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The main aim of this paper is to propose a terminological approach to the standardization of onomastic terminology. Attention is paid to the primary importance of conceptual systems and to the onomasiological approach typical of terminological work. Terminology is presented as a discipline devoted primarily to the study of concepts. Then the main concepts of terminology are discussed and the relations between a conceptual system and a terminological system are explained. An outline of the issue of conceptual systems of onomastics and of their internal structure is made. Then two important metatheoretical concepts are introduced and defined: 1) the concept of theoretical legitimacy of concepts and 2) the concept of economy of conceptual systems. In the final part of the article, several suggestions concerning the standardization of onomastic terminology are made: 1) terms referring to concepts belonging to separate conceptual series are not to be used interchangeably; 2) terms based on different roots (in the English onomastic terminology: -onym, -onymy, -onomastics, in the Polish terminology: -onim, -onimia, -onomastyka) are to be reserved respectively for the concept of a single (type of) proper name, for the concept of a set of proper names and for the concept of a specific onomastic discipline; 3) concepts used or newly introduced in a text are to be defined clearly in onomastic works, 4) onomasticians aiming for standardization of onomastic terminology should start their work by (re)constructing conceptual system(s) of onomastics and only then assign terms to concepts; 5) one completely unitary conceptual (and terminological) system of onomastics cannot be achieved due to the theoretical pluralism of the discipline; 6) the first goal of any conceptual and terminological standardization of onomastics is to define its range: should the standardization cover the concepts of philological or general onomastics? should it cover only empirical (descriptive) concepts or highly abstract theoretical concepts as well?

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Wojciech Włoskowicz
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This paper aims to investigate the role conceptual compressions play in the strategy of transcoding commonly applied in simultaneous interpreting. First, the most fundamental rules of the form-based transcoding and the meaning-based translation will be described. Second, the idea of conceptual compressions derived from the Conceptual Integration Theory will be discussed. As the last step, a specific pattern of conceptual compressions typical for the strategy of transcoding will be outlined.
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BRUNNER T. (2007): Output beim Simultandolmetschen – Kulturtransfer, Voice-Over-Text oder was? Diplomarbeit. Innsbruck.
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Anna Bajerowska

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski
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The article aims to investigate the problem of desemanticizing of phrasemes containing names of body parts, and at the same time referring to the emotional sphere. Within the three main research areas (face, heart and body as a whole), and based on three types of semes (spatial, physical and functional), the analysis allows to determine the participation of individual sems in the process of motivating the indicated phraseological relationships.

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Edyta Bocian
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The present article is concerned with the notion of ‘guilt’ as understood by the legal sciences and in the context of psychology and culture studies. Although legal connotations are unavoidable, ‘guilt’ is a term emotionally related to other feelings like ‘shame’, ‘fear’, ‘sadness’ etc. The analysis shall take a closer look at legal definitions of ‘guilt’ and ‘culpability’ at work in the American, Polish and German legal systems and refer the equivalents existing in these languages (wina,Schuld) to the concept of guilt understood as an emotion. As it turns out, legal definitions do not account for conceptual dimension of meaning and as such, they can only serve as departure points for further analysis to be complemented with cognitive analysis. ‘Guilt’ is a culturally determined and complex emotion that may be ‘dissected’ into several more basic emotional states. The underlying assumption is that there are differences in the understanding of the concept ‘guilt’ across languages which must be taken into account by the translators who deal with translational equivalents.

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Katarzyna Strębska-Liszewska
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The aim of the present paper is to discuss metaphorical constructions, based on figurative uses of words, in informal Polish in the field of computers and the Internet. The study is based on the author’s own corpus, compiled on the basis of short informal texts (entries, posts) written on 32 selected Internet forums. Altogether, the corpus consists of 1,541,449 words. The paper, as the title suggests, focuses on one metaphorical formula, i.e. COMPUTERS ARE BUILDINGS. The metaphors which can be subsumed under this heading belong to the most frequent in the corpus (alongside a different type, i.e. COMPUTERS ARE HUMANS). They are discussed within the cognitive framework, as introduced by Lakoff and Johnson (1980). Some attention will also be devoted to the possible infl uence of English upon Polish metaphorical constructions used in the area of computers and the Internet.

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Marcin Zabawa
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The text deals with the issue of “historical biography”. It aims to reconstruct the key concepts connected with the biographical publishing series “The Legacies of the progressive personalities of our past”. The text answers the question what conceptual framework surrounded and legitimised the edition.

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Vaclav Sixta
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This study discusses the cross-cultural re-conceptualization of the slogan ‘I’m lovin’ it’, popularized in Poland by a global fast-food restaurant chain, which occurs in the inter-linguistic transfer between English and Polish. The analytical framework for the study is provided by Cultural Linguistics and the Re-conceptualization and Approximation Theory. The analysis is based on proposals submitted by 45 translators asked to come up with a Polish equivalent of the slogan. The results indicate that because the semantic networks for the meaning of love do not overlap between English and Polish perfectly, attempts at the cross-cultural transfer of the slogan can be approached only as more or less accurate approximations of the original meaning constructed according to culture-specific norms, expectations, and attitudes.

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Jacek Tadeusz Waliński
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The essence of advertising lies very often in unusual and surprising juxtapositions of apparently incongruous elements, which nevertheless successfully combine in producing a coherent and understandable message. A vital role is performed by a skillfully engineered context, which allows for simultaneous activation of certain otherwise inconspicuous senses and the construction of novel and attractive connections. Such theoretical proposals as Lemke’s traversals (2001; 2005), Fauconnier and Turner’s Conceptual Blending Theory (1998; 2002) and Kecskes’s Dynamic Model of Meaning (2008) seem to describe many vital aspects of the phenomenon in question. It is in advertising that we often come across the linking of elements by transgressing naturally existing borders between domains which are unrelated, and we are invited to map onto one another different mental spaces on the basis of their salient analogy or identity, and indulge in creative riddle-like exploration of contextual elements in order to reconstruct the intended message. These techniques’ true power lies in their ability to blur the distinction between ‘the real’ and ‘the imagined’ to such an extent that certain irrational but attractive connections, implanted in the minds of the audience, contribute to subsequent decisions in the real world. The present study attempts to uncover the ways in which certain unrelated elements are skillfully brought together in a context which allows for such a juxtaposition in selected Polish TV advertisements for various medicine and health-related products. The method employed is an in-depth content analysis of the material, followed by an attempt to integrate the identified mechanisms with the models of meaning-making mentioned above. The results will hopefully help in better understanding of the ways in which particular components of the context may interact with the message expressed verbally or pictorially in the construction of multilevel meanings in advertising communication.

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Adam Wojtaszek
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Production is becoming more customer-focused as it departs from delivering standardized mass products to market segments, and the emerging Industry 4.0 technologies render this much easier than before. These technologies enable two-way information exchange with customers throughout all the steps of product development, particularly in terms of tailor-made products. This study aims at presenting proposals of implementing Industry 4.0 technologies into the process of tailored products, where the product is customized for the customer from the start and where adjustments are also made at the manufacturing stage. The study also aims to build a concept of intensification of customer contact and to improve the process flow by applying Industry 4.0 technologies. The study’s subject is tailor-made furniture production, with individually designed products that are manufactured and installed at a customer’s facilities. The company in the study operates on a small scale. The study employs a case study methodology that shows how the process can be improved in terms of real-time effective customer contact and process flow. The huge potential of 3D visualization as well as augmented and virtual reality technologies are also demonstrated. The study concludes with several directions for further development of existing technology solutions.
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Krzysztof Łukaszewicz
Wiesław Urban
Elżbieta Krawczyk-Dembicka

  1. Faculty of Engineering Management, Department of Production Management, Bialystok University of Technology, Wiejska 45A Street, 15-351 Białystok, Poland
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This article explores the methodological and practical aspects of the history of concepts. In central focus is Reinhart Koselleck’s theory of the principal shift in the meanings of basic concepts (Sattelzeit) and its implications.
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Monika Widzicka
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The paper presents the genealogy of the concept of heritage in Polish. Adopting the Koselleck approach, it aims to bring the two paths of conceptual history methodology together: a sema-siological analysis of the term's various meanings and the onomasiological study of different words designating the same concept within one semantic field. The text argues that heritage belongs to those concepts that existed since the "saddle‑time"; however, until the second half of the 20th century, without one word denoting it.
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Marcin Jarząbek

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków
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In the sixth century, a series of natural disasters struck the Eastern Roman Empire, the most serious of which was the plague that raged from 541 to 542. The contemporary consensus is that Justinian's reign brought a fundamental cultural transformation and, according to Misha Meier's (2016) research, the plague marked a significant caesura in the transition from late antiquity to the Byzantine Middle Ages. The article is based on the assumption that the catastrophic events were a trigger for the transformation of the therapeutic piety, the development of which was conditioned by the ability to project the unreal. The purpose of the paper was to analyse counterfactual projections in rituals created as a response to the disasters besetting in the age of the Emperor Justinian. The author proposes to treat these religious formulas as visualised forms of counterfactual thinking based on the integration of cause and effect, according to the theory of conceptual blending. The article concludes that in case of the 6th century, counterfactual thinking enabled the transformation and development of early mediaeval culture and may have reduced the stress associated with the catastrophic events that affected the society of the Byzantine Empire.
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Marta Helena Nowak

  1. Uniwersytet Marii Curie Skłodowskiej w Lublinie
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The Polish word ‘niepamięć’ (oblivion) is defined by dictionaries as ‘forgetfulness’, ‘lack of remembrance’. In the last 25–30 years, its meaning has been extended and incorporated into the term ‘niepamięć zbiorowa’ (collective oblivion), which means ‘socially relevant phenomena suppressed from memory and/or not admitted to the collective memory of a community’. The author has analysed the contents of the Polish concept of ‘NIEPAMIĘĆ (zbiorowa)’ and asked whether one could find a lexical equivalent of Polish ‘niepamięć’ in Russian and an equivalent of the concept of ‘NIEPAMIĘĆ’ in Russian mentality. Providing a negative answer to these questions today, the author proposes that, instead of analysing individual words such as ‘niepamięć – забвение (zabveniye)’, one should analyse entire conceptual and lexical fields of memory in Polish and in Russian.

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Wojciech Chlebda
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The aim of the article is to reproduce and compare the peculiarities of the ethnocultural image of a vain person, as verbalized in Ukrainian and Polish phraseology. The subject of analysis is the structural‐semantic and functional peculiarities of Ukrainian and Polish phraseological units, in which vanity is conceptualized as an emotional state of superiority, arrogance, pride, and which have a pronounced negative connotation. The study found that in the common Ukrainian‐Polish perception, a vain person is a person who considers himself/herself superior to others, and, accordingly, others negatively evaluate this position. Most often, vanity in Polish and Ukrainian phraseology is conceptualized through the image of a person with their head raised high, puffed up, with protruding lips, whose appearance and habits resemble the behaviour of a beautiful pompous bird: a peacock or a rooster (in Ukrainian and Polish ethnoculture), a crane or a turkey (only in Polish), goldeneye or a screech‐owl (only in Ukrainian). Also common is the idea of a vain person who thinks he/she is the smartest, while others think that something is wrong with him/her. Comparing the analyzed phraseological units in the selected languages allows us to better understand the peculiarities of the image, which became the impetus for the creation of the phraseological nomination, to establish the regularities and mechanisms of the verbal explication of vanity in Ukrainian and Polish linguistic cultures.
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Оксана Лозинська

  1. Львів, Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка
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In search of the invariant semantics of the preposition “da”: a cognitive analysis of the predicative context – The purpose of this article is to verify whether the semantic invariant of the preposition da [starting point allowing physical or mental movement] in the nominal context remains valid in the context of the verb. The analysis of the content of predicates that link to the preposition da will help to answer the question of the extent to which the choice of a preposition is determined by the knowledge of the experienced activities and/or the predicate itself (its selective features) or if it is the result of convention.

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Katarzyna Kwapisz-Osadnik
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The dual nature of water (acqua) in feminine portals – The work is an attempt to show how the concept of acqua (water) is conceptualized in Italian persuasive discourse regarding the health and beauty of modern women. The conducted research mainly based on the notion of imagery in language (Langacker) and linguistic picture of the world (Bartmiński) reveals a number of semantic and axiological aspects involved by the analyzed concept. The valuation of acqua is also noteworthy, as water functions in the linguistic system as a neutral concept, while the corpus subjected to the analysis shows that it has a double face: it is benevolent and destructive at the same time.

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Aleksandra Paliczuk
Agnieszka Pastucha-Blin
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The article discusses the persuasive use of metaphors in the online discourse of influencers of the bodypositive movement, which aims to change the way society thinks about the body. Three cases will be considered: (a) first, the similarities in the conceptual metaphors used by the representatives of the two languages, (b) the metaphors used only in Spanish, (c) finally, the metaphors used only in the discourse in Polish. These three situations have been analysed and documented using examples Spanish and Polish examples, taken from publications posted on the Instagram platform.
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Aliaga, F. y E. de Bustos 2001. Metáfora y discurso argumentativo (breves observaciones). En J.J de Bustos Tovar (ed.), Lengua, discurso, texto: I simposio internacional de análisis del discurso, 849-859. Madrid: Visor Libros.
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Barbara Drozd
Natalia Wiśniewska

  1. Instituto de Estudios Polacos y Periodismo, Universidad De Rzeszow, Polonia
  2. Instituto de Lenguas Modernas, Universidad De Bielsko-Biala, Polonia
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The 60th anniversary of the African Studies program was celebrated at the University of Warsaw in the academic year 2022/23. This is equivalent to 60 years of experience in teaching African languages to Polish students. Since every anniversary encourages reflection, we take this opportunity to summarize the challenges we faced in this endeavour. Teaching foreign languages is not only about presenting new words and structures; it is even more about other cultures, people’s lives, and beliefs. Teaching and learning languages of such distant cultures as we encounter in Africa is quite a challenge to both the teachers and students found in the European context. In the article, we focus on two African languages; Hausa and Swahili, taught at the Chair of African Languages and Cultures, University of Warsaw. We aim to discuss chosen grammatical and cultural differences that pose problems during the teaching of these languages to Polish students.
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Izabela Will
Beata Wójtowicz

  1. University of Warsaw, Poland)
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The paper proposes a procedure for the conceptual design of reinforced concrete (RC) structures under a multiple load case (MLC), based on the truss-like topology optimization method. It is assumed that planar truss-like members are densely embedded in concrete to simulate RC structures. The densities and orientations of the reinforcing bars at nodes are regarded as optimization variables. The optimal reinforcement layout is obtained by solving the problem of minimizing the total volume of reinforcing bars with stress constraints. By solving a least squares problem, the optimized reinforcement layout under theMLCis obtained.According to the actual needs of the project, the zones to be reinforced are determined by reserving a certain percentage of elements. Lastly, a recommended reinforcement design is determined based on the densities and orientations of truss-like members. The reinforcement design tends to be more perfect by adding necessary structural reinforcements that meet specification requirements. No concrete cover is considered. Several examples are used to demonstrate the capability of the proposed method in finding the best reinforcement layout design.
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Hao Cui
Longfa Xie
Min Xiao
Manfang Deng

  1. College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University, No.605 Fenglin Avenue, 330013, Nanchang, China
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The central question of the article is should Stanisław Lem be read as a futurologist? The main thesis is that more than in predicting the future Lem always has been more interested in exploration the conceptual limits of science and its technological offshoots.
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Peter Swirski

  1. Canadian scholar and novelist
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The changes in the paralinguistic (social, economic, cultural) and linguistic sphere influence the quantitative and qualitative changes in a categorically diversified onomastic resource and the communicative flow of its elements on three levels of linguistic contact — nationwide, local and individual. The flow is additionally determined in the sphere of spontaneous everyday communication and in higher communicative functions (official linguistic behaviour). The accumulation of determinants which allow the usage of appropriate names and appellative forms (official and unofficial, e.g. diminutives, feminisms) involves the application of cumulative research methods, including psycho-, socio- and pragmalinguistic description of proper names functioning in communication. The contemporary theory of discourse in its three dimensions — formal, functional and interactional gives this possibility. It also requires the constant specification and standardization of Neoslavonic onomastic terminology.

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Robert Mrózek
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Due to the strength of Willlard V.O. Quine’s attack on the notion of analyticity, the reputation of this concept in philosophy has been considerably shaken. However, not everybody was convinced by Quine’s argument. Among those who decided to defend the dichotomy between analytic and synthetic sentences were two English ordinary language philosophers: Paul Grice and Peter Strawson. Their views are the main subject of the presented article. It consists of five parts. After outlining the basic distinctions connected with analyticity in Part One, the main elements of Quine’s critique of analyticity are delineated in Part Two. Part Three includes Grice’s and Strawson’s response to this critique. Part Four, perhaps surprisingly, describes some decisions by the Polish administrative courts, concerning the interpretation of the concept of ‘widow’ according to the article 20 paragraph 3 of the Act on the Combatant and Victimized Persons. In the final, Part Five, an attempt is made to establish the thesis that analytic sentences are not immune to criticism and may in fact be contested, though their effective abolition may require substantial argumentation and theoretical considerations. This opens a new possibility of using the notion of analyticity in conceptual analysis in jurisprudence.

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Michał Pełka
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While working on the oeuvre of P.F. Strawson (1919–2006), and especially on his metaphysics, I had a unique opportunity to exchange ideas with this eminent exponent of Oxford philosophy. Those exchanges, of which some have been reflected in private correspondence and in a published reply to one of my papers, were focussed on various interpretative questions. Three threads of those discussions seem especially pertinent for grasping the gist of Strawson’s philosophy and its general orientation. The first one concerned the nature of philosophical analysis, or to be more precise, the connective model of it, favoured by Strawson, and its relationship with the idea of concept presupposition. The second thread had to do with the position taken by the Oxford philosopher in the realism debate on three levels: semantic, epistemological, and metaphysical. Strawson made every effort to take a realist stand in this debate and avoid antirealism in any of its forms; however, his realism is in many respects very moderate and not so distant from antirealism. Similarly moderate was his stand in the traditional debate about universals, constituting the topic of the third thread of the exchanges with Strawson. He claimed that universals exist, but at the same time emphasized that they are objects of pure thought alone and as such do not form a part of the spatiotemporal world in which we live. One cannot also say much about the relation of exemplification in virtue of which universals manifest themselves in the world as particular instances. Presentation and elaboration of these three threads has led to the conclusion that although Strawson was a deeply systematic thinker, he avoided wide-ranging and ambitious statements and radical views. In characteristically minimalist way he dispelled some questions, and the ultimate resolution of many crucial and fundamental issues were for him choice and taking a particular attitude or stance.

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Tadeusz Szubka
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For Peter F. Strawson, transcendental arguments were an important part of his philosophical method, referred to as a connective analysis. Both Strawson and his critical commentators have devoted a lot of effort to determining the nature, scope and purpose of those arguments. In this text, I intend, first of all, to reconstruct and characterize the basic elements of transcendental argumentation, specifying its general form, features and purpose. Secondly, I reconstruct some of the most representative examples of this argumentation. Thirdly, I refer to the basic objections against transcendental arguments formulated in the literature. Finally, I point to a few peculiarities in those arguments, commonly omitted by commentators and interpreters. The overall message of the paper is moderately positive: transcendental arguments are a legitimate way of reasoning in philosophy, and in particular, they constitute a comprehensible and well-founded part of Strawson’s connective analysis.

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Mariusz Grygianiec

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