Factors Influencing Potential CO2 Storage Capacity in ShalesJournal title
Archives of Mining SciencesYearbook
vol. 67Issue
No 1Authors
Waszczuk-Zellner, Patrycja : LNPC Patrycja Waszczuk, Pszczyna, Poland ; Lutyński, Marcin : Silesian University of Technology, 2A Akademicka Str., 44-100 Gliwice, Poland ; Koteras, Aleksandra : Central Mining Institute (GIG), 1 Gwarków Sq., 40-166 Katowice, PolandKeywords
CO2 storage ; storage capacity ; storage in shales ; CO2 sorptionDivisions of PAS
Nauki TechniczneCoverage
Committee of Mining PASBibliography
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