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The author develops a non‑literary, theistic Weltanschauung. It is based on the acceptance of the role of ‘did’ and ‘knows’ as non‑empirical conceptual (indefinable) ‘primes’. The basic argument of this paper is derived from a detailed linguistic observation of the idiosyncratic behaviour of the concepts ‘why’ and ‘because’ vis‑à‑vis other questioners and the functor ‘can’. The item ‘because’ presupposes a conjunction with a clause indicating an obligatorily altogether different state of affairs than one that is given in ‘a because ...’, as an expression patterned on * ‘a because a’ that constitutes a case of one of the most extreme linguistic deviances. Such a putative phrase cannot belong to any natural linguistic code, nor can it be its real product (that is no other than a quip in a purely perlocutionary utterance in J.L. Austin’s sense). Similarly, a generalized version of ‘did’ or ‘knows’ ( someone did / knows something without any specification) cannot be positioned in such a conjunction on pain of engaging in a destructive infinite regress, unless they are coupled with some further, different concept (i.e. a concept other than ‘did’ resp. ‘know’) in a concatenation with ‘because’. According to the author, this shows that precisely the two indicated concepts are conceptual ‘primes’, or the fundamental synthetic a priori’s whose denotata underlie the whole of the reality. The author tries to show that it is unacceptable to reduce Reality to a single and unique empirical universe conceived of as an effect of ‘doing’. He claims that Ockham’s idea of multiplicity of universes represents a logical necessity. But he rejects the mystical höheres in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus as including „pure logic”, ethics and aesthetics. All the three areas, he claims, belong to the created natural realm of speaking beings. Reality, grasped by logic, is broader than that realm.
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Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Bogusławski

  1. prof. em., Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Neofilologii, Katedra Lingwistyki Formalnej, ul. Dobra 55, 00-312 Warszawa
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The paper discusses the relation of Wittgenstein’s philosophy to externalism. Its main claim is that even though Wittgenstein often resorted to externalist arguments in his rejection of mentalism in meaning analysis, he never adopted the externalism position – neither did he agree on internalism. Wittgenstein’s philosophy is atheoretical and therapeutic; as such, it draws on grammatical elucidations of philosophical quandaries which results in the theoretical stances reaching beyond the options admissible to either externalism or internalism.
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Bilgrami A. (1996), Can Externalism Be Reconciled With Self‑Knowledge? [1992], w: A. Pessin, S. Goldberg (red.), The Twin Earth Chronicles. Twenty Years of Reflection on Hilary Putnam’s “The Meaning of ‘Meaning’”, London – New York: Routledge, s. 362–395.

Burge T. (2007), Individualism and the Mental [1979], w: tenże, Foundations of Mind. Philosophical Essays, vol. 2, Toronto – New York: Oxford University Press, s. 100–150.

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Wittgenstein L. (2000b), Uwagi o podstawach matematyki, przeł. M. Poręba, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo KR.
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Piotr Dehnel

  1. Dolnośląska Szkoła Wyższa, ul. Strzegomska 55, 53‑611 Wrocław
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The aim of comparing Ecce Homo by Adam Chmielowski (late nineteenth century) with The Surrealist Shooting (1949) by Andrzej Wróblewski is to show how the ability to depict God was gradually breaking down in the modern period. While Chmielowski tried to overcome that deadlock, Wróblewski after having decided to join the Communist revolution, focused on depicting the retreating God.
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Beaumont Justin, Eder Klaus, Concepts, Processes and Antagonisms of Postsecularity, [w:] The Routledge Handbook of Postsecularity, red. Justin Beaumont, London–New York 2019, s. 3–24.

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Anna Markowska

  1. Uniwersytet Wrocławski
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This article is a comparative study of the aesthetics of Cyprian Kamil Norwid and Charles Baudelaire. The analysis focuses on their use of realistic techniques and metaphors of representation in the context of critical statements about realism (especially the paintings of Gustave Courbet), in which both poets repudiate the notion of pure art as a direct imitation of reality. While they declare that this doctrine is reductive and unworkable, they do, as the article points out, make use of some of its techniques and practical suggestions (i.e. to foreground ordinary, trivial, and arguably ugly objects). Seen from this perspective, the poetry of both Norwid and Baudelaire, the harbingers of modernity, can be situated at an interface of faits divers (shocking tabloid stories) and the moral fable.
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Magdalena Siwiec

  1. Wydział Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków
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This article takes stock of the prose and poetry of ‘the Warsaw bohemians’ – or ‘literary gypsies’ (‘cyganeria’), as they are called by historians of Polish literature – a non-conformist literary milieu of the early 1840s. For the contemporary radical activist and literary critic Edward Dembowski they represented ‘the young generation of Warsaw writers’. That description chimed in with their own programmatic statements extolling the virtues of youth. However, as our analyses show, in the overwhelming majority of their poems youth is addressed in unmistakably elegiac tones. Its energies are spent on pursuing morally dubious projects that are impossible to accomplish. If its glories are praised to the skies, the next moment it is pushed aside or negated. The enchanted worlds cannot but give way to the real world, i.e. the realities of social and political life.
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Patrycja Wojda

  1. Szkoła Doktorska Nauk Humanistycznych UW
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After the fall of the Polish-Lituanian Commonwealth, Prince Adam Kazimierz Czartoryski was involved in a number of activities in the field of culture, literature and education. This article explores his activities with regard to the contemporary press market. Adam Czartoryski, Governor (starosta generalny) of Podolia, was (behind the scenes) a promoter and coordinator of initiatives to set up quality periodicals in Wilno (Gazeta Literacka Wileńska, and also the daily Dziennik Wileński), Warsaw (Pamiętnik Warszawski) and Lwów (Pamiętnik Lwowski).
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Jolanta Kowal

  1. Instytut Polonistyki i Dziennikarstwa Uniwersytet Rzeszowski al. Rejtana 16c PL 35-959 Rzeszów
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The article examines the reception in Polish press of a series of articles published in The Pall Mall Gazette in 1885 exposing the widespread practice of child prostitution. The publication caused a huge scandal and led to changes in British criminal law and the rise of investigative journalism (dubbed 'New Journalism').
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Krzysztof Stępnik

  1. Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie, Plac Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej 5, PL 20-031 Lublin
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This article looks back at the history and themes of the Yearbook of the History of Polish Press in 1998–2017, when Jerzy Jarowiecki was its editor-in-chief.

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Ewa Wójcik
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Background: The Valsalva Maneuver (VM) is the first-line treatment for paroxysmal supra-ventricular tachycardia, but a recent, novel, and efficient tool to restore sinus rhythm has been described, i.e., the Reverse Valsalva (RV). This study aims to compare changes in cardiovascular hemodynamics and autonomic system activity (ANS) based on heart rate variability (HRV) analysis during both maneuvers.
Methods: Fifteen healthy participants performed the VM and RV maneuvers three times in a sitting position for durations of 15 s and 10 s, respectively. Blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) were continuously monitored before, during and after the tests. Autonomic system activity was evaluated using frequency-domain analysis of HRV.
Results: The decrease in HR from baseline to the lowest values, expressed as a ratio, was similar during both maneuvers (0.81 during the RV vs. 0.79 during the VM, p = 0.27). However, the final lowest HR in response to the RV was higher than that in response to the VM, 70/min vs. 59/min (p <0.001). The activation of the autonomic nervous system during the most bradycardic phase of the RV (phase II) and VM (phase IV) showed that the total power of HRV was less prominent during the RV than during the VM (p <0.012), with similar levels of parasympathetic activation. Conclusions: Our results showed less HR slowdown during the RV than during the VM. The changes in HRV parameters during both procedures in particular phases of the RV and VM suggest that the auto-nomic nervous system is activated alternately, so these tests can be used complementarily in a clinical setting with different results.
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Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Boryczko
1 2
Agata Furgała
Michał Jurczyk
Karolina Augustyn
Krzysztof Gil

  1. Department of Pathophysiology, Faculty of Medicine, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
  2. Doctoral School of Medical and Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
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Is the fact that the majority of the population in the Middle East belongs to Islam actually the reason why human rights in Muslim-majority countries appear to be so difficult to work out and enforce? Are Islam and human rights not basically compatible? Historically it cannot be disputed that the thought of human rights first took shape in the European and Western context. Over the course of several centuries, it became widely accepted, and finally the thought of human rights also became a political reality as they were implemented in democratic states and constitutions. However, it would be a wrong conslusion, as for instance has been emphasized by Heiner Bielefeldt, the former United Nations Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief, to say that the ability to implement human rights, in particular thoughts about freedom and the equality of all people, is a one-sided affair and can only occur in the Western-Christian context. As far as Heiner Bielefeldt is concerned, this historic development, however, justifies neither the assertion that it had to happen as it did, nor does it justify Western representatives’ taking sole occupation of considerations relating to human rights thinking. Viewed from this perspective, human rights cannot boast a “Western” origin or a “Christian” character in a way that they would be incompatible with notions justified by Islam. Having that said, one is still to a large degree able to recognize a desolate situation in matters relating to human rights in Muslim-majority countries. But conflicts between Islam and human rights do not arise automatically out of the religious affiliation of a majority of the people. They certainly do stand out in those places where for political decision-making authorities Sharia law ranks higher than human rights and the granting of human rights is made dependent upon a traditional interpretation of the Sharia. Apart from the societal advocacy of human rights, there is the question as to the framework within which theological assessments of human rights questions occur. The following article aims at pointing to three discernable positions about human rights in the context of Islamic theologians, the a) the inclusive position, b) the pragmatic position, and c) the progressive position.

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Christine Schirrmacher
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This paper discusses the different methods used for calculating first- and second-order sensitivity: the direct differentiation method, the adjoint variables method, and the hybrid method. The solutions obtained allow determining the sensitivity of dynamic characteristics such as eigenvalues and eigenvectors, natural frequencies, and nondimensional damping ratios. The methods were applied for analyzing systems with viscoelastic damping elements, whose behavior can be described by classical and fractional rheological models. However, the derived formulas are general and can also be applied to systems with damping elements described by other models. Their advantage is a compact and easy to code form. The paper also presents a comparison of the computational costs of the discussed methods. The correctness of all the proposed methods has been illustrated with numerical examples.
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Authors and Affiliations

Magdalena Łasecka-Plura

  1. Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Structural Analysis, Poznan, Poland
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The Turkic languages, including the Krymchak (=Krimchak) Jewish ethnolect of the Crimean Tatar, have no formal markers of the (in)definiteness of a noun, but a certain lexical and morphological set allow for linguists to determine the meaning of the definiteness / indefiniteness. However, also the Krymchak nominative case fulfils the role of the indefinite index in the functions of a direct object and of an attribute, which is argued in the first part of this article. Thus, the connection and opposition of the nominative with accusative and genitive cases are shown. After some remarks on the category of (in)definiteness in the Turkic languages we analyze the nominative form in the functions of subject, direct object and of attribute in comparison with accusative and genitive case forms used in the analogical functions. By comparison, their definite/indefinite meanings are revealed to be clear. Finally, we discuss the described material, and offer three tables as results. Some instances of the unusual use of the nominative case in the Krymchak Biblical translations is discussed in the second part of this paper. The cited examples are taken from written sources published during the last half century, including the Krymchak translations of Biblical books.
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Ialqyn (Iala) Ianbay

  1. Jerusalem, Israel

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