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Landforms of aeolian origin from western Sörkapp Land, Spitsbergen, are described. Development of aeolian hillocks, sand banks and drifts as well as of aeolian covers on marine beaches and permafrost hillocks is discussed in connection with conditions of transport and deposition. Horizons of fossil organic matter found in some forms prove their persistence.

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Piotr Gębica
Ryszard Szczęsny
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This study investigates cadmium (Cd) accumulation in the plant leaves of juglans regia (walnut) and cydonia oblanga (quince) trees related to traffic emissions on the highway roadside. The plant leaf samples were collected from 20 sites on the D-100 Highway roadside and washed with deionized water before analyzed. Determination of Cd was carried out using an inductively-coupled plasma-mass spectrometer after microwave digestion of the samples. Cd concentration on the plant leaves was found to be between 0.04–0.11 mg/kg. In order to determine the traffic-based emissions, vehicles were counted and an emission inventory was prepared. 0.18 tons of Cd was found to be delivered into the atmosphere every day. Cd accumulation depends on traffic density because there were no residential area and industrial plants. The distribution of Cd accumulation caused by traffic emissions was mapped by using a geographic information system (GIS). The maps showed that the Cd accumulation was high in the areas near the highway and then gradually decreased by moving away from the highway.

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Merve Çolak
Mahnaz Gümrükçüoğlu
Füsun Boysan
Erkan Baysal
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The spatial distribution of snow thickness on glaciers is driven by a set of climatological, meteorological, topographical and orographic conditions. This work presents results of snow accumulation studies carried out from 2006 to 2009 on glaciers of different types: valley glacier, ice plateau and ice cap. In order to determine snow depth, a shallow radio echo−sounding method was used. Based on the results, the following snow distribution patterns on Svalbard glaciers have been distinguished: precipitation pattern, precipitation−redistribution pattern, redistribution pattern and complex pattern. The precipitation pattern assumes that the snow distribution on glaciers follows the altitudinal gradient. If the accumulation gradient is significantly modified by local factors like wind erosion and redeposition, or local variability of precipitation, the accumulation pattern turns into the precipitation−redistribution pattern. In the redistribution pattern, local factors play a crucial role in the spatial variability of snow depth. The complex pattern, however, demonstrates the co−existence of different snow distribution patterns on a single glacial object (glacier/ice cap/ice field).
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Mariusz Grabiec
Tomasz Budzik
Dariusz Puczko
Grzegorz Gajek
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The contents or Cd, Pb. Cu, Mn, Zn, Ni and Fe in different organs or Typha latifolia L., coming from six sites selected within Jezioro Wielkie (Leszczyńskie Lakeland in western Poland), were determined. Three groups or metals, cach with a different accumulation pattern within the plant were distinguished in this study. Pb, Zn and Cu were found to be the least mobile and shown the following accumulation scheme: roots> rhizomes> lower leave part> top leave part. 13y contrast, Mn, a metal which is both easily transported in plants and accumulated in green plant organs, exhibited the following accumulation scheme: roots> top leave part> lower leave part> rhizomes. Ni, Cd and re were accumulated by the cattail as follows: roots> rhizomes> top leaf part> lower leaf part. The fact that Tvpha tatifol io L. had the highest proportion 01· all the metals studied in its roots can suggest that some kind of protection barrier exists which prevents toxic compounds permeating from that part or this plant to its rhizomes and its aerial parts. The confirmation or this thesis requires some further research.
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Agnieszka Klink
Józef Krawczyk
Barbara Letachowicz
Magdalena Wisłocka
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The aim of the study was to evaluate the degree of pollution of bottom sediments from small water reservoirs with heavy metals on the basis of geochemical criteria: the enrichment factor and the geo-accumulation index. The investigations concerned sediment from eight small water reservoirs located in the Kielce Highland. Selected heavy metals, including cadmium, chromium, copper, lead and zinc, were determined using inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry method. Additionally, particle size distribution and the content of organic matter expressed as loss of ignition were designated. The concentration of heavy metals in sediments was characterized by a great variety. The sediments of Morawica and Rejów show very high and extremely high enrichment in Cr, Zn, Pb and Cd. The values of EF>20 indicate also an extremely high enrichment in Cd of sediments in Mostki. In addition, over 50% of the samples of sediment from Suchedniów, Kaniów, Mostki and Jaśle reservoirs (the value of EF for Cr exceeded 5) indicate a moderately high enrichment of this element. Results of the analysis of the Igeo values indicate that the tested sediments are characterized by moderately high (2<Igeo<3) or high (3<Igeo<4) pollution. The differences in individual enrichment factor and geoaccumulation index values may result in the nature of heavy metals, their pollution loads, as well as speciation forms of trace elements occurrence in sediment-water complex. These findings indicate that the integration of geochemical methods is necessary for an appropriate ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in bottom sediments.

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Aleksandra Sałata
Łukasz Z. Bąk
Krzysztof Chmielowski
Anna Rabajczyk
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The potential of five plants namely Atriplex halimus L., A. canescens (Pursh) Nutt., Suaeda fruticosa (Forssk. ex J.F. Gmel.), Marrubium vulgare L. and Dittrichia viscosa (L.) Greuter from two selected wetlands in northwest Algeria subjected to house and industrial effluents were examined to assess their arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) diversity and colonization, as well as to determine their tolerance and ability in accumulating metallic trace elements (MTEs). The purpose was to investigate whether, or not, these fungi are related to metallic uptake. Arbuscular mycorrhizal association was observed in all plant species, since the dual association between AMF and dark septate endophytes (DSE) was found in roots of 80% plants species. Hence, the decreasing trend of metal accumulation in most plant organs was Zn>Cu>Pb, and the most effi cient species were M. vulgare> S. fruticosa> A. canescens> D. viscosa> A. halimus. The bioaccumulator factors exceeded the critical value (1.0) and the transport factors indicated that all these species were phytoremediators. Pearson correlation showed that Cd bioaccumulation and translocation were inhibited by AMF infection; meanwhile Zn, Pb and Cd accumulation were affected by AMF spore density and species richness, DSE frequency, pH, AMF and plant host. Native halophytes showed a multi-metallic resistance capacity in polluted wetlands. M. vulgare was the most efficient in metal accumulation and the best host for mycorrhizal fungi. AMF played a major role in metal accumulation and translocation.

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Warda Sidhoum
Zohra Fortas
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This paper presents a new approach to study the palaeoecological and archaeological benefits of the previously investigated Szeged-Öthalom area. The aim was to combine the archaeological results with the palaeoecological ones by a new integral view. Age-depth models of 14C dated charcoal were calculated via Bayesian method to reconstruct the sediment accumulation rates in the investigated loess- palaeosol sequences. Moreover, the age of a Mammoth bone found in 1935 at the nearby Palaeolithic site was correlated with the calculated accumulation rates. Through our new results, the age of the Palaeolithic site could be correlated to the late LGM dust-accumulation-peak period. Even if this period is considered as cold and dry, the palaeoecological settings indicated dense forest cover and cool climate in the investigated area. This means that the palaeoenvironment may have encouraged the diffusion of Gravettian hunters in this area, founding campsites like Öthalom in the southern part of the Carpathian Basin.

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Dávid Molnár
László Makó
Pál Sümegi
Balázs P. Sümegi
Tünde Törőcsik
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In the study we have focused on the distribution of several metals (Cr, As, Pb) and anions (Cr, NO3-) and their partition between pore (interstitial) waters and sediments sampled at three stations at the Dobczyce Reservoir which supplies the drinking water to inhabitants from the city of Kraków and its agglomeration. The results show considerable increase in concentrations of Pb and As in pore water samples, when compared to the bottom waters. Meaningful alternations in concentration were observed in case of pore water samples (Pb, As) and sediments (Cr, Pb, As), coming from three stations and their lateral sections. The possible relations between this phenomenon and the sediment characteristic as well as the Fe and Ca content, has been studied. Some comments on the seasonal variations of anion contents in water and pore water samples, are also provided. It was found that nitrates and sulphates show considerable variations.
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Mariusz Macherzyński
Witold Reczyński
J. Sanecki
Jerzy Górecki
Janusz Gołaś
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We describe the spatial variability of snow accumulation on three selected glaciers in Spitsbergen (Hansbreen, Werenskioldbreen and Aavatsmarkbreen) in the winter seasons of 1988/89, 1998/99 and 2001/2002 respectively. The distribution of snow cover is determined by the interrelationships between the direction of the glacier axes and the dominant easterly winds. The snow distribution is regular on the glaciers located E-W, but is more complicated on the glaciers located meridionally. The western part of glaciers is more predisposed to the snow accumulation than the eastern. This is due to snowdrift intensity. Statistical relationships between snow accumulation, deviation of accumulation from the mean values and accumulation variability related to topographic parameters such as: altitude, slope inclination, aspect, slope curvature and distance from the edge of the glacier have been determined. The only significant relations occured between snow accumulation and altitude (r = 0.64-0.91).

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Authors and Affiliations

Mariusz Grabiec
Jan Leszkiewicz
Piotr Głowacki
Jacek Jania
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Every developing country is beginning to rely on “green” energy in connection with environmental problems, including the global warming of our planet. It is expected that in the future, the production of electricity using the conversion of sunlight would take the dominant place in the energy infrastructure around the world. However, photovoltaic converters mainly generate intermittent energy due to natural factors (weather conditions) or the time of day in a given area. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to consider options for eliminating the interrupted nature of the operation of a solar installation through innovative additional applications. To achieve this goal, issues of the prospect of using energy storage devices and the choice of the most efficient and reliable of them are considered, as are the environmental friendliness of accumulators/batteries and the economic benefits of their use. The results of the analyses provide an understanding of the factors of using existing technologies with regard to their technical and economic aspects for use in solar energy. It was determined that the most common and predominant types of energy storage are lithium-ion and pumped storage plants. Such accumulation systems guarantee high efficiency and reliability in the operation of solar installation systems, depending on the scale of the solar station. Storage devices that are beginning to gain interest in research are also considered – storage devices made of ceramics of various kinds and thermochemical and liquid-air technologies. This study contributes to the development of an energy-storage system for renewable energy sources in the field of technical and economic optimization.
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Authors and Affiliations

Anzhela A. Barsegyan
Irina R. Baghdasaryan

  1. Department of Civil Engineering, Architecture, Energetics and Water Systems, Shushi University of Technology, Stepanakert, Armenia
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The aim of this study was to assess sand accumulation in the gastrointestinal tract and fecal sand excretion in Silesian foals using three diagnostic methods and taking into account the sex and age of the animals. Another aim of the study was to compare the three diagnostic methods. The study was carried out on 21 clinically healthy Silesian foals (10 females and 11 males) from 9-28 weeks old grazed on permanent pasture. The sand intake was assessed using a sedimentation test, abdominal ultrasonography and a quantitative evaluation of sand per 100 g of stool. In the sedimentation test, the sand was palpable in the stool of 57.1% of the horses, and clearly visible in 42.9% of the animals. The ultrasound examination revealed the presence of sand in the gastrointestinal tract in 66.7% of the horses. It was limited to a single location in 60% of the horses, while it was present in several regions in 40% of the horses. The mean amount of sand was 0.14 ± 0.33 g per 100 g of stool. It did not exceed 0.1g in 71.4% foals, while it ranged from 0.1-0.5 g in 23.8% foals. In 4.8% of the animals, it amounted to 1.6 g per 100 g of stool. There was no correlation between age and gender and the results. There was a positive correlation between the ultrasound examination and the sedimentation test.

Sand may be accumulated in the gastrointestinal tract of foals without any clinical signs. The amount of sand excreted in the stool is not an indicator of the amount of sand accumulated in the gastrointestinal tract. An abdominal ultrasound examination should be combined with a sedimentation test for more specific results.

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Authors and Affiliations

N. Siwińska
A. Łuczka
A. Żak
M. Słowikowska
A. Niedźwiedź
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Solar photovoltaic power is widely utilized in the energy industry. The performance of solar panels is influenced by different variables, including solar radiation, temperature, wind speed, relative humidity and the presence of haze or dirt. Outdoor solar panels are particularly susceptible to a decrease in energy efficiency due to the accumulation of dust particles in the air, which occurs as a result of natural weather conditions. The extent of dust deposition is primarily determined by factors such as the tilt angle of the panel, wind direction, cleaning frequency as well as local meteorological and geographical conditions. The dust on the solar cell glazing reduces the optical transmittance of the light beam, causing shadowing and diminishing the energy conversion productivity of the panels. Sand storms, pollution levels and snow accumulations all significantly impact the photovoltaic panel performance. These circumstances reduce the efficiency of solar panels. The experiment was carried out on two identical dust-accumulated and dust-free panels. The evaluation was carried out in two different situations on the offgrid stand-alone system: in a simulated atmosphere and in an open space during the day. The current-voltage curves have been developed for both panels at various tilt degrees. The features provide sufficient information to analyse the performance of the panels under consideration. The measurements demonstrate that as dust collects on the panel’s surface, the average output power and short circuit current decrease dramatically. The installation tilt angle affected the ratio of efficiency and average power outputs of dusty and clean panels.
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Minakshi Katoch
Vineet Dahiya
Surendra Kumar Yadav

  1. K.R. Mangalam University, Gurugram – 122103, India
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This study reports on the accumulation rates and 210Pb fluxes in Spitsbergen, Svalbard archipelago, wetlands. Six peat cores were collected in the Hornsund region, SW Spitsbergen (77°N) in 2007. The ages of peat layers were obtained with the Constant Flux/Constant Sedimentation and Constant Rate of Supply models based on the 210Pb-dating technique. The obtained 210Pb flux values ranged from 28 to 50 Bq m –2 y –1, which was consistent with the level of 222Rn emanation estimated for northern latitudes. The values of vertical and mass accumulation rates were slightly lower than reference data for peatlands of 50°−70°N. Furthermore, the vertical variations of peat accumulation rates exhibited the highest values in the upper part of the examined cores. The increasing tendency may be due in part to low compaction and low decomposition in the youngest peat layers. The analysis of the peat accumulation rate as a function of organic matter content and bulk density revealed positive and negative correlations, respectively, rather strong in both cases. The air temperature and precipitation gradients in the last few decades may have affected peat growth rates, which should be thoroughly investigated in future projects. Undoubtedly, the reported findings have provided a valuable addition to the relatively sparse dataset on recent peat deposits in Spitsbergen.
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Authors and Affiliations

Anna Cwanek
Edyta Łokas

  1. Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Radzikowskiego 152, 31-342 Kraków, Poland
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Studies of a snow cover on the Waldemar Glacier have been carried out during three spring seasons. In spite of its small area, there is considerable spatial variation in snow deposition on the Waldemar Glacier, different during successive seasons. Winter snow accumulation was the highest in 1995/96 (75 cm in water equivalent), but almost similar in 1996/97 and 1997/98, equal to 48 cm and 42 cm w.e., respectively. Snow cover shows specific physico-chemical features, with many sorts of snow different in its structure, hardness, density and moistening. All analysed snow profiles comprised layers of different grain size and hardness. Volume of water trapped in naledies was estimated to about 457,000 m3 in May 1998. The average winter runoff from the glacier was estimated to 0.024 m3/s i.e. about 91/s.km2.

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Authors and Affiliations

Marek Grześ
Ireneusz Sobota
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In the initial stage of the growing season, the accumulation of autumn and winter precipitation moisture in poorly draining soil in arid conditions in the Northern region of Kazakhstan was a serious production problem. Research methods included measurements of autumn and winter moisture reserves in poorly draining soil and snow on the backgrounds of ordinary stubble, stubble coulisses and tall stubble left after stripper header (continuous combing) with and without autumn chiselling. The study revealed that the use of the continuous combing and stubble coulisses on poor draining soil: (a) sup-ports reserves of moisture in autumn soil; (b) the lack of chiselling leads to increased water runoff and the formation of li-mans in the fields. The use of stubble coulisses during snowy winters allowed moisture reserves in the snow to be increased in comparison with the stubble background. The use of chiselling on the background of stubble coulisses allowed: (a) to reduce runoff moisture loss in poorly draining soil by 35–50% after snowy winters, by 25–35% after little snowy winters, and prevent the formation of limans in the fields; (b) in comparison with the stubble background to increase the total re-serves of autumn-winter moisture in poorly draining soil by 61–105 mm in favourable years, and by 57 mm in years with the low autumn-winter precipitation. The use of chiselling on a stubble background did not significantly affect the total re-serves of autumn-winter moisture in poorly draining soil.
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Authors and Affiliations

Vladimir L. Astafyev
Pavel G. Ivanchenko

  1. Kostanay Branch of LLC Scientific Production Center of Agricultural Engineering, 110011, Kostanay, Abai Avenue, 34, Kazakhstan
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Heavy metals are a crucial group of chemicals extensively used in materials to meet human needs, eventually leading to contamination of aquatic ecosystems and accumulation in organism’s tissues. Heavy metals enter the aquatic ecosystem from various sources. Those metals that pollute aquatic waters are deposited in sediments, remain dissolved in water or accumulate in the food web of aquatic organisms. Benthic biota is believed to accumulate the highest levels of these metals, while other aquatic animals, such as fish, shrimp, and macroalgae, serve as significant sources of heavy metals intake through food and the environmental exposure. Ina study conducted in and around the east Java, Indonesia, the concentration of heavy metals in commercially important fish species, shellfish, and macroalgae were evaluated using an inductive couple plasma-mass spectrometer (ICP-MS). This study is very important because fishery resources are not only vital for exports but also serve as a primary source of essential food for local communities. The results showed that heavy metal concentration (Pb, Cd, and Hg) in samples were 12.3 mg∙dm –3, 0.171 mg∙dm –3, and undetectable, respectively. This study showed that different metals were present in the samples at different levels, all of which fell within the maximum residual levels set by the EU and USFDA. The results of an analysis of food safety based on the Hazard Index showed values below 1 point, indicating that fishery products (fish, shrimp, and macroalgae) from the East Java Province are generally safe for human consumption.
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Authors and Affiliations

Sapto Andriyono
Nuning Vita Hidayati
Mirna Fitrani
Latifah A. Manaf
Ahasan Habib
Umi U. Dewi
Saadah Mukadar

  1. Universitas Airlangga, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine, Department of Marine, Kampus C Unair, Jl. Mulyorejo,Surabaya 60115, East Java, Indonesia
  2. Jenderal Soedirman University, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Department of Aquatic Resources Management,Jl. Dr. Soeparno, Purwokerto, Indonesia
  3. Universitas Sriwijaya, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Aquaculture, Jl. Palembang-Prabumulih Km-32 Inderalaya,Ogan Ilir, Sumatera Selatan, 30662, Indonesia
  4. Universiti Putra Malaysia, Faculty of Environmental and Forestry, Department of Environment, Serdang, Selangor, 43400, Malaysia
  5. Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Faculty of Fisheries and Food Science, Kuala Nerus, Terengganu, 21020, Malaysia
  6. Office of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Department of Aquaculture, East Java Province, Jl. Ahmad Yani, 152 B, 60235, Surabaya, Indonesia

Authors and Affiliations

Sang-Hyeon Jo
Seong-Hee Lee

  1. Mokpo National University, Advanced Materials Science and Engineering, Muan-gun , Jeonnam 58554, Korea
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Research results of fluorine accumulation in fallow deers bones in Western Pomerania were presented. Fluorine contents denotation was made by potentiometer method with ioneselective elektrode use. Dependence of fluorine accumulation on age and individual features of animals, regions properties of investigated area and distances from emission sources of fluorine compounds were examined. Dependences characteristic for probabilistic variables were obtained. For measurements results description were used neural networks MLP, RBP, GRNN.
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Authors and Affiliations

Zygmunt Machey
Violetta Dziedziejko
Jerzy Straszko
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The possibility of controlling the solidification and cooling time of castings creates prospects of improving their structure and by the same their properties. Thermal properties of the mould constitute therefore an important factor which is necessary to consider while seeking for the mentioned improvement. The presented work illustrates the method of determining some basic thermal coefficients of moulding material, i.e. the coefficient of temperature equalisation a2, known also as the temperature diffusivity, and the heat accumulation coefficient b2, which characterises the ability of moulding material to draw away the heat from a casting. The method consists in experimental determining the temperature field within the mould during the processes of pouring, solidification and cooling of the casting. The performed measurements allow for convenient and exact calculations of the sought-after coefficients. Examinations were performed for the oil bonded moulding sand of trade name OBB SAND ‘E’. The experiment showed that the obtained value of b2 coefficient differs from the value calculated on the basis of theoretical considerations available in publications. Therefore it can be stated that theoretical calculations of the heat accumulation coefficient are thus far not sufficient and not quite reliable, so that these calculations should be verified experimentally.
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Z. Konopka
M. Łągiewka
A. Zyska
M. Nadolski
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This article is a presentation of the analysis of new class of logarithmic analog-to-digital converter (LADC) with accumulation of charge and impulse feedback. Development of mathematical models of errors, quantitative assessment of these errors taking into account modern components and assessing the accuracy of logarithmic analog-to-digital converter (LADC) with accumulation of charge and impulse feedback were presented. (Logarithmic ADC with accumulation of charge and impulse feedback – analysis and modeling).
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[6] J. Guilherme, J. Vital, Jose Franca, “A True Logarithmic Analog-to-Digital Pipeline Convener with 1.5bitistage and Digital Correction,” Proc. IEEE International Conference on Electronics Circuits and Systems, pp. 393-396, Malta 2001
[7] G. Bucci, M. Faccio, C. Landi, “The performance test of a piece-linear A/D converter,” IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, St. Paul USA May 1998, pp.1223.1228
[8] J. Guilherme, J. Vital, J. Franca, “A CMOS Logarithmic Pipeline A/D Converter with a Dynamic Range of 80 dB,” IEEE Electronics, Circuits and Systems, 2002. 9th International Conference on, (2002), no.3/02, pp. 193-196
[9] J. Sit and R. Sarpeshkar, “A Micropower Logarithmic A/D With Offset and Temperature Compensation,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, 39 (2004), nr. 2, pp. 308-319
[10] J. Mahattanakul, “Logarithmic data converter suitable for hearing aid applications,” Electronic Letters, 41 (2005), no.7, pp. 31-32
[11] S. Sirimasakul, A. Thanachayanont, W. Jeamsaksiri, “Low-Power Current-Mode Logarithmic Pipeline Analog-to-Digital Converter for ISFET based pH Sensor,” IEEE ISCIT, 2009, no.6/09, pp. 1340-1343
[12] M. Santosa, N. Hortaa, J. Guilherme, “A survey on nonlinear analog-to-digital converters,” Integration, the VLSI Journal, Volume 47, Issue 1, pp. 12–22, January 2014
[13] Z.R. Mychuda, “Logarithmic Analog-To-Digital Converters – ADC of the Future,” Prostir, Lviv, Ukraine 2002, pp. 242
[14] A. Szcześniak, Z Myczuda, “A method of charge accumulation in the logarithmic analog-to-digital converter with a successive approximation,” Electrical Review, 86 (2010), no.10, pp. 336-340
[15] A. Szcześniak, U. Antoniw, Ł. Myczuda, Z. Myczuda, „Logarytmiczne przetworniki analogowo-cyfrowe z nagromadzeniem ładunku i impulsowym sprzężeniem zwrotnym,” Electrical Review, R. 89 no. 8/2013, pp. 277 – 281
[16] A. Szcześniak, Z. Myczuda, „Analiza prądów upływu logarytmicznego przetwornika analogowo-cyfrowego z sukcesywną aproksymacją,” Electrical Review, 88 (2012), no. 5а, pp. 247-250
[17] J.H. Moon, D. Y. Kim, M. K. Song, Patent No. KR20110064514A, “Logarithmic Single-Slope Analog Digital Convertor, Image Sensor Device And Thermometer Using The Same, And Method For Logarithmic Single-Slope Analog Digital Converting,”
[18] J. Gorisse, F. A. Cathelin, A. Kaiser, E. Kerherve Patent No. EP2360838A1, “Method for logarithmic analog-to-digital conversion of an analog input signal and corresponding apparatus,”
[19] R. Offen Patent No. DE102008007207A1 “Logarithmierender Analog-Digital Wandler,”
[20] H. Suzunaga Patent No. US20080054163A1, “Logarithmic-compression analog-digital conversion circuit and semiconductor photosensor device,”
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Authors and Affiliations

Zynoviy Mychuda
Lesya Mychuda
Uliana Antoniv
Adam Szcześniak

  1. Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of the Computer-Assisted Systems of Automation, Ukraine
  2. University of Technology in Kielce, Department of Mechatronics and Machine Building, Poland
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This article is a presentation of the analysis of new class of logarithmic analog-to-digital converter (LADC) with accumulation of charge and impulse feedback. LADC construction, principle of operation and dynamic properties were presented. They can also be part of more complex converters and systems based on LADC. LADC of this class is perspective for implementation in the form of integrated circuit, as the number of switched capacitors needed to conversion is minimized to one capacitor. (Logarithmic ADC with accumulation of charge and impulse feedback – construction, principle of operation and dynamic properties)
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[1] S. Purighalla, B. Maundy, “84-dB Range Logarithmic Digital-to-Analog Converter in CMOS 0.18-μm Technology”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 58 (2011), no.5, pp. 279-283
[2] J. Lee, J. Kang, S. Park, J. Seo, J. Anders, J. Guilherme, M. P. Flynn, “A 2.5 mW 80 dB DR 36 dB SNDR 22 MS/s Logarithmic Pipeline ADC,” IEEE Journal Of Solid-State Circuits, 44 (2009), no.10, pp. 2755-2765
[3] B. Maundy, D. Westwick, S. Gift, “On a class of pseudo-logarithmic amplifiers suitable for use with digitally switched resistors,” Int. J. of Circuit Theory and Applications, vol. 36 (2008), no.1, pp. 81–108
[4] B. Maundy, D. Westwick, S. Gift, (2007) “A useful pseudo-logarithmic circuit,” Microelectronics International, Vol. 24 Iss: 2, pp.35 - 45
[5] M. Alirieza, L. Jing and J. Dileepan, “Digital Pixel Sensor Array with Logarithmic Delta-Sigma Architecture,” Sensors, 13(8), pp. 10765- 10782, August 2013
[6] J. Guilherme, J. Vital, Jose Franca, “A True Logarithmic Analog-to- Digital Pipeline Convener with 1.5bitistage and Digital Correction,” Proc. IEEE International Conference on Electronics Circuits and Systems, pp. 393-396, Malta 2001
[7] G. Bucci, M. Faccio, C. Landi, “The performance test of a piece-linear A/D converter,” IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, St. Paul USA May 1998, pp.1223.1228
[8] J. Guilherme, J. Vital, J. Franca, “A CMOS Logarithmic Pipeline A/D Converter with a Dynamic Range of 80 dB,” IEEE Electronics, Circuits and Systems, 2002. 9th International Conference on, (2002), no.3/02, pp. 193-196
[9] J. Sit and R. Sarpeshkar, “A Micropower Logarithmic A/D With Offset and Temperature Compensation,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, 39 (2004), nr. 2, pp. 308-319
[10] J. Mahattanakul, “Logarithmic data converter suitable for hearing aid applications,” Electronic Letters, 41 (2005), no.7, pp. 31-32
[11] S. Sirimasakul, A. Thanachayanont, W. Jeamsaksiri, “Low-Power Current-Mode Logarithmic Pipeline Analog-to-Digital Converter for ISFET based pH Sensor,” IEEE ISCIT, 2009, no.6/09, pp. 1340-1343
[12] M. Santosa, N. Hortaa, J. Guilherme, “A survey on nonlinear analog-todigital converters,” Integration, the VLSI Journal, Volume 47, Issue 1, pp. 12–22, January 2014
[13] Z.R. Mychuda, “Logarithmic Analog-To-Digital Converters – ADC of the Future,” Prostir, Lviv, Ukraine 2002, pp. 242
[14] A. Szcześniak, Z Myczuda, “A method of charge accumulation in the logarithmic analog-to-digital converter with a successive approximation,” Electrical Review, 86 (2010), no.10, pp. 336-340
[15] A. Szcześniak, U. Antoniw, Ł. Myczuda, Z. Myczuda, „Logarytmiczne przetworniki analogowo-cyfrowe z nagromadzeniem ładunku i impulsowym sprzężeniem zwrotnym,” Electrical Review, R. 89 no. 8/2013, pp. 277 – 281
[16] A. Szcześniak, Z. Myczuda, „Analiza prądów upływu logarytmicznego przetwornika analogowo-cyfrowego z sukcesywną aproksymacją,” Electrical Review, 88 (2012), no. 5а, pp. 247-250
[17] J.H. Moon, D. Y. Kim, M. K. Song, Patent No. KR20110064514A, “Logarithmic Single-Slope Analog Digital Convertor, Image Sensor Device And Thermometer Using The Same, And Method For Logarithmic Single-Slope Analog Digital Converting,”
[18] J. Gorisse, F. A. Cathelin, A. Kaiser, E. Kerherve Patent No. EP2360838A1, “Method for logarithmic analog-to-digital conversion of an analog input signal and corresponding apparatus,”
[19] R. Offen Patent No. DE102008007207A1 “Logarithmierender Analog- Digital Wandler,”
[20] H. Suzunaga Patent No. US20080054163A1, “Logarithmic-compression analog-digital conversion circuit and semiconductor photosensor device,”
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Authors and Affiliations

Zynoviy Mychuda
Lesya Mychuda
Uliana Antoniv
Adam Szcześniak

  1. Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of the Computer-Assisted Systems of Automation, Ukraine
  2. University of Technology in Kielce, Department of Mechatronics and Machine Building, Poland
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The critical plane orientations determined with account for maximum value of energy density parameters and the weight function method were compared to experimental fatigue fracture plane orientations. Energy density parameters used in two multiaxial fatigue failure criteria, i.e. (i) criterion of the maximum normal strain energy density on the critical plane and (ii) criterion of the maximum shear strain energy density on the critical plane were employed. In the other method, the weight functions were formed on the basis of energy parameters. These two methods were verified by experimental tests of 1802A steel. The material was subjected to cyclic and random bending, torsion and combined bending with torsion with different coefficients of cross correlation between normal and shear stresses. The calculated results are satisfactory for both methods.
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Authors and Affiliations

Aleksander Karolczuk
Ewald Macha
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Snowmelt is a very important component of freshwater resources in the polar environment. Seasonal fluctuations in the water supply to glacial drainage systems influence glacier dynamics and indirectly affect water circulation and stratification in fjords. Here, we present spatial distribution of the meltwater production from the snow cover on Hansbreen in southern Spitsbergen. We estimated the volume of freshwater coming from snow deposited over this glacier. As a case study, we used 2014 being one of the warmest season in the 21st century. The depth of snow cover was measured using a high frequency Ground Penetrating Radar close to the maximum stage of accumulation. Simultaneously, a series of studies were conducted to analyse the structure of the snowpack and its physical properties in three snow pits in different glacier elevation zones. These data were combined to construct a snow density model for the entire glacier, which together with snow depth distribution represents essential parameters to estimate glacier winter mass balance. A temperature index model was used to calculate snow ablation, applying an average temperature lapse rate and surface elevation changes. Applying variable with altitude degree day factor, we estimated an average daily rate of ablation between 0.023 m d-1 °C-1 (for the ablation zone) and 0.027 m d-1 °C-1 (in accumulation zone). This melting rate was further validated by direct ablation data at reference sites on the glacier. An average daily water production by snowmelt in 2014 ablation season was 0.0065 m w.e. (water equivalent) and 41.52·106 m3 of freshwater in total. This ablation concerned 85.5% of the total water accumulated during winter in snow cover. Extreme daily melting exceeded 0.020 m w.e. in June and September 2014 with a maximum on 6th July 2014 (0.027 m w.e.). The snow cover has completely disappeared at the end of ablation season on 75.8% of the surface of Hansbreen.

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Authors and Affiliations

Aleksander Uszczyk
Mariusz Grabiec
Michał Laska
Michael Kuhn
Dariusz Ignatiuk
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The four-layer stack accumulative roll bonding (ARB) process using AA1050, AA5052 and AA6061 alloy sheets is performed up to 2 cycles without a lubricant at room temperature. The sample fabricated by the ARB is a multi-layer complex aluminum alloy sheet in which the AA1050, AA5052 and AA6061 alloys are alternately stacked to each other. The changes of microstructure and mechanical properties with annealing for the-ARBed aluminum sheet are investigated in detail. The as-ARBed sheet shows an ultrafine grained structure, however the grain diameter is some different depending on the kind of aluminum alloys. The complex aluminum alloy still shows ultrafine structure up to annealing temperature of 250℃, but above 275℃ it exhibits a heterogeneous structure containing both the ultrafine grains and the coarse grains due to an occurrence of discontinuous recrystallization. This change in microstructure with annealing also has an effect on the change of the mechanical properties of the sample. Especially, the specimen annealed at 300℃ represents abnormal values for the strength coefficient K and work hardening exponent n value.
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Authors and Affiliations

Sang-Hyeon Jo
Seong-Hee Lee

  1. Mokpo National University, Advanced Materials Science and Engineering, Muan-Gun, Jeonnam 58554, Korea

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