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This study aims to report on how the use of the allocutive person suggested by “Ce que j’appelle oubli”, eighth novel by Laurent Mauvignier, subsume many problematics that preside over the renewal of contemporary fictional forms such as the polyphony of narrative voices, the difficulty of placing an ‘I’ narrator confronted with the writing of society and particularly its minorities, as well as the place of silence within/in the literary text.
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Thomas Vandormael
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Although the usefulness of alternative assessment in second language (L2) classrooms has been extensively recognized by scholars, the use of the various types of alternative assessment in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) contexts has not received adequate attention by L2 practitioners. To contribute to this line of research, the present research sought to examine the impact of a portfolio-based writing instruction on writing performance and writing anxiety of EFL students. To this end, a number of 41 EFL learners were recruited as the participants of this study. They were then randomly divided to an experimental group (N=21) and a control group (N=20). The participants in the experimental group received portfolio-based writing instruction, whereas the control group received the regular writing instruction with no archiving of students’ drafts in portfolios. Timed-writing tasks and the Second Language Writing Anxiety Inventory (SLWAI) were employed to collect the data. The results obtained from ANCOVA analysis revealed that the portfolio-based writing instruction aided the participants in improving their writing performance more than the control group. Moreover, it was found that the use of portfolios significantly reduced the L2 writing anxiety of the participants while the traditional writing instruction did not have any significant impact on L2 writing anxiety of the control group. The pedagogical implications for portfolio-based writing instruction are discussed finally.

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Jalil Fathi
Ali Derakhshan
Maryam Safdari
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The motif of the so-called “critique of writing” in the Phaedrus has received much attention from contemporary commentators of Plato. Less attention has been paid to the explicit praise of writing and the project of making all citizens literate presented in the Laws. Because in the Phaedrus there is talk of writing of every sort (including legal documents), the question arises whether Plato changed his attitude to writing in the Laws. The present discussion places the Platonic reflection on writing and speech in the broader context of the ambivalent attitude of fourth-century BC Athenians to writing and written laws. It is demonstrated, first, that Plato criticizes writing to the same extent to which he praises it; second, that if his criticism includes writing, it also includes verbal teachings and all oral compositions.
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Dorota Zygmuntowicz

  1. Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii, Polska Akademia Nauk
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In my review article of Solarska’s book Historia Zrewoltowana. Pisarstwo historyczne Michela Foucaulta jako diagnoza teraźniejszości i projekt przyszłości I’m trying to reconstruct and analyze possible way of speaking about Foucault’s historical writing proposed by author. This original manner shows that intellectual heritage of French philosopher endlessly presents an effective inspiration. Solarska conducts in three next chapters specific dialogue with Michel Foucault, being under his great charm. However this charm is not one-dimensional relation. It remains a multiple game, which result cannot be anticipate to the very end.
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Michał Kierzkowski
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The article deals with the problem of historical writing. Up to our time methodologists used to believe that authors of historical works were exclusively historians themselves. The contemporary philosophy and literary theory rejects the idea of such an importance of the author. Other factors like paradigm, discourse or culture are admitted also into creation of historical texts.
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Andrzej Radomski
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In this article, strategies and writing tricks (the trick of “defamiliarization”, imagery) which in Nabokov’s short story A Guide to Berlin serve to design the image of the city and simultaneously to explore the world of values (axiological map of Berlin/Eden) are being interpreted. The author of this article proves that the semantics of the title guide is connected with the strategy of transition from empirical observation and one “fragment of space” to expression of a situation in which the subject of speech has found himself. Moreover, it is shown that the subjectivity of the observer, his way of experiencing the world and his creative sensitivity seem crucial in the story, because he evaluates the surrounding reality and in the “act of individual creativity” builds upon it yet another space – an unusual, transformed one, close to the emigrant/the author of the guidebook. Attention is also paid to the differentiation of two ways of perceiving the world and two types of consciousness: the artist’s/narrator’s and his listener’s (“average consciousness”).

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Małgorzata Ułanek
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This study aims at exploring the conceptualisations of writing in the language-oriented Curricula of Polish and South African education in Grades 4–8 and 4–9, respectively. Using Ivanič's model we show how writing is framed in literacy education in Poland and South Africa. The findings suggest in general that curriculum developers in both countries tend to view writing as a set of genres and skills. Comparisons made between Polish and South African curricula reveal some differences both in conceptualising writing and in the presence of discourses of writing. In comparison to the Polish curricula, the South African ones are much more detailed, which what can mainly be traced back to their different formal structure. Nevertheless, implications for policy and curriculum development in both countries include a need for greater consideration of the complexities of writing.
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Monika Kowalonek-Janczarek
Michael M. Kretzer
2 3

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
  2. Ruhr-Universität Bochum
  3. University of the Western Cape
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In the present article the author describes the issue of relation between Synagogue and Church in the context of Johannine writings. The author makes analysis of the Johannine texts in order to show the traces of polemic between Judaism and Christianity. He shows the hostility between Synagogue and Church in the light of terms like aposunagōgos, “Jews” and other polemical expressions which occur in the Gospel of John, in the Letters of John and the Book of Revelation. The author tries to answer the question of how Sitz im Leben of the Johannine writings influences their content. The analysis of Jewish and Christian sources shows the tension and hostility between Rabbinic Judaism and Johannine Community after the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple. It leads to gradual separation between Synagogue and Church. In this article there are shown the reasons for the parting of the ways between Judaism and Christianity and its meaning for the contemporary dialogue between Synagogue and Church.
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Ks. Mirosław S. Wróbel
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Academic authors employ various language means in order to construct and disseminate knowledge, to sound persuasive, to undergird their arguments, but also to seek agreement within the academic community. The aim of this paper is to analyse a selected group of rhetorical strategies used by Anglophone and Czech authors of Linguistics research articles (RAs) and research theses (RTs). These strategies are assumed to vary in both academic genres since the position of their writers within the academic community differs. Even though authors of RAs have to meet reviewers’ requirements in order for their article to be published, so their relative position may be lower than that of the reviewers’, authors of RAs may have the same “absolute status” as the reviewers may be just as expert in that particular field. By contrast, the status of research students is lower than that of their evaluators both in relative and absolute terms. Even though students may gain some learned authority in presenting an original contribution, their assessors command both learned and institutional authority, hence are endowed with a higher status. Apart from comparing rhetorical strategies used in RAs and RTs, the paper focuses on cross-cultural differences between Anglophone and Czechacademic writing traditions.

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Jana Kozubíková Šandová
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The paper deals with a little-known translation of the Vulgate Psalter which was published anonymously in 1700 in Saint-Germain-en-Laye by the printer of the exiled court of King James VII of Scotland and II of England. The paper argues in favour of the originality of the translation in the face of the claim expressed in the literature that it represents a revision of an earlier English rendition made from the Vulgate published in 1610 as part of the Douay-Rheims Bible. The adduced data draw from history, life writing studies and linguistics, thereby offering multidisciplinary evidence in favour of the originality of the rendition.

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Magdalena Charzyńska-Wójcik
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The article examines the disciplinary preferences of medical and psychology writers of research articles (RAs) in the use of epistemic lexical verbs (ELVs), regarding their frequency, prominence, distribution across the RA sections, and recurrent phraseology. The results show that disciplinary affiliation affects these phenomena, as more ELVs are found in psychology than in medicine. Both groups prefer speculative judgements and quotative evidence and most frequently use ELVs in Discussions. Yet, psychology authors are more balanced in their preferences and rely on a wider selection of frequent ELVs which are often combined with self-mention. Medical authors are more inclined towards deductive ELVs. Disciplinary differences are also observed in the choice of the specific ELVs, their frequency distributions and phraseology in the distinct RA sections.
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Tatiana Szczygłowska

  1. University of Bielsko-Biala
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The conversation concerns mayor questions in the theory of historical writing, both raised or elaborated in Hayden White’s work. It focuses on the relation between history and its closest others: science and literature, as well as the issue of the function of history. Conversation includes the discussion of the concepts of fiction, figure, fulfillment, figurative and conceptual language, modernism.
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Jakub Muchowski
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The conversation concerns mayor questions in the theory of historical writing, both raised or elaborated in Hayden White’s work. It focuses on the relation between history and its closest others: science and literature, as well as the issue of the function of historical studies. Conversation includes the discussion of the concepts of fiction, figure, fullfillment, figurative and conceptual language, modernism.

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Jakub Muchowski
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This paper comments on two Mesopotamian bricks belonging to collections of the Asia and Pacific Museum and the National Museum in Warsaw. Both bricks bear cuneiform inscriptions. The first was fashioned during the reign of the Ur king Amar-Suen (c. 2046–2038 BC) while the second is to be dated to the reign of the Neo-Assyrian king Shalmaneser III (858–824 BC). They commemorate building projects commissioned by these two Mesopotamian kings.
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Paulina Pikulska

  1. University of Warsaw, Poland
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Our purpose in this paper is to show how the output of academic student-writers demonstrates the different ways in which they react to the discipline’s discoursal demands and how that, in turn, forms their writer identity. We also argue that the current Second Language Acquisition (SLA) theory fails to adequately integrate notions of second language (L2) academic writer identity and the social contexts in which L2 writers produce their texts.

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Iga Maria Lehman
Robin Anderson
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Efforts to miniaturize and customize electronic devices have attracted considerable amounts of attention in many industrial fields. Recently, due to its innovative printing technology with the capability of printing fine features onto non-planar substrates without masks, aerosol jet printing (AJP) is emerging as a promising printed-electronics technology capable of meeting the requirements of various advanced electronic applications. In this research, a novel manufacturing process based on AJP is proposed in order to fabricate highly flexible and conductive customized temperature sensors. To improve the flexibility and conductivity of the printed tracks, a silver nanoparticle/carbon nanotubes composite ink is developed. Customized temperature sensors are then designed and fabricated based on the optimized process parameters of AJP. It was found that the CNTs served as bridges to connect silver nanoparticles and defects, which could be expected to reduce the contact resistivity and enhance the flexibility of the printed sensor.
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Haining Zhang
Seung Ki Moon
Min-Kyo Jung
Pil-Ho Lee
Taeho Ha

  1. School Of Mechanical And Electronic Engineering, Suzhou University, Suzhou 234000, China
  2. School Of Mechanical And Aerospace, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 639798, Singapore
  3. Department Of 3d Printing, Korea Institute Of Machinery & Materials, Daejeon 34103, Republic Of Korea
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This work aims to improve the total power dissipation, leakage currents and stability without disturbing the logic state of SRAM cell with concept called sub-threshold operation. Though, sub-threshold SRAM proves to be advantageous but fails with basic 6T SRAM cell during readability and writability. In this paper we have investigated a non-volatile 6T2M (6 Transistors & 2 Memristors) sub-threshold SRAM cell working at lower supply voltage of VDD=0.3V, where Memristor is used to store the information even at power failures and restores previous data with successful read and write operation overcomes the challenge faced. This paper also proposes a new configuration of non-volatile 6T2M (6 Transistors & 2 Memristors) subthreshold SRAM cell resulting in improved behaviour in terms of power, stability and leakage current where read and write power has improved by 40% and 90% respectively when compared to 6T2M (conventional) SRAM cell. The proposed 6T2M SRAM cell offers good stability of RSNM=65mV and WSNM=93mV which is much improved at low voltage when compared to conventional basic 6T SRAM cell, and improved leakage current of 4.92nA is achieved as compared.
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Zeba Mustaqueem
Abdul Quaiyum Ansari
Md Waseem Akram

  1. Jamia Milia Islamia Central University, India
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The place of the history of historiography in Topolski’s comprehensive oeuvre has not been subjected to a holistic analysis yet. I will try to highlight some of the key topics rather than propose an exhaustive interpretation of them The article concentrates on the analysis of both the notion of historiography itself, as well as interpretation the main historiographic work of the Poznan historian.
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Rafał Stobiecki

  1. University of Lodz, Łódź
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The essay will focus on a mid-nineteenth century medallion from the vast collection of Polish bibliophile Ludwik Gocel (1889–1966). Made in 1854 in the U.S. capital, Washington, D.C., it depicts a prominent nineteenth century American, Judge Charles Mason (1804–1882), and is a valuable token of the U.S. history. It was designed and completed by Polish distinguished medalist, Henryk Dmochowski (in the U.S. known as Henry Dmochowski Saunders; b. 1810–d. 1863) who can be called a “soldier-artist,” since he participated in three Polish uprisings. Expelled from partitioned Poland, in 1851 he came to America where he was offered the chance to work as a sculptor. This essay’s main aim is to describe the fate of the medallion, apparently almost unknown in both America and Poland, with special emphasis on the role of Ludwik Gocel in its preservation. This rare piece of art has never been included in Polish or American art publications in the field of sculpture.
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Jacek Serwański

  1. The Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
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This article presents a theoretical framework and a network of concepts that could be useful in analyzing illness narratives. As a relatively new field of the humanities, the cultural discourse of health and illness is still in need of an appropriate methodology and a set of handy concepts, i.e. a foundational cultural theory fit to deal with texts con-cerned with the specific experience of health and illness. Here the key concepts are fragility, reparability, vulnerability and harm. While drawing on the idea of ‘writing in a state of emergency’, based on Giorgio Agamben’s discussion in The State of Exception, the article also offers the author’s own conceptions of a ‘fragile alliance’ and of reading illness narratives as a therapeutic (restorative) activity.
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Iwona Boruszkowska

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński
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On 31 July 1834 Juliusz Słowacki in the company of the Wodziński family set off from Geneva on a tour of Switzerland. He completed the first leg of journey on the same day in Bex, a village to the south‑east of Lac Leman. The following day the party visited Bex's famous salt mine and Słowacki wrote a laconic account of their excursion to the bowels of the earth in a letter to his mother. With the help of contemporary travel guides and the accounts of other travelers it is possible to fill the details of that trip. After exiting the mine, the party made their way south to Martigny.
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Wojciech Tomasik

  1. prof. dr hab., Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy
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This article presents the results of a search aimed at identifying the original publication details of Maria Konopnicka's reportages included in Ludzie i rzeczy ( People and Things), a book of her short stories and journalism published in 1898. It has been found that “Na kwiatowej giełdzie” (The Flower Festival [in Nice]) was published in Kurier Warszawski, 1893, No. 103–104; “Akwileja” (Aquileia [Italy]) in Kurier Warszawski, 1895, No. 103, pp. 5–6, while “Po drodze” (On the way [Admont Abbey, Austria]) was originally published in Wędrowiec, 1892 (No. 46–50), and “Chryzantemy” (Chrysanthe-mums) in Kurier Warszawski, 1894, No. 1. A discussion of the motif of flowers and flower shows is based on these and Konopnicka's other texts. In her work flowers functioned as a visual representation of thought, which enabled her to establish a connection between nature, human beings and culture (whose development was conditioned by the economy).
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● M. Konopnicka, Akwileja „Kurierze Warszawskim” 1895, nr 103.
● M. Konopnicka, Chryzantemy, „Kurier Warszawski” 1894, nr 1.
● M.K. [M. Konopnicka], Kwiaty jako środek wychowawczy, „Świt: Część Modna i Gospodarczo-Przemysłowa” 1885, nr 45.
● M.K. [M. Konopnicka], Nizza: Korespondencja własna „Kuriera Warszawskiego”, „Kurier Warszawski” 1893, nr 103–104.
● M. Konopnicka, Pisma zebrane, pod redakcją A. Brodzkiej. 4. Nowele T. IV: Opowiadania, szkice, obrazki: Ludzie i rzeczy, Na normandzkim brzegu oraz inne opowiadania, Warszawa 1976.
● M. Konopnicka, Po drodze „Wędrowiec” 1892 (nr 46–50).
● M.K. [M. Konopnicka], Warszawskie i paryskie kwiaty, „Świt: Część Modna i Gospodarczo--Przemysłowa” 1885, nr 45.


● Biliński B., Marii Konopnickiej Kolumbowe reportaże z „Uroczystości imienia Kolumba” (Genua 1892), [w:] Maria Konopnicka: Nowe studia i szkice, red. J.Z. Białek T. Budrewicz, Kraków 1995, s. 19–38
● Baculewski J., Maria Konopnicka, Warszawa 1978.
● Bobrowska B., „Wilno i Werki” – czyli Konopnickiej wędrówka po ziemi i niebie, [w:] Miejsca Konopnickiej – przeżycia – pejzaż – pamięć, red. T. Budrewicz, M. Zięba, Kraków 2002, s. 101–111.
● Bordzoł P., Odwrócone decorum. „Obrazki więzienne” i „Za kratą Marii Konopnickiej, [w:] Etnos i Psyche w twórczości Marii Konopnickiej i Elizy Orzeszkowej, red. G. Marchwiński i D.M. Osiński, Warszawa 2012, s. 77–96.
● Czapczyński T., Tułacze lata Marii Konopnickiej: Przyczynki do biografii, Łódź 1957.
● Chyra-Rolicz Z., Maria Konopnicka: Opowieść o niezwykłej kobiecie, Siedlce 2012.
● Konopnicka M., Listy do synów i córek, Opracowała, wstępem i przypisami opatrzyła L. Magnone, Warszawa 2010.
● Rejter A., Jednorodność stylistyczna tekstu a problem złożoności gatunku mowy (Na przykładzie „Listów z podróży” Marii Konopnickiej), „Poradnik Językowy” 1996, nr 7, s. 59–67;
● Sikora I., Przyroda i wyobraźnia: O symbolice roślinnej w poezji Młodej Polski, Wrocław 1992
● Skotnicka G., Marii Konopnickiej relacja z pewnej podróży, [w:] Maria Konopnicka: Nowe studia i szkice, red. J.Z. Białek T. Budrewicz, Kraków 1995, s. 39–49.
● Sztachelska J., „Reporteryje” i reportaże: dokumentarne tradycje polskiej prozy 2 poł. XIX i na początku XX wieku (Prus – Konopnicka – Dygasiński – Reymont), Białystok 1997.
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Tadeusz Budrewicz

  1. Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN w Krakowie
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This article offers a reading of the poetry of Krystyna Miłobędzka (who since her debut in 1960 won high acclaim for her innovative, terse verse) from the perspective of everyday life, a sociocultural concept which brings into focus the intersection of the ordinary (the texture of people's daily lives) and activities or ideas that impinge on it. This study examines four such practices in turn. They are writing, movement, sense of place (multiple homes), and relating to the Other. Writing affects the sphere of everyday life presented in the poems in two different ways that can be subsumed under the metaphors of ‘a cage’ and indwelling. The study of movement reveals that it is interconnected with the sacred and the realm of multiple homes. Finally, the sphere of relations with the Other is controlled by metaphors related to hunger, home, sewing and speech. The main aim of the article is to explore the interconnections between these four domains and to demonstrate that the concept of everyday life holds the key to the appreciation of Krystyna Miłobędzka’s poetry.
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Literatura podmiotowa:

● Miłobędzka K., zbierane, gubione 1960–2010, Wrocław 2010.

Literatura przedmiotowa:

● Balcerzan E., Krystyna Miłobędzka: Dom, pokarmy, [w:] Wielogłos. Krystyna Miłobędzka w recenzjach, szkicach, rozmowach, red. J. Borowiec, Wrocław 2012.
● Bogalecki P., Zbytek pisma. W stronę poezji niezrozumiałej, [w:] tegoż, Niedorozmowy. Kategoria niezrozumiałości w poezji Krystyny Miłobędzkiej, Warszawa 2011.
● Berger P.L., Luckmann T., Podstawy życia codziennego, [w:] tychże, Społeczne tworzenie rzeczywistości, przeł., przedm. J. Niżnik, Warszawa 2010.
● Brach-Czaina J., Krzątactwo, [w:] tejże, Szczeliny istnienia, Warszawa 1992.
● de Certeau M., Girard L., Mayol P., Mieszkać, gotować, [w:] tychże, Wynaleźć codzienność, przeł. K. Thiel-Jańczuk, Kraków 2011.
● Gosk H., Milczenie i [wy]mowa literackiego obrazu codzienności, [w:] Codzienne, przedmiotowe, cielesne. Języki nowej wrażliwości w literaturze polskiej XX w., red. H. Gosk, Izabelin 2002.
● Górniak-Prasnal K., Rzeczy, które się do nas zbliżają – Anaglify Krystyny Miłobędzkiej, „Wielogłos” 2 (32) 2017, s. 53–67.
● Grądziel-Wójcik J., „Zapisać siebie ciebie”. O poezji metacodziennej Krystyny Miłobędzkiej, [w:] Pisarstwo kobiet pomiędzy dwoma dwudziestoleciami, Kraków 2011, s. 163.
● Kłosińska K., Emancypantki Bolesława Prusa. Pomiędzy ekonomia wymiany a darem, [w:] tejże, Fantazmaty. Grabiński – Prus – Zapolska, Katowice 2004.
● Legeżyńska A., O poezji Krystyny Miłobędzkiej…, [w:] tejże, Od kochanki do psalmistki… sylwetki, tematy i konwencje liryki kobiecej, Poznań 2009.
● M. Malczewski, Między językiem a światem. O poezji Krystyny Miłobędzkiej, Poznań 2015.
● Markowski M.P., Pomyśleć niemożliwe. Marion, Derrida i filozofia daru, „Znak” 2001, nr (1) 548.
● Niżnik J., „Potoczność” jako kategoria teoretyczna, [w:] Kategoria potoczności. Źródła filozoficzne i zastosowania teoretyczne, red. A. Jawłowska, Warszawa 1991.
● Nowacki D., Między „krzątactwem” i „partactwem”. Polska proza lat dziewięćdziesiątych wobec tzw. codzienności, [w:] Codzienne, przedmiotowe, cielesne. Języki nowej wrażliwości w literaturze polskiej XX w., red. H. Gosk, Izabelin 2002.
● Suszek E., Szybkość, pośpiech, kompresja. „Poetyka przyspieszenia” w poezji Krystyny Miłobędzkiej, Katowice 2014.
● Karpowicz T., Metafora otwarta. O poezji Krystyny Miłobędzkiej, „Pomosty” 2004 nr 9.
● Winiecka E., Krystyna Miłobędzka: tkliwość istnienia…, [w:] tejże, Z wnętrza dystansu. Leśmian – Karpowicz – Białoszewski – Miłobędzka, Poznań 2012.
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Maja Jarnuszkiewicz

  1. doktorantka Szkoły Doktorskiej Nauk Humanistycznych, Wydział Polonistyki, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków
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The article analyzes the interrelations between the texts of the Novgorodian‑Sophian group of the first half of the 15th century (Novgorod Karamzin, First Sophian and Forth Novgorod chronicles) on a specific section of the annalistic material. We explore the “links” to some Kievan text in the entries of the late 11th century from the First Sophian Chronicle, their context and probable sources. The compiler of this chronicle has left traces of his activity on early Rus’ history in his drafts (such remarks as “to search in Kievan” and similar) which scholars have considered as evidence of some importance to define the stages of annalistic work of the 15th century in Novgorod and Moscow. It is argued that a set of “links” of the First Sophian was used by the author of the second part of the Novgorod Karamzin Chronicle to fill the gaps in his narrative. However, detailed textual analysis demonstrates the very complicated and clearly later composition in the First Sophian. Therefore both the first and second parts of Novgorod Karamzin Chronicle precede the First Sophian. The paper also pays attention to some aspects of the relations between the Novgorodian‑Sophian group and early Kievan and Novgorod chronicles.
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Tat’yana Vilkul

  1. Kyiv Institute of History of Ukraine. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

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