Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu A Concept of a Passive Radar with Quadrature Microwave Phase Discriminators Tytuł czasopisma Metrology and Measurement Systems Rocznik 2012 Numer No 1 Autorzy Rutkowski, Adam Słowa kluczowe passive radar ; instantaneous frequency measurement ; IFM ; microwave phase discriminator ; phase of noise signal Wydział PAN Nauki Techniczne Zakres 95-104 Wydawca Polish Academy of Sciences Committee on Metrology and Scientific Instrumentation Data 2012 Typ Artykuły / Articles Identyfikator DOI: 10.2478/v10178-012-0008-9 ; ISSN 2080-9050, e-ISSN 2300-1941 Źródło Metrology and Measurement Systems; 2012; No 1; 95-104 Referencje Tan D. (2005), Passive radar using Global System for Mobile communication signal: theory, implementation and measurements, IEE Proceedings - Radar Sonar Navigation, 152, 3, 116, ; Baker C. (2005), Passive coherent location radar systems. Part 2: Waveform Properties, IEE Proc. -Radar Sonar Navig, 152, 3, 160, ; Dawidowicz B. (2007), Airborne Passive Radar System - First Study, null, 443. ; Lee J. (2009), Channel Estimation Based onPath Separation for DVB-T in Long Delay Situations, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 55, 2. ; Kuschel H. (2010), On the Resolution Performance of Passive Radar Using DVB-T Illuminations, null, 20. ; Radmard M. (2010), Cross Ambiguity Function Analysis of the ‘8k-mode’ DVB-T for Passive Radar Application, null, 279. ; Zemmari R. (2010), Reference Signal Extraction for GSM Passive Coherent Location, null, 52. ; Willis N. (1991), Bistatic Radar. ; Langelotti D. (2010), Impact of Synchronization on the Ambiguity Function shape for PBR based on DVB-T signals, null, 59. ; Howland P. (1999), Traget tracking using television based bistatic radar, IEE Proc. Radar Sonar Navig, 146, 3, 166, ; Kulpa K. (2007), Simple COTS PCL Demonstrator, null. ; Malanowski M. (2008), PaRaDe - Passive Radar Demonstrator Family Development at Warsaw University of Technology, null, 75. ; Schroder A. (2010), Multiband Experimental PCL System: Concept and Measurement Result, null, 16. ; Stec B. (1980), The wide-band homodyne device for microwave circuits measurements, null, 353. ; Rutkowski A. (2004), Small passive direction finding and IFM device, null, 3, 944. ; Smólski B. (1980), Supplement to the Bulletin of the Military University of Technology, 7. ; Tsui J. (1986), Microwave Receivers with Electronic Warfare Applications.