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The article presents the results of a research aimed at confirming the thesis that the school garden may be an agricultural area, in line with the ideas of urban gardening. The thesis was confirmed by a research using interpretative-historical research, complemented with case studies. The subject of the research were mainly school gardens which were established in the Interwar Period when the idea was at its peak. The article presents not only examples, but also conditions that accompanied the creation of school gardens at the beginning of 20th century. The result allowed to identify the most important difficulties faced by the teachers who were implementing these ideas. There was also an attempt to pin problems to their respective solutions. The examples cited showed that school garden can be a place for implementing urban agriculture and pushing this idea.
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Joanna Dudek-Klimiuk

  1. Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie, Instytut Inżynierii Środowiska, Katedra Architektury Krajobrazu, ul. Nowoursynowska 159, 02-787 Warszawa
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Coal mining is one of the most important sectors of the Polish industry. It can be said that the coal is a national raw material. This results in Poland being a pioneer in the European Union in terms of coal mining as well as its use in the production of electricity and heat. There are many companies in Poland which have been established and developed around the coal mining industry aimed at coal extracting. The operations of those companies depends on the condition of the mining companies and their cooperation with them: commercial, service and advisory, called referred to as “mining supporting companies”. The article focuses on the results of a survey carried out in mining supporting companies, such as mining machinery and equipment manufacturers, mining-related service companies and mining-related research and development institutions. The authors evaluated the relationship and dependence of those companies on the mining industry. It was assumed that the measure of the mining supporting companies condition is the overall quantity of public related payments contributed to the state budget and local budgets. In the article, the authors raised the problem of the size of losses for public finances, as a result of the significant limitations of financial flows from the mining companies. The surveyed companies are those associated with the Polish Mining Chamber of Industry and Commerce. As a result, the authors prepared conclusions regarding the dependence of the mining supporting companies on the situation of the mining subsector.

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Lidia Gawlik
Monika Pepłowska
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Problem of predicting the convergence of salt cavern working as natural gas storage is discussed from the theoretical point of view. Two methods of predicting the average annual convergence are compared on a real example of storage cavern. The first is approximate method consisting in extrapolation of stationary convergences calculated for few selected values of natural gas pressure inside the cavern. The second method consists in direct simulation of loading scenario. Calculations were performed for three simple scenarios. Predictions of approximate method are obtained and compared with direct scenario simulations for few-years periods of cavern exploitation. It was possible due to updating of the programs modelling rock massif behaviour by adding the procedures for simulation of multiple-stage loading scenario. Difference between discussed two methods are not big. Differences between average annual convergences for three discussed scenarios are not big also, while local rates of relative convergence significantly vary each other. The results are obtained basing on stationary creeping law with real coefficients. Primary creeping should be included into consideration in the future.
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Jarosław Ślizowski
Kazimierz Urbańczyk
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Zooplankton was investigated at fixed site in 24 hours in Kongsfjorden, a glacial fjord situated on the west coast of Spitsbergen (Svalbard) (79°N, 12°E), in order to unveil the level of diurnal variability in community composition and abundance. Parallel to zooplankton study water temperature and salinity were measured while information on local tides and winds was obtained from external sources. Observed changes did not exceed the range of variability regarded intrinsic, resulting from the nature of plankton. Because of this low variability we are of the opinion that the data presented can be regarded a valid measure of the natural heterogeneity of zooplankton communities in hydrologically dynamic Arctic coastal waters in summer. The observed changes in zooplankton were primarily induced by the complex dynamics of the fjord’s water masses. In spite of importance of tidal forcing, the variability in zooplankton did not demonstrate similar temporal fluctuations due to modification of the water movement by other irregular forces (local wind). Also, we have not found any indication of diel vertical migration in coastal water in the Arctic under the condition of midnight sun.

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Wojciech Walkusz
Sławomir Kwaśniewski
Katarzyna Dmoch
Agnieszka Beszczyńska-Möller
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As the duration of a rock burst is very short and the roadway is seriously damaged after the disaster, it is difficult to observe its characteristics. In order to obtain the dynamic characteristics of a rock burst, a modified uniaxial compression experiment, combined with a high-speed camera system is carried out and the process of a rock burst caused by a static load is simulated. Some significant results are obtained: 1) The velocity of ejected particles is between 2 m/s and 4 m/s. 2) The ratio of elastic energy to plastic energy is about five. 3) The duration from integrity to failure is between 20 ms and 40 ms. Furthermore, by analyzing the stress field in the sample with a numerical method and crack propagation model, the following conclusions can be made: 1) The kinetic energy of the ejected particles comes from the elastic energy released by itself. 2) The ratio of kinetic energy to elastic energy is between 6% and 15%. This can help understand the source and transfer of energy in a rock burst quantitatively.
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[3] F. Gong, Y. Luo, X. Li, X. Si, M. Tao, Experimental simulation investigation on rockburst induced by spalling failure in deep circular tunnels. Tunn. Undergr. Sp. Tech. 81, 413-427(2018). DOI: 10.1016/j.tust.2018.07.035
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Authors and Affiliations

Weiyu Zheng
1 2

  1. China University of Mining & Technology (Beijing), School of Energy and Mining Engineering, China
  2. State Key Laboratory of Coal Mining and Clean Utilization, China
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The paper aims at presenting an outline of the Italian translations of the poetry collection Italia by the poetess Maria Konopnicka published between 1916 and 1929. An overview of their reception in the Italian press will be provided, showing three reading strategies: a patriotic interpretation, a critical analysis, and a promoting presentation, sometimes closely interwoven. Finally, an attempt to explain Konopnicka’s artistic recognition in Italy in the early XX century will be supplied.
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27. KONOPNICKA, M. (1927): “Incanto, Nella sagrestia di Murano, In San Michele (di Pavia), La lancia di Orlando, Nella Certosa (di Firenze), Giotto, La Madonna Sistina, Al mare!..., Ecco la mia barca…, Prima della tempesta, Notte a Nervi, Bagnasco, Molo Lucedio, Certosa di S. Martino, Sul Gianicolo, Villa Wolkonski, Nell’antica abside, Nelle logge”, trad. C. e C. Garosci, I nostri Quaderni, IV/VIII, 78–90.
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Alessandro Amenta

  1. Università Di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Roma

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