Humanities and Social Sciences

Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny


Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny | 2021 | No 3

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This article aims at understanding how scientific writing was evolving from the medieval to the Early Modern times through the study of two copies of the same text belonging to both periods: the Agnus Castus Herbal. This text offers the possibility of studying the fluidity of this specific type of discourse in a time of a profound technological innovation, reflecting the way the texts were not only produced but also perceived. For those making decisions on how to present this old material to new readers and through a new medium, the influence of the new humanist views and the powerful middle-class may have influenced the final resolutions. The Agnus Castus Herbal was a very popular tract in the Middle Ages, a fundamental part of medical treatments at the time, and was probably still of great interest in the early sixteenth century. Its Early Modern English counterpart – published in 1525 – is the first Herbal printed in England.
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Authors and Affiliations

María José Esteve-Ramos

  1. Universitat Jaume I, Gremi
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The vernacularisation of fifteenth-century medical Middle English texts deserves further study regarding those treatises that have remained unidentified in manuscripts (Voigts 1995: 185). Oxford, Bodleian Library, Ashmole MS 210 (hereafter Ash210) contains a zodiacal lunary in ff. 36v–42r attributed to Hippocrates. Catalogues have traditionally associated this treatise with Þe boke of ypocras. De la Cruz- Cabanillas and Diego-Rodríguez (2018) collated and compared several Latin manuscripts entitled Astrologia Ypocratis to see if it was the Latin exemplar of the Middle English translations of Þe boke of ypocras. Their study proved that the Latin tract does not stand for the exemplar of this vernacular treatise. Therefore, this paper aims to collate the lunary contained in Ash210 (ff. 36v–42r) to demonstrate that Ash210 contains a lunary which is not a parallel copy of Þe boke of ypocras, but which may be the Middle English translation of the Latin tract entitled Astrologia Ypocratis.
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Irene Diego-Rodríguez

  1. Universidad Antonio De Nebrija, Madrid
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The study of human scientific activity is a well-established field of historical investigation. There are numerous publications devoted to the history of science both in the formats of research papers, monographs and encyclopaedias. The present study aims at testing the validity and relevance of computer text analysis for the purpose of making a contribution to these scholarly studies. The content of the phraseological discussion included here is based on several diachronic corpora of American English with special attention paid to the Time Magazine Corpus. This corpus contains all the articles published in Time Magazine in the years 1923–2006 which are available via integrated online software from the English Corpora platform. The lexical analysis identifies collocational patterns of the term science where science is the main collocator whereas attributive adjectives define the scope of reference of the term under discussion. Nominal compounds are also considered. Additionally, this study traces cultural diachronic distribution and frequency trends of both the term science and its phraseological developments with special focus on the names of various sciences accounted for in Time Magazine.
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Authors and Affiliations

Sylwester Łodej

  1. Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach
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Recent research into complementation has targeted not only semantic or syntactic factors, but also extra features, one of which is the horror aequi principle. With the support of the British National Corpus, the present study investigates three pairs of adjectives: in each case one ends in -ed, and the other in -ing. The analysis has shown that horror aequi has little influence on the complement choice following an adjective, whereas the sentence subject governs that choice in a pronounced manner.
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Authors and Affiliations

Michał Kaluga

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski
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The aim of this paper is to discuss the composition of Johanna Sinisalo’s novel The Core of the Sun by demonstrating how the author used excerpts of academic text to create the literary world of the novel. As the theoretical foundation, I will use Lubomír Doležel’s research introducing the theory of possible worlds in literary creation. The realia, possibilia, and the transworld identity of the fictional world of Sinisalo’s novel is analyzed on the basis of excerpts from dictionary entries and scientific articles used as world-building elements.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ewelina Bator

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski
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Is the category of “becoming” relative? This question accompanies the considerations undertaken in this article. It is the starting point for the reflection on the understanding of the designations of the expression “to become” in the metaphysical, epistemological and linguistic aspects. The results of this reflection are to serve adequate interpretations of the text. In the applicative part of the article both the fundamentals of text interpretation and the risks resulting from different cognitive perspectives are discussed. The source of these risks is seen primarily in misunderstanding the essence and the category of becoming.
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Authors and Affiliations

Grzegorz Pawłowski

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski
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In this essay we propose a reflection on the social meaning that takes the word ‘catastrophe’ in Italian, through the investigation of the historical literary collocations of the term and on the current ones through different corpora. This research is part of Cognitive Linguistics and Semantics.
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Authors and Affiliations

Paolo Nitti

  1. Università Degli Studi dell’Insubria
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The subject of this article is a reflection on the potential difficulties with interpreting humorous texts, especially jokes. The basic assumption of many theories of humour is the belief that a surprise is a necessary element of humour. Many verbal jokes are based on the so-called “surprise effect” (cf. Hurley et al. 2011: 53) – the occurrence of an unexpected, surprising element in the punch line of a joke. We assume that it is a significant factor that decides that humour is a difficult challenge for the interpreter. The article presents the results of a study involving the 2nd year master’s students of applied linguistics at the University of Warsaw. In this study, we analysed both the original texts (verbal jokes) in German and English, as well as their oral translations into Polish, and the results of this comparative analysis were confronted with the reflections of the authors of translations, who self-evaluated the difficulties of the original text and the translation solutions used by them. In this study, we also compared the assessment of how funny the jokes were in their original language and translated into another language.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ilona Banasiak
Magdalena Olpińska-Szkiełko

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski
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In contrast to foreign combining forms, native combining forms are usually treated as elements on the margin of German word formation. At the same time the question is under discussion, how the notion of combining form has to be defined. Based on a semantically oriented notion, as presented in reference books, and using a large sample of items, it is argued that elements like SCHWIEGER(vater), STIEF- (kind), (Vogel)KUNDE, (Hallen)WART are just the often mentioned examples of a category with a broad range of elements and with communicative relevance. Native combining forms are not only remains of former language periods, but are permanently produced by language users in order to meet their communicative needs.
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Authors and Affiliations

Josef Schu

  1. Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken

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WHITMAN‑LINSEN C. (1992): Through the Dubbing Glass, Peter Lang, Frankfurt.
LEŚMIAN B. (2010): Poezje zebrane, TRZNADEL J. (ed.), Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, Warszawa.
IKSIŃSKI Z. (2004) (ed.): Sztuka Świata, Wydawnictwo Artystyczne i Filmowe, Warszawa.

• If a volume or article has more than two authors or editors, they should all be indicated only in the final bibliography:

CZAPLIŃSKI P., ŚLIWIŃSKI P. (1999): Literatura Polska 1976/1998, Wydawnictwo Literackie, Kraków.

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PROLA D. (2017): O ptakach, kwiatach i innych realiach: Iwaszkiewicz jako tłumacz Quasimodo, in: BROGI BERCOFF G., CICCARINI M., SOKOŁOWSKI M. (eds.), Inna komparatystyka. Od dokumentu do wyobraźni, Wyd. WLS, Warszawa: 169–198.

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KOTARBIŃSKI T. (1972): Pojęcia i zagadnienia metodologii ogólnej i metodologii nauk praktycznych, „Studia Filozoficzne”, 1/74: 5–12.

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MIŁOSZ CZ. (2011 3): Rodzinna Europa, Wydawnictwo Literackie, Kraków.

• A title contained within another italicised title must be written in simple font:

TEODOROWICZ-HELLMAN E. (2001): Pan Tadeusz w szwedzkich przekładach, Świat Literacki, Warszawa.

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Peer-review Procedure

Procedura recenzowania

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2. Wstępnie zaakceptowane prace są przesyłane do dwóch niezależnych recenzentów.

3. Recenzja odbywa się w procesie double-blind review (autorzy i recenzenci nie znają swoich tożsamości) rekomendowanym przez Ministerstwo.

4. Potencjalny recenzent uzyskuje streszczenie tekstu lub pełny anonimowy tekst i sam decyduje o przyjęciu/odrzuceniu pracy do recenzji w określonym terminie.

5. Recenzenci są zobowiązani do zachowania w tajemnicy opinii o artykule i niewykorzystywania wiedzy na jego temat przed publikacją.

6. Recenzja musi mieć formę pisemną i kończyć się jednoznaczną konkluzją o przyjęciu lub odrzuceniu pracy z publikacji. Recenzent ma możliwość podsumowania swojej opinii w formie:

Artykuł może zostać opublikowany
(a) bez poprawek
(b) z poprawkami bez ponownej recenzji
(c) z poprawkami wymagającymi ponownej recenzji Artykuł nie nadaje się do publikacji.

7. Recenzent sporządza opinię w formie pisemnej wg. załączonego wzoru na stronie internetowej i przesyła podpisaną recenzję do czasopisma drogą elektroniczną (skan oryginału).

8. Redakcja nie przyjmuje recenzji, które nie odpowiadają merytorycznym i formalnym zasadom recenzowania naukowego. Uwagi recenzenta (jeśli takowe są) przedstawiamy autorowi. Dla autora obligatoryjne są racjonalne i umotywowane wnioski. Musi rozważyć wszystkie uwagi i odpowiednio skorygować tekst.

9. Autor tekstu ma prawo komentować wnioski recenzenta w przypadku, gdy się z nimi nie zgadza.

10. Redaktor Naczelny (przy wsparciu członków Redakcji) podejmuje decyzję o publikacji na podstawie uwag i wniosków przedstawionych przez recenzentów, uwag autora oraz ostatecznej wersji manuskryptu.


Lista Recenzentów Lata 2022–2023

Marta Alvarez Izquierdo, Avignon Universite

Jean-Claude ANSCOMBRE, CNRS, Univ. of Cergy-Pontoise, France, Université de Paris XIII

Marek Baran, Uniwersytet Łódzki

Sonia Maura Barillari, Università degli Studi di Genova

Magdalena Bator, Uniwersytet WSB Merito w Poznaniu

Henry Hernández Bayter, Universite de Lille

Arianna Di Bella, Università degli Studi di Palermo

Alfonsina De Benedetto, Università degli Studi di Bari „Aldo Moro”

Thales Biguinatti Carias, Uniwersytet Federalny w Mato Grosso

Silvia Bonacchi, Uniwersytet Warszawski

Anna Borowska, Uniwersytet Warszawski

Dariusz Bralewski, Uniwersytet Łódzki

Beata Brzozowska-Zburzyńska, Uniwersytet Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie

Mara Burkart, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Valentina Castagna, Università degli Studi di Palermo

Andrea Ceccherelli, Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna

Carlos Demasi, Instituto de Profesores „Argitas”

Maciej Durkiewicz, Uniwersytet Warszawski

Maria Falska, Uniwersytet Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie

Thomas Faye, Universite Sorbonne Universite

Wanda Fijałkowska, Uniwersytet Warszawski

Giovanna Fiordaliso, Università degli Studi di Palermo

Carla Fusco, Università degli Studi di Macerata

Antonio Maria López González, Uniwersytet Łódzki

Mariusz Górnicz, Uniwersytet Warszawski

Michele Guillemont Estela, Universite de Lille

Louis Imperiale, University of Missouri-Kansas City

Małgorzata Jabłońska, Uniwersytet Warszawski

Elżbieta Jamrozik, Uniwersytet Warszawski

Marta Kaliska, Uniwersytet Warszawski

Marta Kaliska, Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu

Krzysztof Kosecki, Uniwersytet Łódzki

Dorota Kozakiewicz-Kłosowska, Uniwersytet Warszawski

Katarzyna Kwapisz-Osadnik, Uniwersytet Śląski

Giancarlo Lacerenza, Università di Napoli L’Orientale

Carla Larrobla, Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay

Thaís Leăo Vieira, Uniwersytet Federalny w Mato Grosso

Donatella Di Leo, Università degli Studi „G. d’Annunzio” Chieti e Pescara

Ylenia De Luca, Università degli Studi di Bari „Aldo Moro”

Justyna Łukaszewicz, Uniwersytet Wrocławski

Wiesław Malinowski, Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu

Kamila Miłkowska-Samul, Uniwersytet Warszawski

Viviana Nosilia, Università degli Studi di Padova

Wiaczesław Nowikow, Uniwersytet Łódzki

Novella di Nunzio, Università di Vilnius

Olena Patrashchuk, Uniwersytet Warszawski

Bolesław Racięski, Uniwersytet Warszawski

Piotr Romanowski, Uniwersytet Warszawski

Michele Sisto, Università degli Studi „G. d’Annunzio” Chieti e Pescara

Sylwia Skuza, Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu

Witold Sobczak, Uniwersytet Łódzki

Olga Sokołowska, Uniwersytet Gdański

Agnieszka Stępkowska, Uniwersytet Szczeciński

Bianca Sulpasso, University of Rome „Tor Vergata”

Monika Sułkowska, Uniwersytet Śląski

Izabela Szymańska, Uniwersytet Warszawski

Anna Tylusińska-Kowalska, Uniwersytet Warszawski

Marcin Walczyński, Uniwersytet Wrocławski

Magdalena Wandzioch, Uniwersytet Śląski

Jerzy Wełna, Uniwersytet Warszawski

Anna Zagórska, Uniwersytet Warszawski

Maria Załęska, Uniwersytet Warszawski

Sebastian Zacharow, Uniwersytet Łódzki

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