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One of the most important business areas of the company is the management of working capital. Energy companies that produce electricity and heat are the main consumers of steam coal, so their decision concerning stock levels is a major determinant of supply schedules. These decisions depend on legal and technical requirements as well as economic aspects. The seasonality of coal consumption jointly with pre-purchase costs and storage costs has a straight impact on delivery scheduling in a parabolic way. There is a divergence in expectations regarding delivery schedules among the coal market participants (energy, mining, transport companies). The purpose of this article is to present the concept of pricing of steam coal and transport service on the Polish market, assuming the use of price incentives, resulting in delivery scheduling during the year. The article presents selected theoretical content in the field of coal logistics and working capital management in the company, the expectations of the steam coal market participant regarding delivery schedules have been identified. The proposed concept of pricing steam coal and transport service should be discussed further in scientific and expert work.

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Patryk Dunal
Filip Bolesta
Wojciech Dydyk
Małgorzata Kozik
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The paper introduces the distributed framework for determining the shortest path of robots in the logistic applications, i.e. the warehouse with a swarm of robots cooperating in the Real- Time mode. The proposed solution uses the optimization routine to avoid the downtime and collisions between robots. The presented approach uses the reference model based on Dijkstra, Floyd- Warshall and Bellman-Ford algorithms, which search the path in the weighted undirected graph. Their application in the onboard robot’s computer requires the analysis of the time efficiency. Results of comparative simulations for the implemented algorithms are presented. For their evaluation the data sets reflecting actual processes were used. Outcomes of experiments have shown that the tested algorithms are applicable for the logistic purposes, however their ability to operate in the Real-Time requires the detailed analysis.
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Authors and Affiliations

Tomasz Markowski
Piotr Bilski

  1. Lukasiewicz – Institute of Logistics and Warehousing, Poland
  2. Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
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The green logistics item as a part of distribution processes represents an innovative perspective in many views. This perspective is current from an offer and demand point of view. Many authors examine only the businesses aspect, while labour market acceptance is important. The aim of this article is to create and verify a green distribution model and this examines the green distribution perception from the consumer’s point of view in a context of chosen demographic characteristics. The creation of a green distribution model is supported by secondary research at which consists of four parts – input, transport, production and sale. Model verification was taken with primary research which base was created of 409 respondents. In the study, we use many statistical and mathematical, as well as scientific and philosophical methods. Among the most significant belong Cronbach’s alpha and McDonald’s omega. We used to verify and estimate model reliability, correlation analysis for relation research, one-way ANOVA test for research hypotheses verification and cluster analysis for identification of possible hidden clusters. The model can be considered a reliable one. Results indicate a low influence of distribution ecological factor in a consumer’s perspective, as well, it can be stated, the age, contrary to sex, represents a significant factor in a green distribution perception. Results can be used in both the academic and commercial spheres in various fields and disciplines. The primary survey was conducted in Slovakia, but it would be appropriate to examine the model in other countries, as well as to identify factors that may affect the model of green distribution in the future.
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Marián Cvirik
Naqibullah Daneshjo

  1. Department of Management, Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics, University of Guelph, Canada
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The scientific goal of this article was to confirm the thesis that efficient complaint management

can be one the company’s competitive advantage elements of in the sphere of logistic

customer service. The theoretical part of the article presents basic foundations related to

complaint management process as an important element of post-trade sales process in customer

service. The research part presents an example of the implementation of efficient

assumptions of the complaint management process on the example of a construction industry

manufacturing company. Guidelines for the design and implementation of an effective

and efficient complaint handling process are presented. An example of process analysis is

done using appropriate quality tools.

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Maria Cieśla
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We develop and study in detail a new family of distributions called Half-logistic Odd Power Generalized Weibull-G (HLOPGW-G) distribution, which is a linear combination of the exponentiated-G family of distributions. From the special cases considered, the model can fit heavy tailed data and has non-monotonic hazard rate functions. We further assess and demonstrate the performance of this family of distributions via simulation experiments. Real data examples are given to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed model compared to several other existing models.
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Authors and Affiliations

Peter O. Peter
Fastel Chipepa
Broderick Oluyede
Boikanyo Makubate

  1. Department of Mathematics & Statistical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Botswana International University of Science & Technology, Palapye, Botswana
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Within the INMOP 3 research project, an attempt was made to solve a number of problems associated with the methodology of modelling travel in urban areas and the application of intermodal models. One of these is the ability to describe the behaviour of transport system users, when it comes to making decisions regarding the selection of means of transport and searching for relationships between travel describing factors and the decisions made in regard of means of transport choice.

The paper describes a probabilistic approach to the determination of modal split, and the application of a logistic regression model to determine the impact of variables describing individual and mass transport travels on the probability of selecting specific means of transport. Travels in local model of Warsaw city divided into 9 motivation groups were tested, for which ultimately 8 models were developed, out of which 7 were deemed very well fitted (obtained pseudoR2 was well above 0.2).

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Authors and Affiliations

A. Brzeziński
K. Brzeziński
T. Dybicz
Ł. Szymański
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Simulations are becoming one of the most important techniques supporting production preparation, even in those industrial sectors with atypical technological processes, such as in metallurgy, where there is a multiphase material flow. This is due to the fact that in the conditions of a market economy, enterprises have to solve more and more complex problems in a shorter time. On the basis of the existing production process and the knowledge of the flow characteristics in a given process, a model is built, which, when subjected to simulation tests, provides experimental results in the scope of the defined problem. The use of computer techniques also creates new possibilities for the rational use of the reserves inherent in each technological process. Taking into account the existing demand and the state of modern technology, the computer model can be a source of information for further analysis and decision-making processes supporting company management. At work a model of the logistic system was made on the example of a hot-rolled steel strip mill, on which simulation experiments were carried out to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the analysis production line. The presented article aims to disseminate the idea of ??Industry 4.0 in Polish companies from the manufacturing industry sector, taking into account simulation techniques.
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Mariusz Niekurzak
Ewa Kubińska-Jabcoń

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Management, Poland
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This research investigates the effects of green logistics practices on the sustainability performance of manufacturing enterprises in Oman, with a particular focus on the mediating role of circular economy practices. Analyzing data from 220 manufacturing companies through the PLS-SEM method, the findings reveal that green logistics management significantly enhances an organization’s sustainability and adherence to circular economy principles. Notably, while supply chain trackability greatly impacts circular economy practices, it does not moderate the relationship between sustainable performance and green logistics. This study enhances the understanding of how green logistics can support sustainable development and the implementation of circular economy practices in the manufacturing sector
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Amitabh Verma
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In the logistics center (warehouse or distribution center), customer orders need to be picked up by the pickers. In this research, we examine the order-picking problem with sequencedependent constraints with two decision variables (container start time and product quantity) in a distribution center with a one-directional conveyor. The decision-making is based on the developed two variations of two-step matheuristics. At first, the main order-picking problem is divided into two subproblems. Next, each step of each variant of the subproblem is solved using a mathematical programming-based technique. Both matheuristics were better in 85 of 120 test instances compared to the initial model solved by mathematical programming. Pickers matheuristics were better on average at 46.56%, while Buffers matheuristics were better on average at 46.87%. The proposed matheuristics approach allows distributors to schedule orders in the logistics center fast enough and with fewer resources.
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Kateryna Czerniachowska
Radosław Wichniarek
Krzysztof Żywicki
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As experience shows the practical, reliable assessment and optimisation of total costs of logistical processes implemented in supply chains

of foundry plants is a quite complex and complicated process, because it requires to enclose all, without exception, performed actions,

including them in various reference cross-sections, systematic activities and finally transforming them in a totally homogenous collection.

Only solid analysis and assessment of assortment management in logistical supply systems in foundry plants of particular assortment

groups allows to lower the supply costs significantly. In the article the analysis and assessment of the newest implemented optimising

algorithms are presented in the process stock management of selected material groups used in a production process of a chosen foundry

plant. A practical solution to solve a problem of rotary stock cost minimisation is given as well as of costs while creating a stock with the

usage of economical volume and value of order.

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Authors and Affiliations

J. Szymszal
M. Kuczyńska-Chałada
J. Król
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It has been found that the area where one can look for significant reserves in the procurement logistics is a rational management

of the stock of raw materials. Currently, the main purpose of projects which increase the efficiency of inventory management is to

rationalise all the activities in this area, taking into account and minimising at the same time the total inventory costs. The paper presents

a method for optimising the inventory level of raw materials under a foundry plant conditions using two different control models. The first

model is based on the estimate of an optimal level of the minimum emergency stock of raw materials, giving information about the need

for an order to be placed immediately and about the optimal size of consignments ordered after the minimum emergency level has

occurred. The second model is based on the estimate of a maximum inventory level of raw materials and an optimal order cycle.

Optimisation of the presented models has been based on the previously done selection and use of rational methods for forecasting the time

series of the delivery of a chosen auxiliary material (ceramic filters) to a casting plant, including forecasting a mean size of the delivered

batch of products and its standard deviation

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Authors and Affiliations

K. Nowacki
J. Szymszal
T. Lis
J. Przondziono
J. Kliś
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In recent time, as the Chinese consumption level increases, the consumption quantity of high-value fruits, vegetables and seafood products have been increasing year by year. As a consequence, the traffic volume of refrigerated products also increases yearly and the popularization degree of the cold-chain transportation enhances. A low-temperature environment should be guaranteed during transportation, thus there is about 40% of diesel oil should be consumed by the refrigerating system and the cold-chain transportation becomes very costly. This study aimed to explore methods that could reduce the cost of transport packages of refrigerated products. On the basis of the heat transfer theory and the fluid mechanics theory, the heat exchanging process of corrugated cases during the operation of refrigerating system was analyzed, the heat transfer process of corrugated cases and refrigerator van was theoretically analyzed and the heat balance equation of corrugated cases was constructed.

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Ying Yu
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The objectives of this study were to develop a framework of the collaboration network, operational

performance, and reverse logistics determinants on the performance outcomes of the

auto parts industry, and to study the direct, indirect, and overall effects of the factors that

influence the performance outcomes of the auto parts industry. This quantitative research

utilized a questionnaire as the tool for data collection, which was completed by the managers

in the auto parts industry from 320 companies. According to the analysis with the Structural

Equation Modeling (SEM), it was found that the collaboration networks, operational

performance, and reverse logistics positively affect the performance outcomes; whereas, the

collaboration networks mainly affect the development of organizations by causing performance

outcomes to continue growing unceasingly, including the enhancement of sustainable

competitive capacity and the operational results of the auto parts industry.

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Phasit Phoosawad
Wanno Fongsuwan
Wawmayura Chamsuk
Josu Takala
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This study demonstrates application of Lean techniques to improve working process in

a sewing machine factory, focusing on the raw material picking process. The value stream

mapping and flow process chart techniques were utilized to identify the value added activities,

non-value activities and necessary but non-value added activities in the current

process. The ECRS (Eliminate, Combine, Rearrange and Simplify) in waste reduction was

subsequently applied to improve the working process by (i) adjusting the raw material picking

procedures and pre-packing raw material as per demand, (ii) adding symbols onto the

containers to reduce time spent in picking material based on visual control principle, and

(iii) developing and zoning storage area, identifying level location for each row and also

applying algorithms generated from a solver program and linear programming to appropriately

define the location of raw material storage. Improvement in the raw material picking

process was realized, cutting down six out of 11 procedures in material picking or by 55%,

reducing material picking time from 24 to 4 min or by 83%. The distance to handle material

in the warehouse can be shortened by 120 m per time or 2,400 m per day, equal to 86%

reduction. Lean techniques

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Authors and Affiliations

Kotcharat Srisuk
Korrakot Y. Tippayawong
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The field of academic research on corporate sustainability management has gained significant

sophistication since the economic growth has been associated with innovation. In this paper,

we are to show our research project that aims to build an artificial intelligence-based neurofuzzy

inference system to be able to approximate company’s innovation performance, thus

the sustainability innovation potential. For this we used an empirical sample of Hungarian

processing industry’s large companies and built an adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system.

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Miklos Guban
Richard Kasa
David Takacs
Mihai Avornicului
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The purpose of this paper is to introduce and study a new generated family of distributions based on the type II transformation which is called the type II exponentiated half-logistic-Gompertz-Topp-Leone-G (TIIEHL-Gom-TL-G) family of distributions. We investigate its general mathematical properties, including, hazard rate function, quantile function, moments, moment generating function, Rényi entropy and order statistics. Parameter estimates of the new family of distributions are obtained based on the maximum likelihood estimation method and their performance is evaluated via a simulation study. For illustration of the applicability of the new family of distributions, four real data sets are analyzed.
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Authors and Affiliations

Broderick Oluyede
Thatayaone Moakofi

  1. Department of Mathematics and Statistical Sciences, Botswana International University of Science and Technology, Palapye, Botswana
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Improving production processes includes not only activities concerning manufacturing itself, but also all the activities that are necessary to achieve the main objectives. One such activity is transport, which, although a source of waste in terms of adding value to the product, is essential to the realization of the production process. Over the years, many methods have been developed to help manage supply and transport in such a way as to reduce it to the necessary minimum. In the paper, the problem of delivering components to a production area using trains and appropriately laid-out carriages was described. It is a milk run stop locations problem (MRSLP), whose proposed solution is based on the use of heuristic algorithms. Intelligent solutions are getting more and more popular in the industry because of the possible advantages they offer, especially those that include the possibility of finding an optimum local solution in a relatively short time and the prevention of human errors. In this paper, the applicability of three algorithms – tabu search, genetic algorithm, and simulated annealing – was explored.
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Authors and Affiliations

Joanna Kochańska
Anna Burduk
Dagmara Łapczyńska
Kamil Musiał

  1. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, 50-370 Wroclaw, Poland
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Warehouse and inventory management is a recurring issue in many of the different supply chains in diverse industries, where the constant changes in the markets have a direct impact on the management of warehouses and inventories, either generating over-stocks or shortages. This paper presents a case study on warehouse and inventory management control. The company under study was having problems in this area, where over-stocks were generated frequently, leading to various incidents, such as having to store finished and packaged product in unsuitable places, with the associated risk of deterioration. To deal with this problem, control tools based on the KPI (Key Performance Indicator) concept were developed. To this end, the corresponding problem and the information management process within the Supply Chain department had to be analyzed. In this case, it was observed that the databases were not synchronized, therefore strategies were proposed to systematize the collection and updating of data. In addition, to summarize the information, we proceeded to the implementation of an interactive form that facilitates the visualization and interpretation of the evolution of the process, and to be able to apply an efficient control on it, and thus to propose corrective actions supported by evidence.
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Micaela Marziali
Daniel Alejandro Rossit
Adrián Toncovich
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The paper refers to planning deliveries of food products (especially those available in certain seasons) to the recipients: supermarket networks. The paper presents two approaches to solving problems of simultaneous selection of suppliers and transportation modes and construction of product flow schedules with these transportation modes. Linear mathematical models have been built for the presented solution approaches. The cost criterion has been taken into consideration in them. The following costs have been taken into account: purchase of products by individual recipients, transport services, storing of products supplied before the planned deadlines and penalties for delays in supply of products. Two solution approaches (used for transportation planning and selection of suppliers and selection of transportation modes) have been compared. The monolithic approach calls for simultaneous solutions for the problems of supplier selection and selection of transportation modes. In the alternative (hierarchical) solution approach, suppliers are selected first, and then transportation companies and their relevant transportation modes are selected. The results of computational experiments are used for comparison of the hierarchical and monolithic solution approaches.

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Marek Magiera
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Cross-docking is a strategy that distributes products directly from a supplier or manufacturing plant to a customer or retail chain, reducing handling or storage time. This study focuses on the truck scheduling problem, which consists of assigning each truck to a door at the dock and determining the sequences for the trucks at each door considering the time-window aspect. The study presents a mathematical model for door assignment and truck scheduling with time windows at multi-door cross-docking centers. The objective of the model is to minimize the overall earliness and tardiness for outbound trucks. Simulated annealing (SA) and tabu search (TS) algorithms are proposed to solve large-sized problems. The results of the mathematical model and of meta-heuristic algorithms are compared by generating test problems for different sizes. A decision support system (DSS) is also designed for the truck scheduling problem for multi-door cross-docking centers. Computational results show that TS and SA algorithms are efficient in solving large-sized problems in a reasonable time.

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G. Ozden
I. Saricicek
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The implementation of milk-run in Indonesia has been started since 2005. As a developing

country, there is a challenge to operate milk-run smoothly especially in urban area due to

severe traffic congestion and unfavourable road condition in some areas. This research aimed

to analyze the practice of milk-run operation in one of the biggest Japanese automotive

companies in Indonesia. Transportation Value Stream Mapping (TVSM) is applied in order

to perform just-in-time delivery in the supply chain before operating milk-run. It is discussed

that this company still need to continue in improving milk-run operation. The operation

system needs control and integration from manufacturer, supplier and logistics partner.

The advantage of milk-run operation is cost reduction and also support green logistics in

decreasing emission of carbondioxide (CO2) by reducing the number of trucks used.

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Humiras Hardi Purba
Adi Fitra
Aina Nindiani
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The article presents issues related to creating and realizing added value by logistic processes and processing in a casting enterprise. It discusses possibilities of improving systems of casts production by evaluating labour intensity of casts manufacture and analyzing manufacturing prime costs. Operations with added value, processes indirectly creating added value and operations without added value have been specified. The problem was presented on the example of materials flow design in a foundry, where casts are manufactured in expendable moulds and using automated foundry lines. On the basis of the Pareto analysis, a group of casts was specified whose manufacture significantly influences the functioning of the whole enterprise. Finishing treatment operations have been particularly underlined, as they are performed away from the line and are among the most labour-consuming processes during casts production.
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S. Kukla
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The article presents EU law perspective on current functional problems of agreements in the maritime transport sector. The high level of integration of the shipping market largest players significantly affects their trade relations with other participants of transport chains and with port terminal operators. The rapid digital transformation of transport and logistics is a new phenomenon facilitating co-operation between competitors on an unprecedented scale, but also posing serious risks. The big players adopting specific technological solutions force smaller contractors in logistics chain to use the same IT systems and software they chose. The authors discuss the impact of digital transformation and new technologies on the competition in the maritime transport. Such analysis is done in the light of comprehensive review of EU competition law in the context the super platforms data processing in a post-pandemic reality.
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Authors and Affiliations

Iwona Zużewicz-Wiewiórowska
Wojciech Wiewiórowski

  1. Katedra Prawa Morskiego, Wydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, Gdańsk
  2. Katedra Informatyki Prawniczej, Wydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, Gdańsk

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