Theoretical framework for the RUNO personality typology based on the Circumplex of Personality MetatraitsJournal title
Polish Psychological BulletinYearbook
vol. 52Issue
No 3Authors
Strus, Włodzimierz : Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw ; Cybis, Natalia : Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw ; Cieciuch, Jan : Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw ; Rowiński, Tomasz : Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in WarsawKeywords
personality types ; Big Five ; RUO typology ; Two Factor Model ; Circumplex of Personality Metatraits ; RUNO typologyDivisions of PAS
Nauki Humanistyczne i SpołeczneCoverage
Committee for Psychological Science PASBibliography
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