diaspora host countries, political lobbying etc. The establishment of the Republic of Latvia also profoundly influenced and intensified the internal formation processes within the diaspora. A marked increase of activity is observable in all fields of engagement that are characteristic of an active ethno‑national diaspora: the internal organisational structure was further developed; contacts with the homeland intensified; mutual links between geographically distant diaspora groups became closer. The great political changes in the homeland gave the Latvian diaspora the push necessary to fully develop and become an active ethno‑national diaspora.
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Kristīne Beķere

  1. University of Latvia
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Demand for energy and resources has been growing as a result of population growth and increased consumption to the point where all the scientific evidence shows we are bumping up against fundamental planetary boundaries on which our civilizations depend. In new EASAC report trends that lead calls for “transformative” change, with a focus on some of the systemic and structural failures that are driving our current unsustainable development has been discussed.
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Rajmund Michalski

  1. Instytut Podstaw Inżynierii Środowiska PAN w Zabrzu
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On 16 July 2019, another significant amendment to the provisions of the Act on the transformation of the right of perpetual usufruct to land built-up for residential purposes into the ownership title to that land was introduced. The purpose of this research paper is to analyse the influence of the amendments to the regulations on the scope of the real properties subject to the transformation of perpetual usufruct into ownership, to identify the problems and to assess the status of the implementation of the transformation process in practice. The conducted research has resulted in the presentation of the structure of land on the example of a selected city, in particular with reference to real estate let into perpetual usufruct for residential purposes. The author has also determined the status of the implementation of the transformation process in practice as well as the problems hindering the issuance of certificates for all transformed properties within the statutory period. The progress of the transformation process in a given area depends, inter alia, on the scope of real properties subject to this transformation, the requirement to perform additional analyses, including those regarding non-compliance of the legal and factual state of the property, and the assessment of the existence of public aid and related payments. This study is a continuation of the earlier research, extended by the effects of the regulations introduced in July 2019, as well as by the assessment of the progress in the transformation process in practice.

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Anna Trembecka
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The geodesy literature seems to offer comprehensive insight into the planar Helmert transformation with Hausbrandt corrections. Specialist literature is mainly devoted to the issues of 3D transformation. The determination of the sought values, coordinates in the target system, requires two stages of computations. The classical approach yields ‘new’ coordinates of reference points in the target system that should not be changed in principle. This requires the Hausbrandt corrections. The paper proposes to simplify the two-stage process of planar transformation by assigning adjustment corrections to reference point coordinates in the source system. This approach requires solving the Helmert transformation by adjusting conditioned observations with unknowns. This yielded transformation results consistent with the classical method. The proposed algorithm avoided the issue of correcting the official coordinates of the control network and using additional (post-transformation) corrections for the transformed points. The proposed algorithm for solving the plane Helmert transformation for �� > 2 reference points simplifies the computing stages compared to the classical approach. The assignment of adjustment corrections to coordinates of reference points in the source system helps avoid correcting coordinates of the reference points in the target system and additional corrections for transformed points. The main goal of any data adjustment process with the use of the least squares method is (by definition) obtaining unambiguous quantities that would strictly meet the mathematical relationships between them. Therefore, this work aims to show such a transformation adjusting procedure, so that no additional computational activities related to the correction of already aligned results are necessary.
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Tadeusz Gargula
Pelagia Gawronek

  1. University of Agriculture in Krakow, Krakow, Poland
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In this article, the author will try to conditionally transform the energy capacities of NNEGC

Energoatom by converting a liability into an asset using the example of bitcoin. With a surplus of

nuclear power generation, one of the modern tools for using excess electricity is directing it to cryptocurrency

mining. The author of the article will try to calculate the possibilities of Ukrainian NPPs

in the cryptoindustry market by analyzing the competitiveness, market trends and the approximate

profitability of this kind of activity. The essence of the article lies in the intervention of the state

energy giant in completely new activities, partial monopolization of the market and interference

in the activities of decentralized cryptocurrencies, as well as the very novelty of combining two

different fields of activity and the global nature of the consequences. Mining can be used to convert

the underdeveloped electricity or all of Energoatom’s capacities totally, but at the same time it can

also affect the cryptoasset market in the field of decentralization, as the primary cost factor to affect

the price of assets and allow for obtaining super-profits at a state enterprise. The author of the article

tries to understand the profitability of such actions and, in general, to understand the globality

of the idea. The results of the entry of the national energy giant into the cryptoasset market will

change the global processes in the ecosystem of the cryptoindustry and change the situation both

on the electricity market in the region and, in general, will affect the processes of globalization and

unification of the financial sectors of the economy.

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Vladyslav Gennadyevich Stanislavskyi
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The article discusses the problem with modifications of plans of water areas and the forms of their borders which have been inscribed into the history of all city structures related to water. It can be observed that the modifications made in recent decades very often concern the transformations of former industrial sites. Many such structural changes are taking place within signifi cant areas which have fragmented central parts of cities and created voids in the urban fabric. They are being applied to many former shipyards and ports. Research shows that the formation of new connections between land and water in these transformation processes is essential. More frequently, those conversions that are currently being realized change the constructions of wharves and lead to the development of plans drawing new borders between land and water. In these cases water is introduced into land areas and new land surfaces are being created over existing bodies of water. These operations can be considered extremely valuable in achieving the intended eff ects of transformations of post-industrial areas. They are perceived as an excellent possibility to strengthen the relationship between the city structure and water. At the same time they create an opportunity to achieve a high quality of architectural and landscape solutions and the quality of spaces in both social and economic terms.

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Izabela M. Burda
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Gothenburg is the second-largest city in Sweden, capital of Västra Götaland County Region. It is situated on the west coast of Sweden with the port area located along the Göta Älv River. Due to economic restructuring, waterfront redevelopment emerges as an attractive option to boost economic growth of the city. The aim of this paper is to shed light on conditions of the transformation process of two neighboring areas: Frihamnen and Ringön. Publicly initiated and privately executed waterfront redevelopment in Gothenburg transforms industrial grounds into residential and service oriented areas in Eriksberg, Lindholmen and Frihamnen. The collaborative process of a “developer dialogue” crafts a redevelopment in a consistent way with taking into consideration city’s long-term planning strategy, specifi c needs and opportunities of the neighbourhoods, but also market and fi nancial realities of development community. Another example is a slow and spontaneous transformation of post-industrial areas in Ringön, where still active small industrial fi rms, services, cultural and artistic initiatives take place in the close proximity to the city centre. Results show the waterfront transformation attracts “developers’ dialogue” giving the opportunity to build a coherence for spatial, environmental and socio-economic development. Yet fragmented redevelopment of brownfi eld areas strengthen polarization between dynamic and carefully planned Frihamnen and spontaneously growing Ringön. This paper contributes to the knowledge on the complexity of urban post-industrial transformation.

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Anna Kaczorowska
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In Poland, there is a growing awareness of the need to change the sources of electricity and heat. An expression of this is the adoption of the document entitled Poland’s Energy Policy until 2040 (PEP 2040) in February 2020 by the Council of Ministers. The goal of the Polish Energy Policy until 2040 is “energy security – ensuring the competitiveness of the economy, energy efficiency and reducing the environmental impact of the energy sector – taking into account the optimal use of own energy resources”. In PEP 2040, the previous assumptions of the state’s long-term energy policy were amended and an increase in the use of low- or non-emission sources was declared. In addition, the energy policy guidelines contain forecasts for the production of steam coal and the demand for this raw material. Based on the provisions of the document, as well as forecasts of the coal-production volume prepared by the authors and the assessments of experts in the fields related to energy and mining, the article contains considerations on the validity of the developed forecasts together with the determination of the production capacity of domestic mining enterprises in terms of covering the demand for steam coal used for the production of electricity and heat. It is planned, inter alia, that blocks of coal-fired power plants will be decommissioned and, in their place, there is to be the expansion of solar and wind energy and the commissioning of the first blocks of a nuclear power plant. Such activities, which cause a decrease in the demand for coal, are also related to the plans of changes in the functioning of mining enterprises – there will be successive closures of individual mines and mining plants.
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Marian Czesław Turek
Patrycja Bąk

  1. Central Mining Institute, Katowice, Poland
  2. AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland
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In this paper, a class of linear Boolean functions is analyzed. The Boolean function can be represented as disjoint cubes or in the form of a truth vector. The primary purpose of this analysis is to decide whether an incompletely defined function can be extended to a complete linear form. A simple algorithm for generating all states of this function has been proposed if the Boolean function can have a full representation. The algorithm is beneficial for large functions. The proposed approach can be applied to completely and incompletely defined Boolean functions.
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Piotr Porwik

  1. Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Silesia, Bedzinska 39, 41-200 Sosnowiec, Poland
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The radiation of sound waves from partially lined duct is treated by using the mode-matching method in conjunction with the Wiener-Hopf technique. The solution is obtained by modification of the Wiener-Hopf technique and involves an infinite series of unknowns which are determined from an infinite system of linear algebraic equations. Numerical solution of this system is obtained for various values of the problem parameters, whereby the effects of these parameters on the sound diffraction are studied. A perfect agreement is observed when the results of radiated field are compared numerically with a similar work existing in the literature.

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Burhan Tiryakioglu
Ahmet Demir
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Real-time data processing systems utilize Digital Signal Processing (DSP) functions as the base modules. Most of the DSP functions involve the implementation of Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) to convert the signals from one domain to another domain. The major bottleneck of Decimation in frequency- Fast Fourier Transform (DIF-FFT) implementation lies in using a number of Multipliers. Distributed arithmetic (DA) is considered as one of the efficient techniques to implement DIF-FFT. In this approach, the multipliers are not used. The proposed technique exploits the very advantage of the look-up table by storing the Twiddle factors, thereby avoiding the multipliers required in the butterfly structure. DIF-FFT using Distributed Arithmetic (DIF-FFT DA) models, with different adders such as Ripple carry adder (RCA), Carry-lookahead adder (CLA), and Sklansky prefix graph adder, are proposed in this paper. The three proposed models are synthesized using Cadence 6.1 EDA tools with a 45nm CMOS technology. Compared to the traditional method, it is observed that the area is improved by 53.11%, 53.35%, and 50.15%, power is improved by 42.31%, 42.52%, and 40.39%, and delay is improved by 45.26%, 45.42%, 41.80%, respectively.
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Kusma Kumari Cheepurupalli
Muntha Charan
Jammu Bhaskara Rao
Mahammad S. Noor

  1. Dept. of ECE, Gayatri Vidya Parishad College of Engineering, India
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The aim of the article is to present the views of Andrzej Walicki on the heritage of the Russian and Polish intelligentsia. His interest in the history of this social group resulted not only from the need for empathic understanding of its worldview(s), but above all from his pursuit of his own self‑definition and the desire to outline his life program. He believed that the main merit of the Russian intelligentsia was the ethos of sacrifice for the lower classes and the experienced imperative to ‘redeem’ the historical blame of the privileged classes. The main contribution of the Polish intelligentsia was the desire to include the lower classes in the modern political community – with the view to creating a civil nation. According to Walicki, the political breakthrough after 1989, along with the ‘shock therapy’, regrettably supported by a majority of the Polish intelligentsia, resulted for many people from the working class in a real pauperization and a major loss of life stability. The necessity to return to the traditional ethos of intelligentsia was (and is) the only way to restore in the social upper strata a sense of responsibility for the lower classes and a willingness to empower them to shape future social relationships.
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Authors and Affiliations

Maria M. Przeciszewska

  1. Fundacja Augusta hr. Cieszkowskiego, ul. Mianowskiego 15/65, 02-044 Warszawa
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Capacitive leakage and adjacent interference are the main influence sources of the measuring error in the traditional series step-up method. To solve the two problems, a new algorithm was proposed in this study based on a three-ports network. Considering the two influences, it has been proved that response of this three-ports network still has characteristics of linear superposition with this new algorithm. In this threeport network, the auxiliary series voltage transformers use a two-stage structure that can further decrease measurement uncertainty. The measurement uncertainty of this proposed method at 500/√3 kV is 6.8 ppm for ratio error and 7 μrad for phase displacement ( k = 2). This new method has also been verified by comparing its results with measurement results of the PTB in Germany over the same 110/√3 kV standard voltage transformer. According to test results, the error between the two methods was less than 2.7 ppm for ratio error and 2.9 μrad for phase displacement.
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Hao Liu
1 2
Lixue Chen
Xue Wang
Teng Yao
Xiong Gu

  1. State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, No. 1037 Luoyu Road Hongshan District, Wuhan, China
  2. China Electric Power Research Institute, Wuhan, China

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