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In this paper, we show that the signal sampling operation considered as a non-ideal one, which incorporates finite time switching and operation of signal blurring, does not lead, as the researchers would expect, to Dirac impulses for the case of their ideal behavior.
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Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Borys

  1. Gdynia Maritime University, Poland
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In this paper, we continue a topic of modeling measuring processes by perceiving them as a kind of signal sampling. And, in this respect, note that an ideal model was developed in a previous work. Whereas here, we present its nonideal version. This extended model takes into account an effect, which is called averaging of a measured signal. And, we show here that it is similar to smearing of signal samples arising in nonideal signal sampling. Furthermore, we demonstrate in this paper that signal averaging and signal smearing mean principally the same, under the conditions given. So, they can be modeled in the same way. A thorough analysis of errors related to the signal averaging in a measuring process is given and illustrated with equivalent schemes of the relationships derived. Furthermore, the results obtained are compared with the corresponding ones that were achieved analyzing amplitude quantization effects of sampled signals used in digital techniques. Also, we show here that modeling of errors related to signal averaging through the so-called quantization noise, assumed to be a uniform distributed random signal, is rather a bad choice. In this paper, an upper bound for the above error is derived. Moreover, conditions for occurrence of hidden aliasing effects in a measured signal are given.

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Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Borys
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Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs) are devices that transform analog signals into digital signals and are used in various applications such as audio recording, data acquisition, and measurement systems [1]. Prior to the development of actual chip, there is a need for prototyping, testing and verifying the performance of ADCs in different scenarios. Analog macros cannot be tested on an FPGA. In order to ensure the macros function properly, the emulation of the ADC is done first. This is a digital module and can be designed in System Verilog. This paper demonstrates the design of the module on FPGA for Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) emulation. The emulation is done specific to the ADC macro which has programmable resolutions of 12/10/8/6 bit.
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Authors and Affiliations

Huma Tabassum
Krishna Prathik BV
Sujatha S Hiremath

  1. RV College of Engineering, India
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Pollution associated with microplastics (MP) over time is becoming a genuine cause of concern because these micro-sized plastics possess the ability to accumulate toxic contaminants of diverse types. Their propensity to absorb or adsorb pollutants from the surroundings increases the toxicity of microplastics. Multiple root causes lead to the accumulation of microplastics in aqueous ecosystems, necessitating specialized techniques for investigating, handling, and disposing of them. This overview elaborates on the several modes of degradation of microplastics in aquatic systems. It further provides insights into the novel ‘Microfluidics’ technique for detecting microplastics in marine environments. Additionally, as a rising hope for the degradation of microplastics through biofilm formation, distinct types of bacteria found in marine habitats are discussed in this paper. Finally, this review elucidates the problems associated with microplastic pollution in aquatic ecosystems and explores methods for their safe disposal in the future
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Authors and Affiliations

Mahima Ganguly
Jithu Valiamparampil
Divyashree Somashekara
Lavanya Mulky

  1. Department of Chemical Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, 576104, India
  2. Department of Biotechnology, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, 576104, India
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It is shown that a number of equivalent choices for the calculation of the spectrum of a sampled signal are possible. Two such choices are presented in this paper. It is illustrated that the proposed calculations are more physically relevant than the definition currently in use.
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Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Borys

  1. Department of Marine Telecommunications, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland
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Previous studies concerning the categorisation method have been based on short daytime measure- ments. These studies demonstrated urban-noise stratification in the daytime. Nevertheless, legislation and standards refer to noise estimation throughout the day. This paper presents the first attempt to apply the categorisation method to indicators obtained through long-term measurements. The study was conducted in Plasencia, Extremadura (Spain) which has approximately 41,500 inhabitants. First, we conducted a stratification of the roads using the categorisation method. Second, long-term measurements (approxi- mately one week) were conducted at different sampling locations across different categories of streets. The results were analysed by category. Moreover, the profile of the noise-level variation was analysed during the day. The results revealed a stratification of sound levels measured across the different categories. Furthermore, we found health risks due to the noise levels in this town. Short-term measurements were also conducted to complete the categorisation method suitability analysis.
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Guillermo Rey Gozalo
Juan Miguel Barrigón Morillas
Valentín Gómez Escobar
Rosendo Vílchez-Gómez
Juan Antonio Méndez Sierra
Francisco Javier Carmona del Río
Carlos Prieto Gajardo
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To stabilise the periodic operation of a chemical reactor the oscillation period should be determined precisely in real time. The method discussed in the paper is based on adaptive sampling of the state variable with the use of chaotic mapping to itself. It enables precise determination of the oscillation period in real time and could be used for a proper control system, that can successfully control the process of chemical reaction and maintain the oscillation period at a set level. The method was applied to a tank reactor and tubular reactor with recycle.

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Marcin Lawnik
Marek Berezowski
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In a parallel time-interleaved data sampling system, timing and amplitude mismatches of this structure degrade the performance of the whole ADC system. In this paper, an adaptive blind synthesis calibration algorithm is proposed, which could estimate the timing, gain and offset errors simultaneously, and calibrate automatically. With no need of an extra calibration signal and redesign, it could efficiently and dynamically track the changes of mismatches due to aging or temperature variation. A fractional delay filter is developed to adjust the timing mismatch, which simplifies the design and decreases the cost. Computer simulations are also included to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

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Huiqing Pan
Shulin Tian
Peng Ye
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This paper considers the problem of reconstructing a class of generalized sampled signals of which a special case occurs in, e.g., a generalized sampling system due to non-ideal analysis basis functions. To this end, we propose an improved reconstruction system and a reconstruction algorithm based on generalized inverse, which can be viewed as a reconstruction method that reduces reconstruction error as well. The key idea is to add an additional channel into a generalized sampling system and apply the generalized inverse theory to the reconstruction algorithm. Finally, the approach is applied, respectively, to an oscilloscope, which shows the proposed method yields better performance as compared to the existing technique.
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Zhu Zhaoxuan
Wang Houjun
Wang Zhigang
Zhang Hao
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The paper presents an impedance measurement method using a particular sampling method which is an alternative to DFT calculation. The method uses a sine excitation signal and sampling response signals proportional to current flowing through and voltage across the measured impedance. The object impedance is calculated without using Fourier transform. The method was first evaluated in MATLAB by means of simulation. The method was then practically verified in a constructed simple impedance measurement instrument based on a PSoC (Programmable System on Chip). The obtained calculation simplification recommends the method for implementation in simple portable impedance analyzers destined for operation in the field or embedding in sensors.

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Grzegorz Lentka
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In this paper, we present some useful results related with the sampling theorem and the reconstruction formula. The first of them regards a relation existing between bandwidths of interpolating functions different from a perfectreconstruction one and the bandwidth of the latter. Furthermore, we prove here that two non-identical interpolating functions can have the same bandwidths if and only if their (same) bandwidth is a multiple of the bandwidth of an original unsampled signal. The next result shows that sets of sampling points of two nonidentical (but not necessarily interpolating) functions possessing different bandwidths are unique for all sampling periods smaller or equal to a given period (calculated in a theorem provided). These results are completed by the following one: in case of two different signals possessing the same bandwidth but different spectra shapes, their sets of sampling points must differ from each other.

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Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Borys
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In this paper, the problem of aliasing and folding effects in spectrum of sampled signals in view of Information Theory is discussed. To this end, the information content of deterministic continuous time signals, which are continuous functions, is formulated first. Then, this notion is extended to the sampled versions of these signals. In connection with it, new signal objects that are partly functions but partly not are introduced. It is shown that they allow to interpret correctly what the Whittaker– Shannon reconstruction formula in fact does. With help of this tool, the spectrum of the sampled signal is correctly calculated. The result achieved demonstrates that no aliasing and folding effects occur in the latter. Finally, it is shown that a Banach–Tarski-like paradox can be observed on the occasion of signal sampling.
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Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Borys

  1. Department of Marine Telecommunications, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland
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We present here a few thoughts regarding topological aspects of transferring a signal of a continuous time into its discrete counterpart and recovering an analog signal from its discrete-time equivalent. In our view, the observations presented here highlight the essence of the above transformations. Moreover, they enable deeper understanding of the reconstruction formula and of the sampling theorem. We also interpret here these two borderline cases that are associated with a time quantization step going to zero, on the one hand, and approaching its greatest value provided by the sampling theorem, on the other

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Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Borys
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In this paper, we show why the descriptions of the sampled signal used in calculation of its spectrum, that are used in the literature, are not correct. And this finding applies to both kinds of descriptions: the ones which follow from an idealized way of modelling of the signal sampling operation as well as those which take into account its non-idealities. The correct signal description, that results directly from the way A/D converters work (regardless of their architecture), is presented and dis-cussed here in detail. Many figures included in the text help in its understanding.
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Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Borys

  1. Department of Marine Telecommunications, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Gdynia Maritime University, Poland
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In this paper, we show that signal sampling operation can be considered as a kind of all-pass filtering in the time domain, when the Nyquist frequency is larger or equal to the maximal frequency in the spectrum of a signal sampled. We demonstrate that this seemingly obvious observation has wideranging implications. They are discussed here in detail. Furthermore, we discuss also signal shaping effects that occur in the case of signal under-sampling. That is, when the Nyquist frequency is smaller than the maximal frequency in the spectrum of a signal sampled. Further, we explain the mechanism of a specific signal distortion that arises under these circumstances. We call it the signal shaping, not the signal aliasing, because of many reasons discussed throughout this paper. Mainly however because of the fact that the operation behind it, called also the signal shaping here, is not a filtering in a usual sense. And, it is shown that this kind of shaping depends upon the sampling phase. Furthermore, formulated in other words, this operation can be viewed as a one which shapes the signal and performs the low-pass filtering of it at the same time. Also, an interesting relation connecting the Fourier transform of a signal filtered with the use of an ideal low-pass filter having the cut frequency lying in the region of under-sampling with the Fourier transforms of its two under-sampled versions is derived. This relation is presented in the time domain, too.

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Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Borys
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Every year, millions of tons of plastic waste are dumped into the ocean from estuaries. The process of accumulating and converting plastic into microplastics (MPs) in this dynamic system has not received as much attention compared to the open-ocean region. Therefore, this study aimed at evaluating the seasonal variation in microplastic (MP) content at the Can Gio estuary, Vietnam, during the rainy and dry seasons of 2021 and 2022. Water, sediment, and biological samples were collected at four sites. MP contents ranged from 0.00134 ± 0.00043 to 0.00095 ± 0.00014 items/L in water surface samples, from 4.22 ± 0.46 to 2.44 ± 0.46 items/L in water column samples, and from 200 ± 13.68 to 90 ± 13.68items/kg in sediment samples. There was an interactive effect of seasonal fluctuation and the complex flow regime on the MP content. MP bioaccumulation in Saccostrea and Periophthalmodon schlosseri was 1.5 – 1.8 and 0.2 – 0.52 items/individual, respectively. The main MP shapes were fibers and fragments. The composition mainly consisted of polypropylene (45.45%), polyethylene (18.18%), polystyrene (9.09%) and other plastics (27.28%). The source of MPs can be projected from the macro-plastic stream accumulated at the sampling sites. This study found the presence of MPs in both seasons of the year, and the accumulation of MPs in this dynamic region is closely correlated with hydrological properties of the estuary.
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Authors and Affiliations

Hoa Thi Pham
Tinh Quoc Pham
Ngoc Pham
Linh Ho Thuy Nguyen
Simon Cragg
Laura Michie

  1. International University, Vietnam National University - Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
  2. Center for Innovative Materials & Architectures - Vietnam National University HCMC, Viet Nam
  3. Institute of Marine Sciences, Ferry Road, University of Portsmouth, PO4 9LY, United Kingdom
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In this paper, it has been shown that the spectrum aliasing and folding effects occur only in the case of non-ideal signal sampling. When the duration of the signal sampling is equal to zero, these effects do not occur at all. In other words, the absolutely necessary condition for their occurrence is just a nonzero value of this time. Periodicity of the sampling process plays a secondary role.
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Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Borys

  1. Department of Marine Telecommunications, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland
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A new model of ideal signal sampling operation is developed in this paper. This model does not use the Dirac comb in an analytical description of sampled signals in the continuous time domain. Instead, it utilizes functions of a continuous time variable, which are introduced in this paper: a basic Kronecker time function and a Kronecker comb (that exploits the first of them). But, a basic principle behind this model remains the same; that is it is also a multiplier which multiplies a signal of a continuous time by a comb. Using a concept of a signal object (or utilizing equivalent arguments) presented elsewhere, it has been possible to find a correct expression describing the spectrum of a sampled signal so modelled. Moreover, the analysis of this expression showed that aliases and folding effects cannot occur in the sampled signal spectrum, provided that the signal sampling is performed ideally.
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Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Borys

  1. Department of Marine Telecommunications, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland
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In this paper, a new proof of ambiguity of the formula describing the aliasing and folding effects in spectra of sampled signals is presented. It uses the model of non-ideal sampling operation published by Vetterli et al. Here, their model is modified and its black-box equivalent form is achieved. It is shown that this modified model delivers the same output sequences but of different spectral properties. Finally, a remark on two possible understandings of the operation of non-ideal sampling is enclosed as well as fundamental errors that are made in perception and description of sampled signals are considered.
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Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Borys

  1. Department of Marine Telecommunications, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland
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The problem of an inconsistent description of an “interface” between the A/D converter and the digital signal processor that implements, for example, a digital filtering (described by a difference equation) – when a sequence of some hypothetical weighted Dirac deltas occurs at its input, instead of a sequence of numbers – is addressed in this paper. Digital signal processors work on numbers, and there is no “interface” element that converts Dirac deltas into numbers. The output of the A/D converter is directly connected to the input of the signal processor. Hence, a clear conclusion must follow that sampling devices do not generate Dirac deltas. Not the other way around. Furthermore, this fact has far-reaching implications in the spectral analysis of discrete signals, as discussed in other works referred to in this paper.
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Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Borys

  1. Department of Marine Telecommunications, Electrical Engineering Faculty, Gdynia Maritime University, ul. Morska 81-87, 81-225 Gdynia, Poland
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Cephus fumipennis Eversmann is a key insect pest of wheat crops in Qinghai, China. Its field population densities were surveyed by using both the back-loaded insect vacuum and a sweep net. Mean densities in township-level were calculated and a quantitative relation, ŷ = 0.664 + 0214x, was established between the two sampling methods. The empirical relationship may be applicable in density monitoring and Integrated Pest Management program of the insect.

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Limin Zhao
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Analyses of the ground waters in respect of presence of residues of plant protection products, i.e. active substances as well as environmental metabolites thereof are performed in the Institute of Plant Protection since the end of 80ties of the past Century. Based on the results obtained in 1993–1994 for 40 wells located in administrative territories of former Poznań, Toruń and Bydgoszcz voivodeships, in the vicinity of intensive agricultural production areas (orchards, farms), wells where significant amounts of residues of triazines group and dealkylated metabolites thereof had been found previously were qualified to further studies. There were 6 wells in which triazine residues were determined most often. Additionally, based on hydrogeological maps, directions of underflows in the areas of well’s locations were determined as well. The aim of the above was to find the additional places for sampling waters distant from pollution sources and estimation of the level of residues of target compounds depending on distance from the basic wells. Seven triazine compounds including basic active substances (atrazine, simazine) and their metabolites [desethyl atrazine, desisopropyl atrazine, desethyldesisopropyl atrazine, hydroxyatrazine and hydroxysimazine] were selected for the presented studies. Residues were analyzed using methodologies designed in the Institute, i.e. solid-phase extraction (SPE) followed by determination by chromatographic techniques HPLC-PDA, GC-NPD and GC-MS. Generally, during 11 years of investigations (1993–2003) samplings were performed 52 times and 323 samples of groundwater including that from additional wells were analyzed. Most often residues of atrazine and deethylatrazine in wells located in environs of Poznań were detected.

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Dariusz Drożdżyński
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Over the last decades the method of proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) has been successfully employed for reduced order modelling (ROM) in many applications, including distributed parameter models of chemical reactors. Nevertheless, there are still a number of issues that need further investigation. Among them, the policy of the collection of representative ensemble of experimental or simulation data, being a starting and perhaps most crucial point of the POD-based model reduction procedure. This paper summarises the theoretical background of the POD method and briefly discusses the sampling issue. Next, the reduction procedure is applied to an idealised model of circulating fluidised bed combustor (CFBC). Results obtained confirm that a proper choice of the sampling strategy is essential for the modes convergence however, even low number of observations can be sufficient for the determination of the faithful dynamical ROM.

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Katarzyna Bizon

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