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In this research, the carbon particle dispersions are made in two different levels as carbon nano tube (CNT) and carbon particle in microns range. The mechanical strength is evaluated for the composites developed by axial loading and bending test analysis. In addition, the air jet abrasive particle erosion study is performed for different angle of impingement. The dispersion of carbon particle in the matrix material has reduced the mechanical strength. The sample with 4% of CNT dispersion in the composite has a maximum strength of 143 MPa and a minimum strength of 112 MPa. For the same combination (4% of CNT composite), the maximum flexural strength is 116 MPa. It is clear to infer that the strength of CNT in matrix materials is superior to the increase in length of carbon particle. The dispersion of carbon particle in the matrix material increases the brittleness and the strength is diminished. During the flexural bending, the fiber delamination occurred with severe deformation in the plain composite. When the materials are subjected to impingement of solid particle, the attrition effect on the exposed surfaces is vulnerable towards erosive mechanism. The presence of carbon in the matrix material has significantly increased the surface property. The results are appreciable for 4% of CNT composite. Especially at 30º, the minimum erosive wear 0.0033 g/g has been recorded. Erosive wear is less at minimum impingement angle and the wear is found increasing at higher impingement angle. Therefore, it is recommended not to add carbon particle to a higher weight percentage, since it leads to brittleness.
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Authors and Affiliations

K. Sravanthi
1 2
V. Mahesh
B. Nageswara Rao

  1. Deemed to be University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation, Green Fields, Vaddeswaram, Guntur522 502, India
  2. Marri Laxman Reddy Institute of Technology and Management, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hyderabad, India
  3. SR Engineering College, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Warangal 506371, India
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The present work studies the tribological properties of new hybrid material composed from high porosity open cell aluminum alloy (AlSi10Mg) skeleton and B83 babbitt infiltrated into it. The porous skeleton is obtained by replication method applying salt (NaCl) as space holder. The reinforcing phase of the skeleton consists of Al2O3 particles. The skeleton contains Al2O3 particles as reinforcement. The microstructure of the obtained materials is observed and the tribological properties are determined. A comparison between tribological properties of nominally nonporous aluminum alloy, high porosity open cell skeleton, babbitt alloy and the hybrid material is presented. It is concluded that new hybrid material has high wear resistivity and is a promising material for sliding bearings and other machine elements with high wear resistivity.

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M. Kolev
L. Drenchev
L. Stanev
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The paper deals with the possibility of the renovation of permanent steel molds for casting using electric arc welding technology. When casting liquid metal into permanent steel molds, there is chemical-thermo-mechanical wear of the surface of the mold cavity and the inlet system, which causes a deterioration of the surface quality and dimensional accuracy of the casting. For this reason, it is necessary to renovate the steel mold after a certain casting interval - mold life. In this case, the technology of manual electric arc welding with a coated electrode was used for the renovation. The welding renovation aims to increase the service life of the mold using carbide hardfacing welds, which after welding achieve high mechanical properties of the renovated mold parts. Two types of hardfacing coated electrodes were used for welding, namely the OK Weartrode 55HD electrode and the OK Weartrode 50T electrode. Macroscopic analysis, tribological tests as well as the measurement of the hardness of the welded layers were performed to evaluate the quality and the friction coefficients of the additional materials used. The properties of hardfacing welds were compared with the properties of the basic material of the high-alloy steel mold. The main advantage is in addition to increasing the durability and longevity of the mold, also reducing the cost of mold renovation compared to other renovation technologies.
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Authors and Affiliations

J. Šutka
R. Koňar
J. Moravec
L. Petričko

  1. Department of Technological Engineering, University of Zilina, Univerzitna 1, 010 26 Zilina, Slovakia
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The paper presents the properties of surface oxide layers with an increased content of carbon for tribological applications. The composite surface oxide layers were produced using a two-step technology through hard anodising of the surface of an aluminium alloy, followed by thermochemical treatment of anodic oxide coatings. The surface oxide layers were subjected to tribological tests in an oil-less sliding couple with T5W plastic. The presented test results confirm the usefulness of the proposed modifications of surface oxide layers for the purpose of enhancing the operational durability of oil-less sliding couples in a reciprocating motion.

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Tomasz Kmita
Marek Bara
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Among the family of stainless steels, cast austenitic stainless steels (CASSs) are preferably used due to their high mechanical properties

and corrosion resistance. These steels owe their properties to their microstructural features consisting of an austenitic matrix and skeletal

or lathy type δ-ferrite depending on the cooling rate. In this study, the solidification behavior of CASSs (304L and 316L grades) was

studied using ThermoCalc software in order to determine the solidification sequence and final microstructure during cooling. Theoretical

findings were supported by the microstructural examinations. For the mechanical characterization, not only hardness measurements but

also tribological studies were carried out under dry sliding conditions and worn surfaces were examined by microscopy and 3D

profilometric analysis. Results were discussed according to the type and amount of microstructural features.

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G. Aktaş Çelik
Ş. Polat
Ş.H. Atapek
G.N. Haidemenopoulos
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AISI 52100 bearing steels are commonly used in applications requiring high hardness and abrasion resistance. The bearing steels are

working under dynamic loads in service conditions and their toughness properties become important. In order to provide the desired

mechanical properties, various heat treatments (austenizing, quenching and tempering) are usually applied. In this study, AISI 52100

bearing steel samples were austenized at 900°C for ½ h and water quenched to room temperature. Then tempering was carried out at

795°C, 400°C and 200°C for ½ h. In order to investigate the effect of heat treatment conditions on wear behavior, dry friction tests were

performed according to ASTM G99-05 Standard with a ‘ball-on-disk’ type tribometer. The samples were tested against steel and ceramic

counterparts using the parameters of 100 m distance and 30 N load and 0.063 m/s rotational speed. After wear test, the surface

characterization was carried out using microscopy. Wear loss values were calculated using a novel optical method on both flat and

counterpart specimens.

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E. Türedi
M. Yilmaz
V. Senol
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Emergence of new designs for internal combustion engines resulted in a necessity to search for new materials which will rise to excessive technological requirements under operating conditions of modern internal combustion engines of up to 150 kW. Focusing only on material properties, theoretically existing alloys should meet presents requirements. More importantly, existing materials are well fitted to the entire crank-piston system. Thus, there is a need for a more thorough examination of these materials. The paper presents studies on determination of coefficient of friction μ and wear for the A390.0 alloy modified with AlTi5B master alloy combined with EN GJL-350 cast iron. The characteristics of a T-11 tribological tester (pin on disc) used for the tests, as well as the methodology of the tribological tests, were described. Also, the analysis of the surface distribution of elements for the pin and the disc was presented. The studies were realized in order to find whether the analyzed alloy meets the excessive requirements for the materials intended for pistons of modern internal combustion engines. The results show that the A390.0 alloy can only be applied to a load of 1.4 MPa. Above this value was observed destructive wear, which results in the inability to use it in modern internal combustion engines.

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Authors and Affiliations

R. Wieszała
J. Piątkowski
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The paper presents the influence of modification with phosphorus (CuP10) on the tribological properties of the alloy AlSi17Cu5Mg coupled

abrasively with cast-iron EN GJL-350. Tests of coefficient of friction and wear of mass were conducted on tribological tester T-01. An

important aspect in the assessment of the tribological properties is the analysis of initial material microstructure in reference to silumin which

underwent modification with phosphorus. It was found that the difference in structure of tested materials, mainly sizes of primary silicon

crystals significantly influences the tribological properties whereas the speed change of the friction knot does not have such big influence.

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Authors and Affiliations

J. Piątkowski
R. Wieszała
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Mechanical components and tools in modern industry are facing increasing performance requirements leading to the growing need for advanced materials and thus, for modern frictional systems. In the last decades, the Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) has emerged as an unique tool to grow high quality mono- as well as multilayers surfaces in metallic/ceramic systems. Building up a knowledge base of tribological properties of industrially-scaled, room temperature deposited PLD hard coatings are the most important step for the application of these coatings in engineering design. Although single-layer coatings find a range of applications, there are an increasing number of applications where the properties of a single material are not sufficient. One way to surmount this problem is to use a multilayer coating. Application of metallic interlayers improves adhesion of nitride hard layer in multilayer systems, which has been used in PVD processes for many years, however, the PLD technique gives new possibilities to produce system comprising many bilayers at room temperature. Tribological coatings consisted of 2, 4 and 16 bilayers of Cr/CrN and Ti/TiN type were fabricated with the Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) technique in the presented work. It is found in transmission electron examinations on thin foils prepared from cross-section that both nitride-based multilayer structures studied are characterized by small columnar crystallite sizes and high defect density, what might rise their hardness but compromise coating adhesion. The intermediate metallic layers contained larger sized and less defective columnar structure compared to the nitride layers, which should improve the coatings toughness. Switching from single layer to multi-layer metal/nitride composition improved resistance to delamination.

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J.M. Lackner
W. Waldhauser
L. Major
J. Morgiel
M. Kot
B. Major
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The purpose of the present paper was to investigate the effect of shot peening on the condition of the surface layer and abrasion resistance of specimens made of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy produced by Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) process. The specimens have been produced by means of EOSINT M280 system dedicated for laser sintering of metal powders and their surfaces have been subjected to the shot peening process under three different working pressures (0.2, 0.3 and 0.4 MPa) and by means of three different media i.e. CrNi steel shot, crushed nut shells and ceramic balls. The specimens have been subjected to profilometric analysis, to SEM examinations, microhardness tests and to tribological tests on ball-on-disc stand in Ringer fluid environment. The general results of all tests indicate to favourable effect of shot peening process on the hardness and tribological performance of titanium alloy.

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Authors and Affiliations

R. Żebrowski
M. Walczak
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The present paper describe the issue of tool materials wear in a high temperature conditions. The investigations were performed at the cast steel tool material at the tribological contact to the structural steel. The investigations aim was to determine the role of microstructure in a tribological properties between the structural steel and tool material. The results of such investigation could be referenced to the industry conditions and could answer about the problems of tool materials wear. The observations of the wear mechanisms were referred to the microstructure of the mill rolls. The laboratory tests ware aimed at evaluating the thermal treatment modification effect on the cast steels properties. A significant role of the morphology of ledeburitic cementite and secondary cementite on the tribological properties was exhibited. The investigations assumed the presence of an austenitic matrix with primary and secondary cementite. Influence of varying morphology carbides was described. in the cast steel microstructure. The investigation results make possible to point to a direction of carbide morphology change with the purpose of obtaining the assumed properties of hot operation tools.
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Authors and Affiliations

J. Krawczyk
E. Rożniata
S. Zimowski
M. Kot
R. Dądrowski
R. Dziurka
Ł. Frocisz
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Duplex cast steel it is a material with great potential. The properties of this material have contributed to its wide application in many industrial sectors, for example: oil extraction, printing, petrochemical industry, energy - flue gas desulphurization systems, seawater desalination plants, shipbuilding industry. The article presents the results of tribological tests following the static pressure roller burnishing (SPRB) process of GX2CrNiMoN22-5-3 duplex cast steel. The tests provided a basis for assessing the effect of the burnishing parameters on tribological properties of that material. The issue is important because the authors focused their research on duplex cast steels grade that are not containing copper. The article presents part of the research concerning the influence of the burnishing process on the properties of the duplex steel surface layer. Copper in duplex steels affects many areas one of them is the plastic properties. Its absence also reduces castability. Because of that it is reasonable to determine to what extent the properties of the surface layer of copper-free duplex cast steel grades can be shaped in burnishing process.
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Authors and Affiliations

G.E. Stradomski
J. Fik
D. Rydz

  1. Czestochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Production Engineering and Materials Technology, Poland
  2. Department of Advanced Computational Methods, Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa
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This paper presents the results of research concerning the evaluation of tribological properties of graphite materials used, among others, for crystallisers for continuous casting of non-ferrous metals and their alloys. Graphite materials differing not only in their physical properties but also in the technology of their production were selected from a wide range of commercially available products. Wear resistance investigations of the tested graphite materials were carried out on a pin-on-disc tribometer under technically dry friction conditions on a sliding distance of 1000 m. A constant load but variable speed was used in the tests. The mean value of the coefficient of friction and the wear of the material were determined based on the tribological tests carried out. It was observed that as the speed increases, the average value of the coefficient of friction decreases, while the wear increases. A microstructural analysis of the wear track showed that the friction mechanism depends mainly on the graphite formation technology, which is related to the microstructure of the tested materials, and to a lesser extent to their physical and mechanical properties. Varying the speed values made it possible to trace changes in the wear mechanism, on the basis of which it is possible to predict the durability and reliability of graphite crystalliser operation.
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Authors and Affiliations

A. Brudny
J. Kulasa
B. Juszczyk
J. Myalski
S. Roskosz
R. Wycisk
P. Kwaśniewski
P. Strzępek
M. Poręba

  1. Łukasiewicz Research Network - Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals, Poland
  2. Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Materials Engineering, Poland
  3. Carbo-Graf Sp. z o.o., Poland
  4. AGH University of Science and Technology, Department of Non-Ferrous Metals, Poland
  5. Rzeszów University of Technology, The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics, Poland
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In the present research, the wear behaviour of magnesium alloy (MA) AZ91D is studied and optimized. MA AZ91D is casted using a die-casting method. The tribology experiments are tested using pin-on-disc tribometer. The input parameters are sliding velocity (1‒3 m/s), load (1‒5 kg), and distance (0.5‒1.5 km). The worn surfaces are characterized by a scanning electron microscope (SEM) with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). The response surface method (RSM) is used for modelling and optimising wear parameters. This quadratic equation and RSM-optimized parameters are used in genetic algorithm (GA). The GA is used to search for the optimum values which give the minimum wear rate and lower coefficient of friction. The developed equations are compared with the experimental values to determine the accuracy of the prediction.
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Authors and Affiliations

M. Beniyel
M. Sivapragash
S.C. Vettivel
P. Senthil Kumar
K.K. Ajith Kumar
K. Niranjan

  1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Anna University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
  2. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universal College of Engineering and Technology, Vallioor, Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu, India
  3. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chandigarh College of Engineering and Technology, Chandigarh, India
  4. Department of Mechanical Engineering, MET Engineering College, Tamilnadu, India
  5. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Rohini College of Engineering and Technology, Tamilnadu, India
  6. Department of Manufacturing Engg, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar-608 002, Tamilnadu, India
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What is the limit of improvement the structure obtained directly from the liquid state, with possible heat treatment (supersaturation and aging)? This question was posed by casting engineers who put arbitrary requirements on reducing the DAS (Dendrite Arm Spacing) length to less than a dozen microns. The results of tests related to modification of the surface microstructure of AlSi7Mg alloy casting treated by laser beam and the rapid remelting and solidification of the superficial casting zone, were presented in the paper. The local properties of the surface treated with a laser beam concerns only a thickness ranging from a fraction to a single mm. These local properties should be considered in the aspect of application on surfaces of non-machined castings. Then the excellent surface layer properties can be used. The tests were carried out on the surface of the casting, the surface layer obtained in contact with the metal mould, after the initial machining (several mm), was treated by the laser beam. It turned out that the refinement of the microstructure measured with the DAS value is not available in a different way, i.e. directly by casting. The experimental-simulation validation using the Calcosoft CAFE (Cellular Automaton Finite Element) code was applied.

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Authors and Affiliations

J. Hajkowski
P. Popielarski
Z. Ignaszak
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Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) components are commonly used for either prototypes or end products, mostly made of polymers. Polymers offer low frictional resistance to wear, so most of the engineering polymers find their increased usage in day-to-day industrial as well as domestic needs. The influence of many process controlling elements on the mechanical part properties is already being studied extensively, which demands the study of tribological characteristics like friction and wear rate under varying normal load (NL), sliding velocities (V) and part building orientations (PBO). The results showed a significant impact of the PBO and NL at various V on the tribological properties under various significant suitable sliding circumstances. Cracks were formed in the cylindrical tribometer specimens of Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) fabricated at low PBO when operated at high NL, and V. Vertical PBO to the FDM building platform in the layers form where a number of inter-layers can bear maximum NL at higher values of V resulted in uniform wear and low frictions. Friction was noticed very low at minimum NL when PBO was 0° (horizontal) and 90° (vertical), but increased at high NL between PBO of 15° to 60°. The FDM parts improved compared to those from conventional manufacturing processes.
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Authors and Affiliations

Turki Alamro
Mohammed Yunus
Rami Alfattani
Ibrahim A. Alnaser

  1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah City, Saudi Arabia.
  2. Mechanical Engineering Department, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
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Aluminium metal matrix composites (AMMCs) playing a prominent part in the aerospace and automotive sectors owing to their superior mechanical and tribological properties. Hence, the aim of this work is to investigate the effect of titanium dioxide (10 wt.% TiO2) particles addition on hardness and tribological behaviour of Al-0.6Fe-0.5Si alloy (AA8011) composite manufactured by stir casting method. The surface morphology of developed composite clearly shows the inclusion of TiO2 particles evenly distributed within the matrix alloy. Hardness of the composite was measured using Vickers micro hardness tester and the maximum hardness was obtained at 95.6 Hv. A pin-on-disc tribometer was used to carried the wear test under dry sliding conditions. The influence of wear control parameters such as applied load (L), sliding speed (S) and sliding distance (D) were taken as the input parameters and the output responses considered as the specific wear rate (SWR) and co-efficient of friction (COF). The experimental results were analyzed using Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Preferred Solution (TOPSIS). Based on the TOPSIS approach, the less SWR and COF achieved at the optimal parametric combination were found to be L = 30 N, S = 1 m/s and D = 2000 m. ANOVA results revealed that applied load (76.01%) has the primary significant factor on SWR and COF, followed by sliding speed (20.71%) and sliding distance (3.12%) respectively. Worn surface morphology was studied using SEM image of confirmation experiment specimen to understand the wear mechanism.
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Authors and Affiliations

S. Kailainathan
M. Ezhilan
S.V. Alagarsamy
C. Chanakyan

  1. Rohini College of Engineering and Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kanyakumari-629 401, Tamil Nadu, India
  2. Mahath Amma Institute of Engineering and Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pudukkottai-622 101, Tamil Nadu, India
  3. RVS College of Engineering and Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Coimbatore-641 402, Tamil Nadu, India
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Nowadays, Aluminium (Al) based hybrid surface composites are amongst the fastest developing advanced materials used for structural applications. Friction Stir Processing (FSP) has emerged as a clean and flexible solid-state surface composites fabrication technique. Intensive research in this field resulted in numerous research output; which hinders in finding relevant meta-data for further research with objectivity. In order to facilitate this research need, present article summarizes current state of the art and advances in aluminium based hybrid surface composites fabrication by FSP with in-situ and ex-situ approach. Reported literature were read and systematically categorized to show impacts of different types of reinforcements, deposition techniques, hybrid reinforcement ratio and FSP machine parameters on microstructures, mechanical and tribological characteristics of different Al alloys. Challenges and opportunities in this field have been summarized at the end, which will be beneficial to researchers working on solid state FSP technique.

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Authors and Affiliations

Namdev A. Patil
Srinivasa Rao Pedapati
Othman Bin Mamat
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The article was created as a result of the work TECHMATSTRATEG 1 program “Modern Material Technologies” as part of the project with the acronym INNOBIOLAS entitled “Development of innovative working elements of machines in the forestry sector and biomass processing based on high-energy surface modification technologies of the surface layer of cast elements”; agreement No. TECHMATSTRATEG1/348072/2/NCBR/2017.
The article discusses the procedure for selecting casting materials that can meet the high operational requirements of working tools of mulching machines: transfer of high static and dynamic loads, resistance to tribological wear, corrosion resistance in various environments. The mulching process was briefly described, then the alloys were selected for experimental tests, model alloys were made and perform material tests were carried out in terms of functional and technological properties. The obtained results allowed to select the alloy where the test castings were made.
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Authors and Affiliations

Z. Pirowski
A. Bitka
M. Grudzień-Rakoczy
M. Małysza
S. Pysz
P. Wieliczko
D. Wilk-Kołodziejczyk
1 2

  1. Center of Casting Technology, Łukasiewicz Research Network – Krakow Institute of Technology Contribution, Poland
  2. AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Metals Engineering and Industrial Computer Science, Al. Mickiewicza 30. 30-059 Kraków, Poland
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Deep cryogenic treatment (DCT) is gaining popularity as a treatment used to modify structures obtained during heat or thermo-chemical treatment. The article presents the influence of DCT, carried out during heat treatment before and after gas nitriding processes, on the formation of gas nitrided layers on X153CrMoV12 steel. It was found that the use of DCT between quenching and tempering performed prior to gas nitriding processes, increases the hardness, thickness and wear resistance of the nitrided layers. At the same time, if we apply cryogenic treatment during post-heat treatment of nitrided layers, we also get very high wear resistance and increased thickness of nitrided layers, in comparison with conventional gas nitriding of X153CrMoV12 steel. In this case, DCT significantly increases also the hardness of the core by the transformation of retained austenite and the precipitation of fine carbides of alloying elements.

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Authors and Affiliations

P. Wach
A. Ciski
T. Babul
A. Kapuścińska
D. Oleszak
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In this study, AZ91 Magnesium alloy is produced by cold chamber high pressure die casting (HPDC) method. Different combinations of the cold chamber HPDC process parameters were selected as; in-mold pressure values of 1000 bar and 1200 bar, the gate speed of 30 m/s and 45 m/s, the casting temperatures of 640°C and 680°C. In addition, the test samples were produced by conventional casting method. Tensile test, hardness test, dry sliding wear test and microstructure analysis of samples were performed. The mechanical properties of the samples produced by the cold chamber HPDC and the conventional casting method were compared. Using these parameters; the casting temperature 680°C, in-mold pressure 1000 bar and the gate speed 30 m/s, the highest tensile strength and the hardness value were obtained. Since the cooling rate in the conventional casting method is slower than that of the cold chamber HPDC method, high mechanical properties are obtained by the formation of a fine-grained structure in the cold chamber HPDC method. In dry sliding wear tests, it was observed that there was a decrease in friction coefficient and less material loss with the increase of hardness values of the sample produced by the cold chamber HPDC method.

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Authors and Affiliations

Levent Urtekin
Recep Arslan
Fatih Bozkurt
Ümit Er

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