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This article contains information concerning of the analysis the possibility of defining refinery qualities of the slag based thermophysical and thermodynamical data. The paper presents a model of slag refining processes and a method of determining the reduction capability of slag solutions. Slag was analysed with the use of the DTA methods for the brass melting conductions. The study of computer program including the satisfactory number of data there are used in to the design a modern device rotating head used for gas-slag refining. It was achieved that the refining gas and fluxes were distributed ever by the rotating head. High effectiveness of the gas-slag refining processes was proved for the brass.

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A. Bydałek
S. Biernat
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The article outlines a contemporary method for creating software for multi-processor computers. It describes the identification of parallelizable sequential code structures. Three structures were found and then carefully examined. The algorithms used to determine whether or not certain parts of code may be parallelized result from static analysis. The techniques demonstrate how, if possible, existing sequential structures might be transformed into parallel-running programs. A dynamic evaluation is also a part of our process, and it can be used to assess the efficiency of the parallel programs that are developed. As a tool for sequential programs, the algorithms have been implemented in C#. All proposed methods were discussed using a common benchmark.
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Wiktor B. Daszczuk
Denny B. Czejdo
Wociech Grześkowiak

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Instituteof Computer Science, Warsaw, Poland
  2. Fayetteville State University, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Fayetteville, USA
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The research is devoted to the organization of the energy policy objectives implementation

through programs. A country’s energy policy can be monitored in many ways. The article proposes

to consider the implementation of energy policy objectives with the budget programs maintenance

on the example of Ukraine. Budget programs make it possible to trace the dynamics of changes in

the aim and directions of the authorities’ energy policy, implemented for budgetary funds. With the

budget programs since 2002 in Ukraine, it was possible to trace the increase in spending on the coal

industry, highlight the funding forced of negative consequences in the energy sector and separate

the steps to develop an energy strategy. Changes in the totality of energy policy budget programs

are shown, their contents are considered. The decrease in the budget programs number associated

both with the enlargement of their aim and with the withdrawal expenses for reconstruction and

social protection of those affected by the previous energy activities from the budget funding. To

assess budget programs planning and implementation uniformity the author’s integrated indicator is

proposed. It takes the funding level and the quality indicator implementation on assignment directions

into account. The calculation of the indicator showed that the expenditures for the general

management of the energy policy and for scientific development are planned in the programs more

evenly than the expenses for the energy strategy implementation.

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Tetiana Zhyber
Tetiana Solopenko
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The issue of transportation is a particular type of mathematical programming that facilitates searching for and determining an optimal distribution network, considering the set of suppliers and recipients. This paper uses a numerical example to present a solution to a transport problem utilizing classical computation methods, i.e., the northwest corner, the least cost in a matrix, and the VAM approximation method. The objective of the paper was to develop tools in the form of algorithms that would then be implemented in three various computing environments (R, GNU Octave, and Matlab) that allow us to optimize transport costs within an assumed supply network. The model involved determining decision variables and indicating limiting conditions. Furthermore, the authors interpreted and visualized the obtained results. The implementation of the proposed solution enables users to determine an optimal transport plan for individually defined criteria.
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Joanna Szkutnik-Rogoż
Jerzy Małachowski

  1. Military University of Technology, Cybernetics Faculty, gen. Kaliskiego 2, 00-908 Warsaw, Poland
  2. Military University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, gen. Kaliskiego 2, 00-908 Warsaw, Poland
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Bilevel programming problem is a non-convex two stage decision making process in which the constraint region of upper level is determined by the lower level problem. In this paper, a multi-objective indefinite quadratic bilevel programming problem (MOIQBP) is presented. The defined problem (MOIQBP) has multi-objective functions at both the levels. The followers are independent at the lower level. A fuzzy goal programming methodology is employed which minimizes the sum of the negative deviational variables of both the levels to obtain highest membership value of each of the fuzzy goal. The membership function for the objective functions at each level is defined. As these membership functions are quadratic they are linearized by Taylor series approximation. The membership function for the decision variables at both levels is also determined. The individual optimal solution of objective functions at each level is used for formulating an integrated pay-off matrix. The aspiration levels for the decision makers are ascertained from this matrix. An algorithm is developed to obtain a compromise optimal solution for (MOIQBP). A numerical example is exhibited to evince the algorithm. The computing software LINGO 17.0 has been used for solving this problem.

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Ritu Arora
Kavita Gupta
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Good practices in the creation of the Commune Revitalization Program – cooperation between the University of Adam Mickiewicz and the City of Kalisz, The entry of the Revitalization Act on November 18, 2015 enabled municipalities to efficiently plan and conduct the process of moving degraded areas out of the crisis. The Act introduced key regulations affecting the programming of revitalization in Poland. One of the most important instruments is the Municipal Revitalization Program. In order to be able to fully use the potential of this document, we should look for solutions that allow creating the most comprehensive solutions. One of the examples of such activities is cooperation between the university and the local government. Thanks to this combination of practical knowledge of officials with theoretical knowledge of academic experts, we can say that it is a project unique in the country. It is also unique due to the fact that spatial economy students who actively participated in the document creation process were included in the work. The aim of the work is to present the course of the cooperation process of the University of Adam Mickiewicz with the Office during the preparation of the Municipal Revitalization Program for the city of Kalisz and showing the role that the students included in the project played in this project

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Malwina Balcerak
Maciej Główczyński
Adam Wronkowski
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The revitalization of brownfi elds and post-industrial facilities is a long-term and multistage process. In the first stage of revitalization, it is important to assess the material, emotional and utilitarian value of the preserved cultural heritage. On the example of a revitalization project that has been ongoing since 1996, the former areas of the Gdańsk Shipyard, where the remains of the Imperial Shipyard and Schichau Shipyard are located, the process of formulating the value of the preserved cultural material heritage has been presented. The impact of this process on the subsequent stages of the revitalization of the Young City in Gdańsk was also presented. Gdańsk Shipyard is the cradle of Solidarity, so the emotional value associated with the events accompanying the creation of the Solidarity movement was considered to be the dominant one. Only two objects were entered in the register of monuments; BHP Hall and Solidarity Square (Plac Solidarności). When the Local Development Plan has been passed many investments have begun by various investors without comprehensive integrated activities. The demolition of the preserved halls and the dismantling of shipyard equipment began. This caused that in 2015 the uniqueness of the survived post-industrial complex, qualifying it for inclusion in the World Heritage list, was appreciated. In 2018, the Provincial Pomeranian Monument’s Conservator began the procedure of entry of the preserved objects to the register of monuments. This resulted in the suspension of all investments that commenced legally in the area covered by the proceedings. Lack of proper assessment of the cultural value of material heritage at the stage of preparing the revitalization process led to the loss of part of this heritage and caused increase of the investment activities risk in this area.

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Elżbieta Ratajczyk-Piątkowska
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The article is part of the trend of research on revitalization. It presents the methodology of the process of diagnosis and separation of the degraded area from the revitalized one, for the needs of the Local Revitalization Program. The article describes the stages of the process, the examples of used measures, as well as problems appearing at diff erent stages of the study. The methodology is presented on the example of the small town of Wojkowice from the Śląskie Province.

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Sławomir Sitek
Elżbieta Zuzańska-Żyśko
Maciej Klimek
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Small bucket models with many short fictitious micro-periods ensure high-quality schedules in multi-level systems, i.e., with multiple stages or dependent demand. In such models, setup times longer than a single period are, however, more likely. This paper presents new mixedinteger programming models for the proportional lot-sizing and scheduling problem (PLSP) with setup operations overlapping multiple periods with variable capacity.
A new model is proposed that explicitly determines periods overlapped by each setup operation and the time spent on setup execution during each period. The model assumes that most periods have the same length; however, a few of them are shorter, and the time interval determined by two consecutive shorter periods is always longer than a single setup operation. The computational experiments showthat the newmodel requires a significantly smaller computation effort than known models.
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Authors and Affiliations

Waldemar Kaczmarczyk

  1. Department of Strategic Management, AGH University of Science and Technology, Al.Mickiewicza 30, 30-059, Kraków, Poland
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The paper presents a new second-cycle Electronics and Telecommunications study program that has been running in Lodz University of Technology since 2020. The concept of the program uses the Project Based Learning approach and it is based on three main projects implemented throughout the curriculum. The inspiration was the programs of three foreign universities and extensive research of various groups of stakeholders. The initial evaluation of the program first semester proves high acceptance and satisfaction of the students.
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Ewa Raj
Krzysztof Tomalczyk

  1. Department of Semiconductor and Optoelectronic Devices, Lodz University of Technology, Poland
  2. Institute of Electronics, Lodz University of Technology, Poland
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The smart household connected to the energy dispatch arises to overcome the environmental crisis, encourages the penetration of renewable energies and promotes consumer respond to intraday market prices. Aquaponic production results from the combination of fish farming and hydroponics (cultivating plants using fish waste as nutrients). The prototype was built based on the rule of the 3 Rs: reduce, reuse and recycle. The crop reduces the consumption of water and energy, reuses water in a recirculation process, which is filtered by: 1) gravity, 2) biofilters and 3) porosity. Recycling is expanded to plastic containers and food containers of polystyrene. The aquaponic production system is decorative, completely organic (without chemicals), promotes the growth of green areas for comfortable homes and allows the consumption of healthy food, as well as energy planning to save energy. The system is done with a digital level control connected to a water pump and an oxygen pump. A novel method allows the aggregator to optimize the recirculation programming of the aquaponic system for periods of 24 hours. The method maximizes the economic benefits with the help of an energy balance between hours.

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Julian Garcia-Guarino
Mayerly Duran-Pinzóno
Jorge Paez-Arango
Sergio Rivera
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Results and low-cycle fatigue tests analysis of 45 steel in conditions of block programmed loading with a different sequence of levels were presented in the paper. During tests four types of programs were applied: gradually increasing, gradually decreasing, gradually increasing and decreasing, and irregular. The sequence of levels in the block loading program was the parameter, which diversified the applied programs. The results of tests were analysed in the aspect of influence of loading program character on the course of the stabilization process. The analysis of the stabilization process was performed by comparing the stress loading amplitude for the chosen levels of the program in the following blocks. The hardening index was proposed as a description of the stabilization process. The comparative analysis showed similarity of the stabilization processes both under the programmed and the constant - amplitude loading.
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Stanisław Mroziński
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Background: Medical education has changed in response to scientific advances and social needs.
Aim: The aim of the study was to examine curricula of medical schools around the world and to observe the trends that currently dominate in medical education.
Method: We have collected information on the current curricula of various medical schools using their official websites. When necessary, we supplemented the information using published articles describing the curriculum of a given medical school. Results: Our findings reveal that medical schools demonstrate the need for constant reforms and adaptation to changing conditions worldwide. Generally, there is a tendency to integrate basic and clinical fields, to sooner establish bedside teaching, to provide less theoretical and more practical approaches to teaching, to implement more communication skills, and provide students with research training.
Conclusions: Medical education has evolved and will continue to change with time. Medical schools introduce modifications to their curricula and share their experiences.
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Authors and Affiliations

Dorota Zawiślak
Robert Kupis
Ian Perera
Grzegorz Cebula

  1. Centre of Innovative Medical Education, Department of Medical Education, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
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Poland’s National Vaccination Program is an essential element in the strategy of prevention of infectious diseases and their complications, here considered with a particular focus on combination vaccines and the need for the Program’s further expansion.

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Teresa Jackowska
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Current drive control systems tend to push control loops to the limits of their performance. One of the ways of doing so is to use advanced optimization algorithms, usually related to model-based off-line calculations, such as genetic algorithms, the particle swarmoptimisation or the others. There is, however, a simpler way, namely to use predictive control formalism and by formulation of a simple linear programming problem which is easy to solve using powerful solvers, without excessive computational burden, what is a reliable solution, as whenever the optimization problem has a feasible solution, a global minimizer can be efficiently found. This approach has been deployed for a servo drive system operated by a real-time sampled-data controller, verified between model-in-the-loop and hardwarein- the-loop configurations, for a range of prediction horizons, as an attractive alternative to classical quadratic programming-related formulation of predictive control task.
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Dariusz Horla
Piotr Pinczewski

  1. Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence, Poznan University of Technology, Piotrowo 3a Str., 60-965 Poznan, Poland
  2. IT.integro sp. z o.o. Zabkowicka 12 Str., 60-166 Poznan, Poland
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Major manufactures are moving towards a sustainability goal. This paper introduces the results of collaboration with the leading company in the packaging and advertising industry in Germany and Poland. The problem addresses the manufacturing planning problem in terms of minimizing the total cost of production. The challenge was to bring a new production planning method into cardboard manufacturing and paper processing which minimizes waste, improves the return of expenses, and automates daily processes heavily dependent on the production planners’ experience. The authors developed a module that minimizes the total cost, which reduces the overproduction and is used by the company’s manufacturing planning team. The proposed approach incorporates planning allowances rules to compromise the manufacturing requirements and production cost minimization.
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Kateryna Czerniachowska
Krzysztof Żywicki
Radosław Wichniarek

  1. Wroclaw University of Economics and Business, Wroclaw, Poland
  2. Poznan University of Technology, Poznan, Poland
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We demonstrate a modularity bug in the interface system of Java 8 on the practical example of a textbook design of a modular interface for vector spaces. Our example originates in our teaching of modular object-oriented design in Java 8 to undergraduate students, simply following standard programming practices and mathematical denitions. The bug shows up as a compilation error and should be xed with a language extension due to the importance of best practices (design delity).

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Simon Kramer
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In less than a decade, the photovoltaic sector has transformed into a global business. The dynamics of its development vary depending on the country. According to estimates, the value of the photovoltaic micro-installations market in Poland at the end of 2019 exceeded PLN 2.8 billion. In the first half of 2020, the PV sector recorded dynamic growth with a total capacity of the micro-installations of 2.5 GWp. Government subsidies were among the factors contributing to the expansion of the PV sector. In Poland, there are many financial ways to intensify the construction of new renewable energy source installations, among others: feed-in tariff, grants, and loans. An example of photovoltaic grant support in Poland is the “Mój Prąd” [My Electricity] program created in 2019 with a budget of PLN 1.1 billion. The interest in the “My Electricity” program in individual provinces may vary, depending on socio-economic factors, technological and environmental resources, and the level of innovation. The research motivation of this article is a comparison of provinces in Poland according to selected energy, environmental, innovation, and socio-economic indicators and to show how these factors affect individual interest in the “My Electricity” photovoltaic development program in provinces. The highest correlation is for the total installation power under the “My Electricity” program and Gross Domestic Product and Human Developed Index. The highest correlation coefficient from RIS indicators and photovoltaic data programs was achieved for “R&D expenditure in the business sector”. The population was closely correlated with the total installation power and the grant value of the “My Electricity” program.
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Justyna Cader
1 2
Piotr Olczak
Renata Koneczna

  1. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
  2. Faculty of Geology, University of Warsaw, Poland
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Experiences of subregional cities in programming of urban renewal. The aim of the article is to analyze and evaluate the experience of selected subregional cities in revitalization programming. At the beginning, the strategic policy of the state towards subregional centers was defined. The guidelines from the National Spatial Development Concept, the National Urban Policy and the Strategy for Responsible Development were pointed out. Then, examine in detail the activities carried out so far in 4 cities, which as a result of the administrative reform in 1999 lost the status of the provincial city, i.e. in Ciechanów, Legnica, Piła and Przemyśl. Current documents have been characterized, in particular, the specificity of areas covered by revitalization has been described. Next, the leading directions of transformations of these areas were presented, resulting from the adopted revitalization policy. This allowed for the formulation of certain generalizations about the specificity of the process of renewal of degraded areas in subregional centers in Poland.

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Przemysław Ciesiółka
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Both the landscape shaped and recognized as valuable, as well as the internally incoherent, low-value landscape are the basis on which the development and transformation of culture, social ties and ties with the place take place. Shaping the landscape is associated with among others, on identity, creativity and responsibility for the place. The social eff ects of building a valuable, attractive landscape, including the urban landscape, are determined by many activities, not only those related to building and functioning of the built environment. Communal revitalization programs emphasize the importance of the aesthetics of public places and undertake the eff ort to involve the local community in increasing the aesthetics of the neighborhood and semi-public spaces. However, landscape themes appear sporadically at the occasion of discussing the attractiveness of a place of residence and are intuitively intertwined with the issues of the quality of public spaces and green areas. The shaping of the urban landscape is signifi cantly associated with innovation [Bach-Głowińska 2014]. As a result of research into the relationship between space, the sense of belonging and innovation, there are some initial recommendations for providing elements that stimulate the user’s creativity while shaping the urban landscape. In the developed methodology of the smartest place, the determination of stakeholders takes place, among others thanks to the use of an online survey, then meetings are held with those involved in the co-creation session, which aim to definitively determine the form of landscape that best suits their needs and at the same time have the chance to stimulate their creativity

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Joanna Bach-Głowińska
Joanna Małuj
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This paper includes a description of both the mode of development and the final structure and contents of the Municipal Revitalization Program, which was developed for the City of Starogard Gdański. All key parts of this program were described as well as methods used for planning the diverse activities associated with revitalization of the municipality. These were based on both actual legislation – of both national and regional importnace – as well as on Author’s own experience in this matter. In result, the article can serve as the example of one of the possible ways of developing the complex program of urban transformation for the medium-sized municipality.

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Piotr Lorens
Sławomir Ledwoń
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Art. 52 sec. 1 of the Regeneration Act of 9 October 2015 allowed municipalities which, at the time of its entry into force, did not have a valid revitalization program, to carry out revitalization activities on the basis of a revitalization program other than the municipal revitalization program. The choice of procedure was left by the legislature of the municipality, assuming that at the initial stage of the implementation of the law, only the municipality should test its instrument, referring to the nature and scale of its needs. The ROP Managing Authority in Małopolska as the only one in the country introduced the requirement of developing municipal revitalization programs for all municipalities that did not have a current revitalization program at the time of the entry into force of the Act. Therefore, these municipalities, in order to benefi t from EU funding under ROP WM 2014-2020 for revitalization activities planned in the programs, were not able to rely on the derogation contained in art. 52 sec. 1 of the Act. Regardless of the size of the municipality and the nature of revitalization needs, they were compelled to develop a document complying with the statutory procedure, the fi rst stage being the delimitation of the degraded area and the revitalization area and confi rmation by the resolution of the municipality council. As a result Małopolskie Voivodeship has become Poland’s largest laboratory of methodology of delimitation of these areas and development of revitalization programs. The aim of the article is to present the diversity of applied methodological approaches to the delimitation of revitalization areas in Małopolskie Voivodeship and to describe the most noteworthy, as well as to indicate the most common errors in the designation of these areas.

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Aleksandra Jadach-Sepioło
Katarzyna Spadło
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Dynamic development in children’s research has led to surprising discoveries about the learning and thinking patterns of fetuses, infants and young children. These studies have revolutionized not only our knowledge of children, but also our understanding of the nature of the human mind and brain. Moreover, within this context, it is believed that many areas of adulthood are the result of the experiences and changes that occur during the fetal period and in childhood. These experiences, therefore, are crucial for human development and what people achieve in the following stages of their lives. The results of the research on brain development during the fetal period and during childhood presented here, reveal a new perspective for understanding the essence and nature of the learning process. These studies also strongly suggest that the first two thousand days of a child’s life are critical in developing many basic human skills. Therefore, we must take great care of the quality of environment for a child’s development.

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Renata Michalak
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The problem of optimally controlling a Wiener process until it leaves an interval (a; b) for the first time is considered in the case when the infinitesimal parameters of the process are random. When a = ��1, the exact optimal control is derived by solving the appropriate system of differential equations, whereas a very precise approximate solution in the form of a polynomial is obtained in the two-barrier case.

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Mario Lefebvre
Abderrazak Moutassim

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