The main conceptual provisions of the territorial development of the regional land useJournal title
Geodesy and CartographyYearbook
vol. 70Issue
No 2Authors
Mamonov, Kostiantyn : O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy, Kharkiv, Ukraine ; Kanivets, Olena : Sumy National Agrarian University, Sumy, Ukraine ; Viatkin, Kostiantyn : O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy, Kharkiv, Ukraine ; Voronkov, Oleksii : O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy, Kharkiv, UkraineKeywords
mathematical modelling ; territorial development ; regional land useDivisions of PAS
Nauki TechniczneCoverage
article no. e07Publisher
Polska Akademia Nauk/ Komitet Geodezji Polskiej Akademii Nauk; Polish Academy of Sciences / Commitee on Geodesy Polish Academy of SciencesBibliography
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DOI: 10.24425/gac.2021.136682Aims and scope
The Advances in Geodesy and Geoinformation (formerly “Geodesy and Cartography”) is an open access international journal (semiannual) concerned with the study of scientific problems in the field of geodesy, geoinformation and their related interdisciplinary sciences. The journal has a rigorous peer–review process to ensure the best research publications. It is publishing peer–reviewed original articles on theoretical or modelling studies, and on results of experiments associated with geodesy and geodynamics, geoinformation, cartography and GIS, cadastre and land management, photogrammetry, remote sensing and related disciplines. Besides original research articles, the Advances in Geodesy and Geoinformation also accepts review articles on topical subjects, short notes/letters and communication of a great importance to the readers, and special issues arising from the national/international conferences as well as collection of articles that concentrates on a hot topical research area that falls within the scope of the journal.Content of Advances in Geodesy and Geoinformation is archived with a long-term preservation service by the National Library of Poland.