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Many studies have investigated the relationship between mindfulness and creativity; however, there are a limited number of studies on the neurological basis of this therapeutic approach using electroencephalogram (EEG). This study aimed at evaluating the effect of mindfulness on improving the creativity of healthy individuals. In this study, 7 healthy subjects (1 male and 6 females) with a mean age of 40.37 years and a standard deviation of 14.52 years received group mindfulness training for 8 weeks. They had no experience of mindfulness training up to that time. Before and after mindfulness training, EEG signal was recorded from all participants in eyes-closed and eyes-open conditions on Fz, C3, C4, and Pz electrodes. After data preprocessing, wavelet coefficients were extracted from each frequency band of EEG signal and evaluated using paired sample t-test and correlation methods. The gamma-band on C3 (t = 2.89, p=0.03) and Pz (t= 2.54, P = 0.04) significantly increased as a result of mindfulness training. Also, significant correlations were found between the anxiety and the gamma band in Pz (r = 0.76, P = 0.04) and Fz (r = 0.75, P = 0.04) channels and between arousal and the gamma band in the Fz channel (r=0.88, P = 0.008). Mindfulness training to promote creativity leads to the increase of gamma bands in the central and parietal regions.
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Authors and Affiliations

Mahdieh Naderan
Majid Ghoshuni
Elham Pour Afrouz

  1. Department of Biomedical Engineering, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran
  2. Institute for Cognitive Science Studies, Tehran, Iran
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The article presents a method for analyzing the own errors of the discrete wavelet transform algorithms, which are introduced by these algorithms into the output quantities. The presented considerations include determining the origin of the error signals in question and determining their parameters. Both errors resulting from imperfections in the transmittance of the algorithm and those resulting from its implementation in the actual measurement chain were considered.
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Łukasz Dróżdż
Jerzy Roj

  1. Department of Measurement Science,Electronics and Control, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland
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A phoneme segmentation method based on the analysis of discrete wavelet transform spectra is described. The localization of phoneme boundaries is particularly useful in speech recognition. It enables one to use more accurate acoustic models since the length of phonemes provide more information for parametrization. Our method relies on the values of power envelopes and their first derivatives for six frequency subbands. Specific scenarios that are typical for phoneme boundaries are searched for. Discrete times with such events are noted and graded using a distribution-like event function, which represent the change of the energy distribution in the frequency domain. The exact definition of this method is described in the paper. The final decision on localization of boundaries is taken by analysis of the event function. Boundaries are, therefore, extracted using information from all subbands. The method was developed on a small set of Polish hand segmented words and tested on another large corpus containing 16 425 utterances. A recall and precision measure specifically designed to measure the quality of speech segmentation was adapted by using fuzzy sets. From this, results with F-score equal to 72.49% were obtained.

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Bartosz Ziółko
Mariusz Ziółko
Suresh Manandhar
Richard Wilson
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Wavelet transform becomes a more and more common method of processing 3D signals. It is widely used to analyze data in various branches of science and technology (medicine, seismology, engineering, etc.). In the field of mechanical engineering wavelet transform is usually used to investigate surface micro- and nanotopography. Wavelet transform is commonly regarded as a very good tool to analyze non-stationary signals. However, to analyze periodical signals, most researchers prefer to use well-known methods such as Fourier analysis. In this paper authors make an attempt to prove that wavelet transform can be a useful method to analyze 3D signals that are approximately periodical. As an example of such signal, measurement data of cylindrical workpieces are investigated. The calculations were performed in the MATLAB environment using the Wavelet Toolbox.

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Krzysztof Stępień
Włodzimierz Makieła
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The prediction of machined surface parameters is an important factor in machining centre development. There is a great need to elaborate a method for on-line surface roughness estimation [1-7]. Among various measurement techniques, optical methods are considered suitable for in-process measurement of machined surface roughness. These techniques are non-contact, fast, flexible and tree-dimensional in nature.

The optical method suggested in this paper is based on the vision system created to acquire an image of the machined surface during the cutting process. The acquired image is analyzed to correlate its parameters with surface parameters. In the application of machined surface image analysis, the wavelet methods were introduced. A digital image of a machined surface was described using the one-dimensional Digital Wavelet Transform with the basic wavelet as Coiflet. The statistical description of wavelet components made it possible to develop the quality measure and correlate it with surface roughness [8-11].

For an estimation of surface roughness a neural network estimator was applied [12-16]. The estimator was built to work in a recurrent way. The current value of the Ra estimation and the measured change in surface image features were used for forecasting the surface roughness Ra parameter. The results of the analysis confirmed the usability of the application of the proposed method in systems for surface roughness monitoring.

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Anna Zawada-Tomkiewicz
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In this paper, a discrete wavelet transform (DWT) based approach is proposed for power system frequency estimation. Unlike the existing frequency estimators mainly used for power system monitoring and control, the proposed approach is developed for fundamental frequency estimation in the field of energy metering of nonlinear loads. The characteristics of a nonlinear load is that the power signal is heavily distorted, composed of harmonics, inter-harmonics and corrupted by noise. The main idea is to predetermine a series of frequency points, and the mean value of two frequency points nearest to the power system frequency is accepted as the approximate solution. Firstly the input signal is modulated with a series of modulating signals, whose frequencies are those frequency points. Then the modulated signals are decomposed into individual frequency bands using DWT, and differences between the maximum and minimum wavelet coefficients in the lowest frequency band are calculated. Similarities among power system frequency and those frequency points are judged by the differences. Simulation results have proven high immunity to noise, harmonic and inter-harmonic interferences. The proposed method is applicable for real-time power system frequency estimation for electric energy measurement of nonlinear loads.

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Zhang Peng
Hong-Bin Li
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Nowadays a geometrical surface structure is usually evaluated with the use of Fourier transform. This type of transform allows for accurate analysis of harmonic components of surface profiles. Due to its fundamentals, Fourier transform is particularly efficient when evaluating periodic signals. Wavelets are the small waves that are oscillatory and limited in the range. Wavelets are special type of sets of basis functions that are useful in the description of function spaces. They are particularly useful for the description of non-continuous and irregular functions that appear most often as responses of real physical systems. Bases of wavelet functions are usually well located in the frequency and in the time domain. In the case of periodic signals, the Fourier transform is still extremely useful. It allows to obtain accurate information on the analyzed surface. Wavelet analysis does not provide as accurate information about the measured surface as the Fourier transform, but it is a useful tool for detection of irregularities of the profile. Therefore, wavelet analysis is the better way to detect scratches or cracks that sometimes occur on the surface. The paper presents the fundamentals of both types of transform. It presents also the comparison of an evaluation of the roundness profile by Fourier and wavelet transforms.
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Authors and Affiliations

Krzysztof Stępień
Włodzimierz Makieła
Stanisław Adamczak
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In this paper, the authors present surface roughness profile assessment using continuous wavelet transform (CWT). Roughness profiles after turning and rough and finish belt grinding of hardened (62HRC) AISI 52100 steel are analyzed. Both Morlet and “Mexican hat” analyzing wavelets are used for the assessment of extrema and frequency distribution. The results of the CWT as a function of profile and momentary wavelet length are presented. It is concluded that CWT can be useful for the analysis of the roughness profiles generated by cutting and abrasive machining processes.

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Sebastian Brol
Wit Grzesik
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This paper presents the results of preliminary research aimed at developing a method for rapid, noncontact diagnostics of the electric drive of car seats. The method is based on the analysis of acoustic signals produced during the operation of the drive. Pattern recognition and machine learning processes were used in the diagnosis. A method of feature extraction (diagnostic symptoms) using wavelet decomposition of acoustic signals was developed. The discriminative properties of a set of diagnostic symptoms were tested using the “Classification Learner” application available in MATLAB. The obtained results confirmed the usefulness of the developed method for the technical diagnostics of car seats.
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Authors and Affiliations

Cezary Bartmanski
Alicja Bramorska

  1. Department of Acoustics, Electronics and IT Solutions Central Mining Institute National Research Institute Katowice, Poland
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In this paper, the stock price-inflation nexus is investigated using the tools of wavelet power spectrum, cross-wavelet power spectrum and cross-wavelet coherency to unravel time and frequency dependent relationships between stock prices and inflation. Our results suggest that for a frequency band between sixteen and thirty two months, there is some evidence of the fisher effect. For rest of the frequencies and time periods however there is no evidence of the fisher effect and it seems stock prices have not played any role as an inflation hedge.

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Niyati Bhanja
Arif Billah Dar
Aviral Kumar Tiwari
Olaolu Richard Olayeni
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Signal analysis performed during surface texture measurement frequently involves applying the Fourier transform. The method is particularly useful for assessing roundness and cylindrical profiles. Since the wavelet transform is becoming a common tool for signal analysis in many metrological applications, it is vital to evaluate its suitability for surface texture profiles. The research presented in this paper focused on signal decomposition and reconstruction during roundness profile measurement and the effect of these processes on the changes in selected roundness profile parameters. The calculations were carried out on a sample of 100 roundness profiles for 12 different forms of mother wavelets using MATLAB. The use of Spearman's rank correlation coefficients allowed us to evaluate the relationship between the two chosen criteria for selecting the optimal mother wavelet.

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Authors and Affiliations

Włodzimierz Makieła
Stanisław Adamczak
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Load profiles of residential consumers are very diverse. This paper proposes the usage of a continuous wavelet transform and wavelet coherence to perform analysis of residential power consumer load profiles. The importance of load profiles in power engineering and common shapes of profiles along with the factors that cause them are described. The continuous wavelet transform and wavelet coherence has been presented. In contrast with other studies, this research has been conducted using detailed (not averaged) load profiles. Presented load profiles were measured separately on working day and weekend during winter in two urban households. Results of applying the continuous wavelet transform for load profiles analysis are presented as coloured scalograms. Moreover, the wavelet coherence was used to detect potential relationships between two consumers in power usage patterns. Results of coherence analysis are also presented in a colourful plots. The conducted studies show that the Morlet wavelet is slightly better suitable for load profiles analysis than the Meyer’s wavelet. Research of this type may be valuable for a power system operator and companies selling electricity in order to match their offer to customers better or for people managing electricity consumption in buildings.
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Piotr Kapler

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Power Engineering Institute, ul. Koszykowa 75, 00-662, Warsaw, Poland
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The main objective of this paper is to produce an applications-oriented review covering infrared techniques and devices. At the beginning infrared systems fundamentals are presented with emphasis on thermal emission, scene radiation and contrast, cooling techniques, and optics. Special attention is focused on night vision and thermal imaging concepts. Next section concentrates shortly on selected infrared systems and is arranged in order to increase complexity; from image intensifier systems, thermal imaging systems, to space-based systems. In this section are also described active and passive smart weapon seekers. Finally, other important infrared techniques and devices are shortly described, among them being: non-contact thermometers, radiometers, LIDAR, and infrared gas sensors.

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A. Rogalski
K. Chrzanowski
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A traditional frequency analysis is not appropriate for observation of properties of non-stationary signals. This stems from the fact that the time resolution is not defined in the Fourier spectrum. Thus, there is a need for methods implementing joint time-frequency analysis (t/f) algorithms. Practical aspects of some representative methods of time-frequency analysis, including Short Time Fourier Transform, Gabor Transform, Wigner-Ville Transform and Cone-Shaped Transform are described in this paper. Unfortunately, there is no correlation between the width of the time-frequency window and its frequency content in the t/f analysis. This property is not valid in the case of a wavelet transform. A wavelet is a wave-like oscillation, which forms its own “wavelet window”. Compression of the wavelet narrows the window, and vice versa. Individual wavelet functions are well localized in time and simultaneously in scale (the equivalent of frequency). The wavelet analysis owes its effectiveness to the pyramid algorithm described by Mallat, which enables fast decomposition of a signal into wavelet components.

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Andrzej Majkowski
Marcin Kołodziej
Remigiusz J. Rak
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In this paper, a new feature-extraction method is proposed to achieve robustness of speech recognition systems. This method combines the benefits of phase autocorrelation (PAC) with bark wavelet transform. PAC uses the angle to measure correlation instead of the traditional autocorrelation measure, whereas the bark wavelet transform is a special type of wavelet transform that is particularly designed for speech signals. The extracted features from this combined method are called phase autocorrelation bark wavelet transform (PACWT) features. The speech recognition performance of the PACWT features is evaluated and compared to the conventional feature extraction method mel frequency cepstrum coefficients (MFCC) using TI-Digits database under different types of noise and noise levels. This database has been divided into male and female data. The result shows that the word recognition rate using the PACWT features for noisy male data (white noise at 0 dB SNR) is 60%, whereas it is 41.35% for the MFCC features under identical conditions
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Sayf A. Majeed
Hafizah Husain
Salina A. Samad
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In this paper, a new lifting wavelet domain audio watermarking algorithm based on the statistical characteristics of sub-band coefficients is proposed. First of all, an original audio signal was segmented and each segment was divided into two sections. Then, the Barker code was used for synchronization, the LWT (lifting wavelet transform) was performed on each section, a synchronization code and a watermark were embedded into the first section and the second section, respectively, by modifying the statistical average value of the sub-band coefficients. The embed strength was determined adaptively according to the auditory masking property. Experiments show that the embedded watermark has better robustness against common signal processing attacks than present algorithms based on LWT and can resist random cropping in particular.

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Zhi Tao
He-ming Zhao
Jun Wu
Ji-hua Gu
Yi-shen Xu
Di Wu
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This paper focuses on testing the monitoring system of the Direct Current motor. This system gives the possibility of diagnosing various types of failures by means of analysis of acoustic signals. The applied method is based on a study of acoustic signals generated by the DC motor. A study plan of the DC motor’s acoustic signal was proposed. Studies were conducted for a faultless DC motor and Direct Current motor with 3 shorted rotor coils. Coiflet wavelet transform and K-Nnearest neighbor classifier with Euclidean distance were used to identify the incipient fault. This approach keeps the motor operating in acceptable condition for a long time and is also inexpensive.
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Adam Glowacz
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Snoring is a typical and intuitive symptom of the obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS), which is a kind of sleep-related respiratory disorder having adverse effects on people’s lives. Detecting snoring sounds from the whole night recorded sounds is the first but the most important step for the snoring analysis of OSAHS. An automatic snoring detection system based on the wavelet packet transform (WPT) with an eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) classifier is proposed in the paper, which recognizes snoring sounds from the enhanced episodes by the generalization subspace noise reduction algorithm. The feature selection technology based on correlation analysis is applied to select the most discriminative WPT features. The selected features yield a high sensitivity of 97.27% and a precision of 96.48% on the test set. The recognition performance demonstrates that WPT is effective in the analysis of snoring and non-snoring sounds, and the difference is exhibited much more comprehensively by sub-bands with smaller frequency ranges. The distribution of snoring sound is mainly on the middle and low frequency parts, there is also evident difference between snoring and non-snoring sounds on the high frequency part.
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Authors and Affiliations

Li Ding
Jianxin Peng
Xiaowen Zhang
Lijuan Song

  1. School of Physics and Optoelectronics, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China
  2. State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Disease, Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Laboratory of ENT-HNS Disease, First Affiliated Hospital, Guangzhou Medical University, Guangzhou, China
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This research highlights the vibration analysis on worm gears at various conditions of oil using the experimental set up. An experimental rig was developed to facilitate the collection of the vibration signals which consisted of a worm gear box coupled to an AC motor. The four faults were induced in the gear box and the vibration data were collected under full, half and quarter oil conditions. An accelerometer was used to collect the signals and for further analysis of the vibration signals, MATLAB software was used to process the data. Symlet wavelet transform was applied to the raw FFT to compare the features of the data. ANN was implemented to classify various faults and the accuracy is 93.3%.

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Narendiranath Babu Thamba
Kiran Kamesh Thatikonda Venkata
Sathvik Nutakki
Rama Prabha Duraiswamy
Noor Mohammed
Razia Sultana Wahab
Ramalinga Viswanathan Mangalaraja
Ajay Vannan Manivannan
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The objective of the study was to assess the potential use of optical measuring instruments to determine the minimum chip thickness in face milling. Images of scanned surfaces were analyzed using mother wavelets. Filtration of optical signals helped identify the characteristic zones observed on the workpiece surface at the beginning of the cutting process. The measurement data were analyzed statistically. The results were then used to estimate how accurate each measuring system was to determine the minimum uncut chip thickness. Also, experimental verification was carried out for each mother wavelet to assess their suitability for analyzing surface images.

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Authors and Affiliations

Damian Gogolewski
Włodzimierz Makieła
Łukasz Nowakowski
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This paper presents the design process and the results of a novel fall detector designed and constructed at the Faculty of Electronics, Military University of Technology. High sensitivity and low false alarm rates were achieved by using four independent sensors of varying physical quantities and sophisticated methods of signal processing and data mining. The manuscript discusses the study background, hardware development, alternative algorithms used for the sensor data processing and fusion for identification of the most efficient solution and the final results from testing the Android application on smartphone. The test was performed in four 6-h sessions (two sessions with female participants at the age of 28 years, one session with male participants aged 28 years and one involving a man at the age of 49 years) and showed correct detection of all 40 simulated falls with only three false alarms. Our results confirmed the sensitivity of the proposed algorithm to be 100% with a nominal false alarm rate (one false alarm per 8 h).
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Authors and Affiliations

Bartłomiej Wójtowicz
Andrzej Dobrowolski
Kazimierz Tomczykiewicz
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The article reviews the results of experimental tests assessing the impact of process parameters of additive manufacturing technologies on the geometric structure of free-form surfaces. The tests covered surfaces manufactured with the Selective Laser Melting additive technology, using titanium-powder-based material (Ti6Al4V) and Selective Laser Sintering from polyamide PA2200. The evaluation of the resulting surfaces was conducted employing modern multiscale analysis, i.e., wavelet transformation. Comparative studies using selected forms of the mother wavelet enabled determining the character of irregularities, size of morphological features and the indications of manufacturing process errors. The tests provide guidelines and allow to better understand the potential in manufacturing elements with complex, irregular shapes.
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Authors and Affiliations

Damian Gogolewski

  1. Kielce University of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Metrology, al. Tysiaclecia Panstwa Polskiego 7, 25-314 Kielce, Poland
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The paper demonstrates the potential of wavelet transform in a discrete form for structural damage localization. The efficiency of the method is tested through a series of numerical examples, where the real flat truss girder is simulated by a parameterized finite element model. The welded joints are introduced into the girder and classic code loads are applied. The static vertical deflections and rotation angles of steel truss structure are taken into consideration, structural response signals are computed at discrete points uniformly distributed along the upper or lower chord. Signal decomposition is performed according to the Mallat pyramid algorithm. The performed analyses proved that the application of DWT to decompose structural response signals is very effective in determining the location of the defect. Evident disturbances of the transformed signals, including high peaks, are expected as an indicator of the defect existence in the structure. The authors succeeded for the first time in the detection of breaking the weld in the truss node as well as proved that the defect can be located in the diagonals.
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Authors and Affiliations

Anna Knitter-Piątkowska
Olga Kawa
Michał Jan Guminiak

  1. Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Structural Analysis, Poland
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In this paper, the results of correlations between air temperature and electricity demand by linear regression and Wavelet Coherence (WTC) approach for three different European countries are presented. The results show a very close relationship between air temperature and electricity demand for the selected power systems, however, the WTC approach presents interesting dynamics of correlations between air temperature and electricity demand at different time-frequency space and provide useful information for a more complete understanding of the related consumption.

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Authors and Affiliations

Samir Avdakovic
Alma Ademovic
Amir Nuhanovic

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