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The studies on lexical availability deal with the available lexicon, the set of words that speakers have in the mental lexicon and which use is determined by the specific topic of the communication. This article presents the preliminary results of an exploratory research on the lexical availability in the Polish language of a sample of 147 students from 6 secondary schools in 6 Polish cities. Following a sociolinguistic methodology, the analysis considers the incidence of variables such as ‘sex’, ‘sociocultural level’ and ‘educational level’.
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Antonio María López González

  1. Uniwersytet Łódzki
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The papers of this series examine various domains of the Egyptian core lexicon in order to evidence to what degree the basic vocabulary is of clearly Semitic vs. African cognacy. The fourth part focuses on the Ancient Egyptian anatomical terminology of the back parts from the head to the upper torso.

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Gábor Takács
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The purposes of this paper are threefold. The first and the most general purpose is to provide an update of Ingham’s analysis of the southern lexical features that is based on data gathered more than forty years ago (Ingham 1973). On this basis, I will reconsider the lexical link postulated by Ingham (2009: 101, 2007: 577) between the southern gilit-dialects continuum, on the one hand, and the dialects of the Gulf Coast, on the other hand. The second purpose is to reconsider the hitherto maintained lexical frontiers of the southern continuum suggested by Ingham (1994), discussing a range of items that so far have always been treated as ‘southern’, though they are widely spread in other gilit- and, to a less extent, in qeltu-dialects in the western and northern parts of Iraq. The third purpose involves proposing the dichotomy Šrūgi/non-Šrūgi as a new and efficient way of classification of the gilit-dialects. At the end of this paper, a list of Šrūgi lexical features is given.

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Qasim Hassan
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“FREEDOM” is 4th volume collection in the five‑volume series The Axiological Lexicon of Slavs and their neighbors (LASiS) created within the method-ological framework of the Lublin school of cognitive ethnolinguistics (Jerzy Bartmiński). Volume collection on freedom includes two introductory texts and 14 texts – on freedom in the most ancient Indian / Sanskrit text, in ancient Greek, in eight Slavic languages (Poland, Czech, Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Serbian, Croatian) and work on freedom in the Lithuanian, German, English and French languages. Volume on freedom offers a huge amount of linguistic material arranged in accordance with the demanding framework of a project EUROJOS.
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Bartmiński J., (red.), 2006, Język – wartości – polityka : zmiany rozumienia nazw wartości w okresie transformacji ustrojowej w Polsce : raport z badań empirycznych, red. J. Bartmiński; raport oprac. zespół w składzie: J. Bartmiński [et al.], Lublin: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie‑Skłodowskiej.
Bierdiajew M., 1995, Filozofia wolności, tłum. E. Matuszczyk, Białystok: Orthdruk.
Bierdiajew M., 2003, Niewola i wolność człowieka (Zarys filozofii personalistycznej), przeł. i oprac. H. Paprocki, Kęty: Wydawnictwo Antyk.
Chlebda W., (red.), 2010, Etnolingwistyka a leksykografia : tom poświęcony profesorowi Jerzemu Bartmińskiemu, Opole: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Opolskiego.
LASiS 2019 = Leksykon aksjologiczny Słowian i ich sąsiadów, red. J. Bartmiński, t. 4: Wolność, red. M. Abramowicz, J. Bartmiński, Lublin ; Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie‑Skłodowskiej.
Nazwy wartości 2017, Nazwy wartości w językach europejskich. Raport z badań empirycznych, red. I. Bielińska‑Gardziel, M. Brzozowska, B. Żywicka, Przemyśl: Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Wschodnioeuropejska.
Wartości 2021 = Żywicka B., (red.), Wartości w kulturach europejskich. Raport z badań empirycznych, Przemyśl ; Lublin: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-‑Skłodowskiej, 2021.
Rudenko Ye.N., 2019, Stereotip svobody v yazykovoy kartine mira amerikantsev [w:] Wartości w językowo‑kulturowym obrazie świata Słowian i ich sąsiadów, t. 6: Jedność w różnorodności.
Wokół słowiańskiej aksjosfery, red. S. Niebrzegowska-‑Bartmińska, D. Pazio‑Wlazłowska, Lublin: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie‑Skłodowskiej, s. 251–277.
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Dejan Ajdačić

  1. Uniwersytet Gdański, Gdańsk
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In his contribution, the author discusses the Yakut forms in the travelogue of the physician, botanist and geologist Johann Redowsky (1.1.1774–8.2.1807). The travelogue was recorded on the occasion of Count Yurii Aleksandrovich Golovkin’s diplomatic mission to China. Redowsky accompanied Golovkin representing the Academy of Sciences. The travel diary documents Redovsky’s journey from Irkutsk to Kamchatka in 1806–1807 and contains much ethnographic information about Tungus and Yakuts. Redowsky’s material is interesting because it contains lexemes that are not found elsewhere, or at least not in the form noted in the diary.
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Michael Knüppel

  1. Arctic Studies Center (ASC), Liaocheng University, China
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In this article, first, we analyse the opposition of two linguistic models in dubbing in Spanish language – Latin American Spanish vs. Castilian Spanish – and consider the issue of Spanish lexical variation related to audiovisual translation. Next, we carry out a comparative analysis of the lexical characteristics of the two dubbing versions in Spanish language of the film Beauty and the Beast (1992). The analysis focuses on lexical density, marked and standard lexicon and the differential lexicon of both versions.
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Authors and Affiliations

Antonio María López González

  1. Uniwersytet Łódzki
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In this essay we propose a reflection on the social meaning that takes the word ‘catastrophe’ in Italian, through the investigation of the historical literary collocations of the term and on the current ones through different corpora. This research is part of Cognitive Linguistics and Semantics.
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Paolo Nitti

  1. Università Degli Studi dell’Insubria
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This work aims to present pandemic Italian, i.e. the variety used during the COVID-19 pandemic. By analyzing its features, primarily lexical, but also morphological and morphosyntactic, as well as the semantic contour that characterises them, I will show that pandemic Italian can be regarded as a transversal variety in the Italian linguistic repertoire.
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Giacomo Elia

  1. Università degli Studi di Sassari
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Maciej Rak's book is a very reliable and well‑structured study, based on unknown manuscripts by Jan Karłowicz, found in 2017 in the Scientific Archive of the Polish Academy of Sciences (AN PAN) and the Archive of the Polish Academy of Learning (PAU) in Kraków. An in‑depth analysis of Karłowicz's archives, i.e. the files of Lexicon of Polish Dialects [ Słownik gwar polskich], Lexicon of Polish Mythology [ Słownik mitologii polskiej] and the Little Lexicon of Lithuanian Mythology [ Słowniczek mitologii litewskiej], carried out on the broad comparative background, allows us to take a broader look at the scholar's achievements in the field of Polish dialectology as well as at his pioneering role in developing the concept of an ethnolinguistic lexicon. The reviewed study shows Karłowicz as a researcher who perfectly understands the linguistic and cultural realities of the former Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Lithuanian aspirations to construct their own identity, separate from the Polish one.
The monograph Jan Karłowicz in the Light of Archival Materials restores this nineteenth‑century researcher with broad humanistic horizons to his proper place and rank in the history of science, not only in linguistics. It provides accurate arguments for re‑evaluating a very critical review of the Lexicon of Polish Dialects, published by Kazimierz Nitsch in 1911. For a long time, this criticism had had a very negative impact on the general assessment of Karłowicz's output by other linguists. All the more, we need to appreciate Maciej Rak's insightful attempt of breaking the aforementioned negative opinion and providing new interpretation of Karłowicz's unpublished works, that can be seen as a valuable heritage of the culture created during the period of Partitions of Poland.
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Dźwigoł R., 2004, Polskie ludowe słownictwo mitologiczne. Kraków.
Karaś H., 2011, Polska leksykografia gwarowa, Warszawa.
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Koniusz E., 2001, Polszczyzna z historycznej Litwy w „Słowniku gwar polskich” Jana Karłowicza, Kielce.
Mastianica‑Stankevič O., 2020, Mečislovas Davainis‑Silvestraitis i jo Dienoraštis, [w:] Davainis‑Silvestraitis M., Dienoraštis 1904–1912, parengė O. Mastianica-‑Stankevič, J. Venckienė, Vilnius, s. 11–82.
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Okoniowa J., 2013, „Słownik gwar polskich” Jana Karłowicza. Dziedzictwo. Inspiracje. Wyzwania, „Prace Filologiczne”, t. 64, część 1, s. 245–258.
OSN = Ottův slovník naučný. Illustrovaná encyklopaedie obecných vědomostí, red. F.J. Studnička, t. 1–28, Praha 1888–1909.
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Sawaniewska‑Mochowa Z., 1990, Poradnik Jana Karłowicza jako źródło poznania potocznej polszczyzny północnokresowej. Słownictwo, Warszawa. – (Polono‑Slavica Varsoviensia ; 5).
Sawaniewska‑Mochowa Z., 2007, „Teksty szlachty żmujdzkiej” jako źródło do badań nad polszczyzną kresową, [w:] Z przeszłości i teraźniejszości języka polskiego. Księga pamiątkowa dedykowana Teresie Friedelównie, red. J. Kamper‑Warejko, J. Kulwicka-Kamińska, K. Nowakowska, Toruń, s. 181–199.
Sawaniewska‑Mochowa Z., 2013, Dziewiętnastowieczne słowniki przekładowe z Litwy jako źródła do badania polszczyzny regionalnej, „Prace Filologiczne”, t. 64, część 1, s. 331–342.
SD = Slavyanskiye drevnosti. Etnolingvisticheskiy slovar’, red. N.I. Tolstoy, t. 1: A (Avgust) – G (Gus’), 1995; t. 2: D (Davat’) – K (Kroški), 1999; t. 3: K (Krug) – P (Perepelka), 2004; t. 4: P (Pereprava cherez vodu) – S (Sito), 2009; t. 5: S (Skazka) – Ya (Yashcherica), 2012, Moskva.
SGP = Karłowicz J., Słownik gwar polskich, t. 1–6 (t. 4–6 do druku przygotował J. Łoś), Kraków 1900–1911.
SM = Slavyanskaya mifologiya. Enciklopedicheskiy slovar’, red. S.M. Tolstaya, 2 izd., Moskva 2002.
SML = Karłowicz J., Słowniczek mitologii litewskiej (Archiwum Nauki PAN i PAU w Krakowie, sygn. PAU W I–191a).
SMP = Karłowicz J., Słownik mitologii polskiej (Archiwum Nauki PAN i PAU w Krakowie, sygn. PAU W I–191a).
SSiSL = Słownik stereotypów i symboli ludowych, red. i koncepcja całości J. Bartmiński, zast. red. S. Niebrzegowska‑Bartmińska, t. 1: Kosmos, z. 1: Niebo, światła niebieskie, ogień, kamienie, 1996; z. 2: Ziemia, woda, podziemie, 1999; z. 3: Meteorologia, 2012; z. 4: Świat, światło, metale, 2012; t. 2: Rośliny, z. 1: Zboża, 2017; z. 2: Warzywa, przyprawy, rośliny przemysłowe, 2018; z. 3: Kwiaty, 2019; z. 4: Zioła, 2019; z. 5: Drzewa owocowe i iglaste, 2020, Lublin.
WEPI = Wielka encyklopedia powszechna ilustrowana, red. J. Aleksandrowicz, t. 1–55, Warszawa 1890–1914.
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Authors and Affiliations

Zofia Sawaniewska‑Mochowa

  1. Instytut Slawistyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Warszawa

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