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Archives of Electrical Engineering


Archives of Electrical Engineering | 2021 | vol. 70 | No 2

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Accurate and reliable fault location is necessary for ensuring the safe and reliable operation of the VSC-HVDC transmission system. This paper proposed a single-terminal fault location method based on the fault transient characteristics of the two-terminal VSCHVDC transmission system. The pole-to-pole transient fault process was divided into three stages, the time-domain expression of the DC current during the diode freewheel stage was used to locate the fault point, and a criterion for judging whether the fault evolves to the diode freewheel stage was proposed. Taking into account the enhancing effect of the opposite system to the fault current, theDCside pole-to-ground fault networkwas equated to a fourth-order circuit model, the relationship of fault distance with the characteristic roots of fault current differential equationwas derived, and the Prony algorithmwas utilized for datafitting to extract characteristic roots to realize fault location. A two-terminal VSC-HVDC transmission system was modelled in PSCAD/EMTDC. The simulation result verifies that the proposed principle can accurately locate the fault point on the VSC-HVDC transmission lines.
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Authors and Affiliations

Yanxia Zhang
Anlu Bi
Jian Wang
Fuhe Zhang
Jingyi Lu

  1. School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Tianjin University, China
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To reduce the influence of the disorderly charging of electric vehicles (EVs) on the grid load, the EV charging load and charging mode are studied in this paper. First, the distribution of EV charging capacity and state of charge (SOC) feature quantity are analyzed, and their probability density function is solved. It is verified that both EV charging capacity and SOC obey the skew-normal distribution. Second, considering the space-time distribution characteristics of the EV charging load, a method for charging load prediction based on a wavelet neural network is proposed, and compared with the traditional BP neural network, the prediction results show that the error of the wavelet neural network is smaller, and the effectiveness of the wavelet neural network prediction is verified. The optimization objective function with the lowest user costs is established, and the constraint conditions are determined, so the orderly charging behavior is simulated by the Monte Carlo method. Finally, the influence of charging mode optimization on power grid operation is analyzed, and the result shows that the effectiveness of the charging optimization model is verified.
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Authors and Affiliations

Zhiyan Zhang
Hang Shi
Ruihong Zhu
Hongfei Zhao
Yingjie Zhu

  1. College of Electrical Information Engineering, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, China
  2. State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Co., Ltd. Maintenance Branch Company, China
  3. Nanjing Electric Power Design Institute Co., Ltd. China
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High-frequency resonance is a prominent phenomenon which affects the normal operation of the high-speed railway in China. Aiming at this problem, the resonance mechanism is analyzed first. Then, model predictive control and selective harmonic elimination pulse-width modulation (MPC-SHEPWM) combined control strategy is proposed, where the harmonics which cause the resonance can be eliminated at the harmonic source. Besides, the MPC is combined to make the current track the reference in transients. The proposed control has the ability to suppress the resonance while has a faster dynamic performance comparing with SHEPWM. Finally, the proposed MPC-SHEPWM is tested in a simulation model of CRH5 (Chinese Railway High-speed), EMUs (electric multiple units) and a traction power supply coupled system, which shows that the proposed MPC-SHEPWM approach can achieve the resonance suppression and shows a better dynamic performance.
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Authors and Affiliations

Sitong Chen
Xiaoqiang Chen
Ying Wang
Ye Xiong

  1. School of Automation and Electrical Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou, China
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To evaluate the occupational safety of a high signal operator exposed to the electric field induced by contact wires with a frequency of 50 Hz and a voltage of 27.5 kV, this study established a model of a high signal operator working in the vicinity of singleand double-track railways. The electric field distribution in the operator’s body and his head were calculated and analyzed during the operation using the finite element method (FEM). The calculated results were compared with the international standard occupational exposure limits formulated by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) and action levels (ALs), exposure limit values (ELVs) in Directive 2013/35/EU (EU Directive). In the case of a single-track railway exposure, the maximum electric field strength in the worker’s body, in the scalp layer, and inside the brain are 227 mV/m, 2.76 kV/m, and 0.14 mV/m, respectively. For a double-track railway exposure, the maximum internal electric field strength of the operator is 310 mV/m, which is 37.85% of the occupational exposure basic restriction limit. The maximum electric field strength in the head layers is 3.42 kV/m, which is 34.2% of the occupational exposure reference level and 34.2% of the low ALs. The maximum electric field strength of the brain is 0.19 mV/m, which is 0.19% of the occupational basic restriction limit and 0.135% of the sensory effects ELVs. Results show that the electric field exposure of the high signal operator to contact wires in single- and double-track railways is lower than the occupational exposure limits provided by the ICNIRP and EU Directive standards and is thus regarded as safe forworkers.
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Authors and Affiliations

Chang-Qiong Yang
Mai Lu

  1. Lanzhou Jiaotong University, China
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The static series synchronous compensator (SSSC) has demonstrated its capability in providing voltage support and improving power system stability. The objective of this paper is to analyze the dynamic interaction stability mechanism of a hybrid renewable energy system connected with doubly-fed induction generators (DFIGs) and solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) energy with the SSSC. For this purpose, a linearized mathematical model of this modified hybrid single-machine infinite-bus (SMIB) power system is developed to analyze the physical mechanism of the SSSC in suppressing oscillations and the influence on the dynamic stability characteristics of synchronization. Typical impacting factors such as the series compensation level, the SOFC penetration and tie-line power are considered in the SMIB and two-area systems. The impact of dynamic interactions on enhancing damping characteristics and improving transient performance of the studied systems is demonstrated using eigenvalue analysis and dynamic time-domain simulations, which validates the validity of the proposed physical mechanism simultaneously.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ping He
Pan Qi
Yuqi Ji
Zhao Li

  1. Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, No.5 Dongfeng Road, Jinshui District, Zhengzhou, 450002, China
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Due to the extensive use of nonlinear power consumers, there is currently an urgent problem of high harmonic content in power supply networks. The paper provides experimental investigations and a study of the nature of the change in the main harmonic components of the current in the neutral working wire of a three-phase four-wire network with a voltage of 0.38 kV. The purpose of this study is to compare the load readings on the amplitude-phase-frequency characteristics of the current in the neutral working wire of the 0.38 kV network with the linear and non-linear load. To study the effect of load changes on the amplitude-phase-frequency characteristics of currents in the linear and zero working wires at the input of the load node, measurements were carried out by certified electrical measuring instruments. The analysis of the results obtained for the load node whose power was formed mainly by a lighting system with fluorescent and LED lamps and a system of office electrical receivers (computers, copiers, printers, scanners, etc.) was performed. It can be concluded that a current comparable to the currents of the linear wires of the network flows from the load node with the predominant nonlinear power receivers through the zero-working wire. At the same time, in the zero-working wire of the network, the third harmonic currents prevail over the main frequency currents.
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Authors and Affiliations

Igor V. Yudaev
Evgeny V. Rud
Mikhail A. Yundin
Tamara Z. Ponomarenko
Aleksandra M. Isupova

  1. Azov-Black Sea Engineering Institute of Don State Agrarian University, Russia
  2. ICPE Energy Institute for Advanced Studies of the PJSC “Kubanenergo”, Russia
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This article discusses the most important issues regarding the implementation of digital algorithms for control and drive technology in industrial machines, especially in open mining machines. The article presents the results of tests in which the algorithm and drive control parameter settings were not selected appropriately for voltage-fed induction motors, and where the control speed was not verified by any of the available motoring or simulation methods. We then show how the results can be improved using field-oriented control algorithms and deep parameters analysis for sensorless field-oriented performance.
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Authors and Affiliations

Mariusz Jabłoński
Piotr Borkowski

  1. Lodz University of Technology, Poland

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