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The article outlines the history of Slavic etymological lexicography and presents a concise characterization of Slavic of etymological dictionaries. The first Slavic etymological dictionaries by Matzenauer, Miklosich, and the Russian dictionary by Gorjaewa were compiled in the late nineteenth century. However, a number of comparative dictionaries and dictionaries of word formation had been published even before those dictionaries. Although few dictionaries were published in the first half of the twentieth century, the second half of that century was a period of true prosperity of Slavic etymological lexicography. Most etymological dictionaries were published during that time, including a number of multi-volume dictionaries whose publication continues to the present day. More new dictionaries are being published or edited in this century. The paper presents scientific etymological dictionaries and historical and etymological dictionaries, as well as selected dictionaries addressed to non-specialist audience, including dictionaries of Pan-Slavic and Balto-Slavic lexicology and etymological dictionaries of individual Slavic languages (excluding the Polish dictionaries discussed in the previous volume of Rocznik Slawistyczny), which are either completed or in progress. The paper also addresses a novel issue in Slavic etymology, namely the publication of etymological dictionaries of some Slavic dialects. Moreover, the paper discusses specialized types of etymological dictionaries that contain information relevant to etymological studies, such as dictionaries of borrowings, proper names, and idioms.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Wiesław Boryś


One of the diffi culties of Slavic etymology which also occur in works devoted to the reconstruction of Proto-Slavic vocabulary, is the problem associated with distinguishing words, with an identical or similar sound, of native origin, and borrowings. The article considers four situations of this kind. The reconstruction of the allegedly Proto-Slavic word *kova one adduced the dialectal Croatian kȏva ‘quarry’, whereas it is a local phonetic variant of the well-attested noun kȃva ‘quarry; pit, trench; mine’, borrowed from the Italian (and Venetian) cava ‘quarry; mine; pit; cave rn’. Among the descendants of the Proto-Slavic *kojiti ‘to soothe, to alleviate’ one included the dialectal Croatian kojȉti ‘to wind a rope, to haul in a net’, whereas it is a fi shing term borrowed from the dialectal Italian coir ‘to wind a rope’; in this context one considered the dialectal Kajkavian Croatian kojiti ‘to breast-feed; to cultivate, to nourish’ (which heretofore was unfamiliar to Croatian scholarship), the actual descendant of the Proto-Slavic *kojiti. The dialectal Croatian lȕća ‘a lump of earth’ was said to be derived from the earlier *glut-ja from the Proto-Slavic *gluta ‘a dense lump of something; protuberance; knag’, whereas the geography indicates that it is more likely a Romance borrowing which is etymologically related to the Latin luteum ‘mud’. In this context one considered the Čakavian lȕća ‘skull’ and ‘a species of a nocturnal moth (death’s head hawkmoth, Acherontia atropos), which is probably related with this Romance borrowing. Apart from the unquestionable Proto-Slavic *klǫpь ‘bench’ one also reconstructed the proto-forms *klupь *klupa, whereas the Slavic words, which were supposed to indicate original forms featuring the root -u- are borrowings from German: Kashubian klëpa ‘a sandbank which protrudes above the sea level’ from the German Klippe ‘coastal rock’, Croatian klupa ‘an instrument which is used to measure the diameter of a tree trunk’ from the German Kluppe, which has the same meaning in the technical language.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Wiesław Boryś


This article is a contribution to the study of the history of the lexis of the Proto- -Slavic language. The etymological analysis of anatomical lexis presented in this article allows us to establish several chronological layers of the lexis: lexemes inherited from the Indo-European proto-language, lexemes from the Baltic and Slavic language communities, lexemes created from Indo-European bases, and lexemes created from Proto-Slavic bases, which are late innovations of the Proto- -Slavic language. Each stage of the history of the Proto-Slavic lexis is documented with appropriate material. In this way this study advances research on the development of Proto-Slavic historical lexicology.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Wiesław Boryś
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The publication contains reprints of articles written by Prof. Hanna Popowska-‑Taborska in 2010–2018. Part of the book presents the results of her research on the folk Kashubian lexis, its relation to the vocabulary of other Slavic languages, and new etymological contributions. An important part of the publication is a discussion of the formation of the contemporary Kashubian literary language, with a focus on a critical analysis of its lexis, including numerous neologisms, which was mainly carried out on the basis of a translation Adam Mickiewicz’s poem “Pan Tadeusz”. The analysis also presents the author’s observations about the morphological structure of these neologisms. Furthermore, the publication provides detailed information about the first extensive books on linguistics written in Kashubian, as well as the author's ideas about the future etymological dictionary of the Kashubian language. There are also reflections on the linguistic image of the world that can be observed both in folk Kashubian and the Kashubian literary language. The book is supplemented by a bibliography of the author's work on Kashubian.
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Gòłąbk E., 2005, Kaszëbsczi słowôrz normatiwny, Gdańsk: Oficyna Czec.
Labuda A., 1960, Słowniczek kaszubski, Warszawa: Państwowe Zakłady Wydawnictw Szkolnych.
Makurat H., 2014, Interferencjowé przejinaczi w gôdce bilingwalny spòlëzny Kaszub, Gdańsk: Oficyna Czec.
Mickiewicz A., 2010, Pón Tadeùsz : to je òstatny najachùnk na Lëtwie : szlacheckô historiô z rokù 1811 i 1812 w dwanôsce knégach wiérszã, skaszëbił S. Janke, Wejrowò ; Gduńsk: Muzeum Piśmiennictwa i Muzyki Kaszubsko‑Pomorskiej : Wydawnictwo Maszoperia Literacka.
Popowska‑Taborska H., 2019, Współczesny kaszubski język literacki z dziedzictwem leksykalnym w tle, Warszawa: Instytut Slawistyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk.
Treder J., 2014, Spòdlowô wiedza ò kaszëbizńe, wyd. 2., Gdańsk: Oficyna Czec.
Trepczyk J., 1994, Słownik polsko‑kaszubski, t. 1: A‑Ó; t. 2: P–Ż, nauk. oprac. i aneksem opatrzył J. Treder, Gdańsk: Zrzeszenie Kaszubsko‑Pomorskie.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Wiesław Boryś
1 2

  1. Instytut Slawistyki PAN, Warszawa
  2. Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków
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This article is a contribution to the historical lexicology of the Proto‑Slavic language. It analyzes the etymologies of 110 Proto‑Slavic lexemes in the field of topography and hydrography and classifies them into chronological layers. It draws a distinction between lexemes inherited from the Proto‑Indo‑European language and the Balto‑Slavic community and the numerous lexemes that were innovated during different periods of the Proto‑Slavic history. Some of these lexemes, created on the basis of Indo‑European roots and lexemes, must have arisen in the early period of the Proto‑Slavic language, though many more lexemes have a Slavic motivation. They developed in a later period of the Proto‑Slavic history or possibly at the time when the Proto‑Slavic language began to split into dialects. Lexemes without certain etymology have been addressed in the article separately.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Wiesław Boryś
1 2

  1. Instytut Slawistyki PAN, Warszawa
  2. Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków


The article deals with 8 etymologies of dialectal lexemes (along with their variant forms and derivatives) in three dialects of Croatian: drlo and drlog ‘mess, old things scattered’, krtog ‘lair; mess’, madvina (medvina) ‘lair, den’, mlađ / mlaj ‘silt’, sporak / sporǝk ‘hill, slope’, tušek ‘empty grain; undeveloped corn cob’, zavet i zavetje ‘sheltered place’, žužnja ‘leather shoelace; string; ribbon; belt’.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Wiesław Boryś

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