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Gears are essential machine elements used to transmit power and motion from one unit to another under desired angular velocity ratio. Various types of gears have been developed to fulfill power transmission requirements in industrial applications. Under normal or fluctuating operating conditions, increase in fatigue load cycles, transition in lubrication regimes, fluctuating loads and speeds, etc., result in various surface fatigue wear modes which affect the performance of geared system. The severity of wear anomalies developed on gear tooth surfaces can be assessed by using vibration signals acquired from the gear box. On the other hand, reliable wear assessment is very important to perform maintenance action which depends on the sensors, data acquisition procedure, vibration signal analysis and interpretation. This paper presents results of the experimental investigations carried out to assess initiation and propagation of surface fatigue failure wear modes developed on gear tooth contact surfaces. A FZG back to back power recirculation type spur gearbox was used to conduct fatigue test experiments on spur gears under accelerated test conditions. Accelerated test conditions resulted in a rapid transition of lubrication regimes, i.e., hydrodynamic lubrication regime to boundary lubrication regime which triggered surface fatigue faults on gear tooth surfaces. A cepstral analysis method was used to assess fault severity in the geared system. The results obtained from the cepstral features were correlated to various surface fatigue faults and reduction in gear tooth stiffness. Results obtained from the experimental investigations highlighted the suitability of cepstral features to assess incipient faults developed on spur gear tooth surfaces.
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1. Amarnath M., Chandramohan S., Seetharaman S. (2012), Experimental investigations of surface wear assessment of spur gear teeth, Journal of Vibration and Control, 18(7): 1009–1024, doi: 10.1177/1077546311399947.
2. Amarnath M., Lee S.K. (2015), Assessment of surface contact fatigue failure in a spur geared system based on the tribological and vibration parameter analysis, Measurement, 76: 32–44, doi: 10.1016/ j.measurement.2015.08.020.
3. Amarnath M., Sujatha C., Swarnamani S. (2009), Experimental studies on the effects of reduction in gear tooth stiffness and lubricant film thickness in a spur geared system, Tribology International, 42(2): 340–352, doi: 10.1016/j.triboint.2008.07.008.
4. Dalpiaz G., Rivola A., Rubini R. (2000), Effectiveness and sensitivity of vibration processing techniques for local fault detection in gears, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 14(3): 387–412, doi: 10.1006/mssp.1999.1294.
5. El Badaoui M., Antoni J., Guillet F., Daniere J., Velex P. (2001), Use of the moving cepstrum integral to detect and localise tooth spalls in gears, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 15(5): 873–885, doi: 10.1006/mssp.2001.1413.
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7. Fernandes P.J.L. (1996), Tooth bending fatigue failures in gears, Engineering Failure Analysis, 3(3): 219– 225, doi: 10.1016/1350-6307(96)00008-8.
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10. Lee S.K., Amarnath M. (2016), Experimental investigations to establish correlation between stribeck curve, specific film thickness and statistical parameters of vibration and sound signals in a spur gear system, Journal of Vibration and Control, 22(6): 1667–1681, doi: 10.1177/1077546314544164.
11. Liang B., Iwnicki S.D., Zhao Y. (2013), Application of power spectrum, cepstrum, higher order spectrum and neural network analyses for induction motor fault diagnosis, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 39(1–2): 342–360, doi: 10.1016/j.ymssp.2013.02.016.
12. Łazarz B., Wojnar G., Czech P. (2011), Early fault detection of toothed gear in exploitation conditions, Maintenance and Reliability, 2011(1): 68–77.
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17. Park C.S., Choi Y.C., Kim Y.H. (2013), Early fault detection in automotive ball bearings using the minimum variance cepstrum, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 38(2): 534–548, doi: 10.1016/ j.ymssp.2013.02.017.
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21. Yesilyurt I., Gu F., Ball A.D. (2003), Gear tooth stiffness reduction measurement using modal analysis and its use in wear fault severity assessment of spur gears, NDT & E International, 36(5): 357–372, doi: 10.1016/S0963-8695(03)00011-2.
22. Ziaran S., Darula R. (2013), Determination of the state of wear of high contact ratio gear sets by means of spectrum and cepstrum analysis, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 135(2): 021008, doi: 10.1115/1.4023208.
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Authors and Affiliations

Muniyappa Amarnath
I.R. Praveen Krishna
Ramalingam Krishnamurthy

  1. Tribology and Machine Dynamics Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Information Technology Design and Manufacturing, Jabalpur,Jabalpur 482001, India
  2. Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram – 695547, India
  3. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras 600025, Tamilnadu, India
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In the calculation of the acoustic performance of mufflers, the walls of mufflers are usually treated rigidly without considering the acoustic-structural coupling, but the results so calculated differ significantly from the actual situation. Based on the basic equations, the article derives the finite element equations of the muffler system while considering the acoustic-structural coupling effect and theoretically analyses the connection between the acoustic-structural coupling system and the structural and acoustic modes. The structural and acoustic modes of the muffler are calculated and the reasons for the mutation of the transmission loss curve of the muffler when the acoustic-structural coupling is considered are analysed. The results show that the acoustic-structural coupling is the result of the interaction between the structure and the air inside the expansion chamber under acoustic excitation, which manifests mutations in the sound pressure inside the muffler in some frequency bands. Then, using a single-chamber muffler as an example, the transmission loss is used to characterise the performance of the muffler. The effects of different factors such as shell thickness, structure, porous media material lining, and restraint method on the acoustic-structural coupling effect of the muffler are analysed, and the structure of a double-chamber muffler is successfully optimised according to the conclusions.
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Authors and Affiliations

Bo Zhao
He Li

  1. School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, China
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In two field experiments, the effect of some weed control treatments (citric acid at the rate of 10, 15 and 20%, acetic acid at the rate of 20, 30 and 40%, oxadiargyl, oxyflurfen, rice straw mulch, hand hoeing and an unweeded check control treatment) on weed growth and onion productivity in sandy soils at the Agricultural Experimental Station of the National Research Centre, Egypt was studied. The results indicated that all weeded treatments reduced the dry weight of broadleaf, grassy and total weeds as compared with the weedy check. Oxadiargyl, followed by two hand hoeing, rice straw mulch and acetic acid 40% recorded the greatest weed control efficiency. Insignificant differences were noticed between these treatments. Applying rice straw mulch increased bulb length, bulb diameter, bulb weight and onion yield by 67.52, 57.55, 45.74 and 66.22% over the weedy check, respectively. The highest values of N, P and K were obtained from rice straw mulch treatment followed by hand hoeing, oxadiargyl and acetic acid 40% treatments. It may be concluded that farmers can certainly depend on mulching or acetic acid at 40% instead of using chemical herbicides especially in organic farm systems for controlling onion weeds.

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Ibrahim El-Metwally
Shehata Shalaby
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A laser measurement system for measuring straightness and parallelism error using a semiconductor laser was proposed. The designing principle of the developed system was analyzed. Addressing at the question of the divergence angle of the semiconductor laser being quite large and the reduction of measurement accuracy caused by the diffraction effect of the light spot at the longworking distance, the optical structure of the system was optimized through a series of simulations and experiments. A plano-convex lens was used to collimate the laser beam and concentrate the energy distribution of the diffraction effect. The working distance of the system was increased from 2.6 m to 4.6 m after the optical optimization, and the repeatability of the displacement measurement is kept within 2.2 m in the total measurement range. The performance of the developed system was verified by measuring the straightness of a machine tool through the comparison tests with two commercial multi-degree-of-freedom measurement systems. Two different measurement methods were used to verify the measurement accuracy. The comparison results show that during the straightness measurement of the machine tool, the laser head should be fixed in front of the moving axis, and the sensing part should move with the moving table of the machine tool. Results also show that the measurement error of the straightness measurement is less than 3 m compared with the commercial systems. The developed laser measurement system has the advantages of high precision, long working distance, low cost, and suitability for straightness and parallelism error measurement.
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Authors and Affiliations

Peng Xu
Rui Jun Li
Wen Kai Zhao
Zhen Xin Chang
Shao Hua Ma
Kuang Chao Fan

  1. Hefei University of Technology, School of Instrument Science and Opto-Electronics Engineering, Hefei, China
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Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) have recently emerged as important bacterial pathogens of both animals and humans. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the effect of a combination of ten antibiotics with an inhibitor of efflux pumps (EPI), i.e. berberine (BER), against 6 strains of NTM. Our results showed that the BER potentiated the anti-mycobacterial activities of the antibiotics. Overall, our findings show the importance of BER in increasing the efficacy of antibiotics in NTM.
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Authors and Affiliations

K. Puk
L. Guz

  1. Department of Biology and Fish Diseases, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Life Sciences, Akademicka 12, 20-033 Lublin, Poland
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The present study was aimed to evaluate the growth performance and immune response of three genetic lines of Japanese quails. These lines i.e., selected for 4-week body-weight group (WBS), selected for egg number (EBS), and random-bred control (RBC), were selected for three consecutive generations from a base population of 1125 quails. In total, 2700 four-week-old quails from three selected groups were slaughtered in total of four generations (G0 to G3). Effects of selection and generations as well as their interactions were assessed for growth performance and immune response by applying a two-way analysis of variance. Significant means were compared with Duncan’s Multiple Range Test. The statistical analysis showed a significant effect of selection and generations on most of the growth and immune response parameters. WBS in G3 presented significantly higher values of body weight, weight gain, and FCR than RBC and EBS. FCR was better in WBS during G3 than those of EBS and RBC. However, Livability% was highest in RBC while the lowest was noted in G3 of WBS line. Thymus% and spleen% were higher in EBS as compared to RBC and WBS. RBC presented a better B/S ratio and ND titer than those of EBS and WBS. The decreasing trend of ND titer in both lines of WBS and EBS as compared to RBC suggested a decrease in New Castle disease resistance in progressive generations of selection. It was concluded that selection for body weight and egg number has a positive impact on respective traits but negatively affects the immunity in later generations.
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Authors and Affiliations

A. Rehman
J. Hussain
A. Mahmud
K. Javed
A. Ghayas
S. Ahmad

  1. Department of Poultry Production, Faculty of Animal Production and Technology, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan, 54000
  2. Department of Poultry Production, Faculty of Animal Production and Technology,University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan, 54000
  3. Department of Livestock Production, Faculty of Animal Production and Technology, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan, 54000
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In this autobiographical note I describe my childhood and early University days in London, including the initiation of research on the Cenomanian chalks of southern England under the supervision of the late Jake Hancock, who was to become the closest of friends and collaborators for nearly 40 years. Appointment to a teaching post in Oxford in 1967 led, eventually, to the directorship of the Oxford University Museum of Natural History in 2003, until retirement in 2010. It was my good fortune to travel widely in connection with research on the Cretaceous across Europe and the United States, but particularly in KwaZulu Natal in South Africa, leading to a career long collaboration with Herbert Klinger (Cape Town). Collaboration has been the key to my research, collaboration with Jake and Herbie, and many others, including Bill Cobban, Andy Gale, Pierre Juignet, Herbert Summesberger, Irek Walaszczyk, and Willy Wright. These collaborations led to publications that dealt with ammonite faunas from The Antarctic Peninsula to Greenland, and from the United States Western Interior to Australia, as listed below.
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William James Kennedy
1 2

  1. Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PW, United Kingdom
  2. Department of Earth Sciences, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3AN, United Kingdom
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The aim of the paper is to present the procedure of non-standard road signs and markings implementation in Poland to improve road safety and traffic performance of road infrastructure. The authors investigated the following cases: road and its surroundings’ perception and understanding improvement; warning of increased risk of accidents ; road works; speed management and ITS. The procedure was developed on the basis of interdisciplinary research, including: observation of drivers behaviour in real traffic; comparative crash analysis on sections with and without non-standard signs or markings; surveys on the understanding signs and marking; driving simulator experiments. As a result of the research, an implementation procedure for non-standard signs and markings, in the form of flowchart, was developed. In the designed procedure the following study of non-standard signs can be distinguished: questionnaire studies, eye tracking tests and driving simulator tests. The choice of the test method depends on the preliminary assessment of sign understanding, based on the results of the questionnaires. Moreover, thresholds for the declared understanding level, which determines the selection of additional tests to be done prior to the implementation of the sign, are given. The guidelines for conducting tests, analysis and monitoring of implementation were described as well.
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Authors and Affiliations

Alessandro Calvi
Stanisław Gaca
Tomasz Kamiński
Mariusz Kieć
Mikołaj Kruszewski

  1. Department of Engineering, Roma Tre University, Via Vito Volterra 62, 00-146 Rome, Italy
  2. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, 24 Warszawska Str., 31-155 Cracow, Poland
  3. Motor Transport Institute, Transport Telematics Center, Jagiellońska 80 Str., 03-301 Warsaw, Poland
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Pavements are layered systems from both the geometrical and physical points of view. Flexible pavements most often include a sequence of asphalt layers, typically composed of the wearing course, binder course and base course. So far, there is no definite analytical solution of such a layered system in relation to the temperature distribution that would consider different thermal properties of the respective layers and follow the physical laws of the thermal wave nature of heat propagation. This being so, we are unable to assess the effect of the thermal properties of the respective pavement courses on the overall temperature distribution in the asphalt portion. In multi-layer pavement systems also important are the phenomena taking place at the interfaces between the pavement courses which have a bearing on the service life of pavement. This article presents a newanalytical solution to the problem of heat conduction and refraction in a multi-layer pavement. The solution was used to investigate and determine the effect of wave mode of heat propagation on the vertical temperature distribution, this considering that the pavement system is a sequence of layers comprising the soil subgrade, the base course and the wearing course. Moreover, the classical heat conduction equation is compared with the wave mode equation for a multi-layer pavement system and the temperature distribution in a layered system is compared with the temperature distribution in its homogenized equivalent. The solution of the heat conduction problem in a layered system showed a considerable effect of the thermal compatibility coefficients introduced by the authors and of the thermal refraction of the respective layers on the temperature distribution throughout the multi-layer pavement system. The output of this research includes prediction of the vertical temperature distribution in the pavement and definition of guidelines for reducing the effect of changing climatic conditions on the operation of layered flexible road and airfield pavements. In addition, the research results expand the toolkit for assessing the thermal effect on the actual pavements.
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Authors and Affiliations

Mirosław Graczyk
Józef Rafa
Adam Zofka
Leszek Rafalski

  1. Road and Bridge Research Institute, Instytutowa 1, 03-302 Warsaw, Poland
  2. Institute of Mathematics and Cryptology, Cybernetics Faculty, Military University of Technology, S. Kaliskiego 2, 00-908 Warsaw, Poland
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Geochemical studies of CO2-rich therapeutic waters in the Sudetes have provided new data on a wide range of trace elements, going beyond standard chemical analyses of such waters. A consistent set of physicochemical data obtained using the same analytical methods was subjected to statistical analyses, including hierarchical clustering, factor analysis and nonparametric tests (Kruskal-Wallis, Tau Kendall), to reveal geochemical relationships between physicochemical and chemical parameters in the waters, and their relationships with the aquifer lithology. Distinct differences in the composition of waters found in crystalline rocks (mainly gneisses and mica schists) and sedimentary rocks were identified. The wide range of elements can be associated with the hydrolysis of silicate minerals, including alkali and alkali earth metals (Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, Be) and (mostly) transition elements (Fe, Mn, Zn, Co, W, Mg). Carbonate equilibria are the next important factor as it determines the aggressiveness of the water towards the minerals of aquifer rocks and affects the concentrations of numerous solutes. The probable common origin of chlorides, bromides and sulphates together with Li, Na, Sr may be related to the relict saline component of deep circulating waters, a hypothesis that requires further investigations.
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Authors and Affiliations

Dariusz Dobrzyński
Marcin Stępień
Marzena Szostakiewicz-Hołownia
Włodzimierz Humnicki

  1. University of Warsaw, Faculty of Geology, Department of Hydrogeology and Geophysics, Żwirki i Wigury 93, 02-089 Warszawa, Poland
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This paper intends to investigate the strategic approaches towards the third culture elements, which are regarded as a sign of literary heterolingualism, in the translation into Polish and Dutch of Pachinko written by Min Jin Lee, a Korean American author who currently lives in New York. Since the plot of the novel written in English is set in Korea and Japan, all elements of Korean and Japanese origin are considered third culture elements in the translation process. The aim of the analysis conducted against the backdrop of anthropocentric Translation Studies is to present the similarities and differences in the translation techniques concerning the third culture elements, as well as to introduce the factors determining the choice of a specific translation approach.
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Michał Gąska
Judyta Kuznik

  1. Uniwersytet Wrocławski
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The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the influence of maternal and paternal languages on the development of a bilingual child’s language. It is assumed that a mother’s language has the greatest influence on a child’s language. In addition, maternal language is responsible for the largest part of the variety in the language children understand and use as well as the development of bilingualism. We also believe that fathers influence the language of a home and mothers influence the language of a child. In our analysis, the focus is on the quantity and quality of exposure to the given languages, the pattern of language used by parents, the language of formal instruction and the style of parentchild interaction. Over one hundred and fifty case studies were under examination depicting various language constellations, such as e.g. Polish and English, Polish and Russian, Polish and German, Polish and Ukrainian, Polish and Belarusian, Polish and Italian. Hence, with this paper we hope to be able to better understand cross-linguistic influence on bilingual speakers.

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Ilona Banasiak
Magdalena Olpińska-Szkiełko
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In this case ceramic layers from Metco ZrO2 and Al2O3 powders mixture (25/75; 50/50 and 75/25) were obtained through atmospheric plasma spraying (APS) after five passes on low carbon steel substrate. The sample surfaces mechanically grinded (160-2400) before and after ceramic layer deposition. Powder’s mixtures and the surface of ceramic thin layers were analyzed through: scanning electron microscopy (SEM). In order to understand the effect of surface wettability of the ceramic layers, before and after grinding the surface, three different liquids were used. Experimental results confirm the modification of the steel substrate surface characteristic from hydrophilic to hydrophobic when the ceramic layer was deposited. Surface free energy of hydration increases for all the samples with zirconia percentage addition before polishing process.
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Authors and Affiliations

M. Luțcanu
1 2
M. Coteață
M.A. Bernevig
C.D. Nechifor
M.M. Cazacu
P. Paraschiv
B. Istrate
G. Bădărău
I.G. Sandu
N. Cimpoeșu

  1. Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, Prof.dr.doc. D. Mangeron no. 41 Street, 700050 Iasi, Romania
  2. "Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Department of Physics, 700050 Iasi, Romania
  3. Gheorghe Asachi Tech Univ Iasi, Dept Machine Mfg Technol, 59A D Mangeron Blvd, Iasi 700050, Romania
  4. “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Department of Sport, 700050 Iasi, Romania
  5. Gheorghe Asachi Tech Univ Iasi, Fac Mech Engn 43 D Mangeron St, Iasi 700050, Romania
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This study investigates single and multilayer TiAlN/CrN nanocomposite thin films developed using an RF magnetron sputtering system. The TiAlN and CrN layers showed a high degree of orientation, with the (200) peak being the strongest peak in both layers, and a multilayer structure was clearly observed. The surface roughness analysis using atomic force microscopy (AFM) and cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (TEM) revealed that the TiAlN/CrN coatings had a smoother surface than the single-layer coatings and minimal intermixing between the two layers. Depth-sensing indentation measurements were used to measure the hardness and Young’s modulus of the coatings, demonstrating that TiAlN/CrN coating had the highest hardness (~16.38 GPa) and elastic modulus (~3.82 GPa) among all the coatings studied. This indicates that the TiAlN/CrN multilayer coating possesses superior mechanical properties due to its interface strength. Our findings suggest that these multilayer coatings have potential applications in tribological and decorative coatings.
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Authors and Affiliations

Viswanath G. Akkili
Hansung Lee
Suhyeon Kim
Jun-Hui Choi
Choong-Heui Chung
Joon Sik Park
Jae-Hyun Lee
Byungmin Ahn
Yoon-Kee Kim
Sangyeob Lee

  1. Hanbat National University,Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Daejeon, 34158, Korea
  2. Ajou University, Department of Energy Systems Research, Suwon, 16499, Korea
  3. Ajou University, Department of Energy Systems Research, Suwon, 16499, Korea; Ajou University, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Suwon, 16499, Korea
  4. Hanbat National University, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Daejeon, 34158, Korea
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The magnetic band separator is provided for the enrichment of strongly magnetic ores, as, for example, magnetite ore. The process of magnetic flocculation occurs under the influence of magnetic field. The forming particle aggregates (floes) contain non-magnetic particles in their structure which deteriorates the separation results. In the band separator the material is subjected to several remagnetizations on its separation path during which non-magnetic particles are being liberated from the floe volumes. The separation results depend on the characteristics of the separator magnetic system and magnetic properties of the raw material. Starting from the equations ofmagnetic field the author calculated the distribution of magnetic field and force in the band separator. On this basis he also determined the optimum pole pitch of the magnetic system which depends on particle sizes of the enriched raw material. Despite the magnetic force, also mechanical forces act upon particles. The balance of forces acting upon the particle enabled the value of separation magnetic susceptibility lo be calculated according to which the raw material is divided into magnetic and non-magnetic particles. Taking into account magnetic interactions between magnetite inclusions in the particle, the dependence of particle magnetic susceptibility on the volume content of magnetite was determined and, next, theoretical indexes of magnetite ore enrichment ability were calculated.
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Marian Brożek
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The paper presents the susceptibility of AE44 magnesium alloy to electrochemical corrosion and stress corrosion cracking (SCC). The evaluation of the intensity of the interaction of the corrosive environment was carried out using the corrosion tests and the Slow Strain Rate Test (SSRT). Corrosion tests performed in 0.1 M Na2SO4 solution (immersion in solution and under cathodic polarization conditions) revealed that the layer of corrosion products was much thicker after immersion test. The results of SSRT showed that the AE44 alloy deformed in the solution was characterized by higher plasticity compared to the alloy deformed in the air after immersion in solution. Moreover, the fractures were characterized by different morphology. In the case of an alloy deformed in the solution under cathodic polarization many microcracks on the fracture were observed, which were not observed in the case of the alloy deformed in the air.

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Authors and Affiliations

M. Sozańska
A. Mościcki
B. Chmiela
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In June 2011, Polish Section of the Audio Engineering Society will celebrate its 20th anniversary. On this occasion, the society officers, ending their second, two-year term, present a short summary of the Section's activity during the past four years. The Section's structure comprises the main unit - that is the Polish AES section, and three student sections, associated with the Department of Multimedia Systems at the Gdansk University of Technology, the Chair of Acoustics at the Wroc?aw University of Technology, and the Department of Mechanics and Vibroacoustics at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow. The latter section began its activity only last year. In addition to formal student sections, in the activities of the Polish AES Section also participate students of the Department of Sound Engineering, at the The Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw, and students of the Department of Elecroacoustics, at the Warsaw University of Technology.

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Zbigniew Kulka
Wojciech Makowski
Tadeusz Fidecki
Maria Tajchert
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The goal of the studies undertaken in Polish national parks was to determine noise threats, examine the resources, assess the quality of soundscapes and identify the possibilities of their protection. The questionnaire method used in the studies made it possible to identify the awareness of noise threats and the value of soundscapes according to the park service staff. In addition, the semantic differential and description methods were used to learn how students assessed the soundscape quality of Polish national parks. Finally, avenues of further research on soundscape in environmentally valuable areas were indicated. The research findings indicate that each national park in Poland is characterised by diverse and unique soundscapes and is subject to the pressure of road traffic and tourism resulting in noise hazards. The conservation of the acoustic values of parks is necessary and possible.
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Sebastian Bernat
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Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Chemical Engineering, 44-100 Gliwice, Bałtycka 5, Poland A review concerning main processes of hydrogenation of carbon oxides towards synthesis of methanol, mixture of methanol and higher aliphatic alcohols and one-step synthesis of dimethyl ether as well as methanol steam reforming is given. Low-temperature methanol catalysts and lowtemperature modified methanol catalysts containing copper as primary component and zinc as secondary one are described.

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Authors and Affiliations

Maria Kulawska
Maria Madej-Lachowska
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The paper presents the properties of surface oxide layers with an increased content of carbon for tribological applications. The composite surface oxide layers were produced using a two-step technology through hard anodising of the surface of an aluminium alloy, followed by thermochemical treatment of anodic oxide coatings. The surface oxide layers were subjected to tribological tests in an oil-less sliding couple with T5W plastic. The presented test results confirm the usefulness of the proposed modifications of surface oxide layers for the purpose of enhancing the operational durability of oil-less sliding couples in a reciprocating motion.

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Tomasz Kmita
Marek Bara
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Based on the publications regarding new or recent measurement systems for the tokamak plasma experiments, it can be found that the monitoring and quality validation of input signals for the computation stage is done in different, often simple, ways. In the paper is described the unique approach to implement the novel evaluation and data quality monitoring (EDQM) model for use in various measurement systems. The adaptation of the model is made for the GEM-based soft X-ray measurement system FPGA-based. The EDQM elements has been connected to the base firmware using PCI-E DMA real-time data streaming with minimal modification. As additional storage, on-board DDR3 memory has been used. Description of implemented elements is provided, along with designed data processing tools and advanced simulation environment based on Questa software.

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Andrzej Wojenski
Krzysztof T. Pozniak
Didier Mazon
Maryna Chernyshova
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W artykule analizuje się oraz interpretuje mit Seneki-Hiszpana oraz kwestię wpływu stoicyzmu na hiszpańską filozofię, literaturę oraz kulturę. Autorka zaczyna od wskazania źródeł, które ujmują Senekę jako pierwszego filozofa hiszpańskiego, następnie ukazuje elementy stoickie w hiszpańskiej literaturze na przestrzeni dziejów. Ostatnią część tekstu stanowi analiza roli Seneki w rozwoju filozofii XX-wiecznej pisarki i myślicielki Maríi Zambrano oraz kontekstu społeczno-politycznego jej twórczości. To w głównej mierze bowiem Zambrano przyczyniła się do umocnienia mitu o Senece-Hiszpanie oraz o stoickości Hiszpanii.

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Kamila Kruszyńska

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