Humanities and Social Sciences



Nauka | 2023 | No 2

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The problem of gender imbalance in Polish science is a clear and widely documented fact confirmed by numerous scientific studies. The gender imbalance affects both women and men depending on scientific disciplines and the level of scientific careers. The sources of this situation, leading to morally unacceptable exclusion of certain demographic groups and the underutilisation of society's full intellectual potential, are both 1) cultural and social aspects and the associated prejudice and discrimination, and 2) institutional aspects, including, inter alia, low and unequal salaries and the widespread use of anachronistic models of assessing scientific excellence that exclude non-traditional career paths and ways of conducting scientific research. In order to broaden the public dialogue on the gender imbalance in science in Poland, on 10.02.2023, the Polish Young Academy of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAS), together with the National Science Centre, the Office of Science Promotion of the PolSCA PAS in Brussels and the Research Centre for Women's Participation in Public Space of the UAM in partnership with the L'Oreal Foundation, organised a conference entitled “Research excellence has no gender”. The event, attended by representatives and authorities of many organisations of the scientific community in Poland, inaugurated a long-term programme under the name “Research excellence has no gender”. The event aimed to draw attention to the existing disparities in science and the need to develop and introduce changes to reduce these disparities.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marta Gmurek
1 2
Anna Kłos
1 3
Jacek Ł. Kolanowski
1 4

  1. Akademia Młodych Uczonych PAN
  2. Politechnika Łódzka
  3. Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna
  4. Instytut Chemii Bioorganicznej PAN
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The article presents, on the basis of data from the POL-on system and the European Statistical Office, the trajectories of women's scientific careers in technoscience – particularly in engineering and technology. It also describes the results of a qualitative study, which comprises an analysis of twelve biographical interviews with female professors who represent various disciplines of technoscience. The article then outlines possible solutions for increasing the representation of women in technoscience.
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Authors and Affiliations

Anna Knapińska

  1. Ośrodek Przetwarzania Informacji – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
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This paper presents the dynamics of gender inequalities at Polish universities in the years 2004–2021. Instead of the usual shares of women among all university graduates and employees, I analyse the degrees and titles awarded in this period. The gender imbalance among university graduates persists, with women obtaining twice as many master's degrees as men. Among the new doctors, a small surplus of women appeared. The shares of women in habilitations and titles of professors substantially increased. The shares of women in engineering and technical sciences increased at all levels. Both among graduates and among scientists, the gender composition tends towards equality where women have been less numerous so far. However, a similar trend has not occurred where men obtained a minority of degrees and titles.
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Authors and Affiliations

Michał Gulczyński

  1. Uniwersytet Bocconiego w Mediolanie, Wydział Nauk Społecznych i Politycznych
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The purpose of this article is to determine what can we learn about the changing demographics of scientific personnel around the world and over time using available global bibliometric data sources. We wanted to see how useful global data could be for analyzing the scientific workforce. We tested how the demographic transformation of the global scientific profession can be measured using new data sources, thus transcending the traditional approach in which national statistics from national statistical offices are aggregated to a higher level, as in the case of the scientific workforce databases produced by the OECD, UNESCO and the European Union (Eurostat).
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Authors and Affiliations

Marek Kwiek
Łukasz Szymula

  1. Centrum Studiów nad Polityką Publiczną Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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Psychopharmacology is the field of knowledge concerning drugs acting specifically on distinct psychopathological symptoms such as e.g. psychosis, depression, mania, anxiety, etc. The birth of contemporary psychopharmacology was heralded by a paper by Australian psychiatrist, John Cade, in 1949, describing the therapeutic action of lithium in mania and a paper by French psychiatrists from 1952 demonstrating the therapeutic action of chlorpromazine on psychotic symptoms. Here, the development of antipsychotic, antidepressive, mood-stabilizing (preventing affective recurrences), anxiolytic and pro-cognitive drugs is outlined. Based on the chronology of their introduction into psychiatric treatment and the therapeutic spectrum, three generations of antipsychotic drugs can be distinguished, and two antidepressive and mood-stabilizing drugs. Despite a great accumulation of knowledge on brain function, the mechanism of the majority of psychotropic drugs can be interpreted by their effect on brain neurotransmitters (subtypes, receptors, transporters) such as dopamine, serotonin, noradrenaline, glutamate, and acetylcholine. In the paper, the directions of the development of psychopharmacology, the possibilities of using psychedelics and the like as psychotropic drugs, and the role of psychotherapy in pharmacological context are delineated. Finally, the ongoing controversies on antidepressant drugs, increasing for three decades, are presented, achieving a great media reaction, also in Poland.
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Authors and Affiliations

Janusz Rybakowski

  1. Klinika Psychiatrii Dorosłych, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Poznaniu
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The content of the article is a historical analysis of the presence, understanding and validity of the Iron Curtain metaphor in the field of social sciences. After 1989, it might seem that the fall of the Iron Curtain had lost its relevance and the metaphor had become dead. It’s recall by Władimir Załęski in connection with the war in Ukraine prompted a re-analysis of the sense, meaning and emotions associated with it. The question of how this commonly known metaphor influenced (and influences) our understanding of reality and to what extent it constitutes a reliable analytical category is subject to reflection.
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Authors and Affiliations

Elżbieta Czykwin

  1. Chrześcijańska Akademia Teologiczna w Warszawie
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In the article, the author analyzes the phenomenon of adapting Bogdan Suchodolski's pedagogy to changing political circumstances several times: from his fascination with mainstream politics in the 1930s, through intensive practice of Marxist and socialist pedagogy after World War II, to universal humanism and tragic humanism in the 1970s and 80s. Following R. Englert, the author calls this adaptability of pedagogy to political changes “pedagogical cairology”.
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Authors and Affiliations

Zbigniew Kwieciński

  1. członek rzeczywisty PAN
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This article was written on the occasion of the completion of the 3-volume edition of “The Diaries” of the eminent Polish sociologist Stanislaw Ossowski (1897–1963). These diaries were written during a long and turbulent period, from the Russian Revolution of 1905 until the author's death in 1963. The author of this article, who prepared Ossowski's diaries for publication and annotated them extensively, discusses their character, describes the fate of their manuscripts and reveals her editorial workshop. “The Diaries” are a valuable collection of Ossowski's notes of daily life, wars and politics, his scientific travels, comments on his readings and more general reflections on society. They provide material for Ossowski's scientific biography and are an important source for the study of the history of sociology and intellectual life in Poland. The value of Ossowski’s diaries lies in the fact that he wrote them for himself. This makes them free of the bias common in autobiographies and diaries written with a view to future publication.
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Róża Sułek

  1. Biblioteka Instytutu Stosowanych Nauk Społecznych Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
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The aim of this article is to present opportunities and barriers to scientific development in the West Pomeranian scientific communities. The authors (representing various scientific centres) identify the specificity of opportunities for scientific development in the West Pomeranian Region. Starting from more general diagnoses, they focus on selected indicators of scientific development. They then attempt to characterise them in more detail. The article is also an invitation to discuss the determinants of scientific development on a regional scale.
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Authors and Affiliations

Rafał Rakoczy
Maciej Kowalewski
Paula Ossowicz-Rupniewska
Maciej J. Nowak

  1. Wydział Technologii i Inżynierii Chemicznej, Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie
  2. Instytut Socjologii, Uniwersytet Szczeciński
  3. Wydział Ekonomiczny, Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie


Considering recent media cases of incorrect communication about the traumatic experiences of children, the Committee on Psychological Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, together with scientific psychological societies, prepared a joint statement on this problem. It illustrates the role of adverse events (including sexual abuse) experienced in childhood in lowering an individual's wellbeing in the future, and how some factors may lead to secondary victimization. It also emphasizes the appropriate ways of communicating about children's exposure to traumatic events. An appeal to the participants of the public debate is made to refrain from using media descriptions of child abuse in current political games.
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NAUKA jest czasopismem Polskiej Akademii Nauk wydawanym kwartalnie w języku polskim lub angielskim. Czasopismo publikuje recenzowane prace naukowe, artykuły przeglądowe, polemiczne, wspomnieniowe, recenzje oraz listy do redakcji.

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Wraz z plikiem zawierającym artykuł i plikami z ilustracjami należy przesłać:

a) pismo, w którym pierwszy autor zwraca się do redakcji o wydrukowanie pracy w czasopiśmie (formalne zgłoszenie materiału do publikacji w kwartalniku NAUKA), podaje swój adres, afiliacje, adres e-mailowy oraz podpis wraz z podaniem tytułu naukowego;

b) pisemne oświadczenie, że praca nie była dotąd ogłoszona drukiem i nie została złożona w innej redakcji. W przypadku wykorzystywania rycin (lub innych elementów) uprzednio publikowanych lub pochodzących od innych autorów należy dołączyć pisemną zgodę autorów i wydawnictwa na ich wykorzystanie;

Literatura przedmiotu powinna być umieszczona na końcu pracy w układzie sekwencyjnym (odwołanie w tekście, np. [1]) lub alfabetycznym typu „autor-rok” (odwołanie w tekście, np. (Ziman J., 1978)).


Watson J.D., Crick F.H.C., Molecular structure of nucleic acids. Nature 1953, nr 171,

s. 737–738.


Ziman J., Reliable knowledge. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1978, s. 124–157.

Rozdział w książce:

Klemensiewicz Z., Przekład jako zagadnienie językoznawstwa, [w:] O sztuce tłumaczenia, pod redakcją M. Rusinka, Wrocław 1955, Zakład im. Ossolińskich, s. 85–97.

Tytuły artykułów w literaturze przedmiotu powinny być podane w oryginalnym brzmieniu, a skróty tytułów czasopism według Web of Science: Standard journal abbreviations oraz wykazów narodowych i branżowych. Spis piśmiennictwa nie powinien zawierać niepublikowanych danych, informacji prywatnych lub prac w przygotowaniu. Odwoływanie się do takich źródeł może występować jedynie w tekście.

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