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Keywords WSN routing security
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With the continuous advances in mobile wireless sensor networks (MWSNs), the research community has responded to the challenges and constraints in the design of these networks by proposing efficient routing protocols that focus on particular performance metrics such as residual energy utilization, mobility, topology, scalability, localization, data collection routing, Quality of Service (QoS), etc. In addition, the introduction of mobility in WSN has brought new challenges for the routing, stability, security, and reliability of WSNs. Therefore, in this article, we present a comprehensive and meticulous investigation in the routing protocols and security challenges in the theory of MWSNs which was developed in recent years.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ahmed Al-Nasser
Reham Almesaeed
Hessa Al-Junaid

  1. University of Bahrain College of Information Technology, Bahrain
Keywords IoUT UASN routing
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The Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT) is an emerging technology that promised to connect the underwater world to the land internet. It is enabled via the usage of the Underwater Acoustic Sensor Network (UASN). Therefore, it is affected by the challenges faced by UASNs such as the high dynamics of the underwater environment, the high transmission delays, low bandwidth, high-power consumption, and high bit error ratio. Due to these challenges, designing an efficient routing protocol for the IoUT is still a trade-off issue. In this paper, we discuss the specific challenges imposed by using UASN for enabling IoUT, we list and explain the general requirements for routing in the IoUT and we discuss how these challenges and requirements are addressed in literature routing protocols. Thus, the presented information lays a foundation for further investigations and futuristic proposals for efficient routing approaches in the IoUT.
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Manal Al-Bzoor
Walaa Ayyad
Ola Alta’ani

  1. Yarmouk University, Computer Engineering Department, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan
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A geodesic survey of an existing route requires one to determine the approximation curve by means of optimization using the total least squares method (TLSM). The objective function of the LSM was found to be a square of the Mahalanobis distance in the adjustment field ν . In approximation tasks, the Mahalanobis distance is the distance from a survey point to the desired curve. In the case of linear regression, this distance is codirectional with a coordinate axis; in orthogonal regression, it is codirectional with the normal line to the curve. Accepting the Mahalanobis distance from the survey point as a quasi-observation allows us to conduct adjustment using a numerically exact parametric procedure. Analysis of the potential application of splines under the NURBS (non-uniform rational B-spline) industrial standard with respect to route approximation has identified two issues: a lack of the value of the localizing parameter for a given survey point and the use of vector parameters that define the shape of the curve. The value of the localizing parameter was determined by projecting the survey point onto the curve. This projection, together with the aforementioned Mahalanobis distance, splits the position vector of the curve into two orthogonal constituents within the local coordinate system of the curve. A similar system corresponds to points that form the control polygonal chain and allows us to find their position with the help of a scalar variable that determines the shape of the curve by moving a knot toward the normal line.
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Edward Nowak
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Wireless sensor network (WSN) plays a crucial role in many industrial, commercial, and social applications. However, increasing the number of nodes in a WSN increases network complexity, making it harder to acquire all relevant data in a timely way. By assuming the end node as a base station, we devised an Artificial Ant Routing (AAR) method that overcomes such network difficulties and finds an ideal routing that gives an easy way to reach the destination node in our situation. The goal of our research is to establish WSN parameters that are based on the biologically inspired Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) method. The proposed AAR provides the alternating path in case of congestion and high traffic requirement. In the event of node failures in a wireless network, the same algorithm enhances the efficiency of the routing path and acts as a multipath data transmission approach. We simulated network factors including Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR), Throughput, and Energy Consumption to achieve this. The major objective is to extend the network lifespan while data is being transferred by avoiding crowded areas and conserving energy by using a small number of nodes. The result shows that AAR is having improved performance parameters as compared to LEACH, LEACH-C, and FCM-DS-ACO.
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Shankar D. Chavan
Amruta S. Thorat
Monica S. Gunjal
Anup S. Vibhute
Kamalakar R. Desai

  1. Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Technology, Pimpri, Pune, (M.S.), India
  2. Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering, Kolhapur (M.S.), India
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Wireless sensor network (WSN) is assortment of sensor nodes proficient in environmental information sensing, refining it and transmitting it to base station in sovereign manner. The minute sensors communicate themselves to sense and monitor the environment. The main challenges are limited power, short communication range, low bandwidth and limited processing. The power source of these sensor nodes are the main hurdle in design of energy efficient network. The main objective of the proposed clustering and data transmission algorithm is to augment network performance by using swarm intelligence approach. This technique is based on K-mean based clustering, data rate optimization using firefly optimization algorithm and Ant colony optimization based data forwarding. The KFOA is divided in three parts: (1) Clustering of sensor nodes using K-mean technique and (2) data rate optimization for controlling congestion and (3) using shortest path for data transmission based on Ant colony optimization (ACO) technique. The performance is analyzed based on two scenarios as with rate optimization and without rate optimization. The first scenario consists of two operations as kmean clustering and ACO based routing. The second scenario consists of three operations as mentioned in KFOA. The performance is evaluated in terms of throughput, packet delivery ratio, energy dissipation and residual energy analysis. The simulation results show improvement in performance by using with rate optimization technique.
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Authors and Affiliations

Savita Sandeep Jadhav
Sangeeta Jadhav

  1. Dr. D.Y. Patil Institute of Technology, Pimpri, Pune, India
  2. Army Institute of Technology, Dighi Hills, Pune, India
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This paper aims at designing, building, and simulating a secured routing protocol to defend against packet dropping attacks in mobile WSNs (MWSNs). This research addresses the gap in the literature by proposing Configurable Secured Adaptive Routing Protocol (CSARP). CSARP has four levels of protection to allow suitability for different types of network applications. The protocol allows the network admin to configure the required protection level and the ratio of cluster heads to all nodes. The protocol has an adaptive feature, which allows for better protection and preventing the spread of the threats in the network. The conducted CSARP simulations with different conditions showed the ability of CSARP to identify all malicious nodes and remove them from the network. CSARP provided more than 99.97% packets delivery rate with 0% data packet loss in the existence of 3 malicious nodes in comparison with 3.17% data packet loss without using CSARP. When compared with LEACH, CSARP showed an improvement in extending the lifetime of the network by up to 39.5%. The proposed protocol has proven to be better than the available security solutions in terms of configurability, adaptability, optimization for MWSNs, energy consumption optimization, and the suitability for different MWSNs applications and conditions.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ahmed Alnaser
Hessa Al-Junaid
Reham Almesaeed

  1. University of Bahrain, College of Information Technology, Kingdom of Bahrain
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Operational amplifies (op amps) are an integral part of many analog and mixed-signal systems. Op amps with vastly different levels of complexity are used to realize functions ranging from DC bias generation to high-speed amplification or filtering. The design of op amps continues to pose a challenge as the supply voltage and transistor channel lengths scale down with each generation of CMOS technologies. The thesis deals with the analysis, design and layout optimization of CMOS op amps in deep Submicron (DSM) from a study case. Finally, layout optimizations of op amps will be given, in which propose optimization techniques to mitigate these DSM effects in the place-and-route stage of VLSI physical design.

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Jun Shi
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The Internet of Vehicles (IoVs) has become a vital research area in order to enhance passenger and road safety, increasing traffic efficiency and enhanced reliable connectivity. In this regard, for monitoring and controlling the communication between IoVs, routing protocols are deployed. Frequent changes that occur in the topology often leads to major challenges in IoVs, such as dynamic topology changes, shortest routing paths and also scalability. One of the best solutions for such challenges is “clustering”. This study focuses on IoVs’ stability and to create an efficient routing protocol in dynamic environment. In this context, we proposed a novel algorithm called Cluster-based enhanced AODV for IoVs (AODV-CD) to achieve stable and efficient clustering for simplifying routing and ensuring quality of service (QoS). Our proposed protocol enhances the overall network throughput and delivery ratio, with less routing load and less delay compared to AODV. Thus, extensive simulations are carried out in SUMO and NS2 for evaluating the efficiency of the AODV-CD that is superior to the classic AODV and other recent modified AODV algorithms.
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Sahar Ebadinezhad

  1. Department of Computer Information System, Near East University. Nicosia TRNC, Mersin 10, Turkey
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The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed a specific paradox of contemporary urban planning. Cities that since the dawn of civilization have been considered the safest and most attractive human habitats turn into traps in a pandemic. For example New York, the most densely populated city in the United States, became the world’s epicentre of the pandemic in April 2020. Since 1992, successive teams governing the city stimulated pro-ecological planning strategies. From a neglected city, threatened with crime and plagued by terrorism, they turned it into a green metropolis, a symbol of a city of the 21st century. One of the most important planning and urban achievements was the successful revitalization of the post-industrial waterfront piers of Brooklyn and Queens. The rapid growth of bicycle transport stimulated by the planning authorities and supported by the construction of a network of bicycle routes along the main streets and coastal promenades should be noted as well. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of the planning transformations in New York on the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, and to answer the question whether they made the city more resilient and safer.
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Artur Jasiński
Wojciech Oktawiec

  1. Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, Faculty of Architecture and Fine Arts
  2. New York Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Design
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The public transport service is highly essential to meet the demand due to a rapidly growing population and mobility. Thus providing public service and improve its service becomes an urgent need in recent years. In Iraq, the Bus system represents the backbone in public transportation, which is based mainly on highway infrastructure. To meet the growing mobility needs, enhancing public service provided only by bus routes is essential. Measuring bus route performance represents one of the crucial transit research topics in the last recent years. The current study tries to investigate the urban public route's efficiency utilizing the "data envelopment analysis (DEA)" technique. To analyze route performance, DEA is using, and performance measures include route design, cost, service, operation, and comfort efficiency are selected and calculated for different routes. Efficiency and effectiveness are the output of this process. Bus company owners can also use the results of this study to improve their services, attract new customers, and better manage their resources.

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Noor M. Asmael
Mohanned Q. Waheed
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There is a growing interest in new transportation routes that combine benefits of shorter distances, cost-effective transits and routes not troubled by maritime security concerns. The Northwest Passage offers a package of routes through the Canadian maritime zone; it is 9,000 km shorter than the Panama Canal route and 17,000 km shorter than the Cape Horn route. The Northern Sea Route shortens a Hamburg-Yokohama voyage by 4,800 miles, in comparison with the Suez Canal route. The transpolar route, if it materializes with an ice-free Central Arctic Ocean route, would shorten distances even further. Given the increase in regional and international navigation and shipping in the region, it is therefore not surprising that in recent years Arctic States and international bodies focused on the needs of enhanced safety and environmental standards for polar shipping. In addition to the dedicated domestic polar shipping regulation, primarily in Canada and the Russian Federation, the Arctic Council and International Maritime Organization (IMO) have launched important initiatives. The most important is establishing of international rules for ships operating in polar waters – The Polar Code.

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Maja Głuchowska-Wójcicka
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The Elastic Optical Networks (EON) provide a solution to the massive demand for connections and extremely high data traffic with the Routing Modulation and Spectrum Assignment (RMSA) as a challenge. In previous RMSA research, there was a high blocking probability because the route to be passed by the K-SP method with a deep neural network approach used the First Fit policy, and the modulation problem was solved with Modulation Format Identification (MFI) or BPSK using Deep Reinforcement Learning. The issue might be apparent in spectrum assignment because of the influence of Advanced Reservation (AR) and Resource Periodic Arrangement (RPA), which is a decision block on a connection request path with both idle and active data traffic. The study’s limitation begins with determining the modulation of m = 1 and m = 4, followed by the placement of frequencies, namely 13 with a combination of standard block frequencies 41224–24412, so that the simulation results are less than 0.0199, due to the combination of block frequency slices with spectrum allocation rule techniques.
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R.J. Silaban
M. Alaydrus
U. Umaisaroh

  1. Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Mercu Buana, Jakarta, Indonesia
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Elastic optical networking is a potential candidate to support dynamic traffic with heterogeneous data rates and variable bandwidth requirements with the support of the optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing technology (OOFDM). During the dynamic network operation, lightpath arrives and departs frequently and the network status updates accordingly. Fixed routing and alternate routing algorithms do not tune according to the current network status which are computed offline. Therefore, offline algorithms greedily use resources with an objective to compute shortest possible paths and results in high blocking probability during dynamic network operation. In this paper, adaptive routing algorithms are proposed for shortest path routing as well as alternate path routing which make routing decision based on the maximum idle frequency slots (FS) available on different paths. The proposed algorithms select an underutilized path between different choices with maximum idle FS and efficiently avoids utilizing a congested path. The proposed routing algorithms are compared with offline routing algorithms as well as an existing adaptive routing algorithm in different network scenarios. It has been shown that the proposed algorithms efficiently improve network performance in terms of FS utilization and blocking probability during dynamic network operation.

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Akhtar Nawaz Khan
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Energy and latency are the significant Quality of Service parameters of ad hoc networks. Lower latency and limited energy expenditure of nodes in the ad hoc network contributes to a prolonged lifetime of the network. Reactive protocols determine the route to the destination using a route discovery process which results in increased delay and increased energy expenditure. This paper proposes a new technique of route discovery, Dynamic Blocking Expanded Ring Search (DBERS) which minimizes time delay and energy required for route discovery process. DBERS reduces energy expenditure and time delay occurring in the existing route discovery techniques of reactive protocols. The performance of DBERS is simulated with various network topologies by considering a different number of hop lengths. The analytical results of DBERS are validated through conduction of extensive experiments by simulations that consider topologies with varying hop lengths. The analytical and simulated results of DBERS are evaluated and compared with widely used route discovery techniques such as BERS, BERS+. The comparison of results demonstrates that DBERS provides substantial improvement in time efficiency and also minimizes energy consumption.

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Kavita Mhatre
Uday Khot
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Compared with traditional cellular networks, wireless ad hoc networks do not have trusted entities such as routers, since every node in the network is expected to participate in the routing function. Therefore, routing protocols need to be specifically designed for wireless ad hoc networks. In this work, we propose an authenticated routing protocol based on small world model (ARSW). With the idea originating from the small world theory, the operation of the protocol we proposed is simple and flexible. Our simulation results show the proposed ARSW not only increases packet delivery ratio, but also reduces packet delivery delay. In particularly, Using authentication theory, the proposed ARSW improves communication security.
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Authors and Affiliations

Daxing Wang
Leying Xu

  1. College of Mathematics and Finance, Chuzhou University
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Energy consumed by the sensor nodes are more sporadic in a sensor networks. A skilled way to bring down energy consumption and extend maximum life-time of any sensor present can be of evenly and unevenly distributed random area networks. Cluster heads are more responsible for the links between the source and destination. Energy consumption are much compare to member nodes of the network. Re-clustering will take place if the connectivity in the distributed network failure occurs in between the cluster networks that will affects redundancy in the network efficiency. Hence, we propose pragmatic distribution based routing cluster lifetime using fitness function (PDBRC) prototype is better than the existing protocol using MATLAB 2021a simulation tool.
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Authors and Affiliations

Harish SV
Archana NV

  1. NIE Institute of Technology, India Visvesvaraya Technological University, India
  2. University of Mysuru, India
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The fixed fleet heterogeneous open vehicle routing problem (HFFOVRP) is one of the most practical versions of the vehicle routing problem (VRP) defined because the use of rental vehicles reduces the cost of purchasing and routing for shipping companies nowadays. Also, applying a heterogeneous fleet is recommended due to the physical limitations of the streets and efforts to reduce the running costs of these companies. In this paper, a mixed-integer linear programming is proposed for HFFOVRP. Because this problem, like VRP, is related to NP-hard issues, it is not possible to use exact methods to solve real-world problems. Therefore, in this paper, a hybrid algorithm based on the ant colony algorithm called MACO is presented. This algorithm uses only global updating pheromones for a more efficient search of feasible space and considers a minimum value for pheromones on the edges. Also, pheromones of some best solutions obtained so far are updated, based on the quality of the solutions at each iteration, and three local search algorithms are used for the intensification mechanism. This method was tested on several standard instances, and the results were compared with other algorithms. The computational results show that the proposed algorithm performs better than these methods in cost and CPU time. Besides, not only has the algorithm been able to improve the quality of the best-known solutions in nine cases but also the high-quality solutions are obtained for other instances.
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Authors and Affiliations

Majid Yousefikhoshbakht
Farzad Didehvar
Farhad Rahmati
Zakir Hussain Ahmed

  1. Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran
  2. Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
  3. Department of Mathematics and Statistics, College of Science, Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University (IMSIU), Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
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To improve the dynamic adaptability and flexibility of the process route during manufacturing, a dynamic optimization method of the multi-process route based on an improved ant colony algorithm driven by digital twin is proposed. Firstly, based on the analysis of the features of the manufacturing part, the machining methods of each process are selected, and the fuzzy precedence constraint relationship between machining metas and processes is constructed by intuitionistic fuzzy information. Then, the multi-objective optimization function driven by the digital twin is established with the optimization objectives of least manufacturing cost and lowest carbon emission, also the ranking of processing methods is optimized by an improved adaptive ant colony algorithm to seek the optimal processing sequence. Finally, the transmission shaft of some equipment is taken as an engineering example for verification analysis, which shows that this method can obtain a process route that gets closer to practical production.
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Authors and Affiliations

Zhaoming Chen
1 2
Jinsong Zou
Wei Wang

  1. Chongqing University, Chongqing, China
  2. Chongqing School, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chongqing, China
  3. Chongqing Institute of Green and Intelligent Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chongqing, China
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The nano-sized Y2O3 dispersed W composite powder is prepared by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis of a tungsten precursor using ammonium metatungstate hydrate and a polymer addition solution method using Y-nitrate. XRD analysis for calcined powder showed the formation of WO2 phase by partial oxidation of W powder during calcination in air. The TEM and phase analysis for further hydrogen reduction of calcined powder mixture exhibited that the W powder with a uniform distribution of Y2O3 nanoparticles can be successfully produced. These results indicate that the wet chemical method combined with spray pyrolysis and polymer solution is a promising way to synthesis the W-based composites with homogeneous dispersion of fine oxide particles.
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Authors and Affiliations

Hyeonhui Jo
Young-In Lee
1 2
Myung-Jin Suk
Young-Keun Jeong
Sung-Tag Oh
1 2

  1. Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul 01811, Republic of Korea
  2. Seoul National University of Science and Technology, The Institute of Powder Technology, Seoul 01811, Republic of Korea
  3. Kangwon National University, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Samcheok 25913, Republic of Korea
  4. Pusan National University, Graduate School of Convergence Science, Busan 46241, Republic of Korea
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Nodes' aware-mobility in the Internet of Things (IoTs) stills open defy for researchers, due to the dynamic changing of routing path and networks’ resource limitations. Therefore, in this study a new method is proposed called Mobility Aware - “Routing Protocol for Low power and Lossy Networks” (MARPL), that consists of two phases: in the first phase splitting the entire network into sub areas based on reference nodes with “Time Difference of Arrival” (TDoA) technique. While, the second phase, is about managing mobile nodes (MNs) in RPL according to the sub areas' ID. The Cooja simulator software has been used to implement and assess MA-RPL method performance, according to the data packet metrics (lost packet, packet delivery ratio PDR), latency and nodes' power usage in comparison with two methods: Corona (Co-RPL) and Mobility Enhanced (ME-RPL). The simulation results have been shown that the MA-RPL method consumes less nodes' energy usage, gives less latency with minimum data packet loss in comparison with Co-RPL and MERPL.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ahmed R. Zarzoor

  1. Directorate of Inspection, Ministry of Health, Baghdad, Iraq
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This issue, Chronicles of a Pandemic, is a collection of 27 position statements published by the Interdisciplinary COVID-19 Advisory Team to the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences, set up in July 2020. This publication is our team’s second comprehensive compilation (after Understanding COVID-19) of information about SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19. Published in September 2020, Understanding COVID-19 aimed to sum up the first months of the pandemic and prepare the public in Poland for the difficult fall and winter 2020–2021. The present study, in turn, was written after two years of the pandemic, which first began in Wuhan in December 2019. We hope that ongoing reports on the course of the pandemic and the dilemmas faced by the public will help us learn from those difficult and important experiences, should similar challenges arise in the future.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jerzy Duszyński
Aneta Afelt
Małgorzata Kossowska
Anna Ochab-Marcinek
Radosław Owczuk
Wojciech Paczos
Anna Plater-Zyberk
Krzysztof Pyrć
Magdalena Rosińska
Andrzej Rychard
Tomasz Smiatacz

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