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The goal of this paper is to present the author’s thoughts on the possible contribution of

quality engineering to sustainable development. It is indicated that in the product life cycle

designers have the greatest potential to support this challenge. Arguments have been presented to abandon the commonly accepted paradigm, according to which the overriding goal

of the designer is to achieve the highest market value possible measured by the prospected

level of demand for the products designed. It is postulated to include the minimization of

the risks brought to the natural environment and social relations as a criterion of product

design quality. To this goal, it is necessary for designers to pursue both environmentally

friendly materials and technologies and design concepts reducing consumers’ pressure on

continuously increasing demand. Such an approach will allow for more effective control of

consumption, the main cause of the negative effects of economic growth.

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Adam Hamrol
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A longstanding folk tradition among rural Russian peasants, ulichnye familii (‘street surnames’) were used by Doukhobors colloquially ‘on the street’ of a village to distinguish among families sharing the same official surname. Similar to Quebecois dit names and Scottish sept names, ulichnye familii arose because of the low surname stock within Doukhobor society. Passed down to succeeding generations and transferred between settlements, these names became a recognized form of address among Doukhobors, helping structure kinship networks and organize social interactions among villagers. When a large contingent of Doukhobors emigrated from the Caucasus to the Canadian prairies in 1899, they continued this naming practice in their settlements well into the early 20th century. A ubiquitous part of their culture for generations, today ulichnye familii have all but disappeared among Doukhobors, as a result of their assimilation, dispersal and modernization. This article offers an analysis of the Doukhobor anthroponymic custom of ulichnye familii: the social factors leading to their adoption; the etymological processes through which these names were formed; the manner in which they were used and transmitted; and the elements contributing to their eventual decline and disuse. It also includes an inventory of extant ulichnye familii among the Doukhobors of the Caucasus and Canada, obtained through extensive fi eld interviews and archival research.

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Jonathan J. Kalmakoff
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Production is becoming more customer-focused as it departs from delivering standardized mass products to market segments, and the emerging Industry 4.0 technologies render this much easier than before. These technologies enable two-way information exchange with customers throughout all the steps of product development, particularly in terms of tailor-made products. This study aims at presenting proposals of implementing Industry 4.0 technologies into the process of tailored products, where the product is customized for the customer from the start and where adjustments are also made at the manufacturing stage. The study also aims to build a concept of intensification of customer contact and to improve the process flow by applying Industry 4.0 technologies. The study’s subject is tailor-made furniture production, with individually designed products that are manufactured and installed at a customer’s facilities. The company in the study operates on a small scale. The study employs a case study methodology that shows how the process can be improved in terms of real-time effective customer contact and process flow. The huge potential of 3D visualization as well as augmented and virtual reality technologies are also demonstrated. The study concludes with several directions for further development of existing technology solutions.
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Krzysztof Łukaszewicz
Wiesław Urban
Elżbieta Krawczyk-Dembicka

  1. Faculty of Engineering Management, Department of Production Management, Bialystok University of Technology, Wiejska 45A Street, 15-351 Białystok, Poland
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In this article conclusions from nearly 10 years of collaboration with Polish and German Engineer-to-Order (ETO) small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from mechanical sector was presented. Research objective was to highlight common organizational problems they are dealing with, which prevent them from transition to Mass Customizers. As a result, a concept of 5 foundations for robust process design was proposed: procedures, product selection, machining philosophy, planning and storage, cross-functional teams. More practical solutions from this field have to be published to fill the research gap.
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Bartosz Ciesla
Janusz Mleczko
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Law is grounded in time and is constantly shaped by historical circumstances. Treaties, produced by voluntary acts at a given point in time, remain generally in force without a formal endpoint, while customary law arises from practice and lacks specific points of departure and conclusion. Through the practice of their application, both treaties and customary law may change their content and meaning to a far greater extent than domestic rules. Generally, international law resists retroactive application. However the recognition of sovereign equality to all States in the process of decolonization represents an example of profound change. While the problems deriving from armed conflict and former colonial domination must be assessed by the standards of their epoch and not by having recourse to the rules and principles of our time, at the same time it must be borne in mind that many of the acts considered perfectly lawful when they occurred were marred by deep injustices, producing effects which need to be addressed by the law of our time.
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Christian Tomuschat

  1. Professor emeritus. Dr.-Dr. h.c. mult. (Zürich and Tartu), Humboldt University Berlin, Faulty of Law
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The objective of this article is to present the funerary eye and mouth plates use as a funeral custom from the 10th century in the Carpathian Basin. Presented artefacts, which were interpreted as funerary eye and mouth plates, were sewn onto the shroud used to cover the skull or were placed on the eye cavity and on the mouth of the deceased person. The collected artefacts were divided into four parts, based on the formal aspect. Their characteristics were examined. These artefacts show strong connections with specimens known from eastern Europe, especially with the ones known from the Ural. The ancient Hungarians brought this funeral custom to the Carpathian Basin in the course of their conquest. Ethnic studies are needed to understand the discussed custom, and the subject requires further research.

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Tekla Balogh Bodor
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The present text describes the attitude toward sources of law in the recent works of the International Law Commission (ILC) on custom, general principles of law, and jus cogens (with special emphasis on reports of the respective special rapporteurs). The three main tasks of the text are to verify whether the ILC rapporteurs: grasped the essence of unwritten sources (reality-concern); preserved the coherence of views when referring to different topics (coherence-concern); and last but not least allow states to have the decisive voice as regards the set of their obligations (sovereignty-concern). The author notes the nominal strict attachment of the ILC to two-element nature of custom as a general practice recognized as law. Though in fact it should be a good message for states, this strict attitude of the ILC seems not to be based on a real stress test. It seems to ignore the reality of lawyers and even international judges referring to several customary norms without the slightest attempt to verify the true existence of both the two elements of custom – namely practice and opinio juris. What is more, the ILC does not see any problem with calling all general principles as sources of law. What is overlooked is the element of state consent to be bound by several presumed general principles. This is qualified by the author as a threat to state sovereignty – with states being pressured to follow some patterns of conduct to which they have not given their consent.

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Przemysław Saganek
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Customer churn prediction is used to retain customers at the highest risk of churn by proactively engaging with them. Many machine learning-based data mining approaches have been previously used to predict client churn. Although, single model classifiers increase the scattering of prediction with a low model performance which degrades reliability of the model. Hence, Bag of learners based Classification is used in which learners with high performance are selected to estimate wrongly and correctly classified instances thereby increasing the robustness of model performance. Furthermore, loss of interpretability in the model during prediction leads to insufficient prediction accuracy. Hence, an Associative classifier with Apriori Algorithm is introduced as a booster that integrates classification and association rule mining to build a strong classification model in which frequent items are obtained using Apriori Algorithm. Also, accurate prediction is provided by testing wrongly classified instances from the bagging phase using generated rules in an associative classifier. The proposed models are then simulated in Python platform and the results achieved high accuracy, ROC score, precision, specificity, F-measure, and recall.
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Anitha M A
Sherly K K

  1. Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, College of Engineering Cherthala, Alappuzha, Kerala, India
  2. Information Technology Department, Rajagiri School of Engineering & Technology Kochi-682039, Kerala, India
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Along with changes in customer expectations, the process of ordering a house, especially one built with the most modern technology from prefabricated HQ 40-foot shipping containers, should take place in an atmosphere of free-flowing, customer-friendly conversation. Therefore, it is important that the company producing such a solution has a tool supporting such offers and orders when producing personalized solutions. This article provides an original approach to the automatic processing of orders based on an example of orders for residential shipping containers, natural language processing and so-called premises developed. Our solution overcomes the usage of records of the conversations between the customer and the retailer, in order to precisely predict the variant required for the house ordered, also when providing optimal house recommendations and when supporting manufacturers throughout product design and production. The newly proposed approach examines such recorded conversations in the sale of residential shipping containers and the rationale developed, and then offers the automatic placement of an order. Moreover, the practical significance of the solution, thus proposed, was emphasized thanks to verification by a real residential ship container manufacturing company in Poland.
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Adam Dudek
Justyna Patalas-Maliszewska
Jacek Frączak

  1. University of Applied Sciences in Nysa, Armii Krajowej 7, 48-300 Nysa, Poland
  2. University of Zielona Góra, ul. Licealna 9,65-417 Zielona Góra, Poland
  3. Sanpol Sp. z o.o, Sulechowska 27a, 65-119, Zielona Góra, Poland
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In this article, the Hui Muslim tradition of posting the names of donors during Ramaḍān and ʿĪd al-Fiṭr is illustrated with an example from the city of Liáochéng in 2019. In the past, these notices were posted on the perimeter walls of the mosques of Chinese Muslims on the eve of the festival of breaking the fast, which is a custom not otherwise found in the Islamic-influenced world, shows Chinese influence, and fulfilled a number of functions for the communities concerned. In the meantime, this tradition is no longer practised and, according to people who can confirm this, has been stopped by the authorities as part of some campaign against religious propaganda.
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Michael Knüppel

  1. Liaocheng University, China
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The text discusses medieval and modern sepulchral finds of coins from Eastern Europe, conventionally referred to as the “obol of the dead”. For the first time the phenomenon was observed in 8th century graves of nomads in the Khazar Khaganate. In the 9th and 10th century, Arab dirhams and Byzantine miliarenses appear in graves in the areas of the Scandinavian expansion, mainly in the basin of the upper Volga and the Dnieper. In the 11th century the custom of equipping the dead with coins becomes common and it is mainly West European pennies that are used for the purpose. In the 12th and 13th century, the practice becomes virtually obsolete to experience a revival in the 15th century. In modern times the observance of the custom reaches its peak in the 17th century and remains to be recorded in ethnographic sources until today.


The text presents the custom of equipping the dead with coins, followed in medieval and modern Eastern Europe.

In this area coins appear for the first time in richly equipped graves of nomads, dated to the 8th century, along the lower course of the Don and Volga rivers in the Khazar Khaganate. They are predominantly gold issues — Byzantine solidi and gold-plated dirhams, placed in the mouth of the dead.

In the 9th and 10th centuries coins and their fragments, which can be referred to as “the obol of the dead”, occur in the barrow mounds in the north-west areas of ancient Rus’, on the east and south coast of Ladoga Lake, in the interfluve of the Volga and the Oka as well as in sites located along the upper and middle course of the Dnieper, particularly in the Czernichow Land. In the second part of the 10th and 11th century the custom becomes widespread, and most of the finds come from inhumation burial. Apart from those areas, coins appear in graveyards located along the upper course of the Volga River, in the areas of Lake Peipus and Lake Ilmen as well as in the basin of the Dnieper and further down to Kiev. Characteristically enough, all the sites are located in the area of the Scandinavian expansion and colonisation.

The predominant types of coins found in graves dated to the 10th century are Arab dirhams as well as Byzantine folles, miliarenses and solidi. It should also be noted that graves with pendant-coins become more frequent. At the end of the 10th century there is an observable decrease in the inflow of Arab gold into the Baltic region. At the end of the 10th and the beginning of the 11th century, coins from Western Europe appear and dominate the entire next century. They are usually German issues, but also English and, to a smaller extent, Bohemian and Hungarian coins. Interestingly enough, the number of coins left in the form of “the obol of the dead” is much higher than that of pendant-coins. Sometimes the local, Rus’ coins occur, although rather infrequently.

In the 12th and 13th century the custom of equipping the dead with coins disappears completely from the forest zone of Eastern Europe, which is caused by the cessation of the inflow of Western European coins into Novgorod Rus’ and predominantly, by the evolution of burial practices, manifesting itself in abandoning the custom of equipping the dead. In the 13th and 14th century, after the Mongol invasions, coins reappear in the graves of the nomads of the Golden Horde, who bring the custom from the grasslands of Central Asia. The finds are dominated by Golden Horde issues.

In the 14th century, coins are occasionally used in the burials of Lithuanian and Slavic population in the Polish-Rus’ and Lithuanian-Rus’ border areas (today’s Eastern Poland and Grodno Region). In the latter case, the finds of coins are particularly frequent in graves from the 15th century. Similarly to the 11th century Rus’ this is an area of intensive Christianisation and transformations of burial practices. Outside the Grodno Region, the coins appear frequently in graves across Lithuania, Samogitia, Semigallia, Latgale, Livonia and Courland. In the 16th century, coins start to appear in graves of newly Christianised Finno-Ugric peoples of Mari, Mordva and Udmurt. They appear both as the “obols of the dead” and pendants in lavishly decorated necklaces and hats.

The culmination of the practice of equipping the death with coins falls on the 17th century and the beginning of the 18th century. The areas of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and of the Grand Duchy of Moscow are dominated by local issues, mostly small coins of low nominal value.

In archaeological sources, there is a rapid decrease in the number of sepulchral finds of coins in graves from the second half of the 18th century. We know of only one burial with coins from the 19th century. Similarly, coins were discovered only in one 20th-century grave, which does not, however, signify that the practice of equipping the dead disappeared — it only reflects the current state of examination of contemporary archaeological sites. Ethnographic sources frequently record the tradition of equipping the death and confirm the presence of such practices in the areas of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Poland.

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Łukasz Miechowicz
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In the paper, we investigate queueing system M/G/∞ with non–homogeneous customers. As non–homogenity, we mean that each customer is characterized by some arbitrarily distributed random volume. The arriving customers appear according to a stationary Poisson process. Service time of a customer is proportional to his volume. The system is unreliable what means that all its servers can break simultaneously and then the repair period goes on for random time having an arbitrary distribution. During this period, customers present in the system and arriving to it are not served. Their service continues immediately after repair period termination. Time intervals of the system in good repair mode have an exponential distribution. For such system, we determine steady–state sojourn time and total volume of customers present in it distributions. We also estimate the loss probability for the similar system with limited total volume. An analysis of some special cases and some numerical examples are attached as well.

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O. Tikhonenko
Marcin Ziółkowski
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Stainless steels have a wide usage field, their needs as structural parts are increasing day by day due to their resistance to corrosion and providing sufficient mechanical strength in environments that would cause corrosion. In addition to high mechanical properties of the stainless steels, the low heat transmission coefficients bring problems during machining. In this study, the suitable cutting tool and cutting parameters have been evaluated in terms of cutting forces and the tool temperature, the experimental results and finite element analysis have been compared in the milling of Custom 450 stainless steel which offers especially an excellent working opportunity at high temperature and salinity environment. Milling experiments have been carried out using L16 experimental design for Taguchi method. Four simulations have been made using finite element method with corresponding values in L16 orthogonal array for optimum cutting tool and the results were compared in terms of cutting forces and tool temperature changes.
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Harun Gökçe

  1. Industrial Design Engineering Department in Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey
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In the present paper, we investigate the model of a single-server queueing system with unlimited queue (of MX/G/1/∞-type), random volume customers, unlimited memory buffer and multiple vacations. In analyzed system, arriving customers (that form Poisson entrance flow of groups of customers) transport some information measured in bytes so they are assumed to be additionally characterized by some non-negative random volume. Customer service time generally depends on his volume. Information delivered by a customer is written out into dedicated unlimited memory buffer until customer ends his service. In addition, in considered system the mechanism of multiple vacations is implemented which means that server can have some breaks (rests) for a random period of time but breaks begin only in the moments when there is no customer present in the system. The above-mentioned mechanism has obvious influence on customer waiting time and, in consequence, on customers total volume. For the introduced model, we obtain general formula for the steady-state customers total volume distribution in the terms of Laplace–Stieltjes transforms as well as formulae defining its first two moments. Analysis of some interesting, practical special cases of the model and numerical computations are attached as well together with examples of possible applications of the model regarding real telecommunication or computer systems.
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Authors and Affiliations

Oleg Tikhonenko
Marcin Ziółkowski

  1. Faculty of Designing. University of Social Science and Humanities – USWPS, Warsaw, Poland
  2. Institute of Information Technology. Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Poland
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To survive in the competitive challenges, the products have to be designed to meet the needs and requirements of customers, differ from the competitors, and be friendly with the environment. This research was to propose an innovative design approach for charcoal briquette packaging design to meet the customer requirements. The customer requirements were explored and translated to product characteristics by using quality function deployment. The customers’ perceptions to product visual forms were explored through the emotional design approach. Customers’ requirements and customer perceptions were integrated to create a new charcoal briquette packaging. A new packaging design and process during its life cycle was evaluated an impact on the environment through carbon footprint values. The result showed that the innovative design approach can be used to guide designer design the charcoal briquette packaging to meet the requirements and perceptions of customers, illustrate the product identity and be friendly with the environment.
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Pilada Wangphanich
Nattapong Kongprasert

  1. Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Srinakharinwirot University, Thailand
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The article examines the representations of American family life and customs in the illustrated weekly Tygodnik Mód i Powieści [ A Weekly of Fashion and Novels] from 1860, when Jan Kanty Gregorowicz became editor-in-chief, until 1900. Women's lives got a lot of attention in these stories, in keeping with the magazine's profile. In Congress Poland Tygodnik Mód i Powieści had a large female readership (its main competitor was the weekly Bluszcz), though, by cultivating a lighter tone, it tried to appeal to a broader audience than a typical women's magazine.
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Matthews J.V., The rise of the new woman: the women’s movement in America, 1875–1930, Chicago 2003.
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Rose K.D., Unspeakable awfulness: American through the eyes of European travelers, 1865–1900, New York – London 2014.
Rusinowa I., Indianie, traperzy i osadnicy w dziejach amerykańskiego Zachodu, Warszawa 1990.
Stocka A., Problematyka amerykańska na łamach „Tygodnika Mód i Powieści” w latach 1900–1914, [w:] Czas wojny, czas pokoju: Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki w XX i XXI wieku, t. 2, pod red. Ł. Niewińskiego, Oświęcim 2015.
Stocka A., Stany Zjednoczone w korespondencjach Sygurda Wiśniowskiego do prasy warszawskiej, [w:] Czas wojny, czas pokoju: Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki od niepodległości do współczesności, t. 3, pod red. Ł. Niewińskiego, Oświęcim 2016.
Stocka-Ambruszkiewicz A., Amerykanki i kwestia kobieca na łamach „Tygodnika Mód i Powieści” w latach 1860–1915, „Czasopismo Naukowe Instytutu Studiów Kobiecych” 2019, nr 2.
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Anna Stocka-Ambruszkiewicz

  1. Biblioteka Humanistyczno-Społeczna, Uniwersytet w Białymstoku, pl. Niezależnego Zrzeszenia Studentów 1, PL 15-420 Białystok
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In the present paper, the model of multi–server queueing system with random volume customers, non–identical (heterogeneous) servers and a sectorized memory buffer has been investigated. In such system, the arriving customers deliver some portions of information of a different type which means that they are additionally characterized by some random volume vector. This multidimensional information is stored in some specific sectors of a limited memory buffer until customer ends his service. In analyzed model, the arrival flow is assumed to be Poissonian, customers’ service times are independent of their volume vectors and exponentially distributed but the service parameters may be different for every server. Obtained results include general formulae for the steady–state number of customers distribution and loss probability. Special cases analysis and some numerical computations are attached as well.
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Marcin Ziółkowski

  1. Institute of Information Technology, Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Poland
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In the present paper, we analyze the model of a single–server queueing system with limited number of waiting positions, random volume customers and unlimited sectorized memory buffer. In such a system, the arriving customer is additionally characterized by a non– negative random volume vector whose indications usually represent the portions of unchanged information of a different type that are located in sectors of unlimited memory space dedicated for them during customer presence in the system. When the server ends the service of a customer, information immediately leaves the buffer, releasing resources of the proper sectors. We assume that in the investigated model, the service time of a customer is dependent on his volume vector characteristics. For such defined model, we obtain a general formula for steady–state joint distribution function of the total volume vector in terms of Laplace-Stieltjes transforms. We also present practical results for some special cases of the model together with formulae for steady–state initial moments of the analyzed random vector, in cases where the memory buffer is composed of at most two sectors. Some numerical computations illustrating obtained theoretical results are attached as well.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marcin Ziółkowski
Oleg Tikhonenko

  1. Institute of Information Technology, Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Poland
  2. Institute of Computer Science, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw, Poland
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This article discusses the use of small lead seals (seal tags) in early medieval Poland for commercial and customs control in the context of an economic crisis. The introduction of sealing goods by the Piasts is explained by its cultural transfer from Rus’. Polish commercial lead seals were in use synchronously with Hohlpfennigs from the middle of the 13th to the middle of the 14th century. Their design systematically reflected signs and symbols on bracteates and differed significantly from other small seals of Drohiczyn type from Rus’. The extraordinary number of small lead seals found at Drohiczyn possibly reflects a short- -term relocation of trade routes caused by military conflicts.
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Aleksandr Musin

  1. Centre Michel de Boüard-Centre de Recherches Archéologiques et Historiques anciennes et médiévales (CRAHAM), UMR 6273, CNRS/Université de Caen Normandie
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In the present paper, the most important aspects of computer algebra systems applications in complicated calculations for classical queueing theory models and their novel modifications are discussed. We mainly present huge computational possibilities of Mathematica environment and effective methods of obtaining symbolic results connected with the most important performance characteristics of queueing systems. First of all, we investigate effective solutions to computational problems appearing in queueing theory such as: finding final probabilities for Markov chains with a huge number of states, calculating derivatives of complicated rational functions of one or many variables with the use of classical and generalized L’Hospital’s rules, obtaining exact formulae of Stieltjes convolutions, calculating chosen integral transforms used often in the above-mentioned theory and possible applications of generalized density function of random variables and vectors in these computations. Some exemplary calculations for practical models belonging both to classical models and their generalizations are attached as well.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marcin Ziółkowski

  1. Institute of Information Technology, Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Poland
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In this article, I reflect on recent discussions of the methodological status of scientific knowledge within and outside the Academy. I draw attention to the problem of declining public trust in science (risk and fear society) and the phenomenon of post-truth. In the context of these issues, I present three positions whose authors define the relationship between official academic science in relation to other forms of knowledge (lay people) and forms of knowledge use outside the Academy (politics). The first position termed “elective modernism” was formulated by Harry Collins and Robert Evans in the context of discussions of the third wave of science disputes. Elective modernism defines the way in which policy decisions are made on the recommendations of scholars who have a methodological self-awareness of the possibilities and limitations of scientific knowledge. The second position is Steve Fuller's proposal of protestant science as a form of science in the context of posttruth conditions. In this view, knowledge can be produced by anyone, but it must meet certain specified scientific criteria. The third position is the view of expert knowledge proposed by Mark R. Brown, as a representation of various worldview or cultural options, whose representatives commission experts to make appropriate recommendations for certain political decisions.
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Rafał Paweł Wierzchosławski

  1. Liberal Arts and Sciences, Collegium Historicum UAM, Poznań

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