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In this paper, the authors present methods for designing of non-circular gears, including internal and external gears with spur or helical teeth. Technology related issues that determine tooth profile calculation algorithm are described. The results presented in this paper can become groundwork for further investigations of other particular properties of non-circular gears, similar to investigations of spur, helical and bevel gears. Examples of such properties include kinematics and application of special purpose gears or issues related to strength, dynamics, tribology, etc.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Igor Zarębski
Tadeusz Sałaciński


The paper presents the methodology for designing the teeth conjunction of planetary gears in the planetary roller screw mechanism. A function of the planetary gears is to synchronize an operation of rollers in order to avoid axial displacements. A condition of the correct operation is no axial movement of rollers in relation to the nut. The planetary gears are integral parts of rollers and therefore an operation of the gear transmissions has a direct impact on cooperation of the screw, rollers and the nut. The proper design of gear engagements is essential for reducing slippage on surfaces of the cooperating threaded elements. For this purpose, in a designing method, both the limitations of operation and kinematic conditions of rollers’ operation have to be taken into account.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Filip Lisowski
Jan Ryś


In this article the author follows progressive evolution in web design that has been observed in Google Maps over the last 13 years (2005–2018). The analysis includes the graphic presentation of buttons, their layout and the changes in the functionality of the website. The results of the analysis corroborate the argument that it is possible to adapt the existing concept of progressive evolution, to the needs of Internet cartography. In the process of the analysis several crucial changes were spotted, such as the fact that as a result of the technological advancement the need to scroll the map with up, down, left and down buttons disappeared, being supplanted by the dragging function. In article all the discussed changes in Google Maps as an application for desktop computers and laptops, as well as a mobile application, prove that the product has been constantly improved. In the author’s opinion, the crucial aspect is to enrich the web map in the non-invasive way to make it as user-friendly and easy to use as possible. The synthetic juxtaposition allowed one to highlight the evolution, considered by the author an important feature of the non-invasive way of introducing changes. The author notes that progressive evolution on Google Maps and other internet maps will continue. It is important that the user’s needs are noticed during these changes.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Tymoteusz Horbiński


The knowledge about membrane contactors is growing rapidly but is still insufficient for a reliable designing. This paper presents a new type of membrane contactors that are integrated with one of the following ways of separation by using absorbents, micelles, flocculants, functionalized polymers, molecular imprints, or other methods that are based on aggregation. The article discusses methods for designing multi-stage cascade, usually counter-current. At every stage of this cascade, relevant aggregates are retained by the membrane, while the permeate passes freely through membrane. The process takes place in the membrane boundary layer with a local cross-flow of the permeate and the retentate. So the whole system can be called a cross-counter-current. The process kinetics, k, must be coordinated with the permeate flux, J, and the rate of surface renewal of the sorbent on the membrane surface, s. This can be done by using ordinary back-flushing or relevant hydrodynamic method of sweeping, such as: turbulences, shear stresses or lifting forces. A surface renewal model has been applied to adjust the optimal process conditions to sorbent kinetics. The experimental results confirmed the correctness of the model and its suitability for design of the new type of contactors.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Andrzej B. Kołtuniewicz
Szymon Modelski
Anna Witek


On the shift toward tender sensitivity – the role of relations, emotions, and empathy in design.

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Monika Rosińska
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The preservation of historical documents is a task that requires a multidisciplinary team. Mechanical engineering can make valuable contributions. Historical documents made of paper have unique characteristics that must be considered for their preservation and exhibition. Specially designed encasements have emerged as a solution to meet these requirements. In the present research, a comparative design study was carried out. The study comprises identifying the main functions of the encasements. Subsequently, it is analyzed how the capsules that appear in the literature have solved these functions. With the information obtained, three new encasements were designed for historical documents in Mexico. From the results and design experiences, some insights and design principles were obtained; these can be universally applied.
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[1] Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia. Web page of INAH. 1 October 2020. [On line]. Available: https://www.inah.gob.mx/.
[2] G. d. México. Archivo General de la Nación. [On line]. Available: https://www.gob.mx/agn. [Last acces: 10 nov 2020].
[3] W.K. Wilson and B.W. Forshee. Preservation of documents by lamination. Washington: National Bureau of Standards, 1959.
[4] A. Bansal, V. Kumari, A. Kumar and M. Singh. Securing the future of information: digitisation and preservation of documents in e-format. DESIDOC Bulletin of Information Technology, 25(1):19–26, 2005.
[5] F. Zhao. On choosing the digital document’s file format for long-term preservation. In IEEE 3rd International Conference on Communication Software and Networks, pages 370–372, Xi’an, China, 27–27 May, 2011. doi: 10.1109/ICCSN.2011.6013850.
[6] E.F. Hansen. Protection of objects from environmental deterioration by reducing their exposure to oxygen. In: S. Maekawa, editor, Oxygen-Free Museum Cases, chapter 2, pages 7–16. The Getty Conservation Institute, 1998.
[7] N. Valentín. Preservation of historic materials by using inert gases for biodeterioration control. In S. Maekawa, editor, Oxygen-Free Museum Cases, chapter 3, pages 17–30. The Getty Conservation Institute, 1998.
[8] R.H. Allen, R.J. Fijol, S. Szykman and R.D. Sriram. Representing the charters of freedom in a design repository: A case of study. In Proceedings of DETC 2001 ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, pages 593–599. Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 9-12 September, 2001. doi: 10.1115/DETC2001/CIE-21292.
[9] N. Stolow. Conservation and Exhibitions: Packing, Transport, Storage, and Environmental Considerations. Butterworth-Heinemann, London, 1987.
[10] N.Y. Iskander. Controlled-environment cases for the Royal Mummy Collection. In: S. Maekawa, editor, Oxygen-Free Museum Cases, chapter 5, pages 47–52. The Getty Conservation Institute, 1998.
[11] H. Kishan and S. Maekawa. Preservation of the original documents of the Constitution of India. In: S. Maekawa, editor, Oxygen-Free Museum Cases, chapter 6, pages 53–58. The Getty Conservation Institute, 1998.
[12] F.G. France and M. Toth. The Waldseemüller Map – A gift of Germany to the world. The Cartographic Journal, 50(3):286–292, 2013. doi: 10.1179/1743277413Y.0000000060.
[13] M.J. French and A.C. Ramirez-Reivich. Towards a comparative study of quarter-turn pneumatic valve actuators. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 210(6):543–552, 1996. doi: 10.1243/PIME_PROC_1996_210_153_02.
[14] G. Pahl, W. Beitz, J. Feldhusen and K.-H. Grote. Engineering Design. A Systematic Approach, 3rd edition. Springer, 2007.
[15] R.B. Stone and K.L.Wood. Development of a functional basis for design. Journal of Mechanical Design, 122(4):359–370, 2000. doi: 10.1115/1.1289637.
[16] B. Tyl, J. Legardeur, D. Millet, and F. Vallet. A comparative study of ideation mechanisms used in eco-innovation tools. Journal of Engineering Design, 25(10-12):325–345, 2014. doi: 10.1080/09544828.2014.992772.
[17] C.A. Mattson and A.E. Wood. Nine principles for design for the developing world as derived from the engineering literature. Journal of Mechanical Design, 135(12):121403, 2014. doi: 10.1115/1.4027984.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Alejandro C. Ramirez-Reivich
Ma. Pilar Corona-Lira
Diego A. Zamora-Garcia
Anahí Velazquez-Silva
Vicente Borja

  1. School of Engineering, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico
Słowa kluczowe cooling thermal design


This paper studies the influence of different cooling technologies on the power density of a traction machine for heavy-duty distribution transport. A prototype induction machine is built with a housing cooling jacket, potted end-windings, entire winding cooling, and shaft cooling. Electromagnetic finite element and thermal lumped-parameter models are parameterized and verified using test bench measurements. The influence of each thermal resistance along the heat paths is studied and discussed. The results are used for studying different cooling technologies. The results indicate an improvement of the continuous power density up to 108% using shaft cooling and up to 15.6% using entire winding cooling.
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Benedikt Groschup
Daniel Butterweck
Kay Hameyer

  1. Institute of Electrical Machines (IEM), RWTH Aachen University, Schinkelstraße 4, 52062 Aachen, Germany


Artykuł skupia się na strukturach analitycznych jako narzędziach badawczych w dyscyplinach projektowania. Kluczowym problemem dla struktur analitycznych w architekturze krajobrazu jest sposób radzenia sobie z dynamiką formy krajobrazu i wykorzystania jej w procesie projektowania.

Zaczynamy od krótkiego przeglądu struktur analitycznych. W drugiej części niektóre ogólne zasady struktur analitycznych zostaną zastosowane w trzech studiach przypadków dziewiętnastowiecznych parków publicznych. Trzecia część skoncentruje się na tym, w jaki sposób wyniki takiej analizy mogą być wykorzystane w przyszłości.

Jednym z wniosków jest to, że badania ludzie-środowisko mogą odgrywać rolę przed, w trakcie i po procesie projektowania. W większości przypadków wyniki badań ludzie-środowisko nie mogą być stosowane bezpośrednio, ale jako część iteracyjnego procesu badań i projektowania

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Martin Van Den Toorn
Marina Bihunova
Iva Rechner Dika
Atilla Tóth
Nevena Vasiljevic


Tekst stara się ukazać zapomniane piękno w architekturze. Wydaje się, że architektura „rysowana” może ukazywać więcej niż ta realna — zbudowana. Awangarda początku XX wieku zabiła w sztuce potrzebę podążania ku pięknu. Nowość i współcześnie reklamowa forma architektury stają się najważniejsze. Problem piękna wydaje się jednak ciągle interesujący w sztuce. Architektura odchodząca powoli od funkcjonalistycznego sposobu tworzenia, mimo tego nie może powrócić do tak ważnego kiedyś piękna. Ta rysowana, niosąca przesłanie nierealności, umożliwia jednak powrót do zapomnianego podejścia do tworzenia. Rysunki architektów mogą na powrót przynosić przesłanie wizjonerskie i idealistyczne.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Tomasz Kozłowski
Słowa kluczowe designer drugs human health


Designer drugs cause irreversible changes in the brain and put those who take them at an increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. They can also affect one’s genetic material, says Prof. Krystyna Gołembiowska from the PAS Institute of Pharmacology.

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Katarzyna Gołembiowska


This article presents the main stages and challenges in modelling and designing of modern ultrasonic welding and cutting systems. First, the key components of such a system, such as an ultrasonic stack (con- sisting of a high power ultrasonic transducer and a sonotrode) and a digitally controlled ultrasonic power supply with precise control of the output power, have been considered. Next, a concept of measurement system for verification and validation of mathematical models of ultrasonic stacks and its components has been presented. Finally, a method of ultrasonic stack e-diagnosis based on ultrasonic transducer electrical impedance measurement during welding and cutting process has been described
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Andrzej Milewski
Piotr Kluk
Witold Kardyś
Paweł Kogut


W publikacji przedstawiono Park Śląski, który był budowany od 1954 r. przez 18 lat według projektu wykonanego pod kierunkiem prof. arch. Władysława Niemirskiego. Jest to jeden z największych parków w swoim rodzaju w Polsce oraz w Europie (około 600 ha). Założony częściowo na terenach zdegradowanych, stał się po latach przykładem udanej rekultywacji i renaturalizacji krajobrazu antropogenicznego. Park Śląski oficjalnie tworzony w duchu realnego socrealizmu (teoretycznie wzorowany na realizacjach w Związku Radzieckim), w rzeczywistości reprezentuje klasyczne zasady modernizmu.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Beata Fortuna-Antoszkiewicz
Jan Łukaszkiewicz
Piotr Wiśniewski


Like other harbour cities in Europe, Lisbon has an axial development anchored in pre-existing confi gurations which dot from east, more industrial areas, to the west, a more monumental and urban type. The diversity of fabrics and the overlapping of various time layers become decoded through a functional specialization infrastructural line, which, from rural, becomes increasingly infrastructured as part of the on-going reinvention of the city of Lisbon.

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Sofia Morgado


Green spaces are an integral element of urban structures. They are not only a place of rest for their users, but also positively affect their well-being and health. The eff ect of these spaces, is the better, the smoother they create larger urban layout – stings of greenery. The introduction of urban greenery can and should be one of the basic elements of revitalization. Often, however, greenery is designed without multi-aspect analysis, enabling understanding of conditions and the use of existing potential in a given place. The use of computational design in conjunction with the use of generally available databases, such as numerical SRTM terrain models, publicly available OSM map database and EPW meteorological data, allows for the design of space in a more comprehensive way. These design methods allow better matching of the greenery design in a given area to specific architectural, urban and environmental conditions.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Lucyna Nyka
Jan Cudzik
Kacper Radziszewski
Dominik Sędzicki
Słowa kluczowe noise layout design healthcare sound
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The design of neonatal intensive care units (NICU) influences both patient safety and clinical outcomes as well as the acoustic conditions. In NICU exposure to sound pressure levels above the recommended can affect both neonates and healthcare staff.
This study aimed to evaluate the sound pressure levels and to assess noise perception of professionals in a NICU before and after structural modifications and layout redesign.
The measurements were performed with a sound level meter. A questionnaire was given to staff before and after the intervention. The opinion of healthcare staff regarding noise in NICU was better after the intervention, when compared with the responses previously given.
The results showed that noise levels were excessive in the NICU (before and after), exceeding the international recommendations, with the levels ranging between 46.6 dBA to 57.8 dBA before and 52.0 dBA to 54.0 dBA after intervention. Overall, there is a need for more research in order to verify the effectiveness of some actions and strategies to reduce the impact of noise in NICU.
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1. Ahamed M.F., Campbell D., Horan S., Rosen O. (2017), Noise reduction in the neonatal intensive care unit: a quality improvement initiative, American Journal of Medical Quality, 33(2): 177–184, doi: 10.1177/1062860617711563.
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3. Basner M. et al. (2014), Auditory and non-auditory effects of noise on health, The Lancet, 383(9925): 1325– 1332, doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(13)61613-X.
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5. Carvalhais C., da Silva M.V., Xavier A., Santos J. (2019), Good practices to reduce noise levels in the neonatal intensive care unit, [in:] Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, P.M. Arezes et al. [Eds], Vol. 202, pp. 297–302, Springer, Cham, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-14730-3_32.
6. Carvalhais C., Santos J., Vieira da Silva M., Xavier A. (2015), Is there sufficient training of healthcare staff on noise reduction in neonatal intensive care units? A pilot study from NeoNoise Project, Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 78(13– 14): 897–903, doi: 10.1080/15287394.2015.1051204.
7. Carvalhais C., Silva M., Xavier A., Santos J. (2017), Newborns safety at neonatal intensive care units: are they exposed to excessive noise during routine health care procedures?, Global Environment Health and Safety, 1(1): 1–3.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Carlos Carvalhais
1 2
Célia Rodrigues
Ana Xavier
Manuela V. Silva
Joana Santos
1 4 5

  1. Scientific Area of Environmental Health, Health and Environment Research Center (CISA), School of Health of Polytechnic Institute of Porto (ESS P.Porto), Porto, Portugal
  2. Epidemiology Research Unit (EPIUnit), Institute of Public Health, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
  3. PROA/LABIOMEP, Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal
  4. Institute of Science and Innovation in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Associated Laboratory for Energy, Transports and Aeronautics (INEGI/LAETA), Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal
  5. Center for Rehabilitation Research (CIR), School of Health of Polytechnic Institute of Porto (ESS P.Porto), Porto, Portugal


The paper deals with the design of equipment for verification and calibration of axle and crane weighing instruments. In its introduction, it discusses the basic concepts of axle and crane weighing instruments, their calibration, and verification. The paper briefly describes the original technical design solution used in the calibration and verification of these weighing instruments. Subsequently, the article describes the legislative, technical and functional requirements for metrological equipment being developed. The paper presents two design solutions for handling calibration weights. In both solutions, the construction and individual functional parts of the equipment are described. Both of these solutions were designed and tested in practical measurements in the Laboratory for Testing ofWeighing Instruments of the Slovak Legal Metrology n.o. Finally, the paper presents the results of the development of a new measuring system at the University of Žilina.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Tomas Gajdosik
Lubos Kucera
Igor Gajdac
Anton Fric
Jaromir Markovic

  1. University of Žilina, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Design and Mechanical Elements, Univerzitná 8215/1, 010 26 Žilina, Slovakia
  2. Slovak Legal Metrology, Hviezdoslavova 1124/31, 974 01 Banská Bystrica, Slovakia


In this paper, quanizted multisine inputs for a maneuver with simultaneous elevator, aileron and rudder deflections are presented. The inputs were designed for 9 quantization levels. A nonlinear aircraft model was exited with the designed inputs and its stability and control derivatives were identified. Time domain output error method with maximum likelihood principle and a linear aircraft model were used to perform parameter estimation. Visual match and relative standard deviations of the estimates were used to validate the results for each quantization level for clean signals and signals with measurement noise present in the data. The noise was included into both output and input signals. It was shown that it is possible to obtain accurate results when simultaneous flight controls deflections are quantized and noise is present in the data.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

P. Lichota
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Artykuł przedstawia działania związane z interwencją w strukturę miasta, wynikające z sytuacji kryzysowej spowodowanej pandemią. Jest to próba budowy planu naprawczego dla otoczenia przychodni w Wieliczce oparta o metody projektowania w niedługim okresie czasu. Plan uwzględnia szeroki zakres problemowy, nie tylko ten wynikający bezpośrednio ze skutków pandemii.
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CURA Connected Units for Respiratory Ailments (2020), [online] https://curapods.org/?utm_medium=website&utm_source=archdaily.com, (accessed: 01.07.2021).
Harrouk, Ch. (2020), Stefano Boeri Develops Concepts and Pavilions for the Italian Anti-Covid-19 Vaccination Campaign, [online] https://www.archdaily.com/953236/stefano-boeri-develops-concepts-and-pavilions-for-the-italian-anti-covid-19-vaccination-campaign, (accessed: 01.07.2021).
Komisja Europejska (2014), Wytyczne. Opracowanie i wdrożenie planu zrównoważonej mobilności miejskiej, Bruksela.
Nosal, K. (2016), ‘Zasady tworzenia planów mobilności dla obiektów i obszarów generujących duże potoki ruchu’, Transport Miejski i Regionalny, 2/2016.
Opracowanie autorskie (2021), „Badania studialne dotyczące możliwości lokalizacji parkingu oraz drogi dojazdowej dla przychodni przy ulicy Szpunara w Wieliczce” przeprowadzone w ramach umowy nr A-06/65/2021/P zawiązanej pomiędzy Gminą i Miastem Wieliczka a Politechniką Krakowską im. Tadeusza Kościuszki.
Pintos, P. (2020), Seoul City Architectural Ideas Competition: Preparing for the Post COVID-19 Era, [online] https://www.archdaily.com/949088/seoul-city-architectural-ideas-competition-preparing-for-the-post-covid-19-era (accessed: 01.07.2021).
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Magdalena Kozień-Woźniak
Paweł Żuk
Eliza Owczarek
Marcin Gierbienis
Mikołaj Kusior
Aleksandra Faron

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture
  2. student, Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture
  3. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering


The knowledge of performance characteristics of turbine stage groups is still insufficient, particularly in the general case of changes of operating conditions. This situation is caused mainly by the scarcity of experimental data available. In such case, the opportunity to obtain the required data, using mathematical modelling and numerical simulation of the operation of stage groups under off-design conditions instead of physical experiment, seems to be attractive. The application of this idea for impulse type turbine stage groups was presented in [I], [2]. Here we discuss similar results but obtained for reaction type turbine stage groups, that is: - mathematical model for computer simulation of operation of reaction type turbine stage group, under variable regime (based on Ainley's and Mathieson's method with some improvements); - simulation results for a number of stage groups designed according to former BBC and traditional concepts; - more general properties of these groups (in relation to flow capacity and efficiency) obtained from the analysis of simulation data; - comparison of observed properties of impulse and reaction typy turbine stage groups.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Andrzej Miller
Janusz Lewandowski
Zofia Trzcińska
Kamal Ahmad Abed


Współczesna podziemna eksploatacja złóż surowców mineralnych coraz częściej związana jest z pakietami oprogramowania geologiczno-górniczego, które wspierają prace projektantów od momentu poszukiwania złoża, określenia wielkości jego zasobów, jakości kopaliny, warunków geologicznych, hydrogeologicznych, tektonicznych poprzez planowanie udostępnienia i rozcięcia złoża. P lanowanie produkcji jest jedną z najważniejszych czynności wykonywanych w trakcie prowadzenia projektu górniczego, ponieważ pozwala na założenie konkretnych wyników produkcyjnych kopalni w odniesieniu do jednostki czasu, a następnie umożliwia weryfikację stopnia realizacji zamierzonego planu. Obecnie komputerowe wspomaganie projektowania znajduje zastosowanie do codziennego lub długoterminowego planowania wydobycia z uwzględnieniem ograniczeń złożowych, jakościowych, ilościowych i kosztowych. W artykule przedstawiono wybrane formy złóż rudnych. N a podstawie kilkudziesięciu otworów wiertniczych o długości do 300 m przedstawiono przykładowy fragment modelu rozcięcia złoża rudnego z zastosowaniem komputerowego wspomagania projektowania robót górniczych. Poprzez zastosowanie nowoczesnego programu komputerowego – ABB MineScape o budowie modułowej określono możliwości usprawnienia procesu zagospodarowania przyszłych rejonów eksploatacji. W szczególności przedstawiono rozmieszczenie otworów wiertniczych, na podstawie których wykonano przekroje z przedstawieniem przykładowych miąższości warstw litostratygraficznych, uwzględniając również deformacje nieciągłe w formie uskoków oraz strefy okruszcowane. D la modelu blokowego zostały obliczone zasoby z priorytetem dla metalu nr 1 oraz 2. W ostatniej części artykułu zaproponowano sposób rozcięcia płytko zalegającego złoża rudnego. Stopień wykorzystania złoża określono dla komorowo-filarowego systemu eksploatacji.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Krzysztof Skrzypkowski
Waldemar Korzeniowski
Andrzej Gądek
Radosław Misiak


In the Act on Revitalization of 9 October 2015, for the first time in Poland, the legal act introduced the necessity to apply the principles of universal design (Article 3 paragraph 2 point 3). The practice of investment processes in crisis areas shows that the requirements set out in the Act are not properly implemented. Regeneration processes require attention to improve the quality of life of residents. The article presents issues related to the implementation of universal design principles during revitalization processes. There is a noticeable lack of interest in this issue despite the fact that it is one of the three tasks set before local governments in the Revitalization Act, after social participation and support for people at risk of exclusion in the area of housing. The reasons for this state should be seen in a small knowledge of the issue, deficiencies in the educational process of designers and poor control on the part of local governments and central authorities. This is due to conservation conditions, which often misinterpret the right to protect cultural heritage. The self-government as its own task should guarantee the possibility of using the positive effects of the revitalization process, in particular the implementation of residents’ rights to an independent and dignifi ed life, which is required by the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

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Marek Wysocki


Inflation targeting is nowadays used by around 40 countries, with each of them tailoring some features of the strategy to its own needs. This holdse specially for deciding on the level of inflation targets. The analysis conducted in the paper aims at identifying factors affecting the choice of the target levels, with macroeconomic, structural and institutional characteristics of the reviewed economies being investigated. The main conclusion is that both backward- and forward-looking models can help to explain how inflation targets are set. Evidently inflation and GDP growth (past and forecast) together within formation on a possibly on going disinflation process are of key importance,but – especially for emerging market economies – also inflation variance and the level of economic development seem to influence the target levels. Moreover,many of the institutional features related, among others, to transparency and accountability of the reviewed central banks, were found significant in the analysis.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Joanna Niedźwiedzińska
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A series of steps taken to determine a kinetic equation that describes hydrogenation of propene on nickel catalyst is presented in this study. Mixed factorial design approach, belongs to designing of experiments methods was used to plane experiments. The investigations showed that the method applied makes possible determination of the kinetic equation in a relatively fast and cheap manner since only a few measurement points is required. The equation obtained was verified experimentally and statistically. Both tests showed satisfactory precision of anticipated values of the process rate.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Adrian Szałek
Mirosław Szukiewicz
Elżbieta Chmiel-Szukiewicz

  1. Rzeszów University of Technology, Faculty of Chemistry, al. Powstańców Warszawy 6, 35-959 Rzeszów, Poland


End-of-life oriented product design (design for recycling, disassembly, remanufacturing) is considered an emerging area in modern approach to product lifecycle. Numerous tools aiding the design process have been developed, but many of them work as independent computer applications. The presented solution is strictly integrated with typical design environment: CAD 3D and PLM systems. This paper presents the application of agent technology operating in the PLM environment to support the design process. The architecture of the proposed solution is shown. A method of product assessment, based of three indicators, is described. The example analysis of real household appliance is presented

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

J. Diakun
E. Dostatni

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