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The paper presented the model of a problem of choosing the location of a car crane for the installation of prefabricated elements in a given assembly situation with the solution proposal. The issue relates to the situation, in which the dimensions of the shielding structure (assembled) are specified, sizes and weights of the prefabricated elements with their location on the structure. The solution seeks the best location of a crane from the point of view of the parameters of the crane, scope and height of the lift.

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P. Marcinkowski
M. Banach
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The introduction of the sustainable development elements in the construction industry leads to finding new ways of using waste minerals that are difficult in storage and recycling. Coal combustion products have been already introduced into building materials as a part of cement or concrete but they have been thought insufficiently compatible with the polymer-cement binders [7]. The paper presents results of the mechanical properties of polymer-cement composites containing two types of mineral additives: waste perlite powder that is generated during the perlite expanding process, and calcium fly ash which is the byproduct of burning coal in conventional furnaces. Mechanical tests of polymer-cement composites modified with wastes were carried out after 28 and 90 days of curing. As a part of preliminary study specific surface area and particle size distribution of mineral wastes were determined.

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B. Jaworska
J.J. Sokołowska
P. Łukowski
J. Jaworski
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VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd. has developed and utilized Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramic (LTCC) technology for about 25 years. This paper presents our activities related to photonics and millimetre-waves, including also a relevant literature survey. First a short summary of the technology is given. Especially, the unique features of LTCC technology are described in more details. In addition, several examples have been given to show the validity of LTCC technology in these high-performance fields.

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Authors and Affiliations

Markku Lahti
Kari Kautio
Mikko Karppinen
Kimmo Keränen
Jyrki Ollila
Pentti Karioja
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Iron oxide nanoparticles were incorporated to form composite microspheres of SiO2 and Fe2O3 for magnetic separation of the particles after adsorption or photochemical decomposition. Economic material, sodium silicate, was purified by ion exchange to prepare aqueous silicic acid solution, followed by mixing with iron oxide nanoparticles. Resulting aqueous dispersion was emulsified, and composite microspheres of SiO2 and Fe2O3 was formed from the emulsion droplets as micro-reactors during heating. Removal of methylene blue using the composite microspheres was performed by batch adsorption process. Synthesis of composite microspheres of silica containing Fe2O3 and TiO2 nanoparticles was also possible, the particles could be separated using magnets efficiently after removal of organic dye.
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[1] L. Zou, Y. Luo, M. Hooper, E. Hu, Chem. Eng. Process. 45 (11), 959-964 (2006).
[2] F.H. Hussein, T.A. Abass, Int. J. Chem. Sci. 8 (3), 1409-1420 (2010).
[3] H .P. Shivaraju, Int. J. Env. Sci. 1 (5), 911-923 (2011).
[4] A.M. Youssef, A.I. Ahmed, M.I. Amin, U.A. El-Banna, Desalin. Water Treat. 54 (6), 1694-1707 (2015).
[5] E . Colombo, M. Ashokkumar, RSC Adv. 7, 48222-48229 (2017).
[6] M. Schneider, T. Ballweg, L. Groß, C. Gellermann, A. Sanchez‐ Sanchez, V. Fierro, A. Celzard, K. Mandel, Part. Part. Syst. Charact. 36 (6) 1800537-, (2019).
[7] M. Farahmandjou, F. Soflaee, Phys. Chem. Res. 3 (3), 193-198 (2015).
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Authors and Affiliations

Young-Sang Cho
Sohyeon Sung

  1. Korea Polytechnic University, Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, 237 Sangidaehak-ro, Siheung-si, Gyeonggi 15073, Korea
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Crane selection is an important issue in assembly works planning. Tower and telescopic, stationary and mobile cranes used in construction have essentially different properties. Assembly planning begins in analyzing the possibilities of assembly with a given crane. This is called technical aspect of crane selection. Cranes that meet the technical criteria are then analyzed in terms of other criteria related to the effectiveness of their use on the construction site. The article presents the assessment of the selection criteria and the method of crane selection itself. Surveys conducted among construction managers and planners in Polish companies dealing with assembly works allowed to determine the significance of the selection criteria. For this purpose, an example using SAW (Simple Additive Weighting) and FSAW (Fuzzy Simple Additive Weighting) methods was presented. They also allowed to propose a technique for determining preferences in the use of selected construction cranes. The aim of the research was to increase the usability of computer applications supporting assembly planning by acquiring expert knowledge for the initial selection of organizational solutions.

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Authors and Affiliations

Roman Marcinkowski
Maciej Banach
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The study of liquid crystalline assemblies, with an emphasis on biological phenomena, is now accessible using newly developed microdevices integrated with X-ray analysis capability. Many biological systems can be described in terms of gradients, mixing, and confinement, all of which can be mimicked with the use of appropriate microfluidic designs. The use of hydrodynamic focusing creates well-defined mixing conditions that vary depending on parameters such as device geometry, and can be quantified with finite element modelling.We describe experiments in which geometry and strain rate induce finite changes in liquid crystalline orientation. We also demonstrate the online supramolecular assembly of lipoplexes. The measurement of lipoplex orientation as a function of flow velocity allows us to record a relaxation process of the lipoplexes, as evidenced by a remarkable 4-fold azimuthal symmetry. All of these processes are accessible due to the intentional integration of design elements in the microdevices.

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H.M. Evans
R. Dootz
S. Köster
B. Struth
T. Pfohl
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The solution of planetary gear with simplifying technology using the same geometry of the sun gear and the central gear is already known. The authors decided to change this concept i.e. to design a planetary gear with the same geometry of satellite wheels, which cooperate with a sun gear and a central gear with different number of teeth. The structural solution of elements of the gear is analyzed taking advantage of computational technique. Geometrical dimensions are described for the sake of teeth correction. Calculations and structural solutions of this kind of transmission are shown in the article.

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Jan Ryś
Tomasz Kasperek
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The paper proposes three multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods for the selection

of an industrial robot for a universal, flexible assembly station, taking into consideration the

technical and performance parameters of the robot. Fuzzy versions of AHP and TOPSIS

methods as well as SMART were chosen from the variety of MCDM methods as they represent

different attitudes to analysis. In order to minimise the impact of the method applied on

the final decision, a list of results of the analyses has been developed and a final classification

has been made based on decision makers’ preferences concerning selected parameters of the


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Marcin Suszynski
Michał Rogalewicz
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In the assembly industry, almost all components are outsourced or transferred to other

parties, in order to meet the need for supply. This is referred as outsourcing of production.

The outsourcing of assembly product components is based on a relationship model

between the contractor and the industry. However, there is no relationship or communication

pattern between the contractor or supplier and the assembler. Hence, in order to

accelerate line production and overcome problems with assembly components, the communication

path is shortened by providing a direct communication channel between the

assembler and the supplier or contractor, in order to communicate any problems that arise

during the assembly process by internal communication within the industry. The purpose

of this study is the design and development of a web-based software application electronic

data interchange (EDI) that can be used as a tool for communication between the assembler

and supplier. The EDI application provides formal communication between the assembly

industry and the contractor providing the components or parts needed in the assembly process.

The main purpose of using EDI technology is to help the assembler to communicate

the relevant documents to suppliers quickly, accurately and efficiently. The documents to

be communicated are in the form of reports or claims, and are related to non-conformities,

errors and component difficulties arising during the assembly process. This research novelty

is providing direct communication between assembly and supplier by using EDI application

that can give contribution in manufacturing area so it can accelerate the line production in


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Authors and Affiliations

Rika Yunitarini
Pratikto Pratikto
Purnomo Budi Santoso
Sugiono Santoso
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Environmental awareness among the masses compelled many companies to adopt sustainable practices in their business operations. Remanufacturing is a well-tested and successful business model practiced in many European countries. But in many African and Asian countries, it is still nascent, including India. This research study tries to identify the critical factors in the “Operational Management” area for the viability of remanufacturing business in India. For this purpose, a questionnaire was developed based on the important factors identified from the extensive literature review. An online questionnaire survey was conducted among Indian white goods appliance manufacturing companies and their suppliers. The responses were analyzed statistically and ranked based on their criticality in initiating remanufacturing business in India. The findings may help the Indian government and manufacturing firms to frame proper strategies related to the operational management issues of remanufacturing business in India.
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Ajay Kumar Sinha
Hanumantha Rao P.
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The fourth industrial revolution has broadly transformed the manufacturing system. However, this transformation is somewhat lacking in traditional or manual production systems due to the absence of IT infrastructure. Such traditional industries need to have the advantage of real-time control and monitoring. This study has developed economic assembly planning, scheduling, and control for a traditional assembly system. We used the concept of the configurable virtual workstation as the digitalization framework. Then, we employed the decentralized scheduling concept to reduce the computational effort in scheduling the complex product. The implementation result showed that scheduling and planning have transformed the traditional assembly process into intelligent scheduling and control with low digitalization effort
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Although self-modifying code has been shyed away from due to its complexity and discouragement due to safety issues, it nevertheless provides for a very unique obfuscation method and a different perspective on the relationship between data and code. The generality of the von Neumann architecture is hardly realized by today’s processor models. A code-only model is shown where every instruction merely modifies other instructions yet achieves the ability to compute and Turing machine operation is easily possible.
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Gregory Morse
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The results presented here are twofold. First, a heuristic algorithm is proposed which, through removing some unnecessary arcs from a digraph, tends to reduce it into an adjoint and thus simplifies the search for a Hamiltonian cycle. Second, a heuristic algorithm for DNA sequence assembly is proposed, which uses a graph model of the problem instance, and incorporates two independent procedures of reducing the set of arcs - one of them being the former algorithm. Finally, results of tests of the assembly algorithm on parts of chromosome arm 2R of Drosophila melanogaster are presented.

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J. Błazewicz
M. Kasprzak
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The aim of this article is to present the design procedure for determining modification coefficients of toothed wheels of involutes planetary gear train with internal conjunction of teeth. It is possible to obtain a higher load-carrying capacity which depends also on correction coefficients. For example, we take into consideration a concept of planetary gears in which the teeth can be corrected, which allows better fatigue and contact surface strength. Two cases are considered when the namely zero center distance (without corrections) of the central and satellite wheels is the same or not, in relation to the zero center distance between the satellite and the sun wheel. Geometrical dimensions are described with regard to the technological teeth correction scope, and inequality restriction conditions are determined with respect to the ISO standards recommendations and the literature. The procedure can be applied to any other planetary gears with another kinematic connection of wheels.

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Jan Ryś
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In the two-sided mixed-model assembly line, there is a process of installing two single stations

in each position left and right of the assembly line with the combining of the product model.

The main aim of this paper is to develop a new mathematical model for the mixed model

two-sided assembly line balancing (MTALB) generally occurs in plants producing large-sized

high-volume products such as buses or trucks.

According to the literature review, authors focus on research gap that indicate in MTALB

problem, minimize the length of the line play crucial role in industry space optimization.In

this paper, the proposed mathematical model is applied to solve benchmark problems of

two-sided mixed-model assembly line balancing problem to maximize the workload on each

workstation which tends to increase the compactness in the beginning workstations which

also helps to minimize the length of the line.

Since the problem is well known as np-hard problem benchmark problem is solved using

a branch and bound algorithm on lingo 17.0 solver and based on the computational results,

station line effectiveness and efficiency that is obtained by reducing the length of the line in

mated stations of the assembly line is increased.

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Ashish Yadav
Pawan Verma
Sunil Agrawal
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In order to improve the operational reliability and service life of the main systems, components and assemblies (SCA) of railway transport (RT), it is necessary to timely detect (diagnose) their defects, including the use of the methods of intellectual analysis and data processing.
One of the promising approaches to the synthesis of the SCA functional control system is the use of intelligent technology (INTECH) methods. This technology is based on maximizing the information capacity of an automated decision support system for detecting faults during its training.
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[1] M. Schickert, I. Aydin, M. Karak¨ose, E. & Akin, ”A new contactless fault diagnosis approach for pantograph-catenary system,” in MECHATRONIKA, 2012 15th International Symposium, pp. 1-6, IEEE, 2012.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ayaulym Oralbekova
Marzhana Amanova
Kamila Rustambekova
Zhanat Kaskatayev
Olga Kisselyova
Roza Nurgaliyeva

  1. Kazakh University Ways of Communications, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  2. Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M. Tynyshpayev, Almaty, Kazakhstan
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The increasing demand for high-speed rotor-bearing systems results in the application of complex materials, which allow for a better control of the vibrational characteristics. This paper presents a model of a rotor including viscoelastic materials and valid up to high spin speeds. Regarding the destabilization of rotor-bearing systems, two main effects have to be investigated, which are strongly related to the associated internal and external damping of the rotor. For this reason, the internal material damping is modeled using fractional time derivatives, which can represent a large class of viscoelastic materials over a wide frequency range. In this paper, the Numerical Assembly Technique (NAT) is extended for the rotating viscoelastic Timoshenko beam with fractional derivative damping. An efficient and accurate simulation of the proposed rotor-bearing model is achieved. Several numerical examples are presented and the influence of internal damping on the rotor-bearing system is investigated and compared to classical damping models.
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Authors and Affiliations

Gregor Überwimmer
Georg Quinz
Michael Klanner
Katrin Ellermann

  1. Graz University of Technology, Institute of Mechanics, Kopernikusgasse 24/IV, 8010 Graz, Austria
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In this paper, a new application of the Numerical Assembly Technique is presented for the balancing of linear elastic rotor-bearing systems with a stepped shaft and arbitrarily distributed mass unbalance. The method improves existing balancing techniques by combining the advantages of modal balancing with the fast calculation of an efficient numerical method. The rotating stepped circular shaft is modelled according to the Rayleigh beam theory. The Numerical Assembly Technique is used to calculate the steady-state harmonic response, eigenvalues and the associated mode shapes of the rotor. The displacements of a simulation are compared to measured displacements of the rotor-bearing system to calculate the generalized unbalance for each eigenvalue. The generalized unbalances are modified according to modal theory to calculate orthogonal correction masses. In this manner, a rotor-bearing system is balanced using a single measurement of the displacement at one position on the rotor for every critical speed. Three numerical examples are used to show the accuracy and the balancing success of the proposed method.
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Authors and Affiliations

Georg Quinz
Marcel S. Prem
Michael Klanner
Katrin Ellermann

  1. Graz University of Technology, Institute of Mechanics, Kopernikusgasse 24/IV, 8010 Graz, Austria
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Vibration in rotating machinery leads to a series of undesired effects, e.g. noise, reduced service life or even machine failure. Even though there are many sources of vibrations in a rotating machine, the most common one is mass unbalance. Therefore, a detailed knowledge of the system behavior due to mass unbalance is crucial in the design phase of a rotor-bearing system. The modelling of the rotor and mass unbalance as a lumped system is a widely used approach to calculate the whirling motion of a rotor-bearing system. A more accurate representation of the real system can be found by a continuous model, especially if the mass unbalance is not constant and arbitrarily oriented in space. Therefore, a quasi-analytical method called Numerical Assembly Technique is extended in this paper, which allows for an efficient and accurate simulation of the unbalance response of a rotor-bearing system. The rotor shaft is modelled by the Rayleigh beam theory including rotatory inertia and gyroscopic effects. Rigid discs can be mounted onto the rotor and the bearings are modeled by linear translational/rotational springs/dampers, including cross-coupling effects. The effect of a constant axial force or torque on the system response is also examined in the simulation.
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Authors and Affiliations

Michael Klanner
Marcel S. Prem
Katrin Ellermann

  1. Graz University of Technology, Institute of Mechanics, Kopernikusgasse 24/IV, 8010 Graz, Austria
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Improving production processes includes not only activities concerning manufacturing itself, but also all the activities that are necessary to achieve the main objectives. One such activity is transport, which, although a source of waste in terms of adding value to the product, is essential to the realization of the production process. Over the years, many methods have been developed to help manage supply and transport in such a way as to reduce it to the necessary minimum. In the paper, the problem of delivering components to a production area using trains and appropriately laid-out carriages was described. It is a milk run stop locations problem (MRSLP), whose proposed solution is based on the use of heuristic algorithms. Intelligent solutions are getting more and more popular in the industry because of the possible advantages they offer, especially those that include the possibility of finding an optimum local solution in a relatively short time and the prevention of human errors. In this paper, the applicability of three algorithms – tabu search, genetic algorithm, and simulated annealing – was explored.
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Joanna Kochańska
Anna Burduk
Dagmara Łapczyńska
Kamil Musiał

  1. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, 50-370 Wroclaw, Poland
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This article presents a collective portrait of the 231 deputies of the 1919 Constituent Assembly who match the broad label 'journalist politicians'. The basic source for this analysis are the minutes of the proceedings, Stenographic Reports of the Legislative Sejm (1919–1922), as well as various printed materials produced by the assembly, including questions and interpellations, urgent motions, rules of procedure, lists and inventories, etc.
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Grażyna Wrona

  1. Instytut Nauk o Informacji, Uniwersytet Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
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Shifting masses in a confined space in the company of other machines and devices, which limits the manoeuvring and transport area, poses a significant problem in every field of industry, especially with underground mining. The works involved in transporting and manoeuvring masses in underground workings are challenging and are most often performed using various auxiliary machines or manually. Hence the need arose to develop a device carrying out activities related to the shifting of masses with the assumed maximum value. The device was created as a result of cooperation between FAMA sp. z o.o. and the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, Poland. The mining modular transport and assembly unit (MZT-M) enables assembling and transporting various masses, especially the elements of the roadway support in the face. The primary function of this device is its movement in the excavation along with the transported mass and delivering it to a specific place. Therefore, an important issue is to ensure the module’s stability in different phases of its operation (lifting, transport, manoeuvring, feeding, lowering) due to the limited space in the excavation. That is why an analytical model and specialised software were created to determine the design parameters of the device as a function of its operating phases, especially the counterweight’s mass. As previously mentioned, an analytical model (physical, mathematical) with equations and applications written in Microsoft Visual Studio and Matlab was used for this purpose. It is beneficial at the design or construction changes stage. Calculation results are documented in the form of numerical summaries and graphs.
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Krzysztof Krauze
Ryszard Klempka
Kamil Mucha
Tomasz Wydro

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland
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In mid-1992, Japanese consultant Yamada Hitoshi was tasked with modifying the production systems of Japanese companies as the existing configurations at manufacturing plants no longer satisfied unstable demands. He made improvements to the overall production system by dividing the long assembly lines into several short ones called cells or seru. Although of the advantages, it is still unclear about how to manage this new production system, and what variables really promoted the desired benefits. We identify in total 39 articles from 2004– 2020 about the progress of the seru production system, and we observe some possibilities to improve the effectiveness of this type of the production system. The first is the possibility of manufacturing the product in flexible sequence, in which the operations are independent among them. We show through the developed example that the makespan may be different. We noted when converting the in-line production system to one pure seru, the makespan tend to increase. Nevertheless, when analyzing the effectiveness of serus working concomitantly considering splitting the same lot, makespan and the cost may be reduced. And finally, when converting to one of pure serus, the performance may be similar to that obtained when serus working concomitantly.
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Yung Chin Shih
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In the current industrial context, the human workforce still represents a key resource thanks to its cognitive and motor flexibility. The present work explores the role of Industry 4.0 assistive technologies in production and logistics systems from a human-centric perspective. These technologies aim to provide cognitive or physical support to operators executing manual tasks, rather than substituting them. Therefore, there is need for a comprehensive understanding of the impact of assistive technologies on the well-being and performance of operators from a human-centric perspective. In this paper, a literature review on available assistive technologies is provided. Technologies are classified based on the type of manual task (picking, assembly), type of support provided to the operator (cognitive, motor), and potential drawbacks. Outcomes emphasize the need of a thorough human-centric perspective in developing and deploying assistive technologies.
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Giovanni MUMMOLO

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