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The explosive rise of wireless services necessitates a network connection with high bandwidth, high performance, low mistakes, and adequate channel capacity. Individual mobile users, as well as residential and business clusters are increasingly using the internet and multimedia services, resulting in massive increases in the internet traffic demand. Over the past decade, internet traffic has grown significantly faster than Moore’s law predicted. The current system is facing significant radio frequency spectrum congestion and is unable to successfully transmit growing amounts of (available) data to end users while keeping acceptable delay values in mind. Free space optics is a viable alternative to the current radio frequency technology. This technology has a few advantages, including fast data speeds, unrestricted bandwidth, and excellent security. Since free space optics is invisible to traffic type and data protocol, it may be quickly reliably and profitably integrated into an existing access network. Despite the undeniable benefits of free space optics technology under excellent channel conditions and its wide range of applications, its broad use is hampered by its low link dependability, especially over long distances, caused by atmospheric turbulence-induced decay and weather sensitivity. The best plausible solution is to establish a secondary channel link in the GHz frequency range that works in tandem with the primary free space optics link. A hybrid system that combines free space optics and millimeter wave technologies in this research is presented. The combined system offers a definitive backhaul maintenance, by drastically improving the link range and service availability.
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Authors and Affiliations

Isanaka Lakshmi Priya
Murugappa Meenakshi

  1. Department of Electronics and Communication, Anna University, Guindy, Chennai 600025, India
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The above-threshold operation of a Fabry-Perot laser with a nonlinear PT (parity time) mirror is investigated. For the first time, the analysis accounts for gain saturation of an active medium as well as gain and loss saturation effects in the PT mirror. The obtained laser output intensity characteristics have been demonstrated as a function of various PT mirror parameters such as: the ratio of the PT structure period to laser operating wavelength, number of PT mirror primitive cells, and gain and loss saturation intensities of the PT mirror gain and loss layers. Two functional configurations of the laser have been considered: laser operating as a discrete device, and as a component of an integrated circuit. It has been shown that, in general, the laser operation depends on the PT mirror orientation with respect to the active medium of the laser. Moreover, when the laser radiation is outcoupled through the PT mirror to the free space, bistable operation is possible, when losses of the mirror’s loss layer saturate faster than gain of the gain layer. Furthermore, for a given saturation intensity of the mirror loss layers, the increase of the saturation intensity of the mirror gain layers causes increasing output intensity, i.e., the PT mirror additionally amplifies the laser output signal.
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Authors and Affiliations

Agnieszka Mossakowska-Wyszyńska
Piotr Witoński
Paweł Szczepański
1 2

  1. Institute of Microelectronics and Optoelectronics, Warsaw University of Technology, ul. Koszykowa 75, 00-662 Warsaw, Poland
  2. National Institute of Telecommunications, ul. Szachowa 1, 04-894 Warsaw, Poland
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Properties of excitons confined to potential fluctuations due to indium distribution in the wetting layer which accompany self-assembled InAs/GaAs quantum dots are reviewed. Spectroscopic studies are summarized including time-resolved photoluminescence and corresponding single-photon emission correlation measurements. The identification of charge states of excitons is presented which is based on results of a theoretical analysis of interactions between the involved carriers. The effect of the dots’ environment on their optical spectra is also shown.

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A. Babiński
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Optical studies were carried out in waters of the Drake Passage and the South Shetland Islands region from February 14 to March 12, 1981. The total energy of solar radiation reaching the sea surface was continuously recorded over daytime hours. Spectral and energetic characteristics of natural light field in the sea were determined basing on underwater measurements of downwelling irradiance attenuation. The thickness of the euphotic zone and other characteristic optical depths were also evaluated. The investigated waters were conventionally classified into three groups of different optical water types as follows: a) Clear oceanic water, b) Oceanic water of intermediate type and water affected by coastal water, c) Coastal water and water with high biological productivity. The clearest waters were found in the Drake Passage where the average thickness of the euphotic zone was about 100 m. The turbid waters of coastal types were encountered in some areas around the South Shetland Islands. The relatively thin euphotic zone of about 30 m was observed in waters with high biological productivity west of Elephant Island and southwest of Anvers Island.

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Dariusz Stramski
Krzysztof Montwiłł
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This article proposes an unequivocal method of labeling and numbering the cladding modes propagating in single-mode opticalwaveguides with tilted periodic structures. The unambiguous determination of individual propagating modes in this type of optical fiber is crucial for their use in sensory systems. The selection of the appropriate spectral range and mode determines the sensitivity and measuring range of tilted fiber Bragg grating (TFBG) sensors. The measurement methods proposed by individual research teams using TFBGs as transducers are usually based on the selection of specific modes. Unification of the labeling of modes and their numbering enables comparison of the basic metrological parameters of individual measurement methods and reproduction and verification of the proposed sensors and methods in the laboratories of other scientific and research centers.
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Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Kisała
Aliya Kalizhanova
2 3
Ainur Kozbakova
Bakhyt Yeraliyeva

  1. Lublin University of Technology, Nadbystrzycka 38A, 20-618 Lublin, Poland
  2. Institute of Information and Computational Technologies CS MES RK, 050010, 125 Pushkin str., Almaty,Republic of Kazakhstan
  3. Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications named after Gumarbek Daukeyev, Almaty 050010,Kazakhstan, Almaty, Shevshenko 28
  4. Taraz State University after M.Kh. Dulaty, Tole Bi St 40, Taraz, Republic of Kazachstan
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This paper focuses on automatic locking of tracking filters used in optical frequency transfer systems. General concept of such a system is briefly described and the problems with its automatic startup, originating in the use of the analog phase locked loop to filter weak, received signal, are discussed. A supervisory circuitry and algorithm to solve these problems is proposed. The frequency of the signal to be filtered is measured indirectly and the output frequency of the tracking filter is monitored. In the case of lack of synchronism (i:e: after the startup) a significant difference of these frequencies is measured and the supervisory algorithm forces the filter to tune into the right frequency and then allows it to synchronize. A system with the proposed solution was implemented and tested experimentally on a fiber optic link with high attenuation and multiple optical connectors. Transient signals during locking were recorded to investigate the system’s behavior in real environment. The system was evaluated in the link causing synchronization losses every 17 min on average. During measurements over 3 days, the whole system was synchronized for over 99.98% of time despite these difficult conditions.

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Przemysław Włodarczyk
Przemysław Krehlik
Łukasz Śliwczyński
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Thermal-imaging systems respond to infrared radiation that is naturally emitted by objects. Various multispectral and hyperspectral devices are available for measuring radiation in discrete sub-bands and thus enable a detection of differences in a spectral emissivity or transmission. For example, such devices can be used to detect hazardous gases. However, their operation principle is based on the fact that radiation is considered a scalar property. Consequently, all the radiation vector properties, such as polarization, are neglected. Analysing radiation in terms of the polarization state and the spatial distribution of thereof across a scene can provide additional information regarding the imaged objects. Various methods can be used to extract polarimetric information from an observed scene. We briefly review architectures of polarimetric imagers used in different wavebands. First, the state-of-the-art polarimeters are presented, and, then, a classification of polarimetric-measurement devices is described in detail. Additionally, the data processing in Stokes polarimeters is given. Emphasis is laid on the methods for obtaining the Stokes parameters. Some predictions in terms of LWIR polarimeters are presented in the conclusion.
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Authors and Affiliations

Grzegorz Bieszczad
Sławomir Gogler
Jacek Świderski

  1. Institute of Optoelectronics, Military University of Technology, 2 gen. S. Kaliskiego St., 00-908 Warsaw, Poland
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An optimal design of a slot waveguide is presented for realizing an ultrafast optical modulator based on a 220 nm silicon wafer technology. The recipe is to maximize the confinement and interaction between optical power supported by the waveguide and electric field applied through metallic electrodes. As height of waveguide is fixed at 220 nm, the waveguide and slot width are optimized to maximize the confinement factor of optical power. Moreover, metal electrodes tend to make the waveguide lossy, their optimal placement is calculated to reduce the optical loss and enhance the voltage per unit width in the slot. Performance of an optimally designed slot waveguide with metal electrodes as ultrafast modulator is also discussed.

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Authors and Affiliations

N. Malviya
V. Priye
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Adopting mode division multiplex (MDM) technology as the next frontier for optical fiber communication and on-chip optical interconnection systems is becoming very promising because of those remarkable experimental results based on MDM technology to enhance capacity of optical transmission and, hence, making MDM technology an attractive research field. Consequently, in recent years the large number of new optical devices used to control modes, for example, mode converters, mode filters, mode (de)multiplexers, and mode-selective switches, have been developed for MDM applications. This paper presents a review on the recent advances on mode converters, a key component usually used to convert a fundamental mode into a selected high-order mode, and vice versa, at the transmitting and receiving ends in the MDM transmission system. This review focuses on the mode converters based on planar lightwave circuit (PLC) technology and various PLC-based mode converters applied to the above two systems and realized with different materials, structures, and technologies. The basic principles and performances of these mode converters are summarized.
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Authors and Affiliations

Areez K. Memon
Kai X. Chen

  1. School of Optoelectronic Science and Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 610054, P.R. China
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Prof. Mirosława Ostrowska from the Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Vice President of the Academy, discusses how satellites are being used to study phenomena occurring in seas and oceans.
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Authors and Affiliations

Mirosława Ostrowska

  1. Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Vice President of the Academy
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The performance of free-space optical (FSO) communications that using an optical amplifier (OA) in the scheme of an amplify-received (AR)-relaying has a major drawback in the detection of input signal quality under the effects of turbulence. As an OA is based on a fiber-detection (FD) method to receive and delivers a signal at the amplification process stage, there is an opportunity to implement an optical spatial filter (OSF) to improve the quality of an input signal. In this paper, as the continuation of previous work on the direct-detection, the OSF is applied on the AR-relaying. The novelty proposed in this work is the improvement of FD method where the OSF is designed as the integration of cone reflector, pinhole and multi-mode fiber with an OA. The OSF produces an optical signal, the input of the OA, which minimizes the effects of turbulence, background noise and signal fluctuation. Thus, OA in AR-relaying produces signal output with high power and rise up below threshold level. Additionally, an OSF with a lower pinhole diameter produces the best quality of the signal spectral to be delivered into an EDFA. Through this implementation, the performance of optical relaying on FSO can be significantly improved.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ucuk Darusalam
1 2
Purnomo Sidi Priambodo
Fitri Yuli Zulkifli
Eko Tjipto Rahardjo

  1. Department of Informatics, Faculty of Information and Communications Technology, Universitas Nasional, Jakarta, Indonesia
  2. Universitas Siber Asia, Jakarta, Indonesia
  3. Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia
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Photoactive nanofilled nematic is proposed. Stable three-component photoresponsive nanocomposite was prepared from photo-insensitive nanofilled nematic by inclusion of 3 wt.% azobenzene-containing photoactive mesogen 4-(4′-ethoxyphenylazo)phenyl hexanoate (EPH). The host nanofilled nematic was produced from the room-temperature nematic liquid crystal 4-n-heptyl cyanobiphenyl (7CB) and 3 wt.% filler of Aerosil 300 hydrophilic silica nanospheres of size 7 nm. Apparent effect of stimulation with a relatively weak continuous illumination by UV light (375 nm wavelength) takes place for both the alternating-current electric field-dependent optical transmittance and the electro-optic amplitude-frequency modulation by thin films (25 µm thick) of the EPH/aerosil/7CB nanocomposite. The light-stimulated electro-optics of EPH-doped aerosil/7CB films and the corresponding reversible light control are achieved through trans-cis-trans photoisomerization of the photoactive agent EPH. As such, the initial electro-optical response of the studied photoactive nanocomposites is recovered with continuous blue-light illumination. The examined EPH/aerosil/7CB nanocomposites exhibit photo-controllable electro-optical response that is of practical interest.

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Authors and Affiliations

Georgi B. Hadjichristov
Yordan G. Marinov
Alexander G. Petrov
Subbarao Krishna Prasad
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Determining the level of solid pollution in beach sands located near artificial inland water bodies in order to maintain high safety standards is a difficult and expensive task. The tests aimed at determining beach pollution caused by solid wastes through analysis of toxic and chemical concentrations, are time-consuming and usually require several days before the results are available. In addition, the maintenance of the beach area involving beach raking or grooming, and the seasonal replenishment of sand makes it difficult to realistically determine the chemical or bacterial contamination of the tested material. Solid pollutants, such as glass, caps, cans, thick foil, metal, and plastic fragments, pose a greater health risk to beachgoers. The above-mentioned pollutants, especially small ones, are hardly visible on the surface or they are buried at shallow depths. Beach garbage poses a serious threat that can lead to infections from cuts and scratches. These injuries can become infected, further jeopardizing the health and lives of beachgoers due to risks like tetanus, staphylococcus, etc. The authors presented a new petrographic method aimed at assessing the quality of sand by examining the content of solid pollutants. The obtained results allowed us to conclude that the mentioned procedure can be used for a quick quantitative estimation of the content of potentially dangerous and undesirable pollutants in beach sands. Consequently, the method implemented to determent the amount of solid pollutants in beach sands has proven to be a valuable tool for recreational facility administrators, helping them in taking necessary measures to ensure the safety of beach users. Petrographic analysis of beach sands revealed the presence of pollutants of plant origin (0.4–1.8%), plastic (0.1–0.4%), paper (0.1–0.6%), charcoal (0.1–0.5%), glass (0.1–0.4%), metals (0.1–0.4%), rust (0.1–0.3%), ash and slag (0.1–0.3%), and fossil coals (0.1–0.2%).
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Authors and Affiliations

Sebastian Kuś
Zbigniew Jelonek
Iwona Jelonek
Edyta Sierka

  1. University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland
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Image segmentation is a typical operation in many image analysis and computer vision applications. However, hyperspectral image segmentation is a field which have not been fully investigated. In this study an analogue- digital image segmentation technique is presented. The system uses an acousto-optic tuneable filter, and a CCD camera to capture hyperspectral images that are stored in a digital grey scale format. The data set was built considering several objects with remarkable differences in the reflectance and brightness components. In addition, the work presents a semi-supervised segmentation technique to deal with the complex problem of hyperspectral image segmentation, with its corresponding quantitative and qualitative evaluation. Particularly, the developed acousto-optic system is capable to acquire 120 frames through the whole visible light spectrum. Moreover, the analysis of the spectral images of a given object enables its segmentation using a simple subtraction operation. Experimental results showed that it is possible to segment any region of interest with a good performance rate by using the proposed analogue-digital segmentation technique.

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Authors and Affiliations

César Isaza
Julio M. Mosquera
Gustavo A. Gómez-Méndez
Jonny P. Zavala-De Paz
Ely Karina-Anaya
José A. Rizzo-Sierra
Omar Palillero-Sandoval
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In this paper, we present a fibre-optic sensor for simultaneous measurement of refractive index and thickness of liquid layers.We designed an experimental low-coherence setup with two broadband light sources and an extrinsic fibre-optic Fabry–Pérot interferometer acting as the sensing head.We examined how the refractive index of a liquid film and its thickness affect spectrum at the output of a fibre-optic interferometer. We performed a series of experiments using two light sources and only one sensing head. The spectra were collected in ranges of 1220÷1340 nm and 1500÷1640 nm. The obtained results show that using two spectra recorded simultaneously for two wavelength ranges enables to determine thickness in a range of 50÷500 μm, and refractive index of a liquid film in a range of 1:00÷1:41 RIU using only one sensing head.

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Authors and Affiliations

Marcin Marzejon
Katarzyna Karpienko
Adam Mazikowski
Małgorzata Jędrzejewska-Szczerska
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A contactless laser hygrometer based on light absorption by H2O molecules at 1392.5 nm is described. However, measurement results can be affected by optical noise when applied to an atmospheric tunnel or glass cuvette. The noises (occurring in the form of periodic fringes in the recorded spectrum) come from unexpected interference of the light beams reflected from surfaces of the windows or other optical elements. The method of their suppression is described in this article. It is based on wavelength modulation and signal averaging over the fringes period. Also, an experiment confirming the usefulness of this method is described here.
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Authors and Affiliations

Tadeusz Stacewicz
Mateusz Winkowski
Natalia Kuk

  1. Institute of Experimental Physics, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, 02-093 Warsaw, Pasteura 5, Poland
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This paper presents the results of a metrological analysis of the additively manufactured (AM) copies of a complex geometrical object, namely the fossil skull of Madygenerpeton pustulatum. This fossil represents the unique remains of an extinct “reptiliomorph amphibian” of high importance for palaeontological science. For this research, the surface was scanned and twelve different copies were 3D-printed using various devices, materials, and AM techniques. The same digitized model was used as a reference to compare with the surfaces obtained by Mitutoyo Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) CRYSTA-Apex S 9166 for each copy. The fidelity of the copies was assessed through statistical analysis of the distances between compared surfaces. The methodology provided a good background for the choice of the most accurate copies and the elimination of the less accurate ones. The proposed approach can be applied to any object of complex geometry when reproduction accuracy is to be assessed.
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Authors and Affiliations

Mirosław Rucki
Yaroslav Garashchenko
Ilja Kogan
3 4
Tomasz Ryba

  1. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom, Poland
  2. Department of Integrated Technologic Process and Manufacturing, National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, Ukraine
  3. Museum für Naturkunde Chemnitz, Germany
  4. Geological Institute, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany
  5. Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute for Sustainable Technologies, Radom, Poland
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In this paper, design, construction and switching parameters of a self-made optical shutter with scalable aperture were reported. The aim of the study was to obtain the shortest possible switching times, minimum shutter open time and comparable with commercial shutter, the switch-on and switch-off times. For this purpose, numerical simulations were performed using Comsol Multiphysics 5.4. The design of the shutter and the control system have been optimized accordingly to the obtained results of numerical simulations. The optimized design was fabricated in a professional mechanical workshop and operational parameters of the constructed device were investigated. The switching parameters of the shutter, such as opening time, closing time, minimum shutter open time and other parameters were measured. The values of the parameters were determined from a statistical analysis of a sample consisting of 10,000 measurement results. The performed characterization showed that the tested device has the opening time of 0.8 ms, while the closing time is approximately 1 ms. The designed device is characterized by the minimum shutter open time of 6.4 ms.
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Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Pokryszka
Mateusz Wośko
Wojciech Kijaszek
Regina Paszkiewicz

  1. Wrocław University of Science and Technology, wybrzeze Stanislawa Wyspianskiego 27, 50-370 Wroclaw, Poland
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The growing interest in one-dimensional tin oxide-based nanomaterials boosts research on both high-quality nanomaterials as well as production methods. This is due to the fact that they present unique electrical and optical properties that enable their application in various (opto)electronic devices. Thus, the aim of the paper was to produce ceramic SnO₂ nanowires using electrospinning with the calcination method, and to investigate the influence of the calcination temperature on the morphology, structure and optical properties of the obtained material. A scanning electron microscope (SEM) and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) were used to examine the morphology and chemical structure of obtained nanomaterials. The optical properties of manufactured one-dimensional nanostructures were investigated using UV-Vis spectroscopy. Moreover, based on the UV-Vis spectra, the energy band gap of the prepared nanowires was determined. The analysis of the morphology of the obtained nanowires showed that both the concentration of the precursor in the spinning solution and the calcination temperature have a significant impact on the diameter of the nanowires and, consequently, on their optical properties.
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Authors and Affiliations

Tomasz Tański
Weronika Smok
Wiktor Matysiak

  1. Department of Engineering Material and Biomaterials, Silesian University of Technology, ul. Konarskiego 18A, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
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The paper presents the first vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) designed, grown, processed and evaluated entirely in Poland. The lasers emit at »850 nm, which is the most commonly used wavelength for short-reach (<2 km) optical data communication across multiple-mode optical fiber. Our devices present state-of-the-art electrical and optical parameters, e.g. high room-temperature maximum optical powers of over 5 mW, laser emission at heat-sink temperatures up to at least 95°C, low threshold current densities (<10 kA/cm2) and wall-plug efficiencies exceeding 30% VCSELs can also be easily adjusted to reach emission wavelengths of around 780 to 1090 nm.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marcin Gębski
Patrycja Śpiewak
Walery Kołkowski
Iwona Pasternak
Weronika Głowadzka
Włodzimierz Nakwaski
Robert P. Sarzała
Michał Wasiak
Tomasz Czyszanowski
Włodzimierz Strupiński

  1. Photonics Group, Institute of Physics, Lodz University of Technology, ul. Wólczańska 219, 90-924 Łódź
  2. Vigo System S.A., ul. Poznańska 129/133, 05-850 Ożarów Mazowiecki
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We are presenting a new low-cost Single Sideband (SSB) modulated Radio-over Fiber (RoF) communication system for millimeter (mm)-wave multiband wireless communication at the frequencies of 40 GHz, 80 GHz and 120 GHz. Its principle lies in the Carrier Suppressed modulation through a nested dual electrode Mach–Zehnder Modulator (MZM) and product modulator based baseband signal decomposition. In this novel method, the optical signal is decomposed into different SSB signals using a power splitter and product modulators at the base station. This proposed method uses a different technique for a baseband signal decomposition from the existing method. The proposed signal decomposition technique has reduced the nonlinearities due to the FBGs. The proposed method is compared with the existing method in terms of BER, data rate and OSNR. The simulation results disclose that our proposed scheme outperforms the existing methods at a higher data rate of 80 Gbps with a minimum BER and privileged Q factor.

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R.S. Asha
V.K. Jayasree
S. Mhatli
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A dual-wavelength optical polarimetric approach has been proposed as a means of elimination of the systematic errors and estimation of the optical anisotropy parameters for a single DKDP crystal. Our HAUP-related polarimeter uses two semiconductor lasers with the neighbouring wavelengths of 635 nm and 650 nm. Based on the temperature dependence analysis of small characteristic azimuths of light polarization with respect to the axis of the sample, we found the parameters of imperfections of polarization system. We acquired eigen waves ellipticities in a DKDP crystal and found perpendicular to the optic axis value of the optical rotatory power. Our results correlate positively with previously measured data for KDP crystals.

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Y. Shopa
M. Shopa
N. Ftomyn
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We experimentally studied three different D-shape polymer optical fibres with an exposed core for their applications as surface plasmon resonance sensors. The first one was a conventional D-shape fibre with no microstructure while in two others the fibre core was surrounded by two rings of air holes. In one of the microstructured fibres we introduced special absorbing inclusions placed outside the microstructure to attenuate leaky modes. We compared the performance of the surface plasmon resonance sensors based on the three fibres. We showed that the fibre bending enhances the resonance in all investigated fibres. The measured sensitivity of about 610 nm/RIU for the refractive index of glycerol solution around 1.350 is similar in all fabricated sensors. However, the spectral width of the resonance curve is significantly lower for the fibre with inclusions suppressing the leaky modes.

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K. Gasior
T. Martynkien
G. Wojcik
P. Mergo
W. Urbanczyk
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This paper presents a detailed review on a present confused situation related to defining and measurement of the eyepiece diopter range of optical/electro-optical devices to be used for a direct observation by human observers. On the basis of this review three precise definitions of a direct view imagers eyepiece diopter are presented. One of these definitions is determined as optimal fit to describe the perception of human observers. Further on, design and measurement uncertainties of diopter meters are discussed and rules of accurate measurements are formulated. Finally, recommendations for the maximum acceptable errors of the diopter scale of eyepieces of classic types of direct view imagers are presented, as well.

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Krzysztof Chrzanowski

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