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Pulse electrochemical machining (PECM) provides an economical and e.ective method for machining high strength, heat-resistantmaterials into complex shapes such as turbine blades, die, molds and micro cavities. Pulse Electrochemical Machining involves the application of a voltage pulse at high current density in the anodic dissolution process. Small interelectrode gap, low electrolyte .ow rate, gap state recovery during the pulse o.-times lead to improved machining accuracy and surface .nish when compared with ECM using continuous current. This paper presents a mathematical model for PECM and employs this model in a computer simulation of the PECM process for determination of the thermal limitation and energy consumption in PECM. The experimental results and discussion of the characteristics PECM are presented.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

J. Kozak


The paper presents the results of simulation tests of hydraulic resistance and temperature distribution of the prototype Stirling alpha engine supplied with waste heat. The following elements were analyzed: heater, regenerator and cooler. The engine uses compressed air as a working gas. Analyses were carried out for three working pressure values and different engine speeds. The work was carried out in order to optimize the configuration of the engine due to the minimization of hydraulic resistance, while maintaining the required thermal capacity of the device. Preliminary tests carried out on the real object allowed to determine boundary and initial conditions for simulation purposes. The simulation assumes that there is no heat exchange between the regenerator and the environment. The solid model used in simulation tests includes the following elements: supply channel, heater, regenerator, cooler, discharge channel. Due to the symmetrical structure of the analyzed elements, simulation tests were carried out using 1/6 of the volume of the system.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Mariusz Furmanek
Jacek Kropiwnicki


The paper presents a review of current achievements in the Electrical Capacitance Tomography (ECT) in relation to its possible applications in the study of phenomena occurring in fluidised bed reactors. Reactors of that kind are being increasingly used in chemical engineering, energetics (fluidised bed boilers) or industrial dryers. However, not all phenomena in the fluidised bed have been thoroughly understood. This results in the need to explore and develop new research methods. Various aspects of ECT operation and data processing are described with their applicability in scientific research. The idea for investigation of temperature distribution in the fluidised bed, using multimodal tomography, is also introduced. Metrological requirements of process tomography such as sensitivity, resolution, and speed of data acquiring are noted.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jan Porzuczek


Relatively cold die material comes into contact with the substantially higher temperature melt during the casting cycle, causing high thermal fluctuations resulting into the cyclic change of thermal field. The presented contribution is devoted to the assessment of the impact of temperature distribution on individual zones in the die volume. The evaluated parameter is the die temperature. It was monitored at two selected locations with the 1 mm, 2 mm, 5 mm, 10 mm and 20 mm spacing from the die cavity surface to the volume of cover die and ejector die. As a comparative parameter, the melt temperature in the middle of the runner above the measuring point and the melt temperature close to the die face were monitored. Overall, the temperature was monitored in 26 evaluation points. The measurement was performed using the Magmasoft simulation software. The input settings of the casting cycle in the simulation were identical to those in real operation. It was found, that the most heavily stressed die zones by temperature were within the 20 mm from the die face. Above this distance, the heat supplied by the melt passes gradually into the entire die mass without significant temperature fluctuations. To verify the impact of the die cooling on the thermal field, a tempering system was designed to ensure different heat dissipation conditions in individual locations. At the end of the contribution, the measures proposals to reduce the high change of thermal field of dies resulting from the design of the tempering channel are presented. These proposals will be experimentally verified in the following research work.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

J. Majerník
M. Podařil


The paper presents some problems of heat conduction in a semi-infinite periodically stratified layer. The layer is subjected to acting a constant temperature on the part of boundary, normal to the layering. The free heat exchange with surroundings is assumed on the remaining part of the boundary. The composite layer is supposed to be composed of n periodically repeated two-component lamina. The problem is solved in two ways: (10) directly as a heat conduction problem, (20) by using model with microlocal parameters [1,2]. The main aim of the paper is a comparison of the obtained results and to conclude possibilities of applications of the homogenized model with microlocal parameters.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

R. Kulchytsky-Zhyhailo
S.J. Matysiak


In recent time, as the Chinese consumption level increases, the consumption quantity of high-value fruits, vegetables and seafood products have been increasing year by year. As a consequence, the traffic volume of refrigerated products also increases yearly and the popularization degree of the cold-chain transportation enhances. A low-temperature environment should be guaranteed during transportation, thus there is about 40% of diesel oil should be consumed by the refrigerating system and the cold-chain transportation becomes very costly. This study aimed to explore methods that could reduce the cost of transport packages of refrigerated products. On the basis of the heat transfer theory and the fluid mechanics theory, the heat exchanging process of corrugated cases during the operation of refrigerating system was analyzed, the heat transfer process of corrugated cases and refrigerator van was theoretically analyzed and the heat balance equation of corrugated cases was constructed.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ying Yu


Considering the developing role of the friction stir welding in manufacturing industry, a complete study on the process is necessary. Studies on each stage of the process in particular, provide a better understanding of friction stir welding, and specially friction stir spot welding. In this study, plunge stage has been studied by experimental methods for investigating the temperature distribution around the tool during the plunge stage and microstructure changes of the workpiece. Experiments were performed on aluminium 7050 plates with coincident measurement of temperature. In the study, the tool which has a triangle pin is used. The results of this study are used as initial conditions for theoretical analysis of welding process. The results show that the temperature distribution around the tool is quite asymmetric. The asymmetric distribution of temperature is due to nonuniform load distribution underneath the tool and tilt angle of it. The temperatures of the points behind the tool are higher compared with points located forward the tool. Microstructural studies showed that four regions with different microstructures are formed around the tool during the process. These areas were separated based on differences in grain size and elongations. Grains near the tool are elongated in a particular direction that show the material flow direction.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Hossain Bisadi
Sajad Rasaee
Mohammad Farahmand


Knowledge of the temperature distribution in subsurface layers of the ground is important in the design, modelling and exploitation of ground heat exchangers. In this work a mathematical model of heat transfer in the ground is presented. The model is based on the solution of the equation of transient heat transfer in a semi-infinite medium. In the boundary condition on the surface of the ground radiation fluxes (short- and long-wave), convective heat flux and evaporative heat flux are taken into account. Based on the developed model, calculations were carried out to determine the impact of climatic conditions and the physical properties of the ground on the parameters of the Carslaw-Jeager equation. Example results of calculated yearly courses of the daily average temperature of the surface of the ground and the amount of particular heat fluxes on the ground surface are presented. The compatibility of ground temperature measurements at different depths with the results obtained from the Carslaw–Jaeger equation is evaluated. It was found that the temperature distribution in the ground and its variability in time can be calculated with good accuracy.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Barbara Larwa
Krzysztof Kupiec


Thermochemical treatment processes are used to produce a surface layer of the workpiece with improved mechanical properties. One of the important parameters during the gas nitriding processes is the temperature of the surface. In thermochemical treatment processes, there is a problem in precisely determining the surface temperature of heat-treated massive components with complex geometries. This paper presents a simulation of the heating process of a die used to extrude aluminium profiles. The maximum temperature differences calculated in the die volume, on the surface and at the most mechanically stressed edge during the extrusion of the aluminum profiles were analysed. The heating of the die was simulated using commercial transient thermal analysis software. The numerical calculations of the die assumed a boundary condition in the form of the heat transfer coefficient obtained from experimental studies in a thermochemical treatment furnace and the solution of the nonstationary and non-linear inverse problem for the heat conduction equation in the cylinder. The die heating analysis was performed for various heating rates and fan settings. Major differences in the surface temperature and in the volume of the heated die were obtained. Possible ways to improve the productivity and control of thermochemical treatment processes were identified. The paper investigates the heating of a die, which is a massive component with complex geometry. This paper indicates a new way to develop methods for the control of thermochemical processing of massive components with complex geometries.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Damian Joachimiak
Wojciech Judt
Magda Joachmiak

  1. Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Thermal Engineering, Piotrowo 3a, 60-965, Poznan, Poland
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High power fibre lasers need to be cooled efficiently to avoid their thermal damage. Temperature distribution in fibre should be estimated during the fibre laser design process. The steady-state heat equation in a cylindrical geometry is solved to derive a practical formula for temperature radial distribution in multi-layered optical fibres with arbitrary number of the layers. The heat source is located in one or more cylindrical domains. The validity of the analytical formula is tested by comparison with static heat transfer simulations of typical application examples including octagonal double clad fibre, air-clad fibre, fibre with nonuniform, microstructured core. The accuracy sufficient for practical use is reported even for cases with not exactly cylindrical domains.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Martin Grábner
Pavel Peterka
Pavel Honzátko

  1. Department of Fiber Lasers and Nonlinear Optics, Institute of Photonics and Electronics, Czech Academy of Sciences, 1014/57 Chaberská St., 18251 Praha 8, Czech Republic


The aim of the present work is to discuss the effect of varying thermal conductivity in a semiconducting medium under photothermal theory. An infinite elastic half-space is overlying the infinite semiconducting medium, and a constant me-chanical force is applied along the interface. The normal mode analysis method is applied to find the analytic components of displacement, stress, carrier density and temperature distribution. It was found that all physical quantities are affected by variable thermal conductivity. The novelty of the paper lies in the fact that no such a problem of variable thermal conductivity has been discussed by any researcher so far.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Praveen Ailawalia

  1. Department of Mathematics, University Institute of Sciences, Chandigarh University, Gharuan, Mohali, Punjab, India
  2. I.G.N College, Ladwa, Haryana, India

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