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Evliya Çelebi’s Seyāḥatnāme, i.e. ‘Book of Travels’, contains, among others, a handful of Slavic words that are marked as Ukrainian. As a matter of fact, some of them display mixed features, probably resulting from the contamination of Ukrainian and Russian variants. Such hybrid words (e.g., [9] below) are attested together with purely Ukrainian (e.g., [2]) and purely Russian (e.g., [18]) forms. This situation prompted this author to classify Evliya Çelebi’s lexical materials as surzhyk vocabulary and, thus, antedate the emergence of surzhyk (see section 3).
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Marek Stachowski

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków
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The article deals with the history of competition and standardization between the variants од‑/ від‑ (both as preposition and prefix) in the Ukrainian language. Historically they are related to different groups of dialects. In the southwestern dialectal zone, with the exception of the northern dialects of the Volyn and Carpathian areas, the variant від‑ prevails, while the variant од‑ is predominant in the north of the country. The variant од‑ was typical for standard Ukrainian of the 19th‑early 20th century. After a period of competition with від‑ it lost out because of the artificial limitation of its use. This happened in the early 20th century due to the desire to employ forms that would give the literary language a national character, since the від‑ variant is notably different from both Polish and Russian. The history of од‑/ від‑ competition is investigated on the material of dictionaries, 1920s’ grammars and modern linguistic research. The history of од‑/ від‑ preposition and prefix variants was researched as well within the Ukrainian language corpus, which includes texts from the 19th to the 21st centuries. Shown are the points of variation related to regional and chronological properties, to authors’ individual preferences and to certain lexemes.
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Liudmyla Dyka
Maria Shvedova

  1. National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”
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The article is devoted to the structural basics of The Large Polish‑Ukrainian Phraseological Dictionary. Until recently, there had been no significant bilingual phraseological dictionary, which had made it difficult to comparatively study the phraseological systems of Polish and Ukrainian. The dictionary is based on lexicographic publications of various types, national language corpuses, and content. The article explains the principles of selecting phraseological units for the dictionary. Some phraseological units/idioms became the subject of lexicographic study for the first time. In detail is described the structure of the word explanations. During the selection of Ukrainian equivalents to the Polish output, taken into account is the fact that there are phraseological interlanguage homonyms – phraseological units/idioms that sound the same or similar in the two languages but that have different meanings. The dictionary contains an alphabetical register that includes all the components of the expressions/units. Thanks to such referencing, the reader can find the appropriate phrases in a single one word. The article describes the possibilities for the theoretical and applied solutions in the dictionary’s composition.
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Iryna Kononenko

  1. Warszawa, Uniwersytet Warszawski
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Since modern Slavic studies lack a uniform concept of the Ukrainian redaction of the Church Slavonic language, this article analyzes the major achievements of Ukrainian linguistics in the study of this phenomenon. Applying the method of linguistic historiography, the author describes the emergence of a national concept, according to which written sources – reflecting the features of the Ukrainian language from different periods of its formation – attest to the existence of a single Ukrainian redaction. The development of views on the Church Slavonic language is evidenced by the works of M. Maksymovych, I. Ohienko, G.Y. Shevelov, V. Nimchuk. Today different schools are primarily concerned with the quantitative interpretation of particular features of the Ukrainian redaction. Such an interpretation is largely premised on the 19th‑century Russian philological tradition which does not take into consideration the historical differentiation of East Slavic. Burdened with problematic terms like Russian, such an approach remains in contrast with Ukrainian linguistics, which accepts the existence of the Ukrainian redaction of Church Slavonic since the times of Kyivan Rus’.
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Halyna Naienko
1 2

  1. Łódź, Uniwersytet Łódzki
  2. Kyiv, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
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The article is dedicated to Ihor Kostetskyi, the organizer and general secretary (1957‑1979) of the Ukrainian Shakespeare Society. The article presents the history of the foundation of the Ukrainian Shakespeare Society. Special attention is paid to the organizational, publishing, and translation activities of Ihor Kostetskyi. The article analyzes archival materials proving Kostetskyi’s active participation in the Ukrainian Shakespeare Society. The article describes the main directions of the society’s activities and notes the need for further study into the history of the Ukrainian Shakespeare Society.
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Ludmiła Mnich

  1. Siedlce, Uniwersytet w Siedlcach
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The article offers a survey of works of Ukrainian linguists in the field of Church Slavonic, in particular its Ukrainian recension. While applying the historiographic approach, the author focuses on various publications and the study of the language of some records and their authors, and the reconstruction of orthoepy. The article also discusses some controversial questions of the interrelation between the Ukrainian (southern) and the Great Russian (northern) redaction of the Church Slavonic language from the second half of the 17th century onward. The author also highlights changes in the methodological principles and argues that, despite the use of sociolinguistic and cognitive methods along with the traditional structural and functional approach, the current discourse in Ukrainian linguistics appears to be incomplete.
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Halyna Naienko
1 2

  1. Łódź, Uniwersytet Łódzki
  2. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
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The Electronic System «Archival Card Index» (АСI) represents the digital format of lexical and illustrative materials of the Commission of the Dictionary Living Ukrainian language (All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences), which created the «Russian-Ukrainian Dictionary» by ed. A. Krymsky and S. Yefremov, today recognized as the superlative of Ukrainian lexicography of the 20-30’s of the 20th century, and which is becoming even more relevant today. The value of the АСI consists in the fact that it contains materials IV volume of the «Russian-Ukrainian Dictionary» destroyed in 1933. For the first time since the 1930’s ACI became the object of scientific attention precisely as materials of the repressed Commission, for more than half a century they were considered lost. ACI digital format is needed in order to prevent its physical decay, to return to the linguistic-cultural process, to optimize research work. After all, ACI contains professionally processed linguistic sources of general dictionaries first half XXth century, which are of great value for the restoration of the authenticity of Ukrainian language thinking, to eliminate the prolonged russification of Ukrainian vocabulary and the creation of dictionaries of the Ukrainian language of the 21th century.

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Оксана М. Тищенко
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The article applies the concept of anchoring, defined as the process of searching for footholds and points of reference which allows individuals to acquire socio-psychological stability and security and function effectively in a new environment, to explore complex, multidimensional and flexible adaptation and settlement processes among migrants from Ukraine in Poland. Based on 40 in-depth interviews and questionnaires with migrants resident in Warsaw and its vicinity, we argue that the traditional catego-ries employed for analysing migrants’ adaptation and settlement such as ‘integration’ or ‘assimilation’ are not always adequate to capture the way of functioning and experience of contemporary Ukrainian migrants. Rather than traditional categories, we propose to apply the concept of anchoring which ena-bles us to capture Ukrainians’ ‘fluid’ migration, drifting lives and complex identities as well as mecha-nisms of settling down in terms of searching for relative stability rather than putting down roots. The paper discusses the ambiguous position of Ukrainian migrants in Poland constructed as neither-strangers nor the same, gives insight into their drifting lives and illuminates ways of coping with tem-porariness and establishing anchors to provide a sense of stability and security. This approach, linking identity, security and incorporation, emphasises, on the one hand, the psychological and emotional as-pects of establishing new footholds and, on the other hand, tangible anchors and structural constraints. Its added value lies in the fact that it allows for the complexity, simultaneity and changeability of an-choring and the reverse processes of un-anchoring to be included.

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Aleksandra Grzymała-Kazłowska
Anita Brzozowska
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Ukraine has been going through a series of political and economic crises, notably the Euromaidan revolution and the Russian aggression and subsequent economic downturn. These events triggered fresh transnational diaspora-led activities such as the ‘London Euromaidan’ and the ‘Warsaw Euromaidan’. This paper analyses Ukrainian diaspora volunteerism in the UK and Poland and explores how the Ukrainian diaspora engages and contributes economically, socially, politically and culturally to the development of Ukraine. Drawing on fieldwork in both countries, three main findings were identified. First, due to the events in Ukraine, the Ukrainian diaspora has mobilised, grown stronger and became more united, whilst transforming from a more inward-looking to a more outward-looking community which, as a result, is now more and critically engaging with Ukrainian affairs. Second, the Ukrainian diaspora has the willingness, power and resources to contribute to the development of the home country, claiming to be recognised as an important stakeholder in the development of Ukraine. Thirdly, the Ukrainian government’s lack of recognition of the contribution of the Ukrainian diaspora is one of the most significant barriers to more comprehensive diaspora involvement in development.

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Iryna Lapshyna
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A review of Walentyna Sobol’s edition of a part of the Diary of Pylyp Orlyk, covering the years 1725–1726. The publication of the work of one of the champions of Ukrainian statehood, written in exile, takes on a symbolic dimension as it coincides with Ukraine’s struggle against Moscow’s aggression.
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Myrosław Trofymuk

  1. Katedra Prasy Ukraińskiej, Wydział Dziennikarstwa, Lwowski Uniwersytet Narodowy im. Iwana Franki
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This study follows a postcolonial approach towards Polish and Ruthenian national master narratives in Habsburg Galicia by assuming that Galician historians placed past Polish-Ruthenian relations in a colonial setting and emphasized Ruthenian subalternity. The investigation focuses on one of the most controversial issues in Polish-Ruthenian historiography: the era of Casimir the Great and the incorporation of Red Ruthenia into the Polish Kingdom in the 14th century. The central question is how Galician historians depicted this period in their works and to what extent they interpreted it as the beginning of a hegemonic relationship between Poles and Ruthenians. Which discursive strategies were utilized either to justify a Polish civilizing mission in Red Ruthenia or to refute the necessity of Polish colonial rule in this region?

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Burkhard Wöller
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Large exposure near the brick-field in Halie represents one of the most complete loess sequences in the Ukrainian Carpathian F orcland, which i I lustrates a progress of events covering a considerable part of the Middle Pleistocene and the whole Upper Pleistocene. The most important of these arc: the Luck soil corresponding to the soil from the Zbójno lnicrglacial in Polish profiles and Dornnitz Interglacial (1~0 stage 9) in West European profiles, bottom part of the Upper Pleistocene (Dnieper= Odranian = Saalian I) loesses, which arc extremely thick and stratigraphically divided into units of lower rank. and well developed soil complexes - Korshov and Horok hov. Investigations of the Korshov soil arc a basis to discuss at least two stages/phases ofpedogcncsis development during the last but one interglacial (Lublinian = Trcenian: 1~0 stage 7). The Horokhov paleosol is connected with the Ecmian Interglacial. The Dubno and Rovno soils occur within the poorly developed Vistulian loesses: the Rovno soil is a cultural layer.
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Andriy Bogutskiy
Maria Łanczont
Roman Racinowski
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The article analyzes the phonetic system of the Bulaeshty dialect of the Ukrainian language as used in the village of Bulaeshty in the Republic of Moldova. This had been established until the 15th century by the natives of Bukovyna in the Ukraine. A system of contemporary sound derivatives from a Proto-Slavic ancient phonetic system of consonants has been identified. The full or partial conservation of archaic phonetic forms has become fixed. The Bulaeshty dialect retains a number of relict forms, including phonetic archaisms which have long been lost in the Ukrainian literary language and are increasingly fixed in modern Ukrainian dialects. An record of consonant phonemes in the dialect has been compiled. There are 38 phonemes and according to the differential basis of the “place of creation” of the sound manifestations, traditionally they are classified into groups: 1) labials (/б/, /п/, /в/, /м/, /ф/); 2) front tongue (/д/, /д’/, /т/, /т’/, /з/, /з’/, /с/, /с’/, /ц/, /ц’/, /л/, /л’/, /н/, /н’/, /дз/, /дз’/, /р/, /р’/, /дж’/, /ɕ/, /ч/, /ч’/, /ж/, /ш/); 3) medium tongue (/й/); 4) back tongue /(ґ/, /ґ’/, /к/, /к’/, /х/, /х’/); 5) pharyngeal (/г/, /г’/). Тheir functional load and conditions of positional and combinatorial variation have been determined.

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Інна Гороф’янюк
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The borrowed lexis from the Polish language contained in the Russian-Ukrainian dictionaries of the early twentieth century is analyzed in the article. Its state and prevalence in the modern Ukrainian language is being clarified. Polonisms that are now out of use or on the periphery of the Ukrainian literary language have been investigated. Examples of actualized words were considered.

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Людмила Томіленко
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Kvitka‑Osnovyanenko was the first prose writer of the new Ukrainian literature, the conventional starting point for which is dated as 1798, when Ivan Kotlyarevsky’s Aeneid was published. In 1833‑1834, Hryhoriy Kvitka‑Osnovyanenko began to publish his stories and short novels in Ukrainian. They served as a starting point for all subsequent prose in the Ukrainian language. A structural analysis of Kvitka’s prose has shown that his method of text construction still had much in common with folk tales: texts are constructed on the basis of elemental repetitions or binary oppositions. However, the author has already started to make important semantic shifts, introducing types of characters and collisions alien to folklore text per se. Thus the effect of deautomatization of the folklore perception is reached. The meaning of some texts, which were previously considered “humorous”, in the light of what has been said, acquires a meta‑narrative meaning: A Soldier’s Portrait and The Konotop Witch, have episodes that expose their main compositional technique (‘priyom’) and demonstrate the author’s conscious play with the narrative patterns of folklore.
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Nazarii Nazarov

  1. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
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This article dwells upon paraphrase in which proper names function as both the object of nomination and the component in the model of its creation. The device is analysed as it occurs in the language of modern Ukrainian publicist discourse. Firstly, the topicality of the research consists in the fact that mass media encourage the expansion of the lexical stock of a language by establishing new language trends. Secondly, publicist discourse is considered to be particularly exposed to the use of paraphrase, and so it is worth studying the peculiarities of the way paraphrases function in mass media. The given article aims to show how proper names may act in the process of modelling paraphrase, where a proper noun can serve two functions: as an object of paraphrase and as a component of its modelling. The article revisits the materials from M. Stepanenko’s book Politychne s’ogodennja ukrai’ns’koi’ movy: aktual’nyj peryfrastykon: monografija (Current state of Ukrainian political discourse: paraphrase of today). The materials are supplemented with examples collected by the author of the article from recent online publications of Ukrainian press. The use of proper names as objects of paraphrase or elements of its structure testifies to their exceptional ability to model pragmatic meaning. Pragmatic information reflected in paraphrase draws attention to the most essential qualities of a subject, a phenomenon or a person – those most important qualities that help understand a specific situation, phenomenon, behaviour, etc. An effective way of modelling paraphrase is to use a precedent. Derivatives whose bases are precedent units better reflect the peculiarities of a given culture, the way of thinking and every nation’s perception of reality, the system of its worldview and value orientations. The creation of paraphrase with proper names as their constituents encourages the fulfilment of a range of functions, in particular nominative, decorative, euphemist, impressive, compressive, attractional and axiological ones. The analysis of the materials leads to the conclusion that the majority of proper names-driven paraphrase is primarily essential for a given text. However, as some of them may enter everyday vocabulary, the author of the article emphasises the need to constantly trace the paraphrase phenomena and their systematic lexicographic realisation.

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Dominika Janczura
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Vasyl Stus is the Ukrainian existential poet, who used aesthetic of surrealism and expressionism. This text presents surreal elements in the Vasyl Stus’s poems which are connected with the idea of hell. Author gives examples of different images of hell in European culture and literature and also analyzes the surrealist poems of Vasyl Stus from his book Merry Cemetery.

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Mateusz Mościszko
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On the example of selected works by Oksana Zabuzhko, Volodymyr Lys, and Vasyl Shklar, I discuss the narrations of memory and ways of writing about history in Ukrainian contemporary prose. Historical topics concerning the traumatic experiences of the twentieth century appear in Ukrainian prose along with the regaining of independence and develop after 2000. The authors refer primarily to those issues which in the Soviet era were silenced, erased, censored. An important place in literary narratives of memory is occupied by the threads of OUN-UPA fi ghts, the Ukrainian-Bolshevik war, UNR times, Soviet terror, Great Hunger, the demythologization of World War II is also important, as well as an uncensored description of post-war Soviet reality. In the text, I do not carry out a detailed analysis of selected novels, but only highlight the main problems and ways in which authors write about history.

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Marta Zambrzycka
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In February 2022, Russian troops invaded Ukraine, continuing a war that lasted since 2014. This turn of events led to massive migration of Ukrainian refugees to Poland, during which the country received approx. 2 million new inhabitants. The rapid migrational process led to attitudinal changes in the host country's population. This article reviews survey studies conducted at the Center for Research on Prejudice at the University of Warsaw (cross-sectional and longitudinal) assessing the attitudes of Poles toward Ukrainians. According to our data, the attitudes of Poles toward Ukraine improved after the 2022 Russian invasion (compared to 2021), and our longitudinal studies confirmed that this change was relatively long-lasting – the attitudes did not deteriorate substantially. A study looking at attitudes toward war refugees from Ukraine and refugees from other countries found that Poles showed significantly higher acceptance of Ukrainian refugees than those from other countries, which could be largely attributed to greater contact with Ukrainians. Furthermore, Poles expressed relatively high acceptance of state support for healthcare and education of Ukrainian refugees, whereas the acceptance of direct financial support and housing was relatively lower.
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Maria Babińska
Michał Bilewicz
Paulina Górska
Sabina Toruńczyk-Ruiz
Michał Wypych

  1. Wydział Psychologii, Uniwersytet Warszawski
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This article offers a new analysis of Ivan Harayda’s Grammar of the Ruthenian Language ( Hramatyka rus’koho yazyka”) (Uzhhorod 1941). In contrast to its program, the grammar paid little tribute to the “popular” language as such. As Harayda himself regarded his text as a “compromise between many contradictory opinions regarding our popular language” he included only a few “popular” elements. Most of them were part of the written heritage that united Transcarpathia with other parts of the Ukrainian language area, particularly Galicia. Harayda often failed to clarify what he regarded as standard features. He also explicitly excluded some local features from the standard. Harayda’s grammar can barely be regarded as a successful attempt at the codification of the “Rusyn” language in the modern understanding.
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Michael Moser
1 2

  1. Universität Wien
  2. Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem, Budapest
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This article looks at the mobility of highly skilled female migrants from the perspective of the post-socialist semi-peripheral countries in Eastern Europe. It analyses chosen aspects of the biographical experiences of highly skilled women from three post-USSR republics bordering the European Union – namely Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia – in Poland, a post-socialist country itself but also an EU member-state. The empirical analysis focuses on their lifestyle changes and choices, made through the experience of living in a new, though quite familiar Polish culture, which is both more emancipated (Western) while, at the same time, pertaining to some of the familiar (Eastern) patterns. Due to this liminal nature of the host country, the adaptation process of migrants is easier and comes at a lower biographical cost. In the analysis, I explore two notions: the gender roles renegotiation and the changes in the women’s approach towards the external manifestations of femininity, which I contrast with their reflections of the changes undergone. As for the gender role renegotiation, three main approaches were described varying by the degree to which the old, familiar patterns are maintained. In terms of the external notions of femininity, while taking care of one’s looks is still an observable element of the migrants’ identity, they do take advantage of the wider spectrum of options available in the host society, and try to blend in with the casual big-city crowd. The article was written on the basis of empirical material in the form of twenty in-depth, unstructured interviews, which were confronted with the selected subject literature.

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Anna Dolińska
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Qualitative migration researchers today often use one or more of three concepts – mobility, transnationalism and integration – to make sense of the complexities of contemporary migrants’ lives. Collectively, researchers identify these as the three fundamental characteristics of migranthood. Being a migrant is about, for example, planning return visits, maintaining (or not maintaining) relations with people in the sending country or being preoccupied with learning to speak the receiving-society majority language. Qualitative interviewing suggests that each migrant is uniquely situated along various mobility, transnational and integration continuums. Migrants have many social identities as well as migranthood and the existence of these other, intersecting, social identities (such as social class, lifestage and gender) helps to determine their location on the continuums: for example, how often they are mobile and how much they can be mobile. The article draws on interviews in Poland with Ukrainians and Polish return migrants to show how (former) migrants conceptualise shared Ukrainian-Polish migranthood along these three continuums.
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Anne White

  1. UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES), UK
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The aim of the paper is to describe the main patterns and challenges of Ukrainian migration to Greece with reference to the consequences of the recent economic and social crisis in the host country on the migrants’ lives. Specifically, the paper discusses the impact of the legal framework related to migra-tion in four different periods. Historically, Greece was one of the first destinations attracting Ukraini-an migrants, but the migration flows have strongly decreased during the last years and a tendency for return migration has emerged. Among the key features is the fact that the migrant’s experience is deeply influenced and shaped by Greece’s policy response to migration. The paper will therefore spe-cifically examine the impact of the legislative measures on the mobility of the migrants.

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Marina Nikolova
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Russia’s use of one of its energy resources as a tool of political pressure in 2021 destabilized the economies of many European countries. The energy crisis was exacerbated by the outbreak of Russia’s war with Ukraine in February 2022, when many countries, including those of the EU, responded by imposing sanctions on energy resources from Russia. The situation also affected Polish households. Until then, Russia had been Poland’s main supplier of coal and natural gas. It is estimated that 3.8 million households were threatened by the uncertainty of hard-coal supplies for the 2022/2023 heating season. The article presents an analysis of the supply and demand of the main fossil energy resources consumed by Polish households for heating purposes. Discussing the supply of a given raw material, both domestic production and imports are presented. The inability to increase domestic coal production for households in the short term (it is a long-term process) resulted in the introduction of intervention imports. In the case of imports, attention was paid to the need to change suppliers as well as import routes. The article also analyzes the prices of major energy carriers for domestic households from January 2018 to March 2023. Rapidly rising prices of hard coal at fuel depots in the third and fourth quarters of 2022 were higher than natural gas prices for households by PLN 13–16/GJ and amounted to PLN 81–101/GJ. By comparison, natural gas prices were then in the range of 65–88 PLN/GJ. In the first quarter of 2023, the prices of these two energy carriers had already reached a similar level (in the order of 80 PLN/GJ).
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Katarzyna Stala-Szlugaj

  1. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

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