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In the article there was described the current state of mines against a background of tradition of exploitation and application of rock raw materials. Active quarries were selected, where the extraction of rock blocks has been a tradition, as well as quarries where the geological structure of the deposit allows to exploit the blocks in the future. There were also assessed old quarries and their deposits where the popular stones had been extracted in the past and then used in domestic architecture as a decorative materials. That is a group of more than 230 deposits in total. It has been presented economically justified perspectives of exploitation development concerning decorative and architectural rocks in south-eastern Poland against a background of European market requirements, the state of resources and environmental limitations. It was established that they are differentiated depending on the decorative properties of the rocks, their block divisibility and quantity of resources. Taking above-mentioned into consideration the deposits have been classified to groups which have the chances of exploitation development in the European, domestic and local scale. The former are Zygmuntówka Conglomerate, Morawica Limestone, Zalesiaki Limestone and Diplopora Dolomite. The domestic scope of use can be associated with properly developed deposits of Paleozoic limestones in the vicinity of Kielce and Krzeszowice and some dimension sandstones in the margin of the Holy Cross Mountains and in the Carpathians. The small deposits of sandstones from the Holy Cross Mountains margin and from the Carpathians as well as deposits of limestones from the Kraków-Częstochowa Upland, excavating material used in so called small architecture, have guarantee of local development. Moreover there was shown the hazard to the dimension stones deposits connected with the huge consumption of their resources for the production of crushed aggregates. This problem concerns especially raw materials with good physico-mechanical properties. For the most attractive rocks it was justified the need of their protection against exploitation for the other purposes than block production. It was stated that the return to local masonry traditions is possible and necessary because of many connections with the national culture through its history, architecture and art. It requires large investments for modernize the exploitation methods as well as for promotion of Polish stones in the European market. It must be also taken into consideration the possibility of financial support from the European Union funds.

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Jan Bromowicz
Beata Figarska-Warchoł
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Several surface measurement methods for determining the volume of deep or layered stone exist.

One of the key indicators of coal extraction efficiency in open cast mining is to determine the volume

of excavated rock. Procedures for determining the volume have been used for many centuries.

Determining the extracted volume or layered material has been a periodically recurring role of mine

-surveying practice, and mine surveyors apply different methods for its determination. The incorrect

determination of the rock volume may result in large economic losses of the mining enterprise. The

choice of the method for determining the volume depends on the deadline by which the determined

volume has to be submitted to the superior components or the mining enterprise management, as well

as on the requirements for accuracy of the volume determination, and a financial limit beyond which

this volume determination has to be done. Secondary conditions for determining the volumes include

the level of personnel training in the individual procedures and methods of measuring and calculating

volumes, the technical standards of the enterprise, the applied instrumentation, hardware and

software. The article compares the values of the accurately defined mathematical solid (a cylindrical

segment) to the methods of calculating the volume normally used in mining and surveying practice

and programs commonly used to calculate volumes in order to determine the threshold value of the

systematic deviation in input measurements to determine the volume. The mathematical model is the

basis for determining the correct volumes of the extracted material. The surface of the drawn or layered

material does not form a smooth surface as a mathematical model. The process of determining

volume errors on the mathematical model has been verified on the real body of coal deposition. The

comparison of the determination of the errors between the digital terrain model on the mathematical

body and the real homogenization coal stock is presented at the Conclusion of the article.

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Hana Staňková
Vaclav Šafář
Rostislav Dandoš
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This article discusses the theatre section in Gazeta Żydowska published under the control of the occupation authorities in the Generalgouvernement in 1940–1942. The paper focused first of all on theatres in the Warsaw ghetto. The news and reviews were to create the impression that Jewish culture was flourishing and the situation in ghetto was normalizing as the residents were adapting to the new conditions.
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Jakub Parnes
Agata Dąbrowska

  1. Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach, Wydział Informatyki i Komunikacji, ul. Bogucicka 3, PL 40-226 Katowice
  2. Uniwersytet Łódzki, Wydział Studiów Międzynarodowych i Politologicznych, ul. Narutowicza 59a, PL 90-131 Łódź
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Jan Walter of Chojnice (*about 1445, †1512), initially a vicar, and then a parson of St. Peter and Paul’s Church, as well as a secretary of Gdansk City Council, is one of the best known figures associated with the old book culture in Gdansk. The article describes one of the aspects of his bibliophilia: book covers marked with supralibros. It first discusses works by local bookbinders made for Walter, and then analyses a supralibros in the form of a miniature oval featuring the mark of a bibliophile (the head of a Negro) against the background of the European and local tradition of marking books in late Middle Ages. As a result, it is demonstrated that six from among the Gdansk citizen’s books we currently know, which contain the mark, were provided with it secondarily. This is mainly indicated by the non-typical locations of the supralibros – each one is in a way “squeezed in” between the regularly spaced elements of the blind embossing adornment of the covers.
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Arkadiusz Wagner

  1. Instytut Informacji Naukowej i Bibliologii Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu
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The authors investigated microstructural development and selected physico-mechanical properties of the sandstones that were treated with structural strengthening chemicals. The method involved impregnation of the pore space of the rocks with various organic compounds that after polymerization at least partly cemented the grain framework. To obtain proper strengthening ofrenovated, damaged parts of the rock, the substance after polymerization should attain physico-mechanical properties approximating those in unaltered parts of the rock. The investigations were carried on the samples collected from selected outcrops of the Istebna sandstone (,,Droginia" deposit), the Godula sandstone (,,Straconka" deposit) and the Szydłowiec sandstone (,,Podkowiński" quarry). The paper presents dependences between diversified lithologies of the natural sandstones and the changes of their physico-mechanical properties resulting from application of various strengthening substances. The changes resulting from impregnation in unaltered sandstone samples allow to predict efficiency of the same strengthening processes that can be applied to various types of damaged sandstones in historic building.
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Anna Smoleńska
Marek Rembiś
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The aim of the article is to consider current global and European trends in ensuring a sufficient level of energy efficiency, to provide an analysis of the institutional environment for energy security, and the development and justification of a conceptual and analytical model of energy generation and consumption at the regional level in decentralization reform in Ukraine. The current trends of world energy consumption are illustrated, the forecast of renewable energy development is built and an analysis of energy efficiency of the national economy is performed. The article presents a study of the formation of an integrated municipal energy-management system of Ukrainian communities and municipalities depending on their urbanization and offers the use of conceptual analytical model of generation-consumption. A number of normative and organizational-institutional proposals on the standardization of energy-efficiency improvement processes are provided. Analysis of the energy efficiency of communities can be modeled at the conceptual level with the study using an analytical model: a) energy-efficiency factors of this model, financial instruments for its effective functioning as a mechanism of interest budget revenues and specialized funds functional dependence of the target function of the energy generation-consumption model, taking into account the generation methods and the main consumers at the appropriate levels; b) the risks and shortcomings of this process, which propose a number of regulatory and institutional changes to improve the effectiveness of effective energy efficiency policies of communities and energy security of the state on the basis of energy cooperation and organization of the biofuel exchange. The model of organization and functioning of the cooperative for generation and consumption of solar energy, which is based on the regulatory framework, is represented as a model structural and functional solution. This allowed the development of scientific and applied recommendations for improving the legal provisions, which would allow the community to become an effective player in the wholesale energy market, selling it at a “green” tariff.
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Authors and Affiliations

Oksana Borodina
Halyna Kryshtal
Mira Hakova
Tetiana Neboha
Piotr Olczak
Victor Koval

  1. Institute of Industrial Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
  2. Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Ukraine
  3. Dnipro National University, Ukraine
  4. State Organization “Institute of Market and Economic & Ecological Researches of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”, Ukraine
  5. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
  6. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
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Accelerating the transition of the energy sector to ecologically clean energetics using renewable energy technologies will ensure the security of the energy sector of the European Union based on highly energy-efficient and cost-effective technologies for generating heat and electricity. The aim of the study is to assess the economic and ecological aspects of the implementation of renewable energy technologies in Ukraine based on the analysis of trends in the transformation of both the global and the European energy sector. The approach proposed in this article makes it possible to reasonably determine the prospects for the use of environmentally safe energy-saving technologies using renewable energy sources. The analysis of the economic and environmental aspects of energy production based on renewable energy technologies, the condition of development and directions of transformation of the European energy sector is illustrated on the basis of a comprehensive assessment of the efficiency of the use of energy- and resource-saving, environmentally safe and cost-effective innovative technologies of non-traditional and renewable energy sources. This is achieved through the use of a comprehensive generalized dimensionless criterion of energy- ecological-economic efficiency of innovative technologies with the aim of increasing the level of energy-economic efficiency and environmental safety of the energy sector. According to this approach, it is determined that the effective integration of a certain energy- and resource-saving, environmentally safe and economically efficient innovative technology using renewable sources in Ukraine is possible.
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Authors and Affiliations

Viktor Koval
Olga Ostapenko
Olha Halushchak
Piotr Olczak
Kateryna Dobrovolska
Sergey Kaptalan

  1. Izmail State of University of Humanities, Ukraine
  2. Vinnytsia National Technical University, Ukraine
  3. Ternopil Ivan Puluj National University, Ukraine
  4. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
  5. National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Ukraine
  6. Odessa National Economic University, Ukraine
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This article is intended to determine the features of public management and the development process of the energy supply system of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Today, the sustainable development of the country’s economy depends directly on the energy sector. Modern society and industry are completely dependent on a stable power supply and today, energy is considered the most important component of the life support of the country’s population. The country’s electrical power industry needs new large-scale investments and promising development. To do this, in the near future, the state needs to consider ways to solve problems that have arisen. The purpose of the study is to consider the elements of public administration and the evolution of the energy supply system in Kazakhstan, as well as public administration systems in other countries, such as the USA, Norway, Great Britain, and the Russian Federation. In the article, with the help of SWOT analysis and scientific analysis, the factors of development of the country’s energy industry are considered.
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Authors and Affiliations

Beimbet Mussin
Zukhra Mussina

  1. Institute of Management, Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan
  2. Almaty Technological University, Kazakhstan
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This paper addresses weighted L2 gain performance switching controller design of discrete-time switched linear systems with average dwell time (ADT) scheme. Two kinds of methods, so called linearizing change-of-variables based method and controller variable elimination method, are considered for the output-feedback control with a supervisor enforcing a reset rule at each switching instant are considered respectively. Furthermore, some comparison between these two methods are also given.

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Wei He
Wei Xie
Weilin Wu
Langwen Zhagn
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Almus agates which are forms of nodules like egg-shaped are located in the Eocene aged Almus volcanics in Tokat (Turkey). These nodules are surprise eggs in spherical or oval form ranging from a few cm to 25–30 cm. It is thought that the most effective reason for the formation of the magnificent texture and color combinations of the agates in the region is the iron element. In thin section studies, agate formations are composed of length-slow zebraic chalcedony and quart zine. In addition, curved fossil like structures composed of iron oxide minerals offer visual richness.
The host rock in which the Almus agates are located is trachyte, which consists of sanidine, plagioclase microlites and small opaque minerals, in which microlithic porphyritic and flow (trachytic) texture are observed. As a result of the multipoint eds (field emission scanning electron microscope), it was determined that the quartz is composed of Si, O and Fe. The content of the iron element, which is thought to cause color, was observed in the range of ca 1–1.5 wt.%. According to XRF analysis results, in Almus agates, there is depletion of Fe2O3 content in fine crystalline regions (ca 1 wt.%) compared to coarse crystalline zones (ca 1.5 wt.%).
In order to determine the usability of Almus agates as gemstone, various cabochon shapes were made in Ümit Ulus Gemstone Processing workshop. It has been observed that these agates can be used for both collection and gemstone purposes due to their unique patterns and color compensation.
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Authors and Affiliations

Zeynel Başibüyük
Meltem Gürbüz
Ilkay Kaydu Akbudak

  1. Kırşehir Ahi Evran University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Kirşehi̇, Turkey
  2. Mersin University, School of Technology and Design of Jewelry, Çiftlikköy, Mersi̇, Turkey
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Traditional methods of mineral exploration are mainly based on very expensive drilling and seismic methods. The proposed approach assumes the preliminary recognition of prospecting areas using satellite remote sensing methods. Maps of mineral groups created using Landsat 8 images can narrow the search area, thereby reducing the costs of geological exploration during mineral prospecting. This study focuses on the identification of mineralized zones located in the southeastern part of Europe (Kosovo, area of Selac) where hydrothermal mineralization and alterations can be found. The article describes all the stages of research, from collecting in-situ rock samples, obtaining spectral characteristics with laboratory measurements, preprocessing and analysis of satellite images, to the validation of results through field reconnaissance in detail. The authors introduce a curve-index fitting technique to determine the degree of similarity of a rock sample to a given pixel of satellite imagery. A comparison of the reflectance of rock samples against surface reflectance obtained from satellite images allows the places where the related type of rock can be found to be determined. Finally, the results were compared with geological and mineral maps to confirm the effectiveness of the method. It was shown that the free multispectral data obtained by the Landsat 8 satellite, even with a resolution of 30 meters, can be considered as a valuable source of information that helps narrow down the exploration areas.

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Michał Lupa
Katarzyna Adamek
Andrzej Leśniak
Jaroslav Pršek
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The security of asylum-seekers in the context of conditions of reception has not been frequently researched. This article aims to fill this gap by arguing that asylum-seekers in Poland are stuck in a grey zone between being secure and being securitised by the host society, with little opportunity to use their own agency. The basis for my study is the theory of the Welsh School of Critical Security Studies which focuses on understand-ing security through emancipation. The methodology contains a structural analysis of the reception system through the lenses of the agency–structure relationship and a legal and institutional study, as well as an in-depth examination of security practices combined with a reconstruction critique. The results show that the Polish reception system is a structure which is highly asymmetrical in relations of power, especially in the fundamental case of setting a security agenda. This thus constitutes a substantial constraint on migrants’ agency – with some potential for emancipation, however. In conclusion, the research points out the discrep-ancy between elements of the reception system driven by principles of liberal democracy and the nation-state and calls for a more inclusive, empowering and participatory security provision within the reception system in Poland.
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Mateusz Krępa

  1. Doctoral School of Social Sciences, Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw, Poland
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The importance of skin colour is often neglected in empirical studies of negative attitudes towards minori-ties. In this study we use data from the 2014/2015 wave of the European Social Survey to analyse explicitly racist attitudes in Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic. The data was collected before the refugee crisis of 2015–2016, which gives the study a unique opportunity to analyse these attitudes in three of the countries that were among the most hostile to migrants in the EU. The study demonstrates how theoretical perspectives commonly used in explorations of negative attitudes based on ethnicity may be effectively used to analyse racist attitudes. The results show high levels of racist attitudes in both Hungary and the Czech Republic, despite there being very few non-white immigrants in these countries, while, in Poland, the racist attitudes are less widespread. Realistic threats seem to be of little importance for understanding racist attitudes – in contrast, symbolic threats appear to be very important for understanding them. There is also the surprising result that voters for more moderate political parties are no less racist than voters for the more radical political parties in any of the three countries.
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David Andreas Bell
Zan Strabac
Marko Valenta

  1. Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Social Work, Norway
  2. Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Sociology and Political Science, Norway
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This paper presents concepts of value chains as strategic models for long-term development and a sustainable approach for ensuring efficiency. It highlights the fact that value chains are of particular importance in the raw materials industry, where the exploration, extraction, processing and metallurgy stages are characterized by high capital expenditure and fixed costs. Additionally, it emphasizes that offering an increasingly valuable product at each stage of production or processing makes it possible to increase earnings and achieve a higher margin. In order to give a practical dimension to the presented analyses, the paper provides an example of lithium value chains and identifies the determinants of their functioning in the current market together with their prospects. The conclusion highlights Europe’s need to source raw materials within business models based on value chains.
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Authors and Affiliations

Arkadiusz Jacek Kustra
Sylwia Lorenc
Marta Podobińska-Staniec
Anna Wiktor-Sułkowska

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
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Fly ash which has been separated from the flue gas stream as a result of fossil fuels combustion constitutes a huge amount of waste generated worldwide. Due to environmental problems, many directions of their rational use have been developed. Various attempts to convert fly ash into sorption materials, mainly synthetic zeolites, are conducted successfully. In this paper, an attempt was made to convert fly ash from lignite combustion from one of the Polish power plants, using alkaline hydrothermal synthesis. The primary phases in the fly ash were: quartz, gehlenite, mullite, hematite, feldspar, lime, anhydrite, occasionally grains of ZnO phase and pyrrhotite, glass and unburned fuel grains. As a result of hydrothermal synthesis a material containing new phases – pitiglianoite and tobermorite was obtained. Among the primary ash constituents, only gehlenite with an unburned organic substance, on which tobermorite with crystallized pitiglianoite was present. As a result of detailed testing of products after synthesis, it was found that among the tested grains:

• two populations can be distinguished – grains containing MgO and Fe2O3 as well as grains

containing Fe2O3 or MgO or containing none of these components,

• the main quantitative component was pitiglianoite,

• pitiglianoite was present in larger amounts in grains containing Fe2O3 or MgO or in the absence of both components than in grains in which Fe2O3 and MgO were found.

The results of the study indicate that in post-synthesis products, the contribution of components were as follows: pitiglianoite – 39.5% mas., tobermorite – 54% mas., gehlenite – 3% mas. and organic substance – 3.5% mas.

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Barbara Białecka
Zdzisław Adamczyk
Magdalena Cempa
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The article examines two Aramaic contracts found on the island Elephantine and dating from the early fifth century B.C. The first one is a loan contract providing for payment of compound interest on silver lent: interest not paid timely is to be added to the capital and itself becomes interest-bearing at the same rate until actual repayment. If this is not done at an agreed date, the remaining debt is doubled. The second contract concerns delivery of barley and lentils from a ship to a royal store-house deserving a garrison. The parties are the ship-officer and functionaries acting on behalf of the store-house, where barley and lentils are supposed to be brought. It is a contract of delivery combining its acceptation on the ship and the foreseen completion of the contract in the store-house with expected financial results. Both contracts refer to silver “by the stone-weights of Ptah” and record its alloy.

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Edward Lipiński
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In this study, static behaviors of functionally graded plates resting on Winkler-Pasternak elastic foundation using the four-variable refined theory and the physical neutral surface concept is reported. The four-variable refined theory assumes that the transverse shear strain has a parabolic distribution across the plate’s thickness, thus, there is no need to use the shear correction factor. The material properties of the plate vary continuously and smoothly according to the thickness direction by a power-law distribution. The geometrical middle surface of the functionally graded plate selected in computations is very popular in the existing literature. By contrast, in this study, the physical neutral surface of the plate is used. Based on the four-variable refined plate theory and the principle of virtual work, the governing equations of the plate are derived. Next, an analytical solution for the functionally graded plate resting on the Winkler-Pasternak elastic foundation is solved using the Navier’s procedure. In numerical investigations, a comparison of the static behaviors of the functionally graded plate between several models of displacement field using the physical neutral surface is given, and parametric studies are also presented.
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Authors and Affiliations

Van Loi Nguyen
Minh Tu Tran
Van Long Nguyen
Quang Huy Le

  1. Department of Strength of Materials, National University of Civil Engineering, Hanoi, Vietnam
  2. Department of Highway Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Transport Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam
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This paper investigates the Luenberger observer design problem for non-autonomous control semilinear evolution equations with disturbances in Banach spaces. Then, the practicalstabilization problem of the system is solved, yielding a compensator based on the Luenberger observer by using integral inequalities of the Gronwall type. Sufficient conditions of the controller and observer problem are satisfied, we show that the proposed controller with estimatedstate feedback from the proposed practical Luenberger observer will achieve global practical stabilization. We develop novel ideas and techniques, which present the further development of mathematical control theory. Furthermore, an example is given to show the applicability of our theoretical results.
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Authors and Affiliations

Fatma Badri
Hanen Damak
Mohamed Ali Hammami

  1. Faculty of Sciences of Sfax, Department of Mathematics, Sfax,Tunisia
  2. Preparatory Engineering Institute of Sfax, Departmentof Mathematics, Sfax, Tunisia
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One of the common defects of flexible road pavement is the loss of bonding between two layers of asphalt concrete: the base course and the binder course. The occurrence of this phenomenon has a major impact on the observed state of deflection and deformation of the pavement. This effect affects the results of non-destructive tests which are used to calculate material parameters and then are used in the diagnostics of the pavement condition or design of structural strengthening. This paper discusses the influence of the various level of bonding on the result of backcalculation and the obtained elastic moduli. For the obtained values of moduli, calculations of key deformations and pavement durability were performed. Improper assumptions about the interaction between the layers affects the observed results. Additionally paper discusses the effect of pavement displacement discontinuity on the observed deflection basin and compares the results with those for a model with continuity. Numerical calculations were carried out using Simulia Abaqus software, the computational model was verified using analytical solution.
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Authors and Affiliations

Paweł Tutka
Roman Nagórski
Magdalena Złotowska

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Al. Armii Ludowej 16, 00-637 Warsaw, Poland
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In Moncongloe area, Maros Regency, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia, zeolite mineralization in porphyritic rhyolite and green tuff was identified occurred in a volcano-sedimentary sequence, members of the Miocene Camba Formation. This paper describes a recent study of the zeolite mineralization on the basis of field and laboratory data, which focused on its genetic aspects and potential utilizations based on its mineralogical and chemical characteristics. The laboratory works applied in this study include mineralogical analysis (petrography and XRD) and bulk chemical analysis (XRF for major oxides, ICP-OES and ICP-MS for trace elements). Microscopic and XRD studies indicate that the zeolite is a phillipsite type, which is associated with smectite, and was formed as an alteration product of the primary K-feldspar phenocrysts as well as fine crystalline ground mass and volcanic glass. The presence of phillipsite-type zeolite associated with smectite were also confirmed by the chemical compositions. The zeolite mineralization associated with smectite in the study area were formed by alteration process by hydrothermal fluid in alkaline seawater condition, during Late Miocene to Pliocene. So, it can be concluded that the hydrothermal alteration is occurred in that time range. The magma that forms the volcanic host rocks is an alkaline series magma, intermediate to acid in composition, and originates from subduction zone.The K-rich phillipsite-type zeolite in the study area can be used for, among other things: to remove lead from water, remove paraquat from wastewater, extract potassium from seawater, remove thorium from carbonate solutions, as catalyst in knoevenagel, as dietary supplementation for pets, to uptake ammonia in water, and for colorectal cancer therapy.
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Authors and Affiliations

Irzal Nur
Paulina Taba
Arifudin Idrus
Ulva Ria Irfan
Sufriadin Sufriadin
Sri Widodo
Aryanti Virtanti Anas
Muhammad Ridha Ardian
Adelia Dwirisa Anjelina

  1. Mining Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
  2. Chemistry Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
  3. Geological Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia
  4. Geological Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
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In the finite control set model predictive control (FCS-MPC) strategy of the grid-tied inverter, the current ripple (CR) affects the selection of optimal voltage vectors, which leads to the increase of output current ripples. In order to solve this problem, this paper proposes a CR reduction method based on reference current compensation (RCC) for the FCS-MPC strategy of grid-tied inverters. Firstly, the influence of the CR on optimal voltage vector selection is analyzed. The conventional CR prediction method is improved, which uses inverter output voltage and grid voltage to calculate current ripples based on the space state equation. It makes up for the shortcomings that the conventional CR prediction method cannot predict in some switching states. The improved CR method is more suitable for the FCS-MPC strategy. In addition, the differences between the two cost functions are compared through visual analysis. It is found that the sensitivity of the square cost function to small errors is better than that of the absolute value function. Finally, the predicted CR is used to compensate the reference current. The compensated reference current is substituted into the square cost function to reduce the CR. The experimental results show that the proposed method reduces the CR by 47.3%. The total harmonic distortion (THD) of output current is reduced from 3.86% to 2.96%.
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Authors and Affiliations

Nan Jin
Wuchuang Fan
Jie Fang
Jie Wu
Yongpeng Shen

  1. Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, College of Electrical and Information Engineering, China

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