Details Details PDF BIBTEX RIS Title Nematodes (Nematoda) in Polish Forests. I. Species Inhabiting Soils of Nurseries Journal title Journal of Plant Protection Research Yearbook 2012 Volume vol. 52 Issue No 1 Authors Skwiercz, Andrzej Divisions of PAS Nauki Biologiczne i Rolnicze Publisher Committee of Plant Protection PAS ; Institute of Plant Protection – National Research Institute Date 2012 Identifier DOI: 10.2478/v10045-012-0026-3 ; ISSN 1427-4345 ; eISSN 1899-007X Source Journal of Plant Protection Research; 2012; vol. 52; No 1 References Anderson R. (1981), Effects of saprotrophic grazing on net mineralization, Ecological Bulletin (Stockholm), 33, 201. ; Bassus W. (1969), Pflanzenparasitäre Nematoden in Forstbaum-schulen der DDR, Arch. Forstwes, 18, 12, 1273. ; Bloem J. (1992), Mircrobial numbers and activity in dried and rewetted arable soil under intergrated and convetional management, Soil Biol. Biochem, 24, 655, ; Bouwman L. 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