Energy efficiency of waste gasification plants in the national municipal waste management systemJournal title
Archives of Environmental ProtectionYearbook
Primus, Arkadiusz : INVESTEKO S.A., Świętochłowice, Poland ; Buntner, Dagmara : INVESTEKO S.A., Świętochłowice, Poland ; Rosik-Dulewska, Czesława : Institute of Environmental Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Zabrze, Poland ; Chmielniak, Tadeusz : Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, PolandKeywords
energy efficiency; ; waste morphology; ; cogeneration; ; energy from waste; ; waste gasification; ; biodegradablefraction;Divisions of PAS
Nauki TechniczneCoverage
Polish Academy of SciencesBibliography
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DOI: 10.24425/aep.2024.152899DOI
10.24425/aep.2024.152899Abstracting & Indexing
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