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Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie pewnej zagadkowej argumentacji zawartej w Kwestiach teologicznych Stefana Langtona (zm. 1228). Odwołuje się ona do analogii między stwierdzeniem sformułowanym w języku trynitarnym („Bóg rodzi”) a zdaniem „Człowiek biegnie”. Jej zrozumienie wymaga wyjścia poza ramy misternej „teologii terministycznej” Langtona i szerszego spojrzenia na teorie supozycji ostatniej ćwierci XII w. i pierwszej połowy XIII w.

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Wojciech Wciórka
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We present the last millennium of history of a peatland located in northern Poland. Our results are based on two replicate monoliths taken from a Baltic raised bog. We applied a high-resolution approach and radio car bon dating to the peat material to obtain a de tailed palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. To reconstruct past peatland moisture, we used three prox ies: testate amoebae, plant macrofossils and pollen. Despite different peat accumulation and extensive hiatus in the formerly studied core, both monoliths show a similar pattern of changes. However, the core from this study provides us with more detailed data on S. fuscum disappear ance which correlates well with the data from the other Baltic bog, S³owiñskie B³oto. Our re search shows that pris tine Bal tic bogs can be dated to AD 1350. Słowiñskie Błoto palaeohydrology confirms AD 1300 as the beginning of the hydrological disturbance. In the case of the Stążki and Słowiñskie Błoto bogs, the Little Ice Age (LIA) is recorded between AD 1500 and AD 1800. However, this climatic change might have been blurred by human impact. In the case of the Baltic bogs, their reference virgin state can be dated to AD 1200. After this date, we observed in creasing human impact and climatic in stability connected with the LIA. However, between AD 1800 and 1900, bogs were wet, most possibly due to climatic forcing. This fact suggests that despite human impact, recent peat deposits can still reflect climate. Our research provided in formation related to the time of existence, location and characteristics of the natural/pristine state. High-resolution peatland palaeoecology is crucial for restoration activities, e.g., rewetting and environmental management. The palaeohydrological context (supported by other proxies) of the last 1000 years provides a reliable answer to the question: ‘To rewet or not to rewet?’

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Mariusz Lamentowicz
Mariusz Gałka
Jacek Pawlyta
Łukasz Lamentowicz
Tomasz Goslar
Grażyna Miotk-Szpiganowicz
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An important discovery has been made at Targowisko in southern Poland, where ancient bog-oak trunks with well-preserved remains of great capricorn beetle galleries were found in old sediments of the Raba River. Traces of these insects in fossilized or partially fossilized wood provide valuable information, helping us interpret the ancient environment and climate.

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Stanisław Knutelski
Renata Jach
Alfred Uchman
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Jak to możliwe, że Bóg pozwolił na istnienie i działanie Auschwitz-Birkenau i Kołymy? Jak może ze spokojem patrzeć na Morze Śródziemne, które staje się grobem dla tysięcy Jego dzieci? Skąd pochodzi zło i czy Bóg jest na nie obojętny?

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Wiesław Oszajca
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This article consists of two parts. The first part summarizes using informal language Wolniewicz’s understanding of the idea of God which he expressed in the language of formal logic. It demonstrates that Wolniewicz’s position was founded on antinaturalism, i.e. the conviction that nature is a fragment of a larger reality while man partly transcends the natural reality. The second part of the article is an attempt at capturing the intuitions behind Wolniewicz’s idea of God as an impersonal power which is not identical with Providence though. It is argued that this view is a consequence of the characteristic traits of Wolniewicz’s personality. This explanation is consistent with Wolniewicz’s understanding of human nature. In the analysis that ensues reference is made to Wolniewicz’s private correspondence.

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Jerzy Kopania
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In the opinion of Bogusław Wolniewicz (1927–2017), Wittgenstein in his Tractatus presented a new metaphysics – a modern ‘metaphysics of facts’, in opposition to the traditional ‘metaphysics of substance’ (Aristotle) or to the ‘metaphysics of things’ (Tadeusz Kotarbiński’s ‘reism’). The new metaphysics describes, just like the old ones did, the structure of the world. First, it refers to the world as a whole, seeing in it an actualization of one of numerous possible worlds. It also refers to the elementary unit of world-structure, which is an ‘atomic fact’ (an independent unit, though at the same time not the simplest one, since it involves further ‘simple objects’). Those concepts of ‘world’, ‘atom’ and ‘possible beings’ make the system of Tractatus ‘metaphysics’, comparable to the Aristotle’s metaphysics of ‘form’ and ‘matter’. In Tractatus, the Aristotelian ‘matter’ turns into ‘simple objects’, while ‘form’ becomes a form of ‘fact’. In this view, the world is conceived as a set of facts and equals a particular choice made from the universe of possible situations. But one element is missing in Wittgenstein’s system, namely, the ‘efficient cause’ responsible for the choice of facts (actualization of possibilities). Leibniz believed there was a ‘sufficient reason’ why a particular choice was made among possible situations and one possible world has become real. This ‘sufficient reason’ finally turned out to be God’s rational will. In Wolniewicz’s late philosophy however, the ‘efficient cause’ is only ‘fate’ or ‘chance’ (τύχη). Fate is therefore the mysterious deus absconditus of Wittgenstein’s metaphysics.

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Łukasz Kowalik
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Edith Stein is a person who was born in the Jewish traditionally religious family. In her youth she lost her faith in God. However in her life she was seeking the truth. In this search she was very honest. The article first shows different definitions of truth. Then he takes the presentation of Edith Stein’s, the ways of phenomenological discov-ery of the truth about a human person. Finally, it shows her coming to the discovery of the God of Love, who has drawn her to mystical union in the spirituality of Carmel. Edith Stein died in the concentration camp in Auschwitz, experiencing the mystery of the Cross of Christ and sacrificing herself for her people.

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Ks. Andrzej Pryba MSF
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The pontificate of Pope Francis is marked by the mystery of the Divine mercy and its implementation. The Pope draws this truth from the Bible, testimonies of the saints and the modern world which is eager for mercy. Being concerned about the spiritual condition of the believers, he calls the Church a “field hospital”, emphasizing her mission and influence. He wants to help modern man reach God and read his calling. The announcement of the Extraordinary Year of Mercy serves this purpose. Pope Francis encourages the believers to get to know the gift of mercy better, accept it in their lives and share it with brothers and sisters in need, especially the poor and the suffering. As part of the Year of Mercy, Francis proposes various pastoral initiatives, but above all, he reminds us to reconcile with God in the sacrament of penance and reconciliation and to receive the indulgence. The Pope asks everyone to be interested in this unique event because we are all responsible for one another. The teaching is supported by the evangelical image of the merciful God who brings power to the weakest and conveys the hope that nobody is alone.
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Ks. Paweł Warchoł

  1. Kujawsko-Pomorska Szkoła Wyższa w Bydgoszczy
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This work focuses on the paleoenvironmental and palaeoclimatological history of the undisturbed core sequence of 8.6 m extracted from the Bottomless Lake (Tăul fără fund) sphagnum peat bog located in Bǎgǎu, Romania, which covers the last 8,600 years based on radiocarbon dating. By comparing results of archaeological and palaeoenvironmental investigations carried out so far in the area, results of the loss on ignition analyses and the data of the chronological analyses, it was possible to reconstruct climatic factors and anthropogenic impacts on the local environment. The undisturbed core sequence has above 86% organic matter content all along excluding the erosion horizons. Anthropogenic effects (building, woodcutting, pasturage, husbandry, farming) and changes in the local climate, vegetation, and environment increased the rate of the erosion and decreased the rate of the accumulation.

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Tamás Zsolt Vári
Dávid Molnár
Pál Sümegi
Balázs Pál Sümegi
Tünde Törőcsik
Edit Szakál
Réka Benyó-Korcsmáros
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The dynamic changes in selected heavy metal concentrations were analyzed in two ombrotrophic peat bogs from southern Poland: Puścizna Mala (PK) and Puścizna Krauszowska (PM). The highest contents of Pb and Zn occur at the top of profiles examined: 115.36 mg/kg (PM1), 90.61 mg/kg (PM2), 182.40 mg/kg (PK1), 121.68 mg/kg (PK2) and 127.43 mg/kg (PM1), 89.73 mg/kg (PM2), 170 mg/kg (PK1), 130.4 mg/kg (PK2), respectively. Concentrations of copper are similar to those of local soils varying from 9.4 to 12.8 mg/kg. Cadmium strongly varies with depth, which indicates distinct mobility of this element. Two peaks of elevated Fe concentrations are observed at the top and bottom of the Puścizna Mala profile, while the maximum in Puścizna Krauszowska was at the top of the peat bog. The Ti content distinctly varies with depth and correlates with the ash content (R 2 = 0.91-0.99). The strongest and positive correlation is observed between Zn-Pb and Ti-Pb contents. The significant differences of metal concentrations are noted between the profiles, which is probably connected with a rate of peat accumulation and plant composition of the profiles investigated, as well as with their disturbance by human activity.

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Barbara Fiałkiewicz-Kozieł
Beata Smieja-Król
Bernard Palowski
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The aim of the paper is to highlight St. Anselm’s way of thinking about nature and order in the world created by God. God for Anselm is the highest nature, one which exists most fully; He possesses the fullness of being, because His essence is identical to His existence. He is the cause of all existing things and does not have a cause Himself, for He exists per se. The order of nature may be observed in two ways: when departing from the diversity of existing beings and when considering these beings before their creation, existing in the divine intellect as ideas and models, after which God called into existence particular objects.

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Monika Malmon
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Koncepcję Boga Orygenesa należy analizować w kontekście filozofii neoplatońskiej. Zgodnie z nauczaniem neoplatońskim Orygenes przedstawiał Boga jako niematerialną, niezmienną i niepodzielną Jednię, która jest źródłem istnienia wszystkich bytów. Nawiązując do neoplatonizmu twierdził, że boskość i doskonałość bytów zmniejsza się wraz z oddalaniem się ich od źródła bytu, czyli Boga. Również Syn Boży ma w sobie mniej boskości i doskonałości od Boga Ojca, będąc Bogiem w sensie wtórnym.

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Rafał Marcin Leszczyński
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Autor podjął próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie: czy i jak możliwa jest refleksja nad istnieniem? Wbrew ugruntowanej tradycją tezie, odrzuca on pogląd, zgodnie z którym Parmenidejskie pojęcie bytu ma charakter egzystencjalny. Twierdzi, że Parmenides, a za nim myśl starożytna, byt pojmuje poprzez określoność, a więc jako „coś”. Utrzymuje przy tym, że pojęcie „istnienia” na trwałe pojawiło się w myśli europejskiej dopiero w filozofii św. Tomasza z Akwinu. W proponowanym przez siebie rozumieniu autor utożsamia istnienie z mnogościąi różnorodnością prezentujących się momentów, które w porządku myślenia wyraża słówko „coś” (το ον), czyli pojęcie bytu. W przedstawionym ujęciu autor nie oddziela bytu od jego bycia. Tym samym refleksja nad bytem jest zarazem refleksją nad istnieniem.

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Andrzej L. Zachariasz
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The article presents Polish historians and their work in the times of the Saxon kings of Poland. In particular the Author seeks an answer to the problem what was accepted and what the Polish authors of the first part of the 18th century condemned.
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Dariusz Dolański
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Benedict XVI, as the Supreme Shepherd of the Church and the head of the Vatican state (Vatican City), maintained contacts with representatives of the authorities of Muslim countries or those dominated by Islamic culture. He supported and built good relations between representatives of different religions, including Islam, through openness and honesty in the interreligious dialogue and bearing witness to the essential values of Christianity and Islam – justice and peace. In the article, we indicated the essence, purpose and challenges of interreligious dialogue, especially dialogue with Islam. People and environments involved in its conduct should be guided by the idea of searching for the true good of man and society. At the same time, it is important to remain faithful to one’s own religious identity, especially on the doctrinal level. Dialogue, in fact, should aim, first of all, at seeking the truth and bearing witness to it. This will only be possible if you respect your own faith and show respect for the identity of the followers of Islam. In the dialogue with Islam, the most important is Almighty God, who must be given his rightful place. For faith in one God obliges His believers to be responsible for peace. Benedict XVI’s theory of dialogue found confirmation in the papal meetings, either with the “world of Islam” or with various bodies (ecclesiastical, political, people involved in the so-called dialogue of specialists). For Benedict XVI, the most important criterion for dialogue was fidelity to Christian identity.
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Eugeniusz Sakowicz

  1. Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
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The ethics of ‘theistic absolute morality’ (TAM), as any other ethical theory, must offer a definition of good, describe the connection between good and duty, and provide an effective guidance to human conduct. In the ethics of TAM we find, in my rendering of its claims, an irremediably unsuccessful definition of good, permanently loose connection between moral value and moral duty, and irreparably limited practical efficacy. It is not surprising that it has to be so, as it is a common condition of all ethical systems. The TAM ethics suffers, however, additionally from a unique conceptual trouble, but that is a story I have told elsewhere.

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Bohdan Chwedeńczuk
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Najbardziej znaną częścią zakładu Pascala jest argumentacja kończąca się tezą o opłacalności postawienia na istnienie Boga. Autor Myśli przedstawił także sposób pełnej realizacji zakładu: po zaakceptowaniu racjonalności zakładu konieczne jest podjęcie regularnych praktyk religijnych. Dopiero wówczas osoba może zdobyć wiarę i z nadzieją oczekiwać zbawienia. Artykuł przedstawia propozycję Pascala oraz różne jej interpretacje. Przedyskutowane zostały także najważniejsze zarzuty wiążące się z drugą częścią zakładu.

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Marek Wójtowicz
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Dlaczego w Biblii niemal nie występuje słowo „czułość”? Czy można wobec tego powiedzieć cokolwiek o czułości Boga na podstawie Biblii? – odpowiada ks. prof. Tadeusz Dola, przewodniczący Komitetu Nauk Teologicznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk.

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Ks. Tadeusz Dola
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The paper is a biblical-theological study that attempts to describe social groups which can be regarded as the poor in the light of teaching of Jesus . The study is based on the following biblical texts: Mk 1:15; cf . Mt 4:17; Lu 4:43, then Lk 4:18-19, Lk 6:20 and Mt 5:3 and several others. The poor of the Gospels are the first recipients of the kingdom of God. According to the author the evangelical poor have many different faces and also poverty has many dimensions. The first of all is the material lack and need. There are many other categories of poor people, for example those excluded from their social and religious position: widows and children, the little ones, am ha’aretz. Another category of the poor are the sick and suffering, sinners and the outlawed, men with an unclean spirit. All those people were the recipients and bene-ficiaries of the kingdom of God to come.

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Ks. Stefan Szymik MSF
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The purpose of this article is to indicate the most important aspects of the tragedy of human existence as they were encompassed in the philosophy of Emil Cioran. The first aspect is the non-existence of God and the consequences of this non-existence for man. With the disappearance of God, the consolation through the idea of salvation, the promise of life after death, and the meaning of existence also disappear. The second aspect is the fatality of the historical process. Man is the object of history rather than the subject. Progress is an illusion, as are utopias. The third aspect is Cioran’s perception of birth as a misfortune. We are born in order to die, but before we die, we must face suffering. Human is an abnormal animal. We are not able to maintain happiness. Doing evil comes too lightly to human beings and it is too natural. Consciousness is the fourth aspect of the tragedy of existence. Awareness is associated with suffering (and is a product of suffering). Awareness of having body is terrifying – and the awareness of inevitable death can be paralyzing for humans. Eventually there are two main ways of finding relief from the tragedy of existence, in the thought of Cioran: the idea of the suicide and laughter. They are effective, but to a small extent.
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1. Cioran E. (1994), Upadek w czas, przeł. I. Kania, Kraków: Oficyna Literacka.
2. Cioran E. (1996), O niedogodności narodzin, przeł. I. Kania, Kraków: Oficyna Literacka.
3. Cioran E. (1997), Historia i utopia, przeł. M. Bieńczyk, Warszawa: Instytut Badań Literackich.
4. Cioran E. (1999), Rozmowy z Cioranem, przeł. I. Kania, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo KR.
5. Cioran E. (2004a), Brewiarz zwyciężonych, przeł. A. Dwulit, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo KR.
6. Cioran E. (2004b), Ćwiartowanie, przeł. M. Falski, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo KR.
7. Cioran E. (2004c), Zeszyty 1957–1972, przeł. I. Kania, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo KR.
8. Cioran E. (2004d), Zmierzch myśli, przeł. A. Dwulit, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo KR.
9. Cioran E. (2006a), Wyznania i anatemy, przeł. K. Jarosz, Kraków: Zielona Sowa.
10. Cioran E. (2006b), Zarys rozkładu, przeł. M. Kowalska, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo KR. 11. Cioran E. (2007), Na szczytach rozpaczy, przeł. I. Kania, Warszawa: Fundacja Aletheia.
12. Cioran E. (2008), Zły demiurg, przeł. I. Kania, Warszawa: Fundacja Aletheia.
13. Cioran E. (2016), Pokusa istnienia, przeł. K. Jarosz, Warszawa: Fundacja Aletheia.
14. Cioran E. (2017), Święci i łzy, przeł. I. Kania, Warszawa: Fundacja Aletheia.
15. Jóźwiak K. (2003), Emil Mroczny, „Nowa Krytyka” 13, s. 139–162.
16. Kania I. (2001), Ścieżka nocy, Kraków: Znak.
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18. Nietzsche F. (2012), Dzieła wszystkie, t. 1a: Narodziny tragedii. Niewczesne rozważania, przeł. P. Pieniążek, M. Łukasiewicz, Łódź: Officyna.

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Tomasz Lerka

  1. Uniwersytet Opolski, Instytut Historii, Katedra Filozofii, ul. Katowicka 48, 45-052 Opole
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The aim of this article is to discuss the issue of a “postulated God” and the problem of “inversion of knowledge” about God. In the article I turn my attention to consequences of such an inversion. I refer to the views of Fyodor Dostoevsky and Lev Shestov and other selected thinkers, primarily in the field of existential philosophy. The starting point for these considerations is the issue of sources of knowledge about God and the subjective conditions of this knowledge.
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Andrzej Ostrowski

  1. Uniwersytet Marii Curie‑Skłodowskiej w Lublinie, Instytut Filozofii, Pl. M. Curie‑Skłodowskiej 4, 20‑031 Lublin
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This article presents the problem of understanding Heideggerian ‘turn’ (Kehre) in the context of the most important aspects of his later philosophy. Since Heidegger had written (secretly) Contributions to Philosophy, he departed from his original philosophical assumptions, which had been presented in Being and Time. Heidegger’s turn was conceived as a discovery of truth of Being, as a project of another beginning, as proper asking about Being as such, as well as a discovery of a hidden aspect of being that is revealed in an event (‘enowning’).

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Jacek Surzyn
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Stanowisko Feuerbacha nazywam antropomorfizmem co do pojęcia Boga, krócej – antropomorfizmem teologicznym. Uznaję je za teorię, i akceptuję. Teza główna tej teorii głosi (w sformułowaniu semantycznym): w każdej deskrypcji „Bóg” (takiej, że jej skrótem jest nazwa „Bóg”) występują wyłącznie wyrażenia dotyczące człowieka. W języku mentalistycznym natomiast (endemicznym Feuerbachowi): nie ma w pojęciu Boga niczego, co wykraczałoby treściowo poza pojęcia dotyczące człowieka. Antropomorfizm Feuerbacha ma wersję słabą oraz wersję mocną. Słaba – pojęcie Boga ma faktycznie feuerbachowską charakterystykę. Mocna – feuerbachowska charakterystyka pojęcia Boga jest konieczna na sposób konieczności przyrodniczej. Wersje te można zespolić, korzystając z dictum znalezionego dla opisu analogicznej sytuacji – ignoramus et ignorabimus. Antropomorfizm Feuerbacha konfrontuję z najmocniejszym argumentem, jaki potrafię sobie wyobrazić – z argumentem wymierzonym w naturalizm, rezerwuar przesłanek Feuerbacha. Argument ten dozbrajam obiecującą ontologią pojęć, zaczerpniętą od Bernarda Bolzano. Pokazuję na koniec, że maszyneria ta nie pracuje, a (niefeuerbachowskie) absolutne pojęcie Boga jest (uwaga: zależność o kontrintuicyjnym przebiegu!) niekonstruowalne, bo nieskonstruowane. W tym położeniu, mając antropomorfizm teologiczny za hipotezę przyrodniczą, czekam cierpliwie (zgodnie skądinąd z postulatem Stratona) na jej obalenie.
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Bohdan Chwedeńczuk
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This research presents the characteristics and inferred evolution of post-bog soils developed in the Last Glacial Maximum area of northwestern Poland near the southern Baltic coast. The study involved a total of five sites near existing lakes in NW Poland. In total, 21 soil pits were described and sampled and 17 piezometers were installed. In soil samples chemical and physical properties were determined. During the hydrological year the water level was checked and chemical properties of water were determined, the floristic composition at each location was also carried out. Mineralisation of post-bog soils initiated by dehydration leads to the decomposition of organic surface layers and an increase in CaCO3 content as well as mineral non-lime components at the expense of organic matter. A sequence of five soil types occurs in this landscape: Sapric Histosols (Limnic), Drainic Histosols (Calcaric, Limnic), Histic Gleysols (Murshic), Umbric Gleysols (Hyperhumic), Gleyic Phaeozems (Hyperhumic) that represent individual stages of soil genesis. Differences between the chemical properties of soils are apparent between organic vs organic-mineral and mineral layers. Man-induced drainage of post-bog soils changes their physical parameters. Bulk density increase and water retention decrease. The fluctuation of groundwater determines the moisture content of post-bog soils and affects the species composition of vegetation. Chemistry of groundwater is shaped mainly by the construction of catchment and the nature of its use, however, it is modified as a result of the inflow of macronutrients released during organic matter mineralisation processes and leaching of exchangeable forms from the sorption complex.
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Grzegorz Jarnuszewski
Edward Meller
Teodor Kitczak

  1. West Pomeranian University of Technology, Department of Environmental Management, Juliusza Słowackiego St, 17, 71-434 Szczecin, Poland

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