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The ceaseless progress of nanotechnology, observed in the last years, causes that nanomaterials are more and more often applied in several

fields of industry, technique and medicine. E.g. silver nanoparticles are used in biomedicine for disinfection and polymer nanoparticles

allow insulin transportation in pharmacology. New generation materials containing nanoparticles are also used in the chemical industry

(their participation in the commercial market equals app. 53 %). Nanomaterials are used in electronics, among others for semiconductors

production (e.g. for producing nanoink Ag, which conducts electric current).

Nanomaterials, due to their special properties, are also used in the foundry industry in metallurgy (e.g. metal alloys with nanocrystalline

precipitates), as well as in investment casting and in moulding and core sand technologies. Nanoparticles and containing them composites

are applied in several technologies including foundry practice, automotive industry, medicine, dentistry etc. it is expected that their role

and market share will be successively growing.

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Authors and Affiliations

A. Kmita
A. Roczniak
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Silver and tea, working together on the nanoscale, can be used to “brew up” a new weapon against treatment-resistant microorganisms.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jan Paczesny
Magdalena Osial

  1. Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
  2. Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
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β-FeSi2 with the addition of B4C nanoparticles was manufactured by sintering mechanically alloyed Fe and Si powders with Mn, Co, Al, P as p and n-type dopants. The consolidated samples were subsequently annealed at 1123 K for 36 ks. XRD analysis of sinters after annealing confirmed nearly full transformation from α and ε into thermoelectric β-FeSi2 phase. SEM observations of samples surface were compliant with the diffraction curves. TEM observations allowed to depict evenly distributed B4C nanoparticles thorough material, with no visible aggregates and establish grain size parameter d2 < 500 nm. All dopants contributed to lower thermal conductivity and Seebeck coefficient, with Co having strongest influence on increasing electrical conductivity in relation to reference FeSi2. Combination of the addition of Co as dopant and B4C nanoparticles as phonon scatterer resulted in dimensionless figure of merit ZT reaching 7.6 × 10–2 at 773 K for Fe0.97Co0.03Si2 compound.
Comparison of the thermoelectric properties of examined sinters to the previously manufactured of the same stoichiometry but without B4C nanoparticles revealed theirs overall negative influence.
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Authors and Affiliations

F. Dąbrowski
Ł. Ciupiński
J. Zdunek
W. Chromiński
M. Kruszewski
R. Zybała
1 2
A. Michalski
K.J. Kurzydłowski

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, 141 Wołoska Str., 02-507 Warszawa, Poland
  2. Łukasiewicz Research Network, Institute of Microelectronics and Photonics, 32/46, Lotników Str., 02-668 Warszawa, Poland
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Nanotechnology is a manipulation of nature that has emerged through the use of basic sciences, material science and engineering at the nano-scale. The interaction between biological environment and nanoparticles-nanoparticles or nanoparticles-organic materials is not yet well-understood. The toxic effects of nanoparticles on plants were investigated and it was proved that they caused morphological and physiological changes in plants. This study aimed to determine the effects of TiO -TiO2Ag nanoparticles, and co-application of EDDS-TiO2Ag nanoparticles alone, co-application of ZnO nanoparticles- Ag nanoparticles on seed germination, seedling vigor, radicle and plumule elongation of two different wheat species. In the experimental stage, ten seeds were placed in petri-dishes with a double layer of fi lter paper which was used as an inert material. Then 5 mL of TiO2Ag, ZnO+TiO2Ag, and EDDS+TiO2Ag suspensions were added to every petri dish. Results showed that the maximum SVI was determined at the concentration of 50 mg∙L-1 TiO2 Ag+EDDS for bread wheat and the minimum SVI was observed at 100 mg∙L-1 TiO2Ag nanoparticles concentration for durum wheat. The effect of both nanoparticles-nanoparticles interaction and the other chemicals-nanoparticles interaction on the ecosystems should be evaluated.

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G. Doğaroğlu Zeynep
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The temperature dependence of the particle size distribution (PSD) of the magnetic fluid with an additional biocompatible dextran layer was studied using a ultrasonic method. The measurements of the ultrasound velocity and attenuation were carried out as a function of the volume concentration of magnetite particles at temperatures ranging from 15°C to 40°C. In order to extract the PSD from ultrasonic measurements, the theoretical model of Vinogradov-Isakovich was used. The extraction of PSD from the ultrasonic data requires also the measurements the density and viscosity of the ferrofluid samples. The calculated PSD of the magnetic fluid with an additional biocompatible layer shows a greater thermal stability than that of a magnetic fluid with a single surfactant layer.
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Leszek Dąbek
Tomasz Hornowski
Arkadiusz Józefczak
Andrzej Skumiel
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The granary weevil, Sitophilus granarius (L.), is one of the most important internal feeders of stored grain. Nanotechnology has become one of the most promising new approaches for pest control in recent years. In our screening program, laboratory trials were conducted to determine the effectiveness of silica nanoparticles (SNPs) and zinc nanoparticles (ZNPs) against the larval stage and adults of S. granarius on stored wheat. Nanoparticles of silica and zinc were synthesized through a solvothermal method. They were then used to prepare insecticidal solutions of different concentrations and tested on S. granarius. Silica nanoparticles (SNPs) were found to be highly effective against S. granarius causing 100% mortality after 2 weeks. ZNPs were moderately effective against this pest.

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Authors and Affiliations

Mohammad Rouhani
Mohammad Amin Samih
Mehdi Zarabi
Khalil Beiki
Mohammad Gorji
Mohammad Reza Aminizadeh
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The nanocomposites based on water glass matrix were attempted in the study. Nanoparticles of ZnO, Al2O3 or MgO in organic solutions

were applied into water glass matrix in the amounts of: 1.5; 3; 4 or 5 mas. %. Wettability of the quartz sad by the nanocomposites based on

water glass matrix was determined by testing changes of the wetting angle θ in time τ for the system: quartz – binder in non-stationary

state, by means of the device for measuring wetting angles. Wettability measurements were carried out under isothermal conditions at an

ambient temperature (20 – 25 oC). The modification improves wettability of quartz matrix by water glass, which is effective in improving

strength properties of hardened moulding sands. Out of the considered modifiers in colloidal solution of propyl alcohol water glass

modified by MgO nanoparticles indicated the smallest values of the equilibrium wetting angle θr. This value was equal app. 11 degrees and

was smaller no less than 40 degrees than θr value determined for not modified water glass. Viscosity η of nanocomposites based on water

glass matrix was determined from the flow curve, it means from the empirically determined dependence of the shearing stress τ on shear

rate γ: τ = f (γ) (1), by means of the rotational rheometer. Measurements were carried out at a constant temperature of 20 oC. The

modification influences the binder viscosity. This influence is conditioned by: amount of the introduced modifier as well as dimensions and

kinds of nanoparticles and organic solvents. The viscosity increase of the modified binder does not negatively influence its functional


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Authors and Affiliations

A. Kmita
A. Roczniak
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Abstract An attempt has been made to determine the effect of an addition of colloidal suspensions of the nanoparticles of magnesium oxide on the structure of water glass, which is a binder for moulding and core sands. Nanoparticles of magnesium oxide MgO in propanol and ethanol were introduced in the same mass content (5wt.%) and structural changes were determined by measurement of the FT-IR absorption spectra.
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Authors and Affiliations

A. Bobrowski
A. Kmita
M. Starowicz
B. Hutera
B. Stypuła
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Stability of silver nanoparticles strongly influences the potential of their application. The literature shows wide possibilities of nanoparticles preparation, which has significantly impact on their properties. Therefore, the improvement of AgNPs preparation plays a key role in the case of their practical use. The pH values of the environment are one of the important factors, which directly influences stability of AgNPs. We present a comparing study of the silver nanoparticles prepared by „bottom-up“ methods over by chemical synthesis and biosynthesis using AgNO3 (0.29 mM) solution. For the biosynthesis of the silver nanoparticles, the green freshwater algae Parachlorella kessleri and Citrus limon extracts were used as reducing and stabilizing agents. Chemically synthesized AgNPs were performed using sodium citrate (0.5%) as a capping agent and 0.01% gelatine as a reducing agent. The formation and long term stability of those silver nanoparticles synthesized either biologically and chemically were clearly observed by solution colour changes and confirmed by UV-vis spectroscopy. The pH values of formed nanoparticle solutions were 3 and 5.8 for biosynthesized AgNPs using extract of Citrus limon and Parachlorella kessleri, respectively and 7.2 for chemically prepared AgNPs solution using citrate. The SEM as a surface imaging method was used for the characterization of nanoparticle shapes, size distribution and also for resolving different particle sizes. These micrographs confirmed the presence of dispersed and aggregated AgNPs with various shapes and sizes.
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Authors and Affiliations

O. Velgosová
A. Mražíková
J. Kavuličová
M. Matvija
E. Čižmárová
J. Willner
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Three plants extracts were used for biosynthesis of Ag nanoparticles (AgNPs). AgNPs nucleation process requires effective reduction agents which secure Ag+ to Ag0 reduction and also stabilizing/capping agents. The UV-vis and TEM observation revealed that the best results were obtained by R. officinalis leaf extract. The strong SPR band peak appeared at the wavelength 418 nm. Synthetized AgNPs were globular, fine (~20 nm), uniform and stabile throughout the experiment. A rapid rate of AgNPs synthesis was also significant and economically advantageous factor. Fine (10-20 nm) and globular nanoparticles were synthetized also by U. dioica leaf extract, but the stability of nanoparticles was not permanent. Despite V. vitis-idaea fruit extract contains a lot of reducing agents, UV-vis did not confirm the presence of AgNPs in solution. Synthetized Ag particles were very unstable, Ag particles agglomerated very fast and clearly indicated sediment was formed.

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Authors and Affiliations

O. Velgosová
A. Mražíková
L. Veselovský
J. Willner
A. Fornalczyk
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Photocatalysis is an efficient and ecological method of water and wastewater disinfection. During the process, various microorganisms are deactivated, including Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, for example Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumonia, and so on, fungi like Aspergillus niger, Fusarium graminearum, algea ( Tetraselmis suecica, Amphidinium carterae, and so on) and viruses. Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is the most commonly used material due to its price and high oxidation efficiency; it is easy to modify using both physical and chemical methods, what allows for its wide use in industrial scale. Intensive research on novel photocatalysts (e.g. ZnO and carbon based photocatalysis like graphene, carbon nanotube, carbon nitride and others) has been carried out. The future development of nano-disinfection containing metal/metal oxides and carbon based nanoparticles should focus on:
 improving disinfection efficiency through different manufacturing strategies,
 proper clarification and understanding of the role and mechanism of interaction of the nano-material with the microorganisms,
 progress in scaling up the production of commercial nano-photocatalysts,
 determination of the extent of environmental release of nano-photocatalysts and their toxicity.

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Authors and Affiliations

Michał Bodzek

  1. Institute of Environmental Engineering Polish Academy of Sciences, Zabrze, Poland
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The aim of the study was to determine the influence of selected nanoparticles, namely diesel exhaust particles, Arizona test dust, silver and gold on the rheology of human blood. The rheological properties of human blood were determined with the use of a modular rheometer, at two various temperatures, namely 36.6◦C and 40◦C. Experimental results were used to calculate the constants in blood constitutive equations. The considered models were power-law, Casson and Cross ones. The obtained results demonstrate that the presence of different nanoparticles in the blood may have different effect on its apparent viscosity depending on the type of particles and shear rate.
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Urszula Michalczuk
Rafał Przekop
Arkadiusz Moskal

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering, ul. Waryńskiego 1, 00-645 Warsaw, Poland
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This article presents test results of cement paste and binders with admixture of hydrophilic or hydrophobic nanosilica. The aim of the study was to determine the influence of nanosilica type and mixing method on compressive strength, porosity, and bulk density of cement paste, also on hydration heat of cement binders. The binder compounds were mixed in high speed mixer in order to provide the highest possible dispersion of nanoparticles in the binder before adding it to mixing water. Two mixing methods were studied. The admixtures increased the reactivity of cement binders. Both nanosilica types increased early compressive strength by 25% in comparison with control series. The increase in 28-day compressive strength was observed with the admixture of hydrophilic nanosilica. The differences in dynamics of binders rate of hydration and development of cement pastes compressive strength denote different reaction mechanisms of both types of nanosilica. Application of higher rotation speeds does not guarantee satisfactory mixing of the binder components. For compressive strength enhancement of cement paste prolonged mixing time occurred to be more important.

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J. Popławski
M. Lelusz
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Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are widely used in numerous industries and areas of daily life, mainly as antimicrobial agents. The particles size is very important, but still not suffi ciently recognized parameter infl uencing the toxicity of nanosilver. The aim of this study was to investigate the cytotoxic effects of AgNPs with different particle size (~ 10, 40 and 100 nm). The study was conducted on both reproductive and pulmonary cells (CHO-9, 15P-1 and RAW264.7). We tested the effects of AgNPs on cell viability, cell membrane integrity, mitochondrial metabolic activity, lipid peroxidation, total oxidative and antioxidative status of cells and oxidative DNA damage. All kinds of AgNPs showed strong cytotoxic activity at low concentrations (2÷13 μg/ml), and caused an overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) at concentrations lower than cytotoxic ones. The ROS being formed in the cells induced oxidative damage of DNA in alkaline comet assay. The most toxic was AgNPs<10 nm. The results indicate that the silver nanoparticles, especially less than 10 nm, may be harmful to the organisms. Therefore, risk should be considered when using nanosilver preparations and provide appropriate protective measures when they are applied.

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Lidia Zapór
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Nanodiagonastic methods in plant pathology are used for enhancing detection and identification of different plant pathogens and toxigenic fungi. Improvement of the specificity and efficiency of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) by using some nanoparticles is emerging as a new area of research. In the current research, silver, zinc, and gold nanoparticles were used to increase the yield of DNA for two plant pathogenic fungi including soil-borne fungus Rhizoctonia solani and toxigenic fungus Alternaria alternata. Gold nanoparticles combined with zinc and silver nanoparticles enhanced both DNA yield and PCR products compared to DNA extraction methods with ALB buffer, sodium dodecyl sulfate, ALBfree from protinase K, ZnNPs and AgNPs. Also, by using ZnNPs and AgNPs the DNA yield was enhanced and the sensitivity of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) PCR products was increased. Application of nanomaterials in the PCR reaction could increase or decrease the PCR product according to the type of applied nanometal and the type of DNA template. Additions of AuNPs to PCR mix increased both sensitivity and specificity for PCR products of the tested fungi. Thus, the use of these highly stable, commercially available and inexpensive inorganic nano reagents open new opportunities for improving the specificity and sensitivity of PCR amplicon, which is the most important standard method in molecular plant pathology and mycotoxicology.
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Fahad A. Al-Dhabaan
Heba Yousef
Tahsin Shoala
Jumana Shaheen
Yousra El Sawi
Tasneem Farag
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Magnetite nanoparticles have become a promising material for scientific research. Among numerous technologies of their synthesis, co-precipitation seems to be the most convenient, less time-consuming and cheap method which produces fine and pure iron oxide particles applicable to environmental issues. The aim of the work was to investigate how the co-precipitation synthesis parameters, such as temperature and base volume, influence the magnetite nanoparticles ability to separate heavy metal ions. The synthesis were conducted at nine combinations of different ammonia volumes - 8 cm3, 10 cm3, 15 cm3 and temperatures - 30°C, 60°C, 90°C for each ammonia volume. Iron oxides synthesized at each combination were examined as an adsorbent of seven heavy metals: Cr(VI), Pb(II), Cr(III), Cu(II), Zn(II), Ni(II) and Cd(II). The representative sample of magnetite was characterized using XRD, SEM and BET methods. It was observed that more effective sorbent for majority of ions was produced at 30°C using 10 cm3 of ammonia. The characterization of the sample produced at these reaction conditions indicate that pure magnetite with an average crystallite size of 23.2 nm was obtained (XRD), the nanosized crystallites in the sample were agglomerated (SEM) and the specific surface area of the aggregates was estimated to be 55.64 m2·g-1 (BET). The general conclusion of the work is the evidence that magnetite nanoparticles have the ability to adsorb heavy metal ions from the aqueous solutions. The effectiveness of the process depends on many factors such as kind of heavy metal ion or the synthesis parameters of the sorbent.

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Magdalena Bobik
Irena Korus
Lidia Dudek
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In August 2016, tomato plants grown during a hot, wet summer with heavy soil flooding, displaying symptoms of wilting, dead plant, root rot with crown and stem rot, at Beni Suef and Fayoum governorates were examined. A number of 16 fungal isolates were isolated from tomato plants displaying the above symptoms. These isolates were classified as belonging to six species, namely: Alternaria solani, Chaetomium globosum, Fusarium solani, Fusarium oxysporum, Pythium spp. and Rhizoctonia solani. Isolates of Pythium spp. were prevalent and were found to be more pathogenic than the other fungal isolates. This species causes damping-off, root rot, sudden death, stem rot and fruit rot. The pathogen was identified as Pythium aphanidermatum based on morphological, cultural, and molecular characteristics. Biogenic silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) were produced using the F. oxysporum strain and characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The size of these spherical particles ranged from 10 to 30 nm. In vitro, biogenic AgNPs showed antifungal activity against P. aphanidermatum. In greenhouse and field experiments, AgNPs treatment significantly reduced the incidence of dead tomato plants due to root rot caused by P. aphanidermatum compared to the control. All of the investigated treatments were effective and the treatment of root dipping plus soil drenching was the most effective. To the best of our knowledge, this study describes P. aphanidermatum on tomato in Egypt for the first time. Also, biogenic AgNPs could be used for controlling root rot disease caused by this pathogen.
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Ibrahim Elshahawy
Hesham Mohamed Abouelnasr
Sirag Mohamed Lashin
Osama Mohamed Darwesh
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Because of excellent properties, similar to natural bone minerals, and variety of possible biomedical applications, hydroxyapatite (HAp) is a valuable compound among the calcium phosphate salts. A number of synthesis routes for producing HAp powders have been reported. Despite this fact, it is important to develop new methods providing precise control over the reaction and having potential to scale-up. The main motivation for the current paper is a view of continuous synthesis methods toward medical application of produced hydroxyapatite, especially in the form of nanoparticles.

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Joanna Latocha
Michał Wojasiński
Paweł Sobieszuk
Tomasz Ciach
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Measurements of dynamic surface tension were carried out in aqueous systems (water or 0.1 mM Triton X-100) comprising nanoparticles formed from chemically modified polyaldehyde dextran (PAD). The nanostructures, considered as potential drug carriers in aerosol therapy, were obtained from biocompatible polysaccharides by successive oxidation and reactive coiling in an aqueous solution. The dynamic surface tension of the samples was determined by the maximum bubble pressure (MBP) method and by the axisymmetric drop shape analysis (ADSA). Experiments with harmonic area perturbations were also carried out in order to determine surface dilatational viscoelasticity. PAD showed a remarkable surface activity. Ward-Tordai equation was used to determine the equilibrium surface tension and diffusion coefficient of PAD nanoparticles (D = 2.3×10-6 m2/s). In a mixture with Triton X-100, PAD particles showed co-adsorption and synergic effect in surface tension reduction at short times (below 10 s). Tested nanoparticles had impact on surface rheology in a mixed system with nonionic surfactant, suggesting their possible interactions with the lung surfactant system after inhalation. This preliminary investigation sets the methodological approach for further research related to the influence of inhaled PAD nanoparticles on the lung surfactant and mass transfer processes in the respiratory system.

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Katarzyna Jabłczyńska
Tomasz R. Sosnowski
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Hydroxyapatite (HAp) has been attracting widespread interest in medical applications. In a form of coating, it enables to create a durable bond between an implant and surrounding bone tissues. With addition of silver nanoparticles HAp should also provide antibacterial activity. The aim of this research was to evaluate the composition of hydroxyapatite with silver nanoparticles in a non-destructive and non-contact way. For control measurements of HAp molecular composition and solvent evaporation efficiency the Raman spectroscopy has been chosen. In order to evaluate dispersion and concentration of the silver nanoparticles inside the hydroxyapatite matrix, the optical coherence tomography (OCT) has been used. Five samples were developed and examined ‒ a reference sample of pure HAp sol and four samples of HAp colloids with different silver nanoparticle solution volume ratios. The Raman spectra for each solution have been obtained and analyzed. Furthermore, a transverse-sectional visualization of every sample has been created and examined by means of OCT.

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Authors and Affiliations

Maciej J. Głowacki
Marcin Gnyba
Paulina Strąkowska
Mateusz Gardas
Maciej Kraszewski
Michał Trojanowski
Marcin R. Strąkowski
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The Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences (Bull.Pol. Ac.: Tech.) is published bimonthly by the Division IV Engineering Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, since the beginning of the existence of the PAS in 1952. The journal is peer‐reviewed and is published both in printed and electronic form. It is established for the publication of original high quality papers from multidisciplinary Engineering sciences with the following topics preferred: Artificial and Computational Intelligence, Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology, Civil Engineering, Control, Informatics and Robotics, Electronics, Telecommunication and Optoelectronics, Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, Thermodynamics, Material Science and Nanotechnology, Power Systems and Power Electronics.

Journal Metrics: JCR Impact Factor 2018: 1.361, 5 Year Impact Factor: 1.323, SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) 2017: 0.319, Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) 2017: 1.005, CiteScore 2017: 1.27, The Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education 2017: 25 points.

Abbreviations/Acronym: Journal citation: Bull. Pol. Ac.: Tech., ISO: Bull. Pol. Acad. Sci.-Tech. Sci., JCR Abbrev: B POL ACAD SCI-TECH Acronym in the Editorial System: BPASTS.

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Kamel Korib
Nabila Ihaddadene
Rafik Bouakkaz
Yacine Khelili
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Experimental investigation was conducted on the thermal performance and pressure drop of a convective cooling loop working with ZnO aqueous nanofluids. The loop was used to cool a flat heater connected to an AC autotransformer. Influence of different operating parameters, such as fluid flow rate and mass concentration of nanofluid on surface temperature of heater, pressure drop, friction factor and overall heat transfer coefficient was investigated and briefly discussed. Results of this study showed that, despite a penalty for pressure drop, ZnO/water nanofluid was a promising coolant for cooling the micro-electronic devices and chipsets. It was also found that there is an optimum for concentration of nanofluid so that the heat transfer coefficient is maximum, which was wt. %=0.3 for ZnO/water used in this research. In addition, presence of nanoparticles enhanced the friction factor and pressure drop as well; however, it is not very significant in comparison with those of registered for the base fluid.

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Amir Arya
Saeed Shahmiry
Vahid Nikkhah
Mohamad Mohsen Sarafraz
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Nanoparticles are very fascinating area of science not only due to their unique properties but also possibility of producing new more complex materials, which may find an application in modern chemistry, engineering and medicine. In process of nanoparticles formation very important aspect is a rate of individual stage i.e. reduction, nucleation and autocatalytic growth, because this knowledge allows for proper materials design, morphology manipulation, stability. The last one aspect can be realized using proper electrostatic, steric and electrosteric stabilization. However until now nobody reports and measures kinetic rates of all stages during process of particles formation in the presence of steric stabilizers. Thus, the main contribution of this paper is determination of individual rate constants for nanoparticles formation in the presence of steric stabilizers and their comparison to the system without stabilizer. For this purpose, an aqueous solution of Au(III) and Pt(IV) ions were mixed with steric stabilizers like PVA and PVP, and reduced using L-ascorbic acid as a mild and sodium borohydride as a strong reductant. As a results stable nanoparticles were formed and process of their formation was registered spectrophotometrically. From obtained kinetic curves the values of observed rate constants for reduction metal ions, slow nucleation and fast autocatalytic growth were determined using Watzky-Finke model. It was found that the addition of polymer affects the rate of the individual stages. The addition of steric stabilizers to gold ions reduced with L-ascorbic acid causes that the process of nucleation and autocatalytic growth slows down and the value of observed rate constants for nucleation changes from 3.79·10–3 (without polymer) to 7.15·10–5s–1 (with PVA) and for growth changes from 1.15·103 (without polymer) to 0.48·102s–1M–1 (with PVA). However, the rate of the reduction reaction of Au(III) ions is practically unchanged. In case of using strong reductant the addition of polymer effects on the shape of kinetic curve for reduction of Au(III) and it suggests that mechanism is changed. In case of Pt(IV) ions reduction with L-ascorbic acid, the process speeds up a little when PVA was added. Determined values of observed rate constants for nucleation and growth platinum nanoparticles decrease twice comparing to the system without polymer. The reduction of Pt(IV) ions with sodium borohydride accelerates when PVP was added and slows down when PVA was used. Moreover, the size of obtained colloidal gold and platinum was also analysed using DLS method. Obtained results (rate constants) may be useful in the process of nanomaterials synthesis, in particular in microflow.

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M. Luty-Błocho
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Silver coatings have a very high reflection ability. To avoid their darkening from the hydrogen sulphide in the air, a thin layer of heat-resistant colorless lacquer is applied to the coatings. Silver plating is mainly used in jewelery, optics, electronics and electrical engineering. Depending on their application the thickness of the layer may vary from 2 to 24 μm. It can be done in several ways: chemical, electrochemical, contact, etc. The most common way of silver plating is the electrochemical deposition using cyanide and non-cyanide electrolytes. The cyanide electrolytes produce light, fine crystalline, dense and plastic coatings upon silver-plating. Usually silver coatings are applied with copper or nickel intermediate layer. In order to improve the de-oxidation of the aluminum surface new chemical treatment in acid – alkaline solution was applied. Our previous research shows that the presence of diamond nanoparticles in the electrolyte increase the metal deposition. Samples were prepared from electrolyte containing 10 g/l diamond nanoparticles. Their properties were compared to the properties of reference samples. The diamonds were obtained by detonation synthesis. The aim of this study is to obtain electrochemically deposited silver layer with high density, adhesion and electric conductivity on aluminum alloys substrate. The coatingwas directly plated without intermediate layer. Non-cyanide electrolyte composition and electrochemical parameters were determined in order to produce Ag coatings on Al alloy substrate without intermediate layer. The coating is with good adhesion, density and thickness of 14-23 μm.

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R. Valov
V. Petkov
S. Valkano

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