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New types of models can help us better predict how well species will be able to adapt to climate change.
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Katarzyna Sękiewicz

  1. Department of Biogeography and SystematicsInstitute of Dendrology PAS in Kórnik
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Mathematical models offer certain solutions to social problems, but implementing them in practice may spark certain controversies – says Prof. Piotr Dworczak from Northwestern University.
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Piotr Dworczak

  1. Northwestern University
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The aim of the work was to develop a mathematical model using equations of fluid mechanics that describe the dynamics of air flow in a part of the compost aerating system integrated with a stationary reactor. The results of the simulation show that adjusting the flow resistance along the entire length of the compost aerating duct, depending on the distance from the connection of the duct with the fan's pressure conduit pipe through gradually increasing the air outflow area by increasing the number of repeatable gaps, yields a uniform pressure distribution above the grate. The process parameters used for computation were relevant to composting a subscreen fraction separated from mixed municipal waste using 80 mm mesh screen (Fr<80 mm) under real conditions. Microsoft EXCEL 2010 software and STATISTICA version 13.3 by StatSoft were used for numerical and statistical analysis of the test results. The research results are presented in four tables and five figures and discussed in the text of the article. During tests performed in real conditions, various variants were tested for reactor filling level and air outflow active surfaces in subsequent grate parts (Fc (i)). It was found that the target waste layer thickness i.e. 3.0 m and Fc (i) changes, in accordance with the values of the developed model, result in a stable pressure distribution pd, amounting to 1506 Pa and 1495 Pa at the grate front and end part.
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  1. Bernat, K., Kulikowska D., Wojnowska-Baryła, I. & Kamińska A. (2022). Can the biological stage of a mechanical biological treatment plant that is designed for mixed municipal solid waste be successfully utilized for effective composting of selectively collected biowaste, Waste Management, 149, pp. 291-301. DOI:10.1016/j.wasman.2022.06.025
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  11. Klimek, A., Rolbiecki, S. & Rolbiecki R. (2018). Effects of mulching with forest litter and compost made of sewage sludge on the presence of oribatida as bioindicators of soil revitalization in larch and pine in-ground forest nurseries, Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska, 20, pp. 681-696.
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  14. Nguyen, T.P., Koyama, M. & Nakasaki, K. (2022). Effects of oxygen supply rate on organic matter decomposition and microbial communities during composting in a controlled lab-scale composting system, Waste Management, Vol. 153, pp. 275-282. DOI:10.1016/j.wasman.2022.09.004
  15. Nogueira Da Silva Vilela, R., Amorim Orrico, C.A., Previdelli Orrico Junior, M.A., Aspilcueta Borquis, R.R., Dias de Oliveira, M.T.J., De Avila M. R., Torres dos Santos, F. & Viana Leite, B.K. (2022). Effects of aeration and season on the composting of slaughter house waste, Environmental Technol. & Innov, 27, 102505. DOI:10.1016/j.eti.2022.102505
  16. Pączka, G., Garczyńska, M., Mazur-Pączka, A., Podolak, A., Szura, R., Skoczko, I. & Kostecka, J. (2018). Vermicomposting of sugar beet pulps using Eisenia Fetida (sav.) earthworms, Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska, 20, pp. 588-601.
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Authors and Affiliations

Robert Sidełko
Dariusz Boruszko

  1. Koszalin University of Technology, Poland
  2. Bialystok University of Technology, Poland
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Predictive mathematical models have useful applications in the food industry – preventing the loss and wastage of food, thereby conserving resources.
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Elżbieta Rosiak

  1. Institute of Human Nutrition SciencesWarsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW)
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Machine learning methods, such as the random forests algorithm, have revolutionized how we analyze growing volumes of data. The algorithm can be usefully applied in studying… real forests.
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Łukasz Pawlik
Marcin K. Dyderski

  1. Institute of Earth Sciences,Faculty of Natural Sciences,University of Silesia in Katowice
  2. Institute of Dendrology,Polish Academy of Sciences in Kórnik
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This paper presents a method of describing an airlift bioreactor, in which biodegradation of a carbonaceous substrate described by single-substrate kinetics takes place. Eight mathematical models based on the assumption of liquid plug flow and axial dispersion flow through the riser and the downcomer in the reactor were proposed. Additionally, the impact of degassing zone with assumed complete mixing on the obtained results was analyzed. Calculations were performed for two representative hydrodynamic regimes of reactor operation, i.e. with the presence of gas bubbles only within the riser and for complete gas circulation. The conclusions related to the apparatus design and process performance under sufficient aeration of the reaction mixture were drawn on the basis of the obtained results.

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Robert Grzywacz
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The mathematical model of postproduction suspension concentration by microfiltration has been developed. This model describes a process conducted in a batch system with membrane washing by reverse flow of permeate. The model considerations concern filtration pseudocycles consisting of the filtration period and the membrane washing period. The balances of continuous phase volume, dispersed phase mass and energy, for each period of pseudocycle respectively, have been presented.

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Zbigniew Szwast
Maciej Szwast
Marian Grądkowski
Wojciech Piątkiewicz
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Energy based approach was used in the study to formulate a set of functions approximating the magnetic flux linkages versus independent currents. The simplest power series that approximates field co-energy and linked fluxes for a two winding core of an induction machine are described by a set of common unknown coefficients. The authors tested three algorithms for the coefficient estimation using Weighted Least-Squared Method for two different positions of the coils. The comparison of the approximation accuracy was accomplished in the specified area of the currents. All proposed algorithms of the coefficient estimation have been found to be effective. The algorithm based solely on the magnetic field co-energy values is significantly simpler than the method based on the magnetic flux linkages estimation concept. The algorithm based on the field co-energy and linked fluxes seems to be the most suitable for determining simultaneously the coefficients of power series approximating linked fluxes and field co-energy.

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Tadeusz J. Sobczyk
Adam Warzecha
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This work presents the co-simulation approach to the analysis of control systems containing detailed models of electromagnetic and electromechanical converters. In this method of analysis the attention is paid to the whole system and not only to its electromagnetic part. The latter is described by equations resulted from the two-dimensional finite element discretisation of the Maxwell equations, and is coupled weakly with the remaining part of the system. The simulation is carried out in Matlab/Simulink environment wherein the coupling is realised through the S-function. Example results regarding simulation of the operation of the control system of an electrical machine and the operation of a power electronic converter are presented and compared with available reference data.
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Mariusz Jagieła
Tomasz Garbiec
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The paper presents results of research focused on modelling heat storage tank operation used for forecasting purposes. It presents selected issues related to mathematical modelling of heat storage tanks and related equipment and discusses solution process of the optimisation task. Presented detailed results were obtained during real-life industrial implementation of the optimisation process at the Siekierki combined heat and power (CHP) plant in Warsaw owned by Vattenfall Heat Poland S.A. (currently by Polish Oil & Gas Company - PGNiG SA) carried out by the Academic Research Centre of Power Industry and Environment Protection, Warsaw University of Technology in collaboration with Transition Technologies S.A. company.

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Grzegorz Niewiński
Krzysztof Badyda
Wojciech Bujalski
Michał Warchoł
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Results of mathematical modelling and computer simulation of transient processes in the turbine jet engine SO-3 have been presented. The transient processes result from two different fault conditions. In the first case, the transient process has been induced with a rapid fuel shut-off. In the second case, the transient process follows some failure to the shaft that connects the turbine rotor to that of the compressor. The failure occurred in the area of the middle engine bearing support.

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Wojciech Pawlak
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The situation when groundwater considerably rises above the “normal” level, water intake, lowering of groundwater levels and other relevant practical tasks require the drainage facilities. The most effective techniques of numerical studies of the corresponding boundary problems at present time are methods of dealing with inverse boundary value problems (conformal and quasi-conformal mappings). As basis of this research we used the case of combining the fictitious domain methods with quasi-conformal mappings of the solution of nonlinear boundary value problems for the calculation of filtra-tion regimes in environments with free boundary areas (depression curves) and zones of “mountainous” areas. This paper reviews the stationary issue of flat-vertical stationary non-pressure liquid filtration to horizontal symmetric drainage. In the paper a practical methodology for solving boundary value problems on conformal mappings is suggested for the calculation of the filtration process in the horizontal symmetrical drainage. The idea of block iterative methods was used during the creation of the corresponding algorithm which is based on the alternating “freeze” of the anticipated conformance parameter, the internal and boundary connections of the curvilinear area. The results of the conducted numerical calculations confirmed the effectiveness of the suggested problem formulations and algorithms of their numerical solution and the possibility of their use in the modelling of nonlinear filtration processesoccurring in horizontal drainage systems, as well as in the design of drainage facilities and optimizing other hydrosystems. Therefore these results are of great importance.

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Andrii Bomba
Mykola Tkachuk
Volodymyr Havryliuk
Ruslan Kyrysha
Ievgenii Gerasimov
Oleg Pinchuk
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The study concerns modeling and simulation of the growth of biofilms with heterogeneous structures with a discrete mathematical model based on theory of cellular automata. The article presents two-dimensional density distributions of biofilms for microbial processes: oxidation of ammonium by Nitrosomonas europaea bacteria and glucose utilization by Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria. The influence of limiting substrate concentration in the liquid phase on biofilm structure was determined. It has been shown that the value of death rate coefficient of microorganisms has the qualitative and quantitative influence on the density and porosity of the biofilm.

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Szymon Skoneczny
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The paper presents modeling and simulation results of the operation of a three-phase fluidized bed bioreactorwith partial recirculation of biomass. The proposed quantitative description of the bioreactor takes into account biomass growth on inert carriers, microorganisms decay and interphase biomass transfer. Stationary characteristics of the bioreactor and local stability of steady-stateswere determined. The influence of microbiological growth kinetics on the multiplicity of steady-states was discussed. The relationship between biofilm growth and boundaries of fluidized bed existence was shown.

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Szymon Skoneczny
Bolesław Tabiś
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The lumbosacral region of the spine is the most susceptible to pathology in large breed dogs. The most common pathologies of this segment include intervertebral disc disease, distortion of vertebrae, narrowing of the lumbosacral canal and congenital defects of the spine. The aim of this study is to develop a mathematical model describing the height of each lumbosacral vertebra in the dog in relation to the position of the vertebra. For the mathematical analysis we used the results of two measurements for each lumbar vertebra. The first measurement was made from the top of the spinous process to the center of the spinal cord. The second measurement was made from the center of the body of one vertebra to the center of the body of the next one. It is possible to determine an approximate mathematical model that would be uniform for the entire species and would connect the height of the lumbar vertebrae with their location for every breed of the domestic dog. Despite the considerable differences in the constitutional type (small, medium and large breeds), the morphology of the lumbosacral region of the spine exhibits similar proportions. Therefore, it is possible to assess an anomaly of this spinal region objectively. These findings suggest that it is possible to determine an approximate mathematical model that would be uniform for the entire species. The present study was carried out as part of a larger project. This particular work is a pilot study.

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I. Wadowska
M. Dzierzęcka
S. Paśko
K. Barszcz
B.J. Bartyzel
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The problems of mathematical modelling of vibration signal for bearings with specific geometrical structure or defect is important insofar as there are no model bearings (to facilitate carrying out a calibration procedure for industrial measurement systems). It is even more so that there are no precise reference systems to which we would compare the results. This article presents a general outline of the most important studies on modelling of vibrations in rolling bearings. Papers constituting the basis for the most recent studies and a review of articles from the past few years have been considered here. Five different models have been analyzed in detail in order to show the directions of the latest studies. Completed analysis presents different viewpoints on the issue of modelling a rolling bearing operation. This overview article makes it possible to derive the final conclusion that in order to include all factors affecting bearing vibrations, even those ignored in the most recent models, it is necessary to carry out practical statistical research including the principles of multicriteria statistics. This approach will facilitate developing a versatile model, also applicable to predicting vibrations of a new bearing just manufactured in a factory.

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M. Wrzochal
S. Adamczak
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The paper presents computer application of the mathematical model of piston- ring-cylinder packing, which was described in detail in the first part of the paper. Methodology of selection of the input data, results of primary calculations and the method of model verification are also shown. The results allow acknowledging the mathematical model as verified.
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Grzegorz Koszałka
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Skin dynamic termography supplemented by a mathematical model is presented as an objective and sensitive indicator of the skin prick test result. Termographic measurements were performed simultaneously with routine skin prick tests. The IR images were acquired every 70 s up to 910 s after skin prick. In the model histamine is treated as the principal mediator of the allergic reaction. Histamine produces vasolidation and the engorged vessels are responsible for an increase in skin temperature. The model parameters were determined by fitting the analytical solutions to the spatio-temporal distributions of the differences between measured and baseline temperatures. The model reproduces experimental data very well (coefficient of determination = 0.805÷0.995). The method offers a set of parameters to describe separately skin allergic reaction and skin reactivity. The release of histamine after allergen injection is the best indicator of allergic response. The diagnostic parameter better correlates with the standard evaluation of a skin prick test (correlation coefficient = 0.98) than the result of the thermographic planimetric method based on temperature and heated area determination (0.81). The high sensitivity of the method allows for determination of the allergic response in patients with the reduced skin reactivity.

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E. Rokita
T. Rok
G. Tatoń
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The paper describes a mathematical model of gas flow through crevices between the piston, rings and cylinder in internal combustion engines. The model has been developed to study the influence of numerous. design parameters and engine operation condition on piston ring pack behaviour and the exhaust gases blowby from the combustion chamber to the crankcase. The model integrates the gas flow and axial rings displacements in the grooves, and separately treats lands between piston, cylinder and adjacent rings and regions in the grooves behind the rings. The heat transfer between the gas and the surrounding surfaces is calculated and emphasis is placed on considering the influence of wear and thermal deformations of elements on ring pack performance.
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Authors and Affiliations

Grzegorz Koszałka
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The paper presents a study of Rotary Electrical Discharge Machining (REDM) process. In REDM, simple shaped cylindrical electrodes are used to generate 3D complex shapes. A theoretical model of machining process is described, which takes into consideration the effect of tool electrode wear on machined surface profile. The software for computer simulation of REDM has been developed. In the paper, the effects of machining parameters on shape error of machined surface are discussed. Results of computer simulation have been confirmed in experimental practice. The simulation model for NC contouring REDM may also be applied to solving numerical control problems and optimization of tool electrode path.
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Jerzy Kozak
Zbigniew Gulbinowicz
Dorota Gulbinowicz
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In the projects of protection of soil-water environment there is a need to combine and process large amount of information from various disciplines to estimate parameters of phenomena and to determine the range and time table of necessary undertakings.

Due to complex assessment of processes taking place in aquifers, mathematical modeling is the best tool supporting evaluation off pollution in the ground water environment. It is also an effective method of forecasting the risk associated with the harmful impact of objects polluting grounds and grounds waters.

Significant application of mathematical modeling is the use for the enlargement of information gathered in the process of recognition and assessment of condition that prevail in soil-water environment. Results of modeling, if appropriately presented, could be an important element of decision support system in environmental management.

This paper describes procedures for developing an environmental remediation decision support system by linking CADD and GIS software with the hydro geological flow and transport models.

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Marek Ślesicki
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The purpose of the article is to substantiate the basic conceptual provisions for determining the territorial development of regional land use. In accordance with the purpose, the following tasks have been solved: substantiation of theoretical provisions for determining the territorial development of regional land use; determination of features of territorial development of regional land use; formation of hypotheses on the influence of spatial, urban, investment and environmental factors. Peculiarities of territorial development of regional land use are determined. Legal support is proposed. The international practices for ensuring the territorial development of regional land use are summarized, the main directions of which are: the formation and development of land relations on a long-term basis, the determination of the target and functional purpose of lands, the constant registration of cadastral information with the formation of an ecological balance of the land use and considering the peculiarities of interaction between groups of stakeholders. The system of land administration, where its functions (land ownership, valuation, use, development of land) are comprehensively implemented and interact, in the territorial development of regional land use is of particular importance. The geographic information systems are widely used as a tool for the formation, processing and application of information on the territorial development of the regional land use in modern land administration systems. The mathematical modelling of the influence of factors on the territorial development of regional land use has been carried out.
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Authors and Affiliations

Kostiantyn Mamonov
Olena Kanivets
Kostiantyn Viatkin
Oleksii Voronkov

  1. O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  2. Sumy National Agrarian University, Sumy, Ukraine
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In this paper, a new simple method for determination of flow parameters, axial dispersion coefficients DL and Péclet numbers Pe was presented. This method is based on an accurate measurement model considering pulse tracer response. Our method makes it possible to test the character of gas flow motion and precisely measure flow parameters for different pressures and temperatures. The idea of combining the transfer function, numerical inversion of the Laplace transform and optimisation method gives many benefits like a simple and effective way of finding solution of inverse problem and model coefficients. The calculated values of flow parameters (DL and/or Pe) suggest that in the considered case the gas flow is neither plug flow nor perfect mixing under operation condition. The obtained outcomes agree with the gas flow theory. Calculations were performed using the CAS program type, Maple®.
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Authors and Affiliations

Małgorzata Wójcik
Mirosław Szukiewicz

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